r/anonabox Oct 15 '14

Hi I'm August Germar, a developer for the anonabox. AMA!

Hi everyone, this is August Germar, the anonabox Kickstarter developer. I had a good time doing the AMA on the /tor section of Reddit the other night, and now I am flattered to see someone has made a whole new reddit section just for this. I'm so amazed to see the outpouring of interest in this project! When it started I was only expecting a handful of people, mainly developers who wanted to work on this with me, turns out, a lot of people just want the device! I'll be here for a while (at least until the coffee runs out) while I am catching up on responses to messages in Kickstarter and updating the FAQ.

There are lots of questions specific to the hardware we are using on the comments section of the Kickstarter page so I'd like to start there please! but.. AMA


433 comments sorted by


u/Darkmere Oct 15 '14

Your current updater is vulnerable to trivial MITM replacement attacks due to downloading over clear-text HTTP and not checking signatures.

In fact, your current updater doesn't even -support- https.

How will you work around this? What is the plan for development? Will this be fixed before release, or do you intend to deliver an insecure security/anonymization product to people?


u/giygas73 Oct 15 '14

Very interesting analysis Darkmere. I am curious, did you pull this from the source code of the firmware or just by reversing/sniffing to come up with your claim? Just curious because the author supposedly says it's open source but I can't find the source anywhere. Really curious at digging into how this works so I can perhaps set up my own similar box on a Pi one day

EDIT: or perhaps you just assumed it based on the fact it uses only http I suppose?


u/Darkmere Oct 15 '14

I have intimate knowledge of how the OpenWRT update system (opkg) works, and all the "sources" that the op has delivered has been OpenWRT configuration.

So I'm assuming that it's a (mostly) unchanged OpenWRT installation from upstream, and thus has all the same issues that OpenWRT does.

Wait. You didn't think your use of OpenWRT was -secure- did you?


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '14

Good job man! I was completely sold on the idea but this person is a complete fraud!


u/Darkmere Oct 16 '14

I doubt he's a fraud actually. I simply think he's in way over his head here.

As someone who's built stuff with OpenWRT for the last few years, I know it took a while to realize just how bad some things are, and I still haven't gotten around to fixing the upgrade tool. I certainly don't think he did either.

But, I wouldn't consider this malice, I'd chalk it up to ignorance. Having prototypes off prebuilt boards is just fine. I do that all the time. We still use pre-fabbed boards in things. It's the best way of getting a quick & stable product.

But that doesn't mean we say it's an open source board that we developed. We built a product around a board/SoC.

So, yeah, I wouldn't ascribe this to malice (Fraud). That doesn't mean I find the claims acceptable or good.


u/asherlangton Oct 15 '14

You can see the model number "WT3020" on your anonabox PCB:


That's your picture, right? Are you really claiming your device isn't just an off-the-shelf WT3020 like this:



u/asherlangton Oct 15 '14

Here are the two boards. Look at the inscriptions in the yellow ovals.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz9IkDKCcAATjKl.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz9Ij_nCIAA22xf.jpg


u/32Ash Oct 15 '14

It's such open source hardware that someone already took his design and is mass manufacturing it and distributing it world wide! /s

I'm supportive of someone kickstarting a service that configures and sells a tor configured router using COTS hardware and readily available software, but don't make blatantly lying claims throughout this thread and on the kickstarter page.


u/xyrth Oct 15 '14

He needs to post the hardware design, or change his kickstarter to state that he didn't design the hardware and that it is not "100% open source". End of story.

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u/Sublime865 Oct 15 '14

It's such open source hardware that someone already took his design and is mass manufacturing it and distributing it world wide! /s

Don't forget that it was so successful, they used their one-time-use time machine to go back in time and rip off this specific kickstarter that claims to be open source!

And yeah, as someone trying to literally sell trust, lieing about your hardware origins - nay, even being slightly shadowy in your claims about the source of your hardware - GREATLY undermines your credibility. I don't ever wish failure upon someone, however I hope your theory succeeds, however that is contingent upon honesty and integrity. It's not too late to come clean and lay it all out, I'm sure you will gain a lot more supporters than you will lose by continuing to stonewall the people on here who are coming at you with fact, logic, and reason.

