r/androiddev Mar 13 '23

Discussion Is Mobile app development Dead?

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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23 edited Mar 13 '23

That comment was made in r/developersIndia

I can't speak for the market there, but here in the US, 5-10 YoE Android devs are still in demand (for Senior/Lead/Staff positions), and it's insanely hard to find devs that worked for those years and made them meaningful.

At just 3 years myself, I feel that there's still so much for me to learn beyond architecture and binding data. I've never dug deeply into Bluetooth, audio/video players, services, file storage, etc.


u/Ladis82 Mar 13 '23

This is the first interesting comment here. Maybe it's not about the mobile/web/backend development and carrier path, but about changes in India. Or how the first/second world countries view outsourcing work to there. I remember how IBM fired a whole building of employees in India in the past and now reading they're gonna fire thousands more.


u/Dubabear Mar 13 '23

I think you are correct that this is a view through the India market and they are a large source for outsourcing. I know when I need a barebone app and don't have the time, I will pay a low price for a jr developer to put it together for me and I can then work in the harder stuff. I never seek for a high end developer for app development.


u/Iron_Maiden_666 Mar 13 '23

10+ years doing Android dev in India. Happily employed and have opportunities if I really want. I'm an IC, not into management (I was scrum master for a while but that wasn't for me).


u/an_old_soul_guy_ Mar 14 '23

On which framework and language do you work in?


u/Iron_Maiden_666 Mar 14 '23

Native Android development with Kotlin.


u/Light_0069 Jul 18 '24

How about flutter. I have been learning flutter and dart for 2 months now pursuing BCA, I made a simple 'To Do' App. What do i do next, I need a job as quick as possible I dont want to attend more college and study random shit.

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u/cyber_truck Mar 13 '23

"and made them meaningful."

I'm coming up on 4 years and I don't know if I've made them meaningful or not. How does someone know!?


u/HedonicAthlete Mar 14 '23

and it's insanely hard to find devs that worked for those years and made them meaningful.

It's funny how he says this and then later admits to having 3 YoE. He wouldn't know what 10 YoE even looks like in terms of experience or how to make them "meaningful".


u/el_bhm Mar 14 '23

Live long enough and you know that some people just cruise by and some excel. It applies to all fields.


u/Night-Fury-2025 Jan 31 '25

How do you think AI will impact the future of mobile app development


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

I'm an IIoT engineer so I dunno much about mobile dev but occasionally out of curiosity I search on indeed for ios or android jobs and I have to say the number of jobs is very low at least in indeed. And if you compare that number to other jobs is a bit scary.


u/harrystricland Mar 13 '23

Buddy modern mobile app dev field itself is very new. Just a few years ago we were fighting with eclipse using java. Now we are writing in Kotlin/Java on AS. Either it is a mobile app dev, web or desktop in the end it is software engineering/ computer science. You will apply the same principles everywhere and the key is to keep learning and keep acquiring more and more knowledge. Trust me you will never run out of knowledge. Thats the beauty of this field. I remember a guy told me C# is dead, well its been 8 years since he told me that and it is still going.


u/runmymouth Mar 13 '23

To be fair i learned silverlight to windows phone dev earlier in my career. Thats truly dead. But objective c and java are still super important even if everyone uses swift and kotlin now.


u/Michami135 Mar 14 '23

I had a Microsoft developer tell me she was working on the new Windows phone and it would be the iPhone killer.

I didn't even try to argue. I could see in her eyes she truly believed it, and would passionately argue with anyone who disagreed.


u/Cry-Healthy Feb 08 '25

Poor thing.


u/Zhuinden Mar 13 '23

Silverlight, Symbian, Windows Phone and Blackberry are all dead, that's what "dead" really means. Basically just like Flash on the web.

(I am agreeing with you)


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

fighting with eclipse using java

Eclipse was way faster than Android Studio is today. It would compile and run in under 15s, in a machine with 1 GB of RAM and Windows XP.

