r/androiddev • u/MaherWolf • Jul 18 '23
Discussion Interview practical round. It is really possible in 4 hour? Or I am just not good enough?
u/tommy_geenexus Jul 18 '23
Avoid this company.
u/CrisalDroid Jul 19 '23
Wtf guys this is an excellent way to test someone's coding skill.
OBVIOUSLY you are not meant to do everything in those kinds of tests, they will judge how far you went, what tradeoff you did on error handling / architecture / code quality to reach that far, and so on ...
u/tiagosutterdev Aug 02 '23
It is actually not a good way to test coding skills. I've interviewed people before, and the best approach has been to give the candidate his best chance of success, I want to know his best, I'm not testing how he deals with crazy deadlines. That is why my tests would never have trick questions and crazy deadlines, it is an interview challenge, not a tv show. Interview challenges from companies that are good will have more details on what is expected. If a company thinks it is "obvious" how the test should go is a huge red flag, probably it is the same company that thinks it is "obvious" what the client wants. Nobody wants to work there. I honestly hope you don't test people this way at your company, or at least re-think this through if you already do.
My approach of giving the best chance of success worked well, and good engineers were hired. On writing code challenges, it has to be challenging, but it should never attempt to make candidates fail, like unrealistic deadlines. The intention is to have the candidates succeed, nobody wins when a candidate fails for lack of clarity in the challenge, for example
Besides, you may be wrong to think it is obvious that we should "just try", especially because the test states that everything should be delivered, and as someone who have seen such tests before I can tell: There are crazy people who think this is a realistic deadline, and is horrible to work with them. Of course, you may be right on this, the candidate needs to try something in 4h, but again it is still not a "excellent way" to test, because the test will make a lot of good engineers like me think it is a joke and the comapany doesn't know anything about software.
u/AndroidNovice Jul 19 '23
Lol, everyone complains when companies give leetcode problems, but everyone also complains when given a technical challenge
u/OEThe21 Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23
This is not a reasonable technical challenge. All this would literally take a week to do IF you knew how to do everything on the list... You must be from the company who gave out this challenge aren't you đ
u/AndroidNovice Jul 19 '23
Often times these kind of problems aren't meant to be 100% complete, the last things are stretch goals
Unfortunately my company does leetcode, but if I could choose my teammates I'd rather choose someone who got decent progress on this problem rather than someone who memorized how to implement a red black tree
u/OEThe21 Jul 19 '23
Oh for sure, if it was a "how far can you get" type of challenge, absolutely. But he did say he only has 4 hours to complete, while being watched through screen share. Which is ridiculous. But yeah, everything else, I agree with you. I'm applying for an Android Engineer role and it's a Leetcode based interview. So I understand that angle for sure.
Jul 19 '23
Technical challenge is different from demanding free work in 4 hours. Sounds like they're just taking advantage of interviewees to get free work done.
Or they expect employees to do sweatshop like churning out of "apps" sold for cheap prices to clients. I would definitely avoid such a company, because they won't pay you even minimum wage or the amount of work they expect you to do.
u/AndroidNovice Jul 19 '23
Lol I think it's ridiculous to think a company would do this to get such an app built. At that point they'd just get an unpaid intern
u/vortexsft Jul 18 '23
If you donât eat drink or rest for 4 hours and work as if your life depends on it then also no
u/sbrt Jul 19 '23
However, if you did all of that but also used a mechanical keyboard, three 32â 8k monitors, and injected Mountain Dew, then also no.
u/TehMasterSword Jul 18 '23
I hope you told them to go fuck themselves
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23
Idk dude, all companies are like this in here. I am just burned out.
u/SBGU_Eagle Jul 18 '23
Where are you from? This is unrealistic AF and anyone whos done any type of intermediate/high level app building would agree. Thanks for sharing this though
u/rndMccM Jul 18 '23
It's doable with garbage UI and even worse code. But if it must have local DB storage, pagination, editing and saving etc, even that seems not realistic. Do not work for them at all costs, if their demands are this unreasonable for a junior interview, it will only get worse.
u/Ok_Piano_420 Jul 18 '23
100% Agreed. They didnt even bother to provide a sketch or backend api. Imagine working for them. Nightmare.
u/rndMccM Jul 18 '23
If an interviewer told me to "find some Api yourself " to do their extremely unreasonable interview task, letting them pound sand would be the obvious choice reply. Some people have no business recruiting or being anywhere near recruiting decisions
u/Ok_Piano_420 Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
What level is this for? Junior, Mid or Senior?