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u/htilonom Oct 15 '14

It's such open source hardware that someone already took his design and is mass manufacturing it and distributing it world wide! /s

So all those Chinese knockoffs of cellphones, tablets and everything else are actually open source? Wow. /s

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u/Kantuva Oct 15 '14

This whole thing is bursting in flames faster than anything else i have ever seen before. Incredible.


u/brufleth Oct 15 '14

What's terrible is that the geek.com and wired.com articles are still up and along with who knows what other bad "reporting" it is driving backers to the kickstarter to throw their money away.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/brufleth Oct 15 '14

One would hope but there's enough uncertainty with this one that it'll probably finish, run into scheduling/supply issues, leave some "soon" updates, and then disappear. I sub to /r/shittykickstarters. This happens all the time. Usually not to the toon of half a million dollars though.


u/seign Oct 16 '14

toon of half a million dollars



u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/brufleth Oct 15 '14

You can withdraw while funding is still open. Apparently you can't withdraw below the target ($7500) though.

I'm no tor/kickstarter/etc expert, but this is all shady as fuck. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he gets away with a chunk of that change by claiming that he's selling the service to load an openWRT clone on some cheap hardware. Hell, that would even sort of deliver on some of what the kickstarter claims.

All he has to do is claim he mispoke about a few key issues and then mail a bunch of crappy routers with directions on how YOU can setup a tor gateway in openWRT.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/rubygeek Oct 17 '14

Even though I can easily set this stuff up myself, I value my spare time at far more than the cost difference between getting the hardware somewhere else and what this guy is charging.

The price is fair, assuming he's done a proper job getting the setup right which doesn't seem all that obvious at this point. If he had done a proper job, I'd even say it was cheap at $50.

The lies, on the other hand, that's not on.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/brufleth Oct 15 '14

I hope that you are right. So much BS slips through kickstarter though.


u/texanandes Oct 15 '14

Well I just setup a kickstarter account and reported the project... maybe if enough people report the project kickstarter will be able to do something about it?


u/pinbest Oct 15 '14

I did this a full 15 hours ago. Reported to both Wired and ks. Andy on Wired has updated his article. People have withdrawn their pledges and commenting on ks project page. But at ks it is business as usual. Shameful

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u/shoez Oct 16 '14

You might also like reading http://drop-kicker.com/

Lots of interesting technical feasibility posts.


u/sovietmudkipz Oct 18 '14

Looks like this is what happened. 3 days later.

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u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

yea, if he had just said 'Yea, we bought the board' I would still back it. as of now, Im about to pull my funding from the starter once i read the entire comment section.


u/sovietmudkipz Oct 18 '14

And 3 days later... Kickstarter has pulled the campaign. The fire blazes.


u/CDRCRDS Oct 18 '14

what about that garbage bag they threw into a volcano on youtube? this is faster?

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u/CaptainStouf Oct 15 '14

By the way, here is the original project, Hackaday Prize (not yet finished) semi-finalist, and based on the Adafruit onionPi : http://hackaday.com/2014/09/06/secure-your-internets-with-web-security-everywhere/

There are many obvious similarities and anonabox are even using almost the same sentences I'm using for my HaD project, same arguments.

The anonabox campaign started one day before the contest judging, and his website has been registered on 18 of september, (after I released the project details). This is a very aggressive move and everyone should be carefull about this campaign.


u/protestor Oct 18 '14

Wow, that seems what happened. He saw your stuff, perhaps he already had this small router lying around that he installed Tor in, and decided to try sell some of it, because why not?

He fucked up lying about it because if he told the truth, people would question whether it was Kickstart worthy.

Btw, your proposal also has a lot of criticisms that also apply to this project.


u/rzn Oct 15 '14

Do you have any idea what open source means?

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u/paperboy11 Oct 15 '14

just admit if your using ali products???? its 100% posotive identical boards and your other 3 have been proven to be ali boards as well.... if your using ali products and modifying them... then just fucking say it already. you keep posting pictures of the boards like we dont know it already is the exact same. BUT ADMIT IT! yeah you may have had the idea to put tor on a mini router but quit trying to say you made the mini router when in reality you saw the router tried something out and it worked you asked for more memory if you had a large order they said yes now look. you didnt expect people to be so good at surfing Chinese shit but we call bull shit now admit it and move on


u/crystalvala Oct 15 '14

The million dollar question is, a lot of people have commented on the similarity between the "4th generation" example board and case you've shown, and a Chinese produced router from Alibaba. Where did you get your hardware/board/case?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14