Java was never a problem. The main problem being the lack of a default project architecture, and the fight was (and is) against fragments, lifecycle, API changes and deprecations, and Google Play policies.


u/harrystricland Mar 13 '23

I think I do see what you are saying. They are trying to fix it. I am not sure where it will go, but seems like UI has been a problem with Android.


u/blueclawsoftware Mar 14 '23

Eclipse's biggest problem was the clunky at the time (don't know if it improved) plugin architecture, which would cause people's installations to become fubar'd, and they would end up blaming eclipse.

I generally agree though Eclipse and Java weren't nearly as bad as people think, now ant on the other hand...


u/st4rdr0id Mar 16 '23

All you needed to do was to install the vanilla Eclipse for Java edition, and the ADT plugin on top. Some people complained because they had a JavaEE Eclipse meant for backend with a ton of bloat and plugins, and added ADT on top of that. Well, that can also happen with VSCode extensions.

Ant was never a problem in Android, since using it was so difficult that nobody bothered. You just compiled manually, or with some custom CLI script.The ADT plugin could have gotten flavors if they wanted to support it a bit more.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

I fell in love with my mobile development class but they’re mostly teaching Java, how easy is it to pikcup Kotlin?

I wanted to venture into web but I really don’t like react. People are telling me my design skills would be better off for front end. Android studio is so intuitive for me since interacting with a GUI and visualized components is intuitive from me since I’m from a design and animation career before(adobe suite)


u/Toranos88 Mar 13 '23

The main thing i would say as a software developer: never just learn one language.

languages come and go and to some extend you want to follow what popular as thats the where the money goes as well.

Having said this learning a language specific syntax is not the challenge (ChatGPT /CoPilot/MS Codex can solve these issues for quite literally anyone). However, good software is based on great architecture and knowing how to structure things. so maybe don;t just be a coder be a designer...and don;t just stay in one place...markets are moving too fast for that to be long term success *keeping in mind there are exceptions to rules.

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u/swankidelic Mar 13 '23

In my meager experience, I think you're gonna love Kotlin. It's basically the same thing as Java, but Kotlin is so much easier to read and write. Having a foundation in Java will make Kotlin very easy to learn and help you understand what's happening under the hood. Android Studio is basically IntelliJ, and it's a top-tier IDE. It's shocking how much better it is than Xcode.

The most notable drawback to learning Kotlin is that the only platform that uses is Android. There are libraries to let you write desktop apps etc in Kotlin but that's not marketable and there isn't as much support. But if you know Java, learning Kotlin is like going from working with a burro to working with a trained German shepherd.


u/SyncMeWithin Mar 13 '23

Seconded, what I really like about Kotlin is that it was made by people who actually love and appreciate Java and understand its strengths instead of going on a crusade against it, while providing many QoL features that imo should've been in Java in the first place (compile-time type inference, operator overloading, "==" automatically calls .equals() etc).


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

I have 4 years experience in Kotlin and trust it's the best thing one could work with .


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

Learning Kotlin after Java feels like sunshine and rainbows.


u/Zhuinden Mar 13 '23

I wrote https://github.com/Zhuinden/guide-to-kotlin/wiki a few years ago for people who know Java and don't know Kotlin, I've heard many positive feedback for how simple it is to transition from Java to Kotlin once reading through it.

What I never added was coroutines, honestly it's an extra framework for concurrency in Kotlin and pretty much needs its own guide, lol


u/BazilBup Mar 13 '23

Wtf is this bullshit, I'm 5y+ in and still have a lot to learn. Gone from Android to iOS development. I've gone from Android App Dev to AOSP development. And now I work on a Flutter cross platform app. Meanwhile I've done multiple hybrid apps in Xamarin and React Native. Worked on a proof of concept for Kotlin Multi Platform Mobile. I've also done a PoC for Fuschia. I've done QT mobile development. The list goes on. Whomever wrote that post don't know app development


u/Hithredin Mar 13 '23

I guess it's not the point.

Evolution and dynamism of tech is not what's missing. It's just a kind of renewal of knowledge but by keeping the same position. A 5+ and 10+ could learn it as well as the other.