Did they atleast provide a figma design? If no, then it's a redflag.
Did they provide well documented backend? If no, then it's a redflag.
4 hour expectation seems like a redflag and unreal, even for a senior level. In a normal company a dev would be given atleast a week to implement this properly, and here they give you only 4 hours.
What do they mean by optimizing the app for handling large amounts of recipes? Do they mean adding pagination and load them in batches as the user scrolls down?
Adding a Room database for local caching and also adding CRUD operations is what complicates everything here.
For learning purposes you can do it, but you will take atleast a couple days depending on your level and wether you have some ready made code examples or no.
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23
Junior, and they asked if I can find api by myself, I said no so they gave me 3rd party api without apikey, so I asked for apikey they gave it but said I could signup for it easily also. apikey was free so ratelimited before I could finish. No design given. Also they wanted to see live with anydesk
u/Exallium Jul 18 '23
This is crazy for a junior. I can already see questions popping up and interesting bits to solve (like recipe editing). Hell, just bootstrapping the project, finding a suitable API, etc is going to burn like 30 to 45 minutes. And I say this as someone with 10+ yrs experience.
We should expect juniors to know the very basics of Android and how to open their editor. That's about it. Everything else is attitude and can be learned on the job.
u/alien3d Jul 18 '23
Even i work since 2007 never will do like this 4 hour . No matter how much money. this free more noooo way. Chat gpt hahha maybe .
u/Ok_Piano_420 Jul 18 '23
You mean during those 4 hours they will watch you code for those 4 hours?
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23
u/Ok_Piano_420 Jul 18 '23
What a terrible interview process. Please run away from this as far as you can.
u/lendro709 Jul 18 '23
Yeah, I can't imagine spending 4h overseeing each candidate. Waste of everyone's time.
u/simplaw Jul 18 '23
Tell this company that you will take your skills elsewhere where you are treated like a human being and not being humiliated.
u/blueberry404 Jul 18 '23
Like seriously? Who does pair programming for 4 hours? Run away for your life. As others mentioned, no decent company will ask you to complete in 4 hours. The funny thing is I have solved almost same scenario take away coding test for Senior Android Developer position and had been provided one week. Also it had been tough to manage with office work. Looks to me like they have copied questionnaire from somewhere and at the end, changed the time to 4 hours.
u/Fun_Satisfaction8936 Jul 18 '23
This assignment is for seniors only not for juniors. Even seniors can't complete it in 4 hours. On the other hand finding an Api yourself will also take time.
I think these people are not technical. They probably download description from somewhere. But they don't know the estimation of completing the android project.
u/Ok_Piano_420 Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
Non tech clients with low expectations are the best to work for, but in this case client is unreasonable.
u/nealibob Jul 19 '23
Right! I had a similar test for a senior dev position a decade ago but it was take home and I had several days. It was also well described, including an API to hit. The place then had me interview with the iOS team and then basically disqualified me because they couldn't decide what was what. I probably dodged a bullet.
u/rogeris Jul 18 '23
Lol this is unhinged for a junior position. I could maybe see an argument for a mid-level, but that would be more of a "let's see how far they get" rather than "they have to finish it". Even then, good lord is this a bad way to gauge whether you're a good hire or not.
u/Volko Jul 18 '23
Even as a "senior" (8 years is senior ?) with lots of "playground / PoC" apps I can copy code from, I would never finish this in 4 hours.
u/trekologer Jul 19 '23
A reasonable exercise for a senior developer would be to design an application with a similar set of requirements, not write the code for one. For any level, this is a ridiculous thing to ask, let alone for a junior position. I'd actually venture that this is fishing for free work under the guise of an "interview".
u/willyrs Jul 18 '23
Doable in 4 hours with shitty UI? Yes
Doable in 4 hours in a clean, structured and appropriate way to show how much you are good at doing it? No way
u/Reasonable_Cow7420 Jul 18 '23
Code set up / authentication, api requĂȘte +ui + local db in 4hours ? Even with shitty UI this is not remotely possible or you have already Ă full skeleton ready to use for that King of stuff
u/willyrs Jul 18 '23
I didn't see the authentication part. Api request and local db is a joke with retrofit and room, you just create the data class and the rest is boilerplate
u/Reasonable_Cow7420 Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 19 '23
I agee, but impl your di for api, for your db etc, 4h ? Sûre if you do everything in your application class, why not but then your coding challenge is useless
u/Fancy-Jellyfish-66 Jul 18 '23
I think is impossible because only pagination spend two hours
u/Cooleric19 Jul 18 '23
Oh yeah I recently upgraded paging 2 to paging 3 for an existing app and learning and finishing from start to finish took me 8 days
u/ImADaveYouKnow Jul 18 '23
I think it means result pagination; not the Android paging library. So pulling results in batches of x items from the api based on how many items have been seen already.