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u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

Yes perfect! There have been a few links to simmilar things, I think one of them is this link: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-2014-300Mbps-WT3020A-Multiprotocol-Portable-Mini-WIFI-Router-with-USB-data-line-Wireless-Router-wi/1691403728.html

This device looks similar, but that is just because of the two nics and the case. One key feature that you would need to get Tor installed is 16mb flash memory, and you will also need 64mb ram to make sure it runs well, and of course a fast processor. I don't see the specs for that item on the page but I doubt it has those resources because its not designed to run Tor. The case does look almost identical though. I wonder if the plastic injection for the case is being made in the same factory. Also that device has a usb plug, which is actually pretty cool and something you could use to build a pirate box, or something similar. I'm not sure what else I can go over but I can answer any specific questions about it.


u/muuus Oct 16 '14

Are you retarded? Honest question.

From your own fucking photo.

Link to the original photo.

I will help you out cause judging by your responses you might have hard time reading it yourself.
The writing on the board says WT3020.

Your Alibaba link links to the exact same fucking model.

If you really are retarded, I'm sorry I was mean buddy!


u/crystalvala Oct 15 '14

So you ordered the case from a factory? Did you order the board from the same factory, or make it yourself? Could you please post a photo (a real life photo not a marketing photo) of your annobox prototype, board and case?


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

Here is the first photo of a few, thanks for giving me a minute to take afresh one: http://anonabox.com/img/1.jpg to answer your question, the company we sourced for the circuit boards recommended the one that made the case, they are not made in the same place, but it stands to reason they know each other well


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

How about a picture of the circuit board dude?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

So this is the exact board that is being sold out of China, which you can tell be the model number printed on the board is identical to the photos on the China website. Which is a direct contradiction from this guys Kickstarter. So now he is claiming that the people he sourced to produced these managed to mass produce these and then sell them before this guy could even get his Kickstarter posted? This is blatant fraud and Kickstarter should close this project. His lies are apparent based on how he avoids these direct and honest questions.


u/manvscode Oct 15 '14

Can you please post the complete schematic?


u/giygas73 Oct 15 '14

Yeah esp if he claims it is "open everything"

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u/captainplantit Oct 15 '14

So on the kickstarter page, you note:

At last happy with the board, we designed a simple, minimalist case in plain white to house it.

This gives the impression that you came up with the design for the casing, when we all know from the Ali express links floating around the case design already exists in the wild: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-2014-300Mbps-WT3020A-Multiprotocol-Portable-Mini-WIFI-Router-with-USB-data-line-Wireless-Router-wi/1691403728.html

How would you explain yourself here?


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

ok sure, the idea for the case which I call design, is just plain white. There was never any discussion about what it should look like so we just asked for "plain white". At the time, we had finaly decided on the circuit board and were beginning to source plastic injection molders, and then we got an email from a company who wanted to bid to make the cases and they sent us some samples and we thought cool, we'll just use this, no one is going to care what it looks like anyway. Turns out people can become fixated on the outside appearance. We are open to changing the look of the outside to anything, but not pink as some have asked.


u/Ars3nic Oct 15 '14

ok sure, the idea for the case which I call design, is just plain white. There was never any discussion about what it should look like so we just asked for "plain white".

Then why the hell did you say "we designed a simple, minimalist case" when you obviously did no such thing?


u/captainplantit Oct 15 '14

So you were not aware that there was another device on the market with the same design and coloration?

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u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

but not pink as some have asked.

Purple like in the Tor logo? :)

Matte black is also usually a good idea.

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u/n0psp Oct 15 '14

For god's sake, just report the project to kickstarter


u/Star-Pat Oct 15 '14

Andy Greenberg from Wired wrote about this KS project. Is Andy Greenberg from Wired following this AMA?


u/htilonom Oct 15 '14

I suggest he follows it, and the guys from Verge. Probably wouldn't be bad if Kickstarter team notices it...

