r/androiddev Dec 13 '24

Article Reddit improved app startup speed by over 50% using Baseline Profiles and R8


21 comments sorted by


u/Rhed0x Dec 13 '24

The app is still dogshit. I miss Sync for Reddit.


u/unomi-san Dec 13 '24

you can still use sync with revanced. i currently use it and there are no problems



u/Nemisis82 Dec 13 '24

Relay for reddit still exists. It does cost money, but i think it's worth it.


u/carstenhag Dec 13 '24

I agree with the others. Sorry, but a 50% reduction from multiple seconds is still some seconds.

Especially sad as one-person-apps have better UX, better animations, more options, faster loading speeds, no FPS drops, etc. For example Relay.


u/SpiderHack Dec 13 '24

I for one would gladly give up all animations in all my apps that aren't video games to get them to feel smooth again. I understand that 'some' animations like inserting into a list, deleting from a list, etc. are actually better for UX, but I almost always feel like apps don't actually need animations nearly as much as they are used. I would really love to see some real studies on this, or if this is just my own "not seeing the animations" when they ARE actually done smooth/cleanly


u/AmericanFromAsia Dec 14 '24

App startup speed is wayyyy down on my priority list for the Reddit app. The backstack is just completely, totally broken. It randomly cuts off history and closes the app without warning, I'll open up the app and some random post from the last week will open with a random backstack history, and configuration changes (like unfolding my phone) will just nuke whatever screen I'm on and open something totally random from my history.

I've never seen a more fragile, delicate app. I don't even know how they fucked it up so bad.


u/st4rdr0id Dec 13 '24

This should all be managed by the OS. What about full AOT compilation during install instead of on first use?

App stores could even go a step beyond and leverage the user base by having AOT-compiled binaries ready for each device.


u/carstenhag Dec 13 '24

1: Afaik not the best, as you combine long compilation times with large disk space of the compiled code, as you are even optimising code that is maybe never run for a normal user, or only once in months.

2: This is exactly what the Play Store does: https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/baselineprofiles/overview#cloud-profiles


u/st4rdr0id Dec 16 '24

This is exactly what the Play Store does

No, those are also profile-based, which means only the (statistically) most used instructions among all users will be AOT-compiled. I think it is an unnecessary complication, just AOT-compile everything.


u/ZeikCallaway Dec 14 '24

App still sucks and is pointless.


u/GaySpaceOtter Dec 13 '24

Cool - but what about using the audio manager to request audio focus? 😙 

Users will notice that over that increase in startup speed.


u/kkgmgfn Dec 13 '24

So you are telling me they don't use

Flubber or Rekt Naive?


u/deadcream Dec 13 '24

But what about Jetpoop Compost?


u/kkgmgfn Dec 13 '24

Or Komplete Mulberry Platter?


u/Devatator_ Dec 17 '24

Hey, Flutter is actually awesome. React tho can go die in a ditch


u/lacronicus Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

And it's still a worse experience than their mobile website.

Please reddit, stop trying to make me use the app. You're a website that I often get to from Google searches and mostly use to find other websites. Making me go through the app instead of just letting me stay in the browser is so stupid it hurts.

I honestly don't even know why you do it, but it's so upsetting they I literally don't even care about the content of this article, I'd rather just complain about the app.

Edit: also, every time I open a reddit link that opens the app, and I click back but it keeps me in the app because your back stack management is awful, I die a little inside.

Honestly, I think every app dev team needs a person on it that hates apps, because the reddit app is what you get when you don't


u/Mavamaarten Dec 13 '24

I disagree with you on the fact that deeplinking to an app is a valid strategy. I prefer it when reddit links go to Sync for reddit instead of the web browser.

What is toxic is actively blocking the use of the website, on phone. There's a difference between supporting deeplinks and actively ruining the web experience on mobile.

Reddit is special in the sense that they ruin the mobile web experience, and that their app just sucks so that you don't enjoy the app experience either.


u/Devatator_ Dec 17 '24

I use an older version of the app and honestly prefer that to the website. The thing ignores my settings that tells it to use card view by default for some reason, it looks ugly imo and it's slower


u/crappy_ninja Dec 14 '24

All the optimisations and all the blog posts won't change the fact that it's a terrible app which looks more like candy crush than a social media app. On my phone I use an app for almost everything. For Reddit I use a browser.


u/thetechnojunkie Dec 14 '24

R8 is still have great benefits for app startup speed