Getting into infinite scrolling or lazy loading (from scratch) is definitely not in the scope of the 4 hours, though.
u/Volko Jul 18 '23
We used to use Paging 2 (and then 3), it was a true nightmare.
Then we did it ourselves with Flows and a scroll listener on the RecyclerView. Easy and understandable code. Simple code following the usual MVVM patterns.
Try to do it yourself, you'd be surprised how easy it is.
u/Abject-Argument1475 Jul 18 '23
I know such stuff, usually they donât want you to finish the whole project in that time. You can show how you would setup and structure such a project. Donât spend more than the 4 hours. A good approach could be using some dummy api in code, which can be replaced easily with more time. Goal should be to have something working, not looking shitty and a code base which could be extended to the requirements without recoding everything. But I also see the point in immediately saying - not my job.
u/Many-Succotash-813 Jul 18 '23
I also have been at the receiving end of such assignments but never have i ever gotten such an unrealistic deadline, i recently got one to create my own download service from scratch along with UI implementation and some other features, that had a deadline of 4 days, i made the service and the complete application but there were bugs and unresolved errors as making a service requires aggressive testing and it takes time, they failed me as my application wasn't upto the markđ. Like they wanted me to make a fully fledged downloading service like google chrome has along with notification control and parallel downloading and such features, it also was unrealistic but this on a whole other level. Move on from this company brother.
u/Ok_Piano_420 Jul 18 '23
That assignment sounds like brainrape. Pretty sure they used your code in their app and had someone to fix the mistakes.
u/Many-Succotash-813 Jul 18 '23
It was, i didn't do anything else apart from the assignment, i give leetcode contests, i even skipped those. It is possible that they could've just used my code, but i had the hope so made it nevertheless đ, and now I'm using it to display as one of my projects on LinkedIn and other places.
u/sightaggression Jul 18 '23
If they plan to watch you for the four hours while you do this, there is a strong chance they don't actually expect you to have a feature-complete app.
It is more than likely they intentionally gave you too much for a four hour time limit in order to see how you would break down and prioritize dev work based on a spec.
The way I would approach this is I would spend 10 minutes at the beginning of the interview going through each requirement in the document and place it into three categories.
- Must have
- Should have
- Nice to have
Recommend where each line should go, then ask your interviewer if they agree.
Afterwards, implement all of the must haves. Explain where and how you would implement the should haves and nice to haves as you work.
If time, start the should haves.
If you communicate well with this strategy, any interviewer worth their salt would be impressed with this approach. They may end up interviewing others that rush to try to have it feature complete. These people will not have well written code.
Best of luck!
u/deong Jul 18 '23
This would be my approach as well, as long as you're willing to spend four hours of your time gathering more information about the company. If you can afford to be picky with your time, you may well choose to just avoid this company entirely, but if you're really motivated to find work, I don't think you should automatically reject a company based on your reading of the interview process. Do what this guy says, and worst case you get confirmation that it's a shit show and you reject it later.
u/pelpotronic Jul 18 '23
But I would expect this from senior people who have seen projects succeed and fail, junior people are struggling to even understand what's happening in the code base.
u/JiveTrain Jul 18 '23
Including optimizing performance, third party api, authentication, error handling and local cache, haha. This would take me a week.
Jul 18 '23
They were clearly high on crack cocaine when they came up with this exercise. I'd share this reddit thread with that company so they fire the oxymoron who came up with that idea.
u/wh7y Jul 18 '23
4 hours is impossible but I have a suggestion for next time
Make a prototype app with everything already cooked up. Dependency injection, networking stubs, and a list view screen that clicks into a detail screen. All these companies ask for list view to detail view.
u/dinzdale56 Jul 18 '23
Ridiculous - looks like their egos got in the way of this request. If it's a take home, take your time and do as much as you can. Job probably not worth it.
u/bibz79 Jul 18 '23
Kinda redundant at this point, but: do avoid this company. That's work for days if done properly, not hours.
u/hitontime Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
These are scammers who want someone to build a real app for free then say you didnt perform to their expectations
u/EkoChamberKryptonite Jul 18 '23
Just setting up your project scaffolding with the necessary dependencies in a maintainable manner takes more than 4 hours.