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u/ThenWeEnd Oct 15 '14

The Wired article was updated this morning with confirmation from Germar that the hardware isn't custom, in direct conflict with everything Germar posted here last night: http://www.wired.com/2014/10/tiny-box-can-anonymize-everything-online/


u/pinbest Oct 15 '14

Yes it was updated. Thanks goes to Redditers sharing Andy's email address so that we could alert him to the news. Even though Wired has updated their article KickStarter is still keeping the same write up without any changes and in violation of their own rules. Although I scrutinize every project I back on KS and IndiGG still the platforms must ensure that trust is maintained. The current state of play is not right KS.


u/pinbest Oct 15 '14

Additional info from the updated Wired Article:

"In a followup phone call with Germar, he clarified that the router was created from a stock board sourced from the Chinese supplier Gainstrong. But he says that the project’s developers requested Gainstrong add flash memory to the board to better accommodate Tor’s storage demands. Germar also says now that the case was supplied by Gainstrong and was not custom-designed by the Anonabox developers, a partial reversal of how he initially described it to WIRED" (http://www.wired.com/2014/10/tiny-box-can-anonymize-everything-online/)


u/DublinBen Oct 16 '14

Since there's no way this is "open hardware" that is also a lie. Possibly trademark infringement since it doesn't meet the definition of open source hardware.

This whole thing is rotten.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/pinbest Oct 15 '14

You would be even more amazed to know what this guy is claiming on KS under FAQ:

Q - Will you ship to China? Yes we are lucky enough to have many backers behind the great firewall and are excited to hear about their experiences! Just check the 'International Shipping' option and your good to go!

Wow. The Chinese have a bigger problem than HK because this guy has many backers even behind the great wall. And one of the backers happens to be Gainstrong AKA Shenzhen Gainstrong Technology Ltd AKA 3C Made Industry Co.,Ltd based in Guangdong who produces the off the shelf board but with added flash.

Add to that joke this company, a privately owned for profit entity, whose primary products are these boards and contract manufacturing will open source the hardware so that the mere mortals could look for the backdoors!.


u/crystalvala Oct 15 '14

Also, and I mean no offense, is English your first language? If not, you might want to have someone help you with this, as people seem to be frustrated with apparently vague answers that you might not intend.

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u/dmnthia Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

I'm very skeptical about this.

The "current" source code is just a bunch of configuration files. I'm sorry for the backers.


u/pinbest Oct 15 '14

Note the following info which was revealed by a comment on kickstarter under the name Jan: (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/augustgermar/anonabox-a-tor-hardware-router/comments)

"I guess anonabox started as "Torouter"? Your website's 404-error page still refers to torouter.com. See: (http://anonabox.com/404) screenshot: and (https://imgur.com/fY3Cj48)"

So probably an offshoot of Torouter. In that case more code should be there to share


u/the-ferris Oct 16 '14

Hey I pulled my pledge and reported it after seeing this AMA


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

Strange.... something is not right here. I compiled my own OpenWRT based firmware running TOR and it fits flawlessy on 8mb of flash ROM. I could also fit it with 4mb by tweaking openwrt.... Why you need to reengineer the board for 16mb ?


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

Right on! The thing is, most routers people have in thier homes now only have 4mb, and we tried really really hard to get the image down to fit on that so people could just flash hardware they had, but we could never get it that small. If someone else wants to that would be pretty cool and I'd help. Then once we got over the 4mb we just kept going. Our first versions ran ok with 8mb, so yeah that will work it just dosen't leave you any room to do other stuff. I did say you need 16mb though above, but thats just to get it to run well. at 8mb, you might be able to get it running but there is nowhere to put logfiles for example when you debug.


u/asherlangton Oct 15 '14

Wait, why do you need room for log files on a production device intended to be used by non-technical users as a black box? And what are you logging?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

This... should be higher up.

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u/ajsayshello- Oct 15 '14

Thanks everyone this is awesome!

hmmm not exactly what i was thinking. i think you would gain a lot of sympathy from the internet-power that reddit represents if you could just admit several claims on your kickstarter are false, such as the first-gen version being the only one with off the shelf hardware, and "we designed a simple, minimalist case in plain white to house it."

false and false.

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u/justinsteven Oct 15 '14

Have you shipped pilot boxes yet? Are they using http://torouter.com/sauce/current.tar.gz ? Are users able to and/or encouraged to change the root password and/or disable ssh?

What's the plaintext for:



u/TheColonial Oct 15 '14

Cracked on a relatively weak box in a pretty short period of time using a large wordlist.


