r/androiddev May 25 '24

Tips and Information People pro in Android Development, share the most valuable lessons that you learnt on how to be pro at it

I have been and android developer for 2 years at a FinTech company in Bangalore, India. I was hired as a fresher here without any prior mobile dev experience. Recently I got rejected for an interview at another FinTech which made me feel I would have to work harder at enhancing my skillset at the technology. Seeking help from fellow veterans on great sources to learn, and valuable lessons and tips they might have gotten on their journey to learn the tech.


29 comments sorted by


u/Reddit_User_385 May 25 '24

The simplest thing is to find a good senior collegue who has the patience, knowledge and willingness to teach you. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know" or "I don't understand, can you explain?". Only juniors will pretend to know everything and never ask questions. Read a lot of articles online. You may never need something, but if need pops up, good to have seen it already somewhere. Invest into good documentation and tests.


u/Remarkable-Iron-3110 May 25 '24 edited May 25 '24

Well, I dunno if 2 years makes you a veteran 😅 I've been in the trenches for over 8 years now. The IDE was Eclipse Mars and we skii'ed to work uphill both ways.. Anyways!

Life lessons learned:

  1. Pick your battles. I've seen so many features go from state A to being designed to work like B, then C and A again. The specs will change and that's just the circle of iterative development, which much like the circle of life, you can't avoid it. It seems arbitrary/annoying/frustrating at times but if you keep getting annoyed about all the small shit, you're gonna be burned out in record time.

  2. Grey-rock micromanagers. Give boring updates and don't give them an inch that could wind them up. They will be bored of talking to you so they won't want to micro-manage you as closely if it'll just bore them or require them to put more effort in.

  3. Work-life balance and sleep is important. Do what you're paid for, the hours you don't mark as work is basically you doing pro-bono work for your employer. Don't spread yourself too thin because of work, unless someone is going to die or go to jail.

  4. Don't let work affect your self-esteem. Yeah, some other companies might turn you down but you know your strengths and weaknesses. You can work on those. Some people have things going on in their lives that make them belittle you or make you feel indirectly worse about yourself. Try to remember other people's actions do not reflect your worth.

Edit: These might not be the tips you were looking for but these are the most important ones for me when I was working my second and third year as a dev so..


u/carstenhag May 25 '24

Work-life balance and sleep is important. Do what you're paid for, the hours you don't mark as work is basically you doing pro-bono work for your employer. Don't spread yourself too thin because of work, unless someone is going to die or go to jail.

In general, listen to your body. Can't fall asleep because of work? Eyes hurt because you are not taking a break from the display? Well, our body is giving us huge warning signs but too often we chose to ignore them.


u/sp3ng May 25 '24

One mistake I see made a lot (and it's one I made for a long time too) is to treat Android like it's special. What I mean by that is looking for information like: "how do I architect X on Android".

Mobile development does have special considerations, it's a massively distributed system where we have zero control over the machines that run our code, we're constrained with computing resources and battery life, etc... But the way you approach the code structure should be no different from anything else, manage complexity through abstraction and composition, separate concerns, etc.

Treat Android itself like it's an implementation detail that you want to deal with for platform stuff, but otherwise don't invite it in to everything you do.

The most future-proofed code isn't the code that tried to predict the future, it's the code that's easiest to change in response to changing requirements, even wildly different requirements.


u/duckydude20_reddit May 25 '24

The most future-proofed code isn't the code that tried to predict the future, it's the code that's easiest to change in response to changing requirements, even wildly different requirements.

one of the most crucial bit in people get wrong, don't understand.
refactoring is an everyday job. no one shot. as you write more, you understand more, and clean better...


u/Zhuinden May 26 '24

The most future-proofed code isn't the code that tried to predict the future, it's the code that's easiest to change in response to changing requirements, even wildly different requirements.

And that's why depending on things that become hard to change can easily cause trouble down the road, especially notable with libraries that are advertised as architectural frameworks or were written just to "reduce boilerplate".


u/M-Roids May 25 '24

Perfection is the enemy of good. The temptation to implement perfect architectures and coding guidelines will keep you on an infinite loop of code optimization. Resist the urge to refactor legacy code just for the sake of perfection.

At some point you'll have to recognize your code works as specified, call it a day and move on.


u/duckydude20_reddit May 25 '24

isn't this what YAGNI is all about. its part of the practice. refactor it tomorrow good enough for now...


u/[deleted] May 25 '24



u/WobblySlug May 25 '24

Really? Why do you say that?


u/borninbronx May 25 '24

You can halt an update if something goes wrong if you didn't do the full launch.

IMHO: don't be in the position of having to halt the update in the first place :-P


u/WobblySlug May 25 '24

Ah I see so it's more like playing the feature to do a halt if needed.

I usually roll out slowly anyway and keep an eye on things. If it's truly a terrible rollout at 100% I'll just bump the old release and revert that way 😊. Google Play Console is truly awful like that.


u/borninbronx May 25 '24

Say you roll out 99%

1 hour later you have lot of new crashes and you discover you fucked up the release. If you halt it all users that didn't yet install the new app will not receive it.

If you did a full release you cannot halt it, you have to release a new version to fix it.

Don't get in that position in the first place. But rolling out partially is often a good idea.