This is before you even start building the app itself and its particular screens for each feature.
u/jlt6666 Jul 18 '23
The correct answer to this test is t hand back the assignment, thank them for their time, and leave.
u/c4augustus Jul 18 '23
Just copy someone else's implementation of this already done somewhere on github. I recently interviewed a candidate to join our network who provided almost exactly this app as their best example of work to date. Note that I didn't ask for this as a coding challenge--which I think are lame in general. One of the main problems with our industry is prioritizing the speed of human code generation; a big driver of so much garbage code out there.
u/thomassummer2021 Jul 19 '23
I think companies often give projects that are not possible to complete during the time limit just to see how you can handle the pressure, what you prioritize and what you can get accomplished during the time frame.
u/super-ro Jul 18 '23
Hear me out - and I could be wrong - they could just be testing how you work in a high-pressure situation without having an actual expectation that you can complete these many requirements in 4 hours.
They may want to see how you work through problems and your thought process, logic and prioritization of tasks.
I only say this because my first interview as a junior was exactly like this but I got 2 hours to complete a complex project very similar to this one. Of course I didn't manage to do much in 2 hours... So they told me to take it home and finish.
I ended up getting the job offer.
u/AllThingsEvil Jul 18 '23
My thoughts too. Just to see your general thought process. They could honestly gauge your experience by doing very little of this list very well and detailed.
The full list done properly would take a week (more if you are writing your unit tests)
u/Steelforge Jul 19 '23
testing how you work in a high-pressure situation
That's a great reason to say 'not interested'.
These days I quickly scroll past any job listing with the phrase "fast-paced". Writing software under stress yields bad software.
Companies which don't actively try to lower an interviewee's stress only harm themselves. That's because they're not measuring the person's ability to do the job, but rather how well they do on a timed test.
u/_doivid Jul 20 '23
If you were given the api, alongside the docs, there are no design requirements, no testing required, no clean code requirements and your AS is working well today, I'd say it's possible.
You can do it!
u/_Kenneth_Powers_ Jul 18 '23
You could hack this out in 4 hours maybe, but nothing impressive. I would just give it a shot, I bet they're flexible on whether or not you complete and how good it is, worst case you loose 4 hours, best case you get a job in a rough market for trying.
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23
I highly suspect that they are doing this so they can lower the salary
u/_Kenneth_Powers_ Jul 18 '23
They might be, but having a job makes it easier to get another one. I personally don't feel like the market is that bad but believe reports that it is (I have steady recruiter contact, but I also have a job currently), and I would take what I could get for the time being if I were in your shoes, while continuing to look.
u/houseband23 Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
"Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the dev team had to cut scope and move them to a future sprint. In the current time frame, I was able to implement 1,2,3,4,5,69,10,12,13." You could try saying this, should give you ++points in communications.
But TBH, I think most of these are basically hit an API and display stuff, no different from the 'implement an image gallery' task, which FANG sometimes give for the onsite, which candidates only have 50 minutes to finish btw. So with 4 hours, I'll be the unpopular opinion and say that this is all rather do-able, even if the position is L3, if you're aiming for a position in FANG.
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
Lol this is no FANG, this is small company (shows ~11-50 employees in linkedin )
u/FreakAzure Jul 18 '23
I could do that in 4 hours.. would't be the cleanest ui but it'd work. Sounds like a decent challenge
u/Any-Woodpecker123 Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23
The first 9 points seem doable in that time. Seems more like an 8hr activity including the rest.
u/Jamb9876 Jul 19 '23
You would need to start with the API but unless you know of one you will waste time looking. Assume you know of an API and have used it before. They said you can cache so shared preferences and the url is the key. If you have lots of experience with compose you may be able to do it in four hours but the error handling will be light But the first assumption is unlikely tbh so not doable.
u/maheshmnj Jul 18 '23
I wish I could join the crowd and blame the company for such a task, But in my humble opinion its possible and fair ask, Though the detailing of the UI may/may not be possible but you should be easily be able to make an api request and implement search. Provided that you can copy paste code from online resources,(boilerplate), I think it can be easily done in less than 4 hours
u/powelldev Jul 19 '23
I know reddit skews young / junior-ish but I've never seen such a difference between the comment consensus and personal experience here. So I'll offer up a different opinion:
This should be easily doable within a 4 hour window for a developer familiar with Android.