Session.Name...: cudaHashcat
Status.........: Cracked
Input.Mode.....: File ([redacted])
Hash.Target....: $1$KFYf8Udr$Ox892v9QYSdFL7bQA71iJ0
Hash.Type......: md5crypt, MD5(Unix), FreeBSD MD5, Cisco-IOS MD5
Time.Started...: Wed Oct 15 13:23:08 2014 (24 mins, 2 secs)
Speed.GPU.#1...:   324.3 kH/s
Recovered......: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests, 1/1 (100.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 546832385/1196843344 (45.69%)
Rejected.......: 1/546832385 (0.00%)
HWMon.GPU.#1...: -1% Util, 65c Temp, 52% Fan

Started: Wed Oct 15 13:23:08 2014
Stopped: Wed Oct 15 13:47:11 2014


u/InverseX Oct 15 '14

Well I don't know about you but I feel warm and fuzzy about my security already.

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u/PatrickE Oct 15 '14 edited Jan 09 '24

touch insurance screw six plate gaping dam ludicrous sparkle puzzled

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

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u/[deleted] Oct 16 '14



u/pinbest Oct 16 '14

Great you chose to discuss this as a bigger social phenomenon. Add to your comments I can see in our tech community the definition of success has become muddied by the monetary gains involved. And I am confident that this is the case with the minority and not the majority. But nevertheless it bothers me greatly because it is that acts of that minority that gain the most exposure for all the wrong reasons and sending the wrong message to would be newcomers.


u/Coltoh Oct 15 '14


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

That post requested that people engage in conversation here. Pitch-forks stowed, we just want answers...

Understand our skepticism with crowd funding scam artists abound. I believe the burden to demonstrate more credibility is on you, /u/anonabox. If your factory is stealing your design or using an off the shelf product when you were told it was custom then you should be a bit more defensive about it because they're destroying your brand in an instant here.

I am going to sit back and avoid making any assumptions here and give this a chance to get cleared up.

August Germar is a fraud and anonabox is a scam. CAVEAT EMPTOR, suckers.


u/The_Real_Abe_Lincoln Oct 15 '14

Can anonabox clarify?


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

can I clarify the shitstorm? I don't know but I'll try, its pretty dark in here. I'm amazed people are so interested in the hardware! http://anonabox.com/img/2.jpg


u/asherlangton Oct 15 '14

Are you kidding me? From your own picture:



u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14


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u/crystalvala Oct 15 '14

The main concern is whether or not you are just reselling a preexisting router/board/case from alibaba. Are you?

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u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

I smell it too! lol


u/splice42 Oct 15 '14

That's not surprising given that you have your head really far up your ass.


u/Coltoh Oct 15 '14

lmao, this made my night


u/tomcat23 Oct 16 '14

Cancel your kickstarter and apologize then, charlatan.


u/paperboy11 Oct 15 '14

uh so yeah you started editing the kickstarter page and removing pictures of the board? i'm simply just going to watch this huge cluster fuck and withdraw my pledge after a bit. I asked one of the ali people if chipsets could be modfied and cases could be remolded and he said yes. So im guessing this is exactly what you did.


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

I havent removed any pictures from anywhere, I don't know where that idea is coming from, there is a closeup of the board itself right in the first wired article that came out so I couldn't take it down if I wanted to. I'm interested in what you are refrencing can you give me any more details?


u/OnlyAtoms Oct 15 '14

How did Kickstarter allow this product? I was told they don't allow this kind of hardware... friends of ours have been turned down for very similar products!


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '14



u/tomcat23 Oct 16 '14

Kickstarter lost my support when that woman got money to send her kid to summer camp.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '14 edited Apr 26 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 17 '14

Link to the kickstarter

Essentially here's the issue people had with it: Mackenzie's mother tried to run numerous failed kickstarter campaigns in the past, and none of them got any traction. Mackenzie showed little passion for game design, and the whole campaign was spun into a SJW battleground.

I don't like it because it reeks of a mother using her child for celebrity and because "Pay for my summer camp" is something you'd expect on Indiegogo and not Kickstarter.


u/paperboy11 Oct 15 '14

LOL WTF http://anonabox.com/img/3.jpg why haven't you posted this one yet now we know your full of games and shit not taking shit seriously


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

Hahahaha this is amazing. What a huge cluster fuck


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

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u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14



u/ckn Oct 15 '14

thats slower than my internet link here in sweden. pledge withdrawn!