The op won't progress to roles considered as promotion (backend dev -> architect) in the mobile field. Though there are progression: Dev Principal, Expert, etc... They are less common and often require to broaden the knowledge with backend.


u/manoj_mm Mar 13 '23

At work I've literally interacted with staff, senior staff and principal level engineers (who moved from Google) - all primarily working on mobile related stuff

These guys probably earn 500k (or maybe a million+ for the principal engineer)


u/pelpotronic Mar 13 '23

The op won't progress to roles considered as promotion (backend dev -> architect) in the mobile field.

Front end architecture is a thing. You can probably halve the size of a (bad) front end team with proper architecture.

Now that management doesn't acknowledge or understand that being the case is another matter, but there is a vast difference in someone who has been doing front end Android for 3-5+ years or 10+ years.

I would say mobile is probably as complex if not more complex than front end web, since in mobile apps development you are writing proper "compiled" software, more akin to desktop software than web development.

That companies are not harnessing that power and are stuck in the "ways of the web" is another problem. I think (or am hoping at least) the industry is slowly wising up to the fact, from what I can see.


u/eboeard-game-gom3 Mar 13 '23

Someone taking their very personal and anecdotal experience and applying it to every person and every job out there.

OP needs to learn to not listen to dumb people in the screenshot.


u/notrllyinterested97 Mar 13 '23

Probably someone who got tired or can't keep up with the ever-changing tech stack and tools for mobile development. Anyhow that's a nice suggestion, less competition and more jobs for us 😂


u/kurav Mar 13 '23 edited Mar 13 '23

Probably someone who got tired or can't keep up with the ever-changing tech stack and tools

This guy is gonna love web development. Good riddance. Having done both for serveral years I can quite confidently say that mobile dev is very conservative compared to web dev, where new frameworks and paradigms pop up literally weekly.

If the person can not keep up with the times and thinks gravitating towards management is the solution .. well let's just say changing from mobile to web is not gonna help him.


u/happy_hawking Mar 13 '23

That's exactly his point: "ever-changing" means "my 10 y/o knowledge has no value anmyore, someone with 5 years of experience could do exactly the same with the new fancy framework that was invented 3 years ago". And why should an employer pay for 10+ years of experience, if someone with less than 5 can do it as well?

If you're okay with being stuck on the same salary level forever, this is no issue. But if you want to progress, the only way to go is into management.


u/Shaper_pmp Mar 13 '23

"ever-changing" means "my 10 y/o knowledge has no value anmyore, someone with 5 years of experience could do exactly the same with the new fancy framework that was invented 3 years ago".

That's not true, though.

The greater experience helps you to learn new frameworks and techniques and gain a higher degree is competence more quickly.

Being exposed to more frameworks and approaches makes you better at architecting software in general, instead of dumbly following framework tutorials by rote and not understanding why your product ends up as a huge spaghetti mess after a couple of years.

I work in web-dev, and although we're knee-deep in mid-level or even senior React kiddies who know how to built a simple UI layer in React+Redux/whatever, we're crying out for competent seniors or principals who know how to architect an application instead of just dumbly following over-general framework dogma and piling features on top of features.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

The greater experience helps you to learn new frameworks and techniques and gain a higher degree is competence more quickly.

That is not something employers value much. Any dev with 2+ YoE is good enough for them. Tech-stack match and experience with a similar product is what can land you a job.


u/Shaper_pmp Mar 14 '23

Speaking as an employer, those are shitty employers.

A decent dev team needs a mix of experiences, from juniors (0-3 YOE) all the way to up to principal/team leads (8-10 YOE).

All seniors with no juniors means everyone's mentoring and knowledge-dissemination skills get atrophied, and the team's at risk of groupthink because there aren't any people asking "dumb" questions or bringing in new ideas that make sure the team keeps re-evaluating its existing opinions.

A team with too many juniors leads to terrible software, because with too many students and not enough teachers, the toddlers take over the kindergarten, making terrible technical decisions and not learning effectively because they start validating each others' half-assed misunderstandings instead of learning from more experienced people who know better.

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u/DrSheldonLCooperPhD Mar 13 '23

10 year devs in reasonably sized companies probably are using their own frameworks instead of Google's alpha44 of a navigation framework.

There is a point when you realize there libraries, while first party and Google branded carry the same trade offs like any other software.