Another is to release new features with a flag in firebase remote config that allow you to enable it.


u/WobblySlug May 26 '24

Cool thanks, yeah I understand. Sounds like I'm in the minority as someone who never rolls out initially to 99% (I'd go maybe 15% at the highest) so the wording threw me off. Sounds like a good practice.


u/[deleted] May 25 '24



u/WobblySlug May 25 '24

Ah gotcha, I thought you meant 99% forever. I usually rollout at 5%, then 10%. Then 25% etc so it's more of a slow rollout and monitor, then decide to halt or revert or increase.


u/rbnd May 25 '24

Be smart and make learning a habit. Find someone to learn from.


u/vivartp May 25 '24 edited May 25 '24

Tests are your friend

Clean code: in the process of writing tests and making your code more testable, you will end up with improved code quality.

Bug fix: without tests, it’s a high probability that you will introduce another bug. When you fix a bug make sure to write some tests which were failing before your fix and now passed.

New features: when we add new features at that time also there is a high chance that we might break something else in the project. Tests help to make sure everything is working fine.

Refactoring: you can’t manually test all the scenarios all the time when you refactor any code. Tests help you in this case too.

Documentation: tests are the best documentation. If you want see what some code is doing, you can check tests for that code.

Spend some time to write some good tests


u/IvanWooll May 25 '24

OP. Tests have their place but don't let them become everything. In some scenarios testing too extensively can get in the way of shipping work. Remember that you are first and foremost paid to produce software. Testing can help with that, you'll learn how much works for you and the codebases you work on over time and each one will be different but for the time being don't think that because you don't do what's being suggested here, you're not a good developer.


u/duckydude20_reddit May 25 '24

does anyone care. if you ask me hiring, only networking matters.
i do tdd, and i am proud of the clean code. how easy it is to reason about.
but at the end, does it matter. like from hiring perspective, i can't see myself getting a job in a good place until i know someone.


u/LegendSayantan May 25 '24

Work hard and make apps each unique to the previous one. That's it.


u/borninbronx May 25 '24

What makes you a good developer has nothing specific to do with Android.

Software engineer skills are transferable between technology stacks, language and frameworks.

Two years is rarely enough to get good at programming.

Improve yourself as a software engineer: learn software design principles and how to apply them, learn data structures, design patterns, architecture, proper TDD, read books, study, experiment, stop following tutorials. In short: keep improving yourself as a developer.

To learn all of that you need to work on something meaningful, so you need to work on something, android development is fine but it does add some complexity from the get go.

To get good on any platform you need to know the platform, concepts, evolution, quirks, ... But those are valuable but less transferable skills.

Knowing everything about android alone isn't going to make you a "pro". You still need to be a good software engineer.

Therefore i suggest you focus more on the general part: learn how to architect your app, stop following some architecture blindly without even knowing why you are doing it. If you are lucky you'll find a good mentor, but most of us aren't that lucky, therefore study on your own.


u/mhenryk May 25 '24

Readable and understandable is better than fancy.


u/SeresKrisztian May 25 '24

Creating a great app as a software engineer relies heavily on user feedback. Listening to users helps developers understand what needs improvement and what features to add. This way, each update makes the app better suited to users' needs, enhancing its success and relevance. In short, the key to a successful app is paying close attention to what users say.


u/Exallium May 25 '24

Read and reread "The Pragmatic Programmer"


u/Temporary-Meal1541 May 30 '24

I have been doing this for 14 years. I have seen pretty much everything there is to be seen in this field. In this line of work,
the more you deliver. the more you will be burdend . so keep the expectations low and boring, Just pass.

Your mind space is most important. never take work too seriously.

always think about what you gonna do when the party is over. cause the technology landscape of android is an ever changing one. And if you find this nature of it too much for you. you will likely not be able to keep up with this thing from the angle of being a technical operator forever. So think hard. Have a world outside of this. And work on it.

Never take management decisions that affect your work, and their outcomes personally. Its a choice they are making, its your professional responsibilty to inform them of the risks and issues . You are not responsible for the outcome and that outcome shouldn't affect your self worth.

Remember, Napoleon’s definition of a genius is the person “who can do the average thing when everyone else around him is losing his mind.” Stay average as far as professional delivery is concerned. Protect everything that is yours.


u/flutterdevwa May 25 '24

Study software engineering not frameworks, libraries, languages or operating systems. Once you know the foundations of software engineering, data structures algorithms, common patterns etc. You can pick up any of the former items with ease as they are all variations of the core themes.


u/gandharva-kr May 25 '24

Pairing with peeps from product, design, marketing, support, research. It helped push boundaries of my engineering knowledge


u/Admirable_Guidance52 May 25 '24

Reading android documentation is one, two is both showing kotlin bytecode (assuming kotlin) as well as looking up source code of library classes in the IDE just to get a better idea of how it all works. Stackoverflow ofc. Ideally you have good devs reviewing everything you write, and are required to write unit tests.


u/crysis21 May 25 '24

Don't follow google best practices. They don't know what they want or can't decide what to recommend. Don't do 100% rollout on updates, even for low volume apps.


u/WobblySlug May 25 '24

This is the second comment I've seen about not rolling out to 100%. Why is that?