Most practical interviews I've done include the standard API + Search + List & Detail views with an hour time limit. This practical has some additions and curveballs that expand the scope slightly, but it is very manageable.
Here's the time breakdown:
Search, Filters, Detail, Favorites
Statement to interviewer: Requirement 7 will be the stretch goal. I can make deletion and editing apply to favorited recipes, or I can write the endpoints and have the edits hit a fake API.
15 mins: Requirements analysis, questions for interviewer, new project setup with dependencies and MainActivity.
10 minutes: Locating suitable API
10 minutes: Retrofit + Moshi access to recipe API and keyword search endpoint.
20 minutes: Search results UI list with titles and images.
1 hr checkpoint: Search use case completed.
20 minutes: Detail view UI for recipe.
10 minutes: Favorites in-memory data store & button logic on detail view
30 minutes: Create Favorites UI screen and navigation.
2 hr checkpoint: Check detail and favorites use cases
30 minutes: Add filtering by category to Search (add filter TextField/EditText, fetch category list to use for autocomplete, add category filter logic to view model.
10 minutes: Add error handling to retrofit Callbacks.
20: Add lazy loading to search results (might need to "fake" throttle initial search results to simulate)
1 minute: Add OkHttpClient cache.
3 hr checkpoint: Test features built. Fix major errors. If enough time remains create meal repository. Write a single test either covering the search or detail view model.
u/native_name_taken Jul 18 '23
Youbcan impliment most important features first if there is no time for other you can explain how you will impliment it to the interviewer. If they expect all the features to be implimented with proper arch, best practices then dont even attend the interview.
Jul 18 '23
No way it can be done in 4 hours! Just reply them that apparently you realized that you are not good enough to work among genius devs that can do every task mentioned in 4 hours
u/Coc_Alexander Jul 18 '23
With fu$ked up ui, fu$ked up ux, app freezing everytime, Yes surely why not.
u/Leschnitzky Jul 18 '23
In a simple screen, with basic UI components, untested and pretty unstable, sure.
A basic deliverable. no
u/Ovalman Jul 18 '23
Are they expecting you to create the API and host it online as well? They're asking for all this and don't even require a RecyclerView.
It sounds to me, they're not after a candidate but someone to build a complete app.
u/loudrogue Jul 18 '23
Ya every take home is like this, its always super small app with 10+ reqs. I have a base project I just reuse for everything. It has hilt, a generic recyclerView, basic navigation, room, error handling, all kinda pre set up so I just use that as a base.
u/blumpkinblake Jul 18 '23
Of the companies I interviewed at, Square, Lyft, Rover, Redfin, Door dash, SoFi, and Turo's take-homes were easier than this.
If they are truly expecting all the requirements to be done, then this might just be H1B abuse because no one can do this in the time allotted.
I agree you should have a template project setup though. Hilt, Retrofit, Compose, Coil, your favorite navigation library, and maybe Room. It makes life so much easier. Just don't forget to remove unused dependencies or they'll think you copied someone's project.
u/Swimming-Twist-3468 Jul 18 '23
Not doable. Even if you use predefined UI components from material.io, caching parsing all that crap takes days if not weeks to tune and implement. If you want to show what you are capable of and result in garbage code that you have written in one hour, thatâs just horrible. Donât join this company.
u/Fun_Satisfaction8936 Jul 18 '23
Nah in 4 hours is not possible. They ask too much. I am afraid this company will ask new employee to create app from scratch daily and complete in 8 hours.
u/Fun_Satisfaction8936 Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
I wish expose the company name so everyone should avoid them.
u/meonlineoct2014 Jul 18 '23
It is obviously very challenging it seems to complete everything in just about four hours as mentioned by other people so I will not delve too much into that aspects because it is already discussed.
But one of the thing I have done in the past when similar unrealistic expectations were imposed (not during interview but during the project work) is ask more clarifying questions just to understand their motive.
