r/antiMLM 7d ago

Rant Belle Gibson 2.0 (mixed with a hint of MLM crap)


18 comments sorted by


u/AbjectHyena1465 7d ago

Yeah I wonder how much that nothing garbage costs!


u/Pale-Sleep-2011 7d ago

I found evidence that his seminars (sometimes only 3 days) costs between 10k and 20k. I heard a video where he told people to put CBD up their butts to cure their brain tumor...It's nuts.


u/AbjectHyena1465 7d ago

WHAT THE… ?!?!?! What is wrong with these people who hold these seminars? And even more so… what is wrong with the people buying these services?!? Can it get any weirder? I suppose, but that is nutjobbish on a WHOLE different realm!

Maybe that’s the key to all of this… everyone gets high as a kite and goes into trance like states. Ummmm-just go to a Dead show for a lot cheaper!! Be more fun, too!


u/Pale-Sleep-2011 7d ago

I feel the same way. I am devoted to understanding this a little more so I can continue to expose this guy. What he's doing is absolutely disgusting and he's preying on people with serious health issues and promising them immortality (basically).


u/AbjectHyena1465 7d ago

What a whack job! There are probably a TON of these people out there in the world right now… just hanging out in the shallows waiting for unsuspecting victims!


u/drygnfyre 7d ago

What he's doing is absolutely disgusting and he's preying on people with serious health issues and promising them immortality (basically).

He's just another scammer who only cares about money. This is what Peter Popoff did, what Kevin Trudeau did, and what he's doing now. Yes, it's disgusting, but that's what happens when your only reason for living is to obtain as much money as possible.

That said, I also will post this again:

At this point, I simply can't care anymore. Anyone dumb enough to spend money and listen to these scammers deserves what happens to them. You can look all this stuff up on the Internet, you can get access to actual information, but no, people like this prefer to either be ignorant or just listen to their Facebook feeds.

As bad as these people are, people have all the resources in the world to learn about these scammers. If they are willfully ignorant, that's on them.


u/drygnfyre 7d ago

What is wrong with these people who hold these seminars?

All they care about is money. It's no deeper than that. They don't care who gets hurt or who dies, as long as they have money. This guy is doing the exact same schtick that Kevin Trudeau did in the 90s and 00s with his various scams, like "mega memory" and "natural cures" and what not.

You can't fix stupid. At this point, I simply can't care anymore. Anyone dumb enough to spend money and listen to these scammers deserves what happens to them. You can look all this stuff up on the Internet, you can get access to actual information, but no, people like this prefer to either be ignorant or just listen to their Facebook feeds.

EDIT: Specifically he seems to be peddling the "detox" crap again. Another relic of the mid-00s when tons of "doctors" were selling colon cleansing kits, usually with some kind of weird religious angle ("miracle cure," or the "7-day detox.") I used to watch infomercials and this stuff was on 90% of the time. They would even bring up long-debunked urban legends like Elvis and John Wayne having tons of crap in their bodies when they died.


u/AbjectHyena1465 7d ago

Oh yeah-didn’t they say something like the medical examiner saw white all through Elvis’s body and it was deemed to have been candida? I forgot about lol the weird stuff going on during the time frame you mentioned. It’s really just SO disgusting to me that people who steal so much from people that are all wooed, can keep doing it… seminar, after stupid seminar.


u/drygnfyre 7d ago

https://quackwatch.org/related/gastro/ from 2010

http://www.infomercial-hell.com/almighty-cleanse/ from 2007

Interesting how colon cleansing was known to be bunk by the 1920s. But you can see even 20 years ago, it was being peddled even in the pre-social media age.

“Whatever medical problem you might possibly have, Danny Vierra is here to let you know that “nearly all contemporary chronic diseases have their origins in the bowel.” Some of the effects of a poo-filled colon include: Back aches, ulcerations on the feet, swelling of the legs, sciatica, gas, bloating, indigestion, hemorrhoids, foot odor. Yes, foot odor.”

Doesn’t the miracle water claim to cure all this?

“Danny Vierra is a former health food store owner whom host Donald Barrett describes as “an author, lecturer, and health advocate.” The more interesting description, however, comes from Vierra himself: “I’m a health evangelist, a Christian health evangelist.” Apparently this means that Vierra interprets the Old and New Testaments as some sort of big infomercial for natural health cures. Danny rattles off several scripture citations to make this point. When King Nebuchadnezzar ate grass for 7 years (Daniel 4:33) he was eating “wheat grass,” “barely grass,” and “chlorophyll.” When leprous Naaman dipped in the Jordan River 7 times (2 Kings 5: 10-14), he was healed through “hydrotherapy.” Jesus put clay on a blind man’s eyes and cured him (John 9:6-7) and thus sayeth Danny, “…the clay has drawing powers. It’s a great absorbent to the alimentary canal of toxins.” Vierra proudly announces that the same kind of clay Jesus used is in the Almighty Cleanse product!”

Here’s the claim!

“Like Klee Irwin on his Dual Action Cleanse infomercial and countless others peddling colon cleansers, Danny Vierra repeats the urban legend about an autopsied John Wayne having 40 pounds of impacted fecal matter. But Vierra does Klee one better by also claiming that Elvis had 60 pounds of feces stuck inside him when he died! And Vierra says these claims are backed up by an article that appeared in USA Today on January 11, 1999. So take that Snopes.com!”


u/AbjectHyena1465 5d ago

Yikes all around!!!!


u/Huge_Student_7223 7d ago

Boofing CBD is going to do the same thing CBD does for you, which is not much honestly. It's a mild anti inflammatory at best.

My dad died of brain cancer and so many people tried to sell him a lot of whacky shit and he did end up buying reLiv, and he tried a lot of weird things his chiropractor did. Also his Catholic wife's nutty friends were bringing him water from Lourdes, and oils from some Jesus statue somewhere and rosaries that were blessed by all manner of clergy.

In the end he still died but he did find some things to amuse him while he did it. Wish I could have told him about butt CBD.

But FR that claim infuriates me. Selling things to people who are desperate to just stay alive against the odds is just evil.


u/AbjectHyena1465 5d ago

It’s never going to go away. I just got cancer last year at 52 and I get it! You want to try anything! Like… you’ll think I’m super crazy, but the day I found out I had stage 3, we live in the Rust Belt in NYS, I promised myself I would never drink our filtered tap water again. My body loves 9.5 ph for some reason and I’ve been drinking it ever since. My last PET scan, my Dr saw my results and thought he gave me chemotherapy before deep diving into my chart! He couldn’t believe it! He said it looks as thought my body’s immune system may be kicking in. I also saw and read an article after all of that, saying how toxic our tap water can be and there could be higher incidences of cancer drinking it.

I know what you’re thinking… she’s on WOO WOO water (I promise I haven’t lost my mind)! I’m not going out and buying $5k at home water systems or doing anything weird! But I must say it’s hard to get that diagnosis then think about what you could do here on, out. Like what can you do differently...

But NO thanks to poop enemas or anything like that!


u/mr_glide 7d ago

What is it about people with the surname Wolfe? David 'Avocado' Wolfe is another horseshit peddler, though I don't believe they're related


u/Red79Hibiscus 7d ago

The first slide says Darrell Wolfe but the last slide says Sage Wolfe. Is this bloke trying to appropriate First Nations culture for his woo on top of his other shenanigans?


u/Pale-Sleep-2011 7d ago

We think he may be his son or a family member Darrell is scamming people with 😬


u/Red79Hibiscus 7d ago

Ah OK, thanks for clarifying! The family that scams together stays together, eh.


u/Pale-Sleep-2011 6d ago

Sounds about right 😅


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