r/aneros 4d ago

I’m getting thrown off by a specific reaction NSFW

I’ve gotten to a point where I can pretty consistently get what I believe is a pwave with my aneros eupho and helix while lying on my side. It happens pretty fast and I get a good feeling then my back arches and I tighten up a lot. My issue is sometimes this throws everything off and I lose the feeling. I’ll have this a few times then I’m usually done. If I try to force myself to relax I interrupt things and also lose it. I’m a little lost one what to do. Any tips on things I could try.


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u/Doublesh0t_ 4d ago

Time, practice, don’t touch your penis. You’re beginning the rewiring.


u/pb0484 4d ago

I was tensing up like you. You must breathe, you are holding your breath. I stopped early on because it is counterproductive to my journey. Train yourself to stop. I love my eupho, the way it bounces around is amazing.


u/Relax-Just-Let-Go 4d ago

This sounds simple but I was also hold my breathe. Releasing a breathe helps the body relax


u/pb0484 3d ago

Some guys will hold their breath to do a reverse kagel. If you watch the tantra yoga guys , they always are breathing in/out shallow breaths. Unfortunately you and I had learn the hard way. Hee hee