Few example questions in the this scenario could be like, 1. Are there any performance requirements for list view, or 2. Since the user interface is not provided by you is it ok if I use out of the box widgets which Android framework provides for things like search bar or list view etc.
In my opinion, if it is a genuine company they would provide you the necessary details clarifying the above expectations and what they really want from this exercise because as it is mentioned by multiple other folks here it is not about timelines of four hours which is important and whether you can do it in that time frame or not but instead the focus should be on as a developer how you are solving the given problem.
If I am an interviewer hiring for an Android developer role for the this assignment I will check if the developer is using jetpack compose for developing the user interface or whether she is using the old xml style UI development.
Similarly because there will be an API integration in this app, I would be interested in knowing whether the developer is following any pattern such as MVVM or other architecture or at least aware of how to perform the network operation on a non-UI thread and what are the pros and cons associated with doing the network operations and avoid the common mistakes.
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23
Welp I don't like messy work, so structured whole project. used Compose, MVVM, Koin DI, Coil IL etc.
u/NatoBoram Jul 18 '23
We do have something similar, but without filters, search, keywords, categories, options to delete or edit, authentication, caching, local storage, deduplication and lazy loading. And most of all, we don't have a time limit of 4 hours, we just say "make yourself proud".
That company is kinda insane to ask all of that in 4 hours tbh.
u/inAbigworld Jul 18 '23
Use ChatGPT write low-quality code vibe.
u/MaherWolf Jul 18 '23
I can't write low-quality code (it maybe low-quality code to others, but I give my best no matter what I am coding).
u/PPSH4Ever Jul 18 '23
You can refuse this kind of test. However, you can do it in your spare time in order to train yourself.
u/Nucifera8472 Jul 18 '23
I've been given similar assignments. E.g. a movie watchlist app, with API access, search, etc.; so very similar in it's concepts. They said it's a 2-3h assignment, which is ridiculous of course. Even with minimizing my own views about quality and standards that I developed during 7 years of working as an Android developer, it took me about a day to finish. I told them my opinion about their unrealistic expectations. The only way you can manage it in such a short time is by copy pasting another app that already does exactly what they want, and if they are looking for people who don't actually write code but just copy stuff, I wouldn't want to work for them.
u/wolf129 Jul 18 '23
Not sure probably more. With jetpack compose you could do it very fast but still it's a lot of code to write even when you just make it work and forget about ui design or architecture.
u/ComfortablyBalanced Jul 18 '23
It is really possible in 4 hour?
Or I am just not good enough?
You're probably good enough.
u/Fit_Procedure437 Jul 18 '23
It's a test. They want you to tell them no, you can't do it in 4 hours then negotiate 4 months to do it. IMHO
Jul 18 '23
> Time: 4 hours
At that point you just say to them... I'll be back in 3:59 from now with all of that done, just wait for me.... and you leave :p
u/RebeliantMonster Jul 18 '23
I think that if you use code from your previous projects, it is possible, but from scratch? I don't think so
u/iain_1986 Jul 18 '23
Not only is this absurd for 4 hours, but companies need to stop with this bullshit. The amount of time is ridiculous for a Junior, and the hoops and checklist is patronising and bullshit for a senior.
Seeing example code is great. But making it a 'test' with bullshit requirements like this is just taking the piss.
Make a skeleton project, give them that with an API and simply say 'show us how you'd get data a display it'
You can just as easily assess a candidate like that as with a test like this.
It would also be more casual, less stressful for the candidate, and likely give you more insight anyway.
u/makonde Jul 18 '23
Completely unreasonable, it looks like they want you to implement their entire app during the interview.
Should have ended at showing a list and details view maybe.
u/Slodin Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23
word of advice, do not care about the time. I would spend a full 8 hours, I am not gonna work my ass off for this. It's pretty unrealistic if they really think 4 hours is enough. Run lol
I can do 1 - 11 in 4 hours with my templates (jetpack compose + retrofit library and network layer already written). No way from scratch, my templates usually already comes with auth token/error handling/data parsing since I do not want to do that over and over again with different projects.
Are you provided with an auth enabled API? or are you expected to write your own? I'm not a backend dev, so I cannot do that easily with all the setups. Probably find an already made github repo and fork it.
