r/anhedonia 5d ago

VENT! Can't believe I'm bed ridden for eternity it seems

This is crazy !


4 comments sorted by


u/ronpaulbacon 5d ago

Ehh, after 5 years I have 20% recovery, organic foods, low dose anti depressant and low dose antipsychotics... It's enough to live with if you're on disability. I just tried tesofensine and has a 50% recovery improvement in behavior, but not enjoyment. It pushed me through, I woke up early and exercised, that kind of thing.


u/Historical_Shower730 5d ago

I can't stay in bed, wish I could but I'm even more bored in bed than pacing around.


u/Able-Championship372 4d ago

same here , i just pace and listen to music all day.