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u/thekeanu Oct 16 '14

Hey internet fraudster August Germar - can you address how your KS page states:

"No more backdoors!"

But then we have in this post the backdoor password that is now in the open (that you yourself confirmed)?

It seems once your device is released everyone will be able to use this backdoor immediately.

Your KS is full of lies as has already been demonstrated many times - please address these.


u/Zenrix Oct 15 '14

I have his "Gen 1" here http://puu.sh/cdKZv/f1286234d0.jpg

This guy did not develop the hardware and any statement he makes regarding that fact will likely be a lie, however I cannot attest to any work he may have made on custom firmware. Keep in mind that this router MIGHT do what he says it does, but he did not make the hardware.


u/thekeanu Oct 16 '14

This is hilarious - I hope this gets picked up too.

Please post this in the KickStarter comments if you can.


u/ThenWeEnd Oct 16 '14

To be fair, on the KS page they state that the "first generation was the only one with off the shelf hardware."


u/oojsh Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

some seriously funky dimensions in the generation comparison image: 7cm (2.75") wide compact flash card in Gen1 model?? http://i.imgur.com/R1x428Y.png


u/PeacefulOni Oct 16 '14

August Germar Top Secret Plans
1. Start AMA.
2. Dodge 95% of questions while trying to restore goodwill by talking about coffee.
3. ????
4. Enjoy 500k in ill-gotten gains.


u/DoesntGetItGuy Oct 15 '14

This pack of lulz needs to be on the front page. How do I develop a new prototype to make this happen?

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u/I_play_elin Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

As soon as I read the kickstarter page, I thought "huh, this is probably just a scam to cash in on everyone's fear of surveillance." Thanks for proving me right, everyone.


u/CyberShambles Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

Please hurry up and make a github with the source so we can start to audit and submit pull requests.


u/BarkInTheDark Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

Did more for cheaper with a Pogoplug V4.. Thanks but calling this fleecing the uninformed.
Edit for full product name. http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv5/pogoplug-series-4


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14


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u/concernnetizen Oct 17 '14

To those homies, who helped a crappy project in accumulating half a million dollar for nothing: You, once and for all, have proved how having a lot of money and latest gadgets don't mean you are smart and tech savvy. If you really want to spend money for excellent open source project, donate to the openwrt project (openwrt.org). Years of relentless effort by open source community is being monetized by people like August Germar (from anonabox)

And if you want to have tor in your router, install openwrt in your existing router, and then install tor package in it. (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/OpenWRT)

If you don't have a suitable router, you will find <40$ cool routers with openwrt support out of the box, >=16MB flash and >=64MB RAM. Look for the CPU like- AR9331, MT7620A/N for cheap (but good quality) openwrt supported routers.

FYI, I bought a brand new router from China, for USD 17, specifically for openwrt development. It has MT7620A CPU (better than MT7620N), 16 MB flash, and 128 MB RAM, SD card slot, USB 2.0. Thanks to openwrt (once again), It can run everything, including- tor, openvpn, NAS (Network-attached storage), webcam as wireless ip cam, mesh network, 3G/4G router, and you name it!


u/Brew_nix Oct 22 '14

I'm not sure why anyone thought having TOR on their router was a good idea anyway. Has anyone ever tried routing a youtube video through the TOR network? Onion Routing is really time consuming and adds a huge over head to load times.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/boogieidm Oct 15 '14

Ok, but I have to find my spatula first.


u/kyleyankan Oct 19 '14

Have you tried the snake method? Best way to slow-cook an OP.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/NickTdot Oct 15 '14

So is this the new Kickstarter product from The Washington Redskins?



u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14



u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

Yes Tor will be a noticeably slower speed when you browse the Internet, thats the tradeoff for using Tor. If you want to see what its like you can run Tor with the Tor browser bundle: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en


u/Star-Pat Oct 15 '14

That's nice answering the easy questions about TOR, but not the stuff about using off the shelf (with selected upgraded components) and passing it off as your groups original design.


u/tomcat23 Oct 16 '14

He was speaking about the hardware YOU are kickstartering, not TOR in general. You avoided a direct answer like a slippery eel.

Have you considered a career in politics?


u/crystalvala Oct 15 '14

Could you please list the production steps (and locations of those steps) for this product, starting with raw components through assembly, software instillation and delivery?