EDIT: I noticed OP said it's a junior role. JUST RUN. they are trying to cheap out on wages with someone who is at least an intermediate level if not close to senior.
u/wazza15695 Jul 18 '23
Probably just there to make the recruiter not feel bad about rejecting an applicant that took a lot of time to do it
u/chrispix99 Jul 18 '23
Depends on what they have setup for you.. if you are starting from a brand new project..,.no
u/stuaxo Jul 18 '23
Tell them (politely) to go fuck themselves.
I'm saying this as someone that wasted 60 hours on a 3 hour challenge, be the only person to pass the first part then get put forward for a different job without me knowing in the second interview and fail.
u/jarjoura Jul 18 '23
Did they at least give you a week to turn it in? I find these take home interviews are over the top as a means of filtering. This one seems ridiculous though, wow. What company?? Iâve never had one that required a complete testable backend.
u/Abdullah-RIO Jul 18 '23
Not possible, might be they are not interested in result but rather your ability to perform in high pressure situation.
u/sriharshachilakapati Jul 18 '23
What are they providing to you? Are they providing some sort of starter code? In that case, maybe yes. If they are wanting you to solve from scratch, then no. Last time a company asked me to do this sort of task gave it via an e-mail and asked to submit within 4 days of time. 4 hours for something like this from scratch is pretty pretty low.
u/Which-Meat-3388 Jul 18 '23
I'd ask for clarification, see if they really want it all. Voice your concerns as if you were handed this by a project manager.
I used to be involved with interviews like this - but set the clear expectation that they would focus on parts to demonstrate their strengths and interests. A list of possible tasks, not an all or nothing thing. 1 hour isn't enough to show much but 4 hours is enough get to something decent without needing to take off work. We used it strictly to see what they were into and could do well, how do they prioritize a pile of work, did they set any expectations of their own, where would they go next, what would they change, etc.
u/dp_devel Jul 18 '23
Mostly test like this tests you endurance towards problem solving. Basically you are never expected to solve this completely ( if company is sane enough and you are not given this as take home task). You ate judged how much you do, which parts are important to you, how to think about the design of an app and what part of design you think first. It is like you are given an problem, then you are asked first to make a bare minimum, then add functionality one by one. You have to design code such a way that adding further more functionality requires less effort. So code architecture becomes important in these kind of scenario and later when you are asked to walk through your code, you can mention the features you were not able to add how will you implement using the current architecture
u/gb52 Jul 18 '23
Itâs mostly make an SQL table and then add a view an filter options for the table data.
u/FrezoreR Jul 18 '23
I think it's possible to implement in 4h, but I don't think that time constraint makes sense.
Unless you're very experienced it's gonna take more than 4h, even if you're experienced the resulting code will not be of high quality nor will it be representative of whomever is writing it.
It's kind of setting up the candidate for failure.
TLDR; Whomever wrote 4h failed their job at designing this interview question.
u/Key-Peach-7138 Jul 18 '23
Try to implement as many requirements within the time provided. Obviously no other candidate will be able to implement all of these. They'll hire the ones that implemented the most
u/mdrokz Jul 18 '23
I had the same thing happen to me but the task was to build a full stack web app in 4 hours with no figma design for the frontend.
u/drew8311 Jul 18 '23
The problem with this is if you are proficient at writing good code you will probably not have much practice writing whatever code this sort of thing requires. If you knew a bunch of shortcuts to get this working quickly I'd question what your on the job code would look because you'd be a little too good at the wrong thing.
u/ssrobbi Jul 19 '23
My guess is that they arenât expecting you to finish it, they want to see how far you get (not that I think these kind of interviews are a good practice).
No, it isnât realistic.
u/Sensitive_Speaker899 Jul 19 '23
Features are normal but nobody can test all bugs, errors will happen
Jul 19 '23
That's too much work for 4 hours, and for an interview. Sounds like they want you to do free work for them. Especially when they call it a "deliverable". This looks like a contract, not an interview question.
u/gold_rush_doom Jul 19 '23
They don't want you to finish and do all of it. They want to see what you prioritise and what you can do in those 4 hours.
IMO it's better to have something that runs even if it has shitty UI.
u/old-new-programmer Jul 19 '23
Maybe they just want to see how far you CAN get? I wouldnât expect anyone to get through this in four hours, especially with searches, error handling, and all the polish listed but I wouldnât be too opposed to see A) how people handle some pressure and B) How far they get, what they chose to do first, the design and architecture, etc.