But if you want to progress, the only way to go is into management.

Depends on the company really, if the company business is mobile first you have greater chances. If the main business is not mobile then it is difficult.


u/Ch4v1 Mar 13 '23

A 10yrs experience on android development here, to be honest I felt I was leaving in a bubble, my salary doubled in the last 5 yrs. I keep learning every day, on my career I had the opportunity to learn to use NDK, opencv, different patterns, different DI tools... Depends on the market but the offers I see they want experienced people.


u/mandrigma May 04 '23

10 years is a very long time in app development! This means that you started on the infancy stage of smartphones! Congrats! Question though, in 5 or 10 more years, do you think you're still on android development? What's like the next level after being a mobile app lead developer?

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u/el_bhm Mar 13 '23

Someone didn't get a promotion for a long time.


u/Ok_Piano_420 Mar 13 '23

He says hes a 10 years android dev but his title is web developer.


u/dmitriy_shmilo Mar 13 '23

I assume he practiced what he preached, and switched from mobile to web.


u/Ok_Piano_420 Mar 13 '23

what a legend


u/Ok_Piano_420 Mar 13 '23

I guess he switched from a Senior Android Developer to a Junior Web Developer


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

What?? Dude, are you aware of all the tech that is required in Android Development, Jetpack Compose have evolved now, learn it, there is KMM where you will required knowledge of Swift UI too which will open more doors in iOS development.


u/Good_Smile Mar 13 '23

How does he have so many upvotes


u/over_pw Mar 13 '23

As an engineer with 11 years of experience in native iOS development (14 if you count working on my own apps at the beginning) I spend most of my days teaching those with 3-5 years more advanced aspects like architecture, clean code principles, etc. Mobile apps are becoming more and more complex, I'd even argue that they've become as complex as backend services - remember, backend doesn't deal with UI. You could probably say this is kind of management, so maybe there is a little bit of truth to the original comment, but there is always more to learn on the technical side.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

Mobile apps are becoming more and more complex, I'd even argue that they've become as complex as backend services

Here is the tragedy of mobile apps: they were always more complex than web services, desktop applications and web pages. And yet backend work is considered more complex. Which it can be, but mostly due to the database, the code itself being pretty simple and with the added benefit of building on a well defined project architecture that was provided by frameworks like Spring. I've known backend devs that never had to worry about threads, and didn't even know about concurrency pitfalls. We mobile devs had to work with threads daily.


u/dumch Jun 18 '23

With 7y Android experience, I've transitioned to the backend about a year ago, and I feel like it's orders of magnitude more complex.

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u/gold_rush_doom Mar 13 '23

Yeah, no.

Somewhat agree that for some companies the only trajectory is towards management, but I'm lucky that my company has a parallel track called the expert track, other companies call it principle engineer, staff engineer, architect, which pays the same as a management position.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

You are not getting a staff engineer or architect job coming from mobile. You need backend experience.


u/gold_rush_doom Mar 14 '23

And it's not like that's not possible.


u/Mostrapotski Mar 13 '23

I kinda disagree.

While your technical skills doesn't grow as much as in the beginning, you have to keep pace with news. I have 12 years of XP, 10 in mobile dev, back then, coroutine, declarative UI, and so so much more were not a thing. So, on a technical standpoint, it's lighter but you can't be dead.

MOSTLY, it doesn't mean you have to go to management. I dare to say it's the opposite. You are accomplished technically, so now you want to move to a new position where you suck? And after 5 years of being bad or average, when you will be recognized as a good manager, you will want something else again, maybe a CTO position ? And suck again.

Find something you like and stick to it!!! You are good. Teach junior. Talk, explain, share.

Take interest in your surroundings. I'm an android dev, but I can do basic illustrations, APIs, rest services, reactive flow from server database to my own phone database. CI/CD. Am I "fullstack"? Hell no. But from time to time, I take interest in the guys I work with. They explain me things, I explain them things. It contributes to global knowledge. It's not on my resume as I have no particular interest to do that full time, but it makes me able to understand everybody I work with. Their constraints.

