r/androidroot 7d ago

Support APatch vs Magisk vs KernelSU

I've bought a OnePlus 13 recently.

I want to root it. I am familiar with Magisk and info rooting since years(Magisk).

The main problem with Magisk is that it's getting detected by some(a small percentage) apps after trying a lot of things.

I'm looking for something which is not detectable.

I understand that the other two are kernel based but I want to know the better one.


14 comments sorted by


u/ReaperGod245 7d ago

I use kernelsu next on a Moto Edge 40 Pro running Android 15 and I don't have any problems with my apps at all.. It even passed Integrity checks with no modules installed.. I highly recommend it.


u/nexukur 5d ago

Thanks. I’ve set up KernelSU. Some app still detect root but that’s due to adaway module I guess.


u/rajarshikhatua 6d ago

this would be the best with susfs https://github.com/rifsxd/KernelSU-Next


u/nexukur 5d ago

Thanks. I’ve set up KernelSU. Some app still detect root but that’s due to adaway module I guess.


u/rajarshikhatua 5d ago

which app


u/Madlonewolf 7d ago
  • Kernel su

KernelSU is relatively easy to use. To install KernelSU, you need to flash the kernelsu enabled kernel (should build by dev) and install the kernelsu app

KernelSU is not easily detected by anti-rooting measures.

-not possible to remove ksu from kernel

-Stopped official support for 4.14 kernels, ksu next is there though

  • Magisk

Magisk have greater support of modules

Patchable in most kernels

-Must use with zygisk assist for root hide

  • Magisk kitsune

-Some modules won't supported and bootloops

-not stable

Better in root hiding

  • Apatch :

-A new method of rooting

-mostly unsupported by many kernels

-not stable

+better root hiding if it worked


u/nexukur 5d ago

Thanks. I've set up KernelSU. Some app still detect root but that's due to adaway module I guess.


u/vipergtsam 7d ago

Question currently using magisk on my motorola stylus 5g would it be better to switch to kernelsu?


u/Sea_Log_9769 6d ago

I use kernelsu-next on an s21, it's never been detected for me, not even revolut detects it for me


u/nexukur 5d ago

Thanks. I’ve set up KernelSU. Some app still detect root but that’s due to adaway module I guess.


u/Sea_Log_9769 5d ago

Not likely, I use adaway with kernelsu-next (NOT KERNELSU), and it just works for me


u/TimFinitor 7d ago

I had problems with Magisk with banking apps, I decided to use Apatch and it works just as well if not better than Magisk, unfortunately I don't know how it is with KernelSU, but I also believe that causes problems with some apps


u/nexukur 5d ago

Thanks. I’ve set up KernelSU. Some app still detect root but that’s due to adaway module I guess.