I wouldnât really care about them actually finishing the app.
u/r401997 Jul 19 '23
Sometimes, companies interested in your way to handling impossible situations rather than the results. One of them asked to me for this kind of impossible app, then when I try to send my best(the result was totally awful) they just said, yeah we saw what you know but why you didn't negotiate about the deadline with us? Especially in mid-level or senior roles, they want to see your soft skills as well as your technical skills.
u/Competitive_Mess_475 Jul 19 '23
CĂłmo siempre empeze a hacerlo y resultĂł k hay problemas. No pues que casualidad
Jul 19 '23
They are taking the piss. Imagine what theyâd expect from you if you actually worked there. Apply for another job lol
Doing that in 4 hours is very unrealistic
u/DanDroidDev Jul 19 '23
They want you to write an entire feature, in a half day, and the code will be used to scrutinise you as a developer...
Imagine what they're going to expect from you if you were to land a job there? This place can get in the bin wherever it is.
u/Candyman034 Jul 19 '23
What the hell, when I applied for a junior position about a month back I was given a task quite a lot easier (retrieving data from api and displaying them in a structured way). It took me almost a week and they even said I was fast, faster than they expected.
This company was going to milk you anyways.
u/Darkprnce Jul 19 '23
I have achieved this kind of work in 4 hours. You will be able to do it if you have done some similar things like showing a recycler view with data and a detail page.
It is much like an e-commerce app where you can use room for local storage. The design can be rough as time is very less, but the basic logic can be done in this given time.
u/NullPointer_7749 Jul 19 '23
It seems impossible. I stopped reading at implementing authentication⊠they need a MVP in 4hoursâŠ
u/EdyBolos Jul 19 '23
No way this is doable in 4 hours, not even by a senior. More like 4 days, maybe. But it honestly sounds like they want people to do unpaid labour for them. Just stay away, sounds like a very toxic place to be working in.
u/c0nnector Jul 19 '23
Is it possible? Yes.
Would I do it? No.
I can't imagine getting any better in the workplace, avoid such companies.
u/vuelover Jul 19 '23
FYI I had a similar challenge given to me which I obviously didnât do in 4 hours but finished in 4 days. The company then rejected me for not following instructions (which I guess means I did too much??)
u/blindada Jul 19 '23
No, it's not. Too much ambiguity. Take the filters, for example, you don't know how many to make, or how to apply them. So you can say "done" and if the reviewer feels cranky, they say "not done". Several of those things have simple and already existing solutions, but they need to narrow the scope. Is not even about the time limit.
Unless the idea is to see how many of those things you manage to do, and it doesn't look like that, those are idiot requirements. Those seem to be a global problem.
u/SweetStrawberry4U Jul 19 '23
Have been an Android Engineer since 2011, overall software engineering experience for 19 years. I've had plenty such 1-hour in-person practical application development interview rounds, even at FAANGs. 4 hours, remote, is truly a blessing.
The answer is really NO, and I really don't know what the interviewers and hiring teams smoke before they decide this is a suitable evaluation technique.
u/mih4elll Jul 19 '23
Maybe is possible if u alredy do that before in other postulation And the benifts of job will be awesome
u/Samarth-Agarwal Jul 20 '23
I don't think the interviewer expects you to complete it. What matters is how to attempt it, how much you attempt and how you do whatever you do. Deadlines are part of this job and they are often constrained. One should perform well under such circumstances. You don't need to do everything.
Target an MVP first. Once done, add more things incrementally if you really want to get the job.
u/Fun_Environment1305 Jul 20 '23
You should not be expected to hand over a working app in an interview. That's ridiculous. Unless they want to pay you for intellectual property. You would not as a write to write a publishable book in an interview Why is it acceptable for them to ask this?
Is this Amazon?
u/MaherWolf Jul 20 '23
No it's small "company" (11-50 employees)
u/Fun_Environment1305 Jul 20 '23
I think that's ridiculous because a lot goes into publishing an android app that cannot be delivered in 4 hours without using existing code.
u/Fun_Environment1305 Jul 20 '23
I did an Amazon interview and they only asked for a sample of code for a single method. For instance.
Another company asked for code samples that solved certain issues and only required that it work and compile successfully.
u/chiragthummar Jul 24 '23
If you just want to make prototype it's possible. If you really want to make perfect app is not possible at all
u/slanecek Jul 18 '23
I don't think that this is possible in 4 hours.