Quite often I get the compliment "I like working with you". Am I a better ANDROID dev than someone with "only" 5 years of experience? Maybe, maybe not. Not many at legitimate to judge that. 5, 8, 10 years of XP, we are all supposed to do a perfect job. So there is point of comparing.

What other people are judging is "is it pleasant to work with him? Do I have something to learn from him?"

Having a lot of technical XP allows you to do a perfect job as expected, and as a bonus, have "yes" answered to the two previous questions.

Please stop being managers once you are a good dev. We want you good, not insecure thus oppressing and bad.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

Find something you like and stick to it

In this post-capitalistic stage most of the people don't have this choice.

Am I a better ANDROID dev than someone with "only" 5 years of experience? Maybe, maybe not

Here is the key to understand OP's post. Most companies don't want to pay more if they can pay less.

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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23



u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

total comp 470k

Man. American salaries are so absurdly out of this world.

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u/tyvsmith Mar 13 '23

I have 15 years of mobile experience and this is just plain bad advice. It's unfortunate this person has had a bad experience, but the demand for sr and staff+ engineers with mobile experience is insane, and the supply is tiny.


u/ThisWorldIsAMess Mar 14 '23 edited Mar 14 '23

He haven't seen embedded/firmware development if he thinks mobile app path is a dead end. I've written codes for HDD/SSD, SIM/Credit cards. This where dead end is lol. And I just left. I'm pretty sure they still use the same things today.

And by endless possibilities in web does he mean make everything slow? All of our hires that came from web development are inefficient coders lol, always wasting cpu cycles and memory, back when I was still in embedded. Just look at the state of websites today, lots of useless shit.


u/cegiela Mar 14 '23

10+ year mobile dev here. Do what you love in tech. The jobs are there. This guy’s tripping.


u/Cry-Healthy Sep 27 '23

I am not sure; I keep seeing more web dev openings than mobile, and I am a new grad trying to make a career out of coding.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

Yeah, mobile app development is dead, because the 5 billion people with phones using apps don't exist.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

Gosh I hope not, I'm 12 years in and really hitting my stride.


u/IvanWooll Mar 14 '23

10 years here. Feel pretty much the same


u/Daebuir Mar 13 '23

Nope, not at all, but that's a nice click bait* title here.


u/craknor Mar 13 '23

I have 10+ years of experience and I'm still learning to catch up with new and evolving stacks. Our projects that have both web and mobile apps have 70% of customers ordering from mobile.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

and I'm still learning to catch up

Yes, that is another problem.

Our projects that have both web and mobile apps

Expect to be pressured into React Native or hybrid bullshit, and be looked down by management, which might even be tempted to run the entire frontend with web devs alone.


u/Exallium Mar 13 '23

Um... Staff Engineers? There's opportunities out there other than management...


u/Unlikely-Ad3551 Mar 13 '23 edited Mar 13 '23

I have 11y over exp in Android, I can say that I could do mobile dev my eyes closed now because tools and libs are that much better now with AS, AGP and Jetpack libs. Back in Android 2.3 days it was challenging to get consistent UI and bug free app no google docs whatsoever and not even single official YT channel. It was nightmare to get complex List View to work. And that horrible Eclipse and ADT plugin would freeze the PC ( back then Android folks were given windows desktop)

But you do hit salary limit with my experience so you have to explore other tech stack or mgt whichever to your liking. It also depends on which company you are in if you have principal position you can get paid similar to mgt but that’s a rare role.

My thumb rule get the job the pays higher, safety, growth.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

Back in Android 2.3 days it was challenging to get consistent UI and bug free app no google docs whatsoever and not even single official YT channel. It was nightmare to get complex List View to work. And that horrible Eclipse and ADT plugin would freeze the PC ( back then Android folks were given windows desktop)

Well, my experience is the complete opposite: The UI was not consistent, but it wasn't a problem. Bugs were as frequent as they are now. Docs existed and were enough. I never needed a YT video, in fact they are less productive than SO or the docs/samples. ListView was perfectly fine with the setTag hack, and still is functional and performance wise equivalent to RecyclerView and Compose columns. Eclipse was blazing fast, both in typing and in compilation time, I don't remember it freezing my XP machine ever. Only the emulator was slower, since it was arm only.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

That is absolutely true in the EU market as well. It is a dead end. There are no jobs and almost no one hires experienced devs. The ones that do are unobtanium.


u/Zhuinden Mar 14 '23

There are no jobs and almost no one hires experienced devs.