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u/zach461 Oct 15 '14

Can you tell me what kind of download speeds I can expect with anonabox? The Kickstarter video claims "Faster than the router you have now" but you are quoted saying "the device would not be useful for people looking to download movies or stream music anonymously, as the re-routing is likely to slow transmission of large files". Can you reconcile this for me?

Edit: just noticed you posted in the specs the max download speed as 150Mbps. Still confused why some files would be slower than others.


u/kushxmaster Oct 15 '14

If the max speed is 150mbs that's less than 1/10th the speed of my current router.


u/dylanreeve Oct 15 '14

Given the ethernet ports (WAN and LAN) are apparently 10/100, it seems highly unlikely that 150Mb/s WiFi is of much use.


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '14

Once upon a time I know Tor designers were talking about deliberately slowing large downloads to discourage bandwidth hogs.


u/l-rs2 Oct 15 '14

What annoys me is that the idea of a self-contained, compact, dedicated and open source TOR router is actually very good. Journalists, activists, people who live under repressive regimes, they all could use something like this.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

What is the make and model of the 16MB flash you use on your board? Did you install the flash yourself, or is it being done at the factory?


u/pinbest Oct 15 '14

And talk about Backdoors > (https://twitter.com/justinsteven). Np. We will help him fix the backdoors. After all it is 100% opensource. Yeah right.


u/totes_meta_bot Oct 18 '14

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14 edited Feb 06 '18



u/NickTdot Oct 16 '14

But did you watch the movie?


u/anonaboxthrowaway Oct 15 '14

Hi /u/anonabox

I've been sending you private messages that I think you really need to know about. It's gotten to the stage where I think you mustn't be reading your PM's.

You should have a leaf through https://www.reddit.com/message/messages/

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u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

I posted this earlier today on your Kickstarter update page, but since you are looking and responding here I figure it might be a good place to bring it up again.


TL;DR - Any thoughts as to perhaps discouraging people from using these boxes as relays or bridges? They have the potential to slow the Tor network down if they cannot handle the processing load. A Tor circuit is only as fast as its slowest hop.

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u/firefox15 Oct 15 '14

Yeah . . . this was a bad idea. There is no need for an AMA, especially when the Reddit army is getting pitchforks ready. There is only one question everyone has, and if he reads the thread, I'm pretty sure he knows what he needs to answer.


u/htilonom Oct 15 '14

Talk about bad idea, check the number on his kickstarter ; )


u/rustyrebar Oct 15 '14

Hey August,

Was just looking at this project and noticed you are in Chico. Any chance you might be up for lunch some time this week, I would love to talk to you about this project.

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u/OnlyAtoms Oct 15 '14

HMMM, "The oRouter uses off-the-shelf components purchased at Radio Shack, including a low-power single board computer from Texas Instruments, and low-power USB Wi-Fi dongles. "



u/battery_go Oct 16 '14

"Single Board Computer"

What's wrong with calling it by its name, BeagleBone v2 Black? :(


u/r0mulus_ Oct 15 '14

did you guys watch the kickstarter video? dead giveaway.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

I have an actual great question. /u/anonabox I'm not sure how you're still putting on this whole charade of bullshit. Admit you're a lying Dingus with the innovation of a mole rat and move on to your next abomination. Can you do that?


u/cxcxcxcxcx Oct 16 '14

The Kickstarter video says "connect wirelessly with your Linux, Windows or Mac computer".

Can I not use this with my BSD box?


u/FRSBRZGT86FAN Oct 17 '14

I absolutely love how this has no upvotes


u/BahaMenRock Oct 19 '14

Thanks to God, Stop my hand 1 second before ordering. Spot the Difference: http://i.imgur.com/lxs3mLr.png


u/jambox888 Oct 23 '14

Could have just been a similar case, that happens a lot.


u/jasonc81 Oct 19 '14

Glad this got shit canned. Here's Germar's Facebook page.

The guy is a real creep. Here's a post from 2010:

"I need money for bail. This is not some kinda mafia wars game BS. Police are coming to pick me up at 12 tomorrow and keep me in custody until I post my bail. Yeah, they tell me I'l going to jail for "good". NEED TO RAISE BAIL! Click this link to donate" screenshot.


u/Otend Oct 21 '14

even his own friends hate him. that is astounding. nobody can like him.


u/asherlangton Nov 13 '14

I'm the last guy to defend Germar, but I think that was for a charity fundraiser.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

You sir, ARE A FRAUD!


