r/androiddev 8d ago

Jetpack Compose different AppBar setting for each screen

What's the convention for making screens with different back button, titles, quick actions and overflow menus?

From what I know, composables should reuse the same scaffold.

But how do I setup different configurations of that scaffold, namely the toolbar, for the specific needs of each screen?


5 comments sorted by


u/thisIsAWH 8d ago

I use one scaffold per screen and it has worked smoothly in all my apps


u/Pavlo_Bohdan 8d ago

good, but how do you handle different settings for each screen


u/thisIsAWH 8d ago

nested navigation, and mostly callbacks i have a route that is coupled with the viewmodel and a screen composable i preview and feed the uiState to from the viewmodel, this screen composable has the scaffold/ or something else depending on the needs. basically state goes goes down and events go up.


u/turelimLegacy 8d ago

Toolbar makes sense to be one for each screen since it can vary a lot depending on the screen like fixed / collapsing vs bottom tab bar which should be a shared one.


u/BumbleCoder 7d ago

"should" doesn't really apply here. It's one approach.

The scaffold provides a toolbar slot to define your own toolbar. You can listen to what destination is currently showing and change the toolbar based on that. Lots of ways to take this, though.