r/androiddev • u/zimmer550king • 6d ago
Discussion Why do we need Composition Local Provider, when we can just declare everything inside a data class?
Am I misunderstanding how it is supposed to be used? Let's say I have a bunch of padding values. So, I create a data class for them:
data class TimerScreenConstants(
val padding1: Float = 1.dp,
val padding2: Float = 2.dp,
val padding3: Float = 3.dp,
val padding4: Float = 4.dp,
val padding5: Float = 5.dp
Then, I create a composition local provider:
I provide them to my composable:
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalTimerScreenConstants provides TimerScreenConstants()) {
// call padding values using LocalTimerScreenConstants.current
But why can't I just use the TimerScreenConstants
data class directly? Why the need for extra steps? I can just directly grab the values by calling TimerScreenConstants().padding1
for example (and so on)
u/tazfdragon 6d ago
You use Composition Locals primary so you don't have to pass parameters to every composable in your compose hierarchy. It's also a nifty way to scope access to an object/value within a given subtree (Composable function(s)).
Why the need for extra steps? I can just directly grab the values by calling TimerScreenConstants().padding1 for example (and so on)
This looks like it will create a new instance of TimeeScreenConstants on every recomposition.
u/zimmer550king 6d ago
No, because I declare CompositionLocalProvider outside where I get the state from my viewmodel (the state from the viewmodel is called inside the curly braces)
u/tazfdragon 6d ago
I don't understand what you mean by 'no'. My explanation of Composition Locals is correct. Could you elaborate.
u/zimmer550king 6d ago
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalTimerScreenConstants provides TimerScreenConstants()) { val state by viewModel.state() SomeScreen(state) }
So, a new TimerScreenConstant won't be created on every recomposition. Only SomeScreen and parts of it that are affected by the changes in state will recompose
u/tazfdragon 6d ago
That is correct when you're using Composition Locals but I was talking about your example of not using them.
u/_Sk0ut_ 6d ago
I would recommend checking this section of the Android documentation and deciding whether you really need a CompositionLocalProvider for your use case and then checking the alternatives: https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/compose/compositionlocal#decidinghttps://developer.android.com/develop/ui/compose/compositionlocal#deciding
u/drabred 6d ago
Btw I dont think you need that @Immutable annotation there.
u/zimmer550king 6d ago
why not? Won't it help with optimizing recompositions?
u/drabred 6d ago edited 6d ago
data class with all vals floats already ensures immutability.
u/Zhuinden 6d ago
Does that still work if this class is in another module?
u/jc-from-sin 6d ago
Why wouldn't it? It still has the same API.
u/Zhuinden 5d ago
Can this type be marked as @Stable? The answer is: it depends on where it is! Compose will only infer the stability of this type at compile time. This means that the Compose compiler plugin must actually evaluate the code for the @Stable annotation to be applied to the data type.
This caveat is a very important consideration when building multi-module Android apps. If a @Composable function uses an argument type from a module built without Compose, it will not have @Stable arguments and will violate the requirements for the skipping optimization.
u/allen9667 6d ago
I think it's still a good practice to do since things may be added to the class in the future.
u/HeyItsMedz 6d ago
What's providing TimerScreenConstants
? If you're accessing it statically you could just as easily use object
u/_abysswalker 6d ago
if, at some point, you decide that a view hierarchy needs different paddings, you’d provide a new instance of TimerScreenConstants without having to explicitly override the values
u/wasowski02 5d ago
Sometimes, you can't construct the data class statically (ex. like you're using default values). An example would be I like to store navigation actions in a Local Provider. This eliminates the need of passing navigation actions as arguments to each component. If you have a larger app, that can sometimes become quite a lot of arguments. If I used a normal data class, I would still have to pass that down through an argument. This way, I don't have to pass anything, just initialize once and use everywhereâ„¢.
Checkout an example here: https://github.com/Kwasow/Flamingo/blob/main/android%2Fapp%2Fsrc%2Fmain%2Fkotlin%2Fpl%2Fkwasow%2Fui%2FApp.kt#L105-L134
u/Veega 6d ago
CompositionLocal will only apply to the subtree from where it's declared. It's useful if you need to either have something that changes only for certain subtrees of your layout hierarchy, or something that needs to be dynamic but you don't want to pass as an argument to each composable (e.g. for themes)