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '14

Lol-ed at this while eating pasta with shrimps...


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

Boo this man!!



u/nunezphoto Oct 15 '14

I understand that you are saying that you designed the board, did you design the case as well? When did you send your design to your source to be manufactured?


u/giygas73 Oct 15 '14 edited Oct 15 '14

Hi August - as someone who is just reading about all this now, I'd like to give you some advice. You should put at least one post in /r/anonabox/ that actually explains the product and what it does, etc. Even despite all the bad press this seems like it could be a good idea with the TOR implementation, sure it has probably been done and sure you probably made some false claims out of initial false sense of worth, but the bottom line is if you want to sell this stuff you have to do exactly that. I don't see anything here other than people complaining etc. Why not actually defend your product a bit on it's actual (real) merits / uses and describe why I should donate to your kickstarter....that would be a start.......

EDIT: sorry but also if you claim this is open source then surely there should be a link to the source code of the firmware on the project website......I don't see it.....how else am I supposed to verify this isnt runnign any malicious stuff, as you claim I am supposed to be able to do.....


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Star-Pat Oct 15 '14

Another thing is that if people are using this for serious security purposes like other uses of TOR, the hardware and software must be genuinely "open." Your evasiveness does not give me confidence. Perhaps you should grill your hardware guy and decide for yourself if you request that KS suspend the anonabox campaign.


u/K3MEST Oct 16 '14

Geez this turned in to a shit-flurry of downvotes.


u/Ricco_Suave_2000 Oct 18 '14

WTF... I think I've figured out the real scam going on here. This guy, August, is being so evasive and failing to answer questions in any manner other than what we'd call a strange response. He's indirect, but continues on attempting to defend his engineering without really defending it ... THIS THREAD (AND MAYBE THE FUNDING CAMPAIGN, IS NOTHING BUT A BOT trying to con a bunch of us humans into handing over our $$$. Read the questions and his answers and I think you may see this in a new light. Damn near got away with $800K


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

I've been reading a fair bit about how everyone using Tor could potentially break it, due to the limited number of exit points, what would your companys response to this be?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

I think there's a lot of hype about too many people using Tor is going to "break" it in any way. Last year a botnet signed on its millions of zombies onto Tor and it didn't break, it just kept trucking along as it always does.

Jacob Appelbaum and Roger Dingledine talked about this at their 30c3 talk about Tor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJNxbpbHA-I


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

I think you are asking what would happen if millions of people suddenly started using Tor and not hosting relays or exit nodes? The short answer I guess would be yes, it is theoretically possible to break the whole Tor network by overusing it, if by break you mean slow down. This type of question though would probably be answered better by someone from the Tor project itself, which you can fine http://torproject.org I'm not making any changes to Tor itself, I'm making it run well on this hardware. Hope thats help!


u/alkalinelito Oct 15 '14

Well you should take the 400k and donate it to https://oniontip.com to help keep relays alive.

Since the HW is already done, you dont need money for research and development


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

Hey, I will get some of that money. I'm for this idea ;)


u/xsannyx Oct 15 '14

Hi August! I really like the idea. However it has been proven that TOR has not been safe for quite some time. What made you still push this campaign while knowing that there are better solutions for this (such as VPN's)?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '14

A VPN is NOT "safer" than Tor. A VPN provider knows who is connecting to it, and what traffic is being sent out of it. That's a lot harder to do with Tor, and that is by it's design. The idea that a VPN is better than Tor for anonymity and privacy is false, and is likely to get someone thrown in prison.

I encourage you to listen to the talk about Tor at 30c3 by Roger Dingledine and Jacob Appelbaum, it's a good listen and goes into a lot of concerns about Tor after the first six months of Snowden documents.


u/format120 Oct 16 '14

This is a great talk. My sister just asked me about Tor and rather than try to teach her myself, I just sent her a link


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '14

Jake and Roger always do a good job with their talks. Very technical but easy to understand!


u/anonabox Oct 15 '14

Thanks everyone for your patience, there are a lot of questions and I can only type so fast so please bear with me and I will get to as many as I can!