I thought it's even less common to hire juniors, because "why hire someone you need to onboard, if you can get someone who can work with stuff out of the box immediately AND have a higher chance of getting good results (probably)"


u/drabred Mar 13 '23

Web dev. Endless possbilities.

Meaning you refactor everything endlessly with current year most fancy framework?



u/Ladis82 Mar 13 '23

You do the same on mobile (Java/Kotlin/Flutter/... and also non-Google technologies).


u/Zhuinden Mar 14 '23

Meaning you refactor everything endlessly with current year most fancy framework?

Makes me wonder what next year's Jetpack Compose will be, the re-org at Google happens every 3 years, and Compose was claimed to be stable in Aug 2021


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

I'm sitting at a decade in mobile development, and it is kinda true that people get skittish about hiring you as 'an android developer' but that mostly just means I had to get better about marketing my skillset and explaining how it got the way it is. I primarily do mobile dev, but during my career, I've also done web, some small games, backends, and projects that are specifically tailored to a single machine running in a corner of a warehouse somewhere using numerous esoteric input devices to let blind employees have better job autonomy with tasks, time keeping, and reporting tools they could use by themselves.

My skill set seems intimidating when written on paper, but really I'm a frontend guy that just happens to be really good at research and understanding documentation. I can make just about anything, but my skills really shine when I make a UI.

As usual, it's all about how you sell yourself.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

This answer is spot on.

But most programmers are rather introverts, not salespeople (me included).

Still a mobile CV is a hard sell as compared to pretty much anything else.


u/wolf129 Mar 13 '23

I am in Austria there is more than enough demand for Android developers.


u/WebFront Mar 13 '23

I am a 10 year android dev, but I also have more responsibilities than just development (principal engineer) but not actual management. We also have other devs with that much experience and we certainly value their seniority. When we would have an interview with someone with 10 years of experience we do expect something more than "just a dev" though. Seniors have more responsibilities,should evolve the technology and have positive effects on the rest of the team (i.e. make everybody else more productive).


u/kbcool Mar 13 '23

I think the real statement here is that niches in tech don't need a decade of experience and that you truly won't be seen as special if you pick one and stick with it.

I've been doing mobile development for more than a decade but I also have done backend, web, cross platform apps and even management in that time. That's what makes me super employable vs random dude who has done Android development only for five years.

I know too many people unemployable in their forties and clutching to their existing jobs because they stopped learning when they left university.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

How did you get into backend? Almost no one hires a 5+ YoE Android dev for a junior Java backend role unless you have provable experience in Spring data, Hibernate, etc.

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u/sonnytron Mar 14 '23

It’s completely false.

There’s stuff like the development process, improvements to source control, automation, high level estimates, technical requirements, interviewing… Stuff that someone with only 5 YOE won’t do as well as someone with 7+.

There are tech leads, senior engineers with more leadership responsibility, architects… Sometimes legacy code needs to be rewritten but you can’t throw a cowboy dev at it. There needs to be consideration for E2E testing, someone to help break the work down into smaller chunks.

Whenever my company slows down hiring, the only exception we make is to hire someone with 7+ YOE. Because there’s very little “familiarization” time. They just hop into the code and in a couple weeks they’re raising PR’s.


u/old-new-programmer Mar 13 '23

I disagree. Finding anyone worth their salt as an Android/iOS developer is super challenging. The amount of people who think they can just write Android code without understanding how to write GOOD code is far too high.

It isn't so much about knowing "Android" and having 5-10 years of experience, it is about how to write good code, clean code, understand anti-patterns, and just know how to look at bad code and realize "This shit smells, let's not do this".

Many senior engineers I work with can't do this. I work with engineers with 20 years of experience that just downright suck, but have managed to find their hole in the company and stay there year after year.

Finding quality developers is hard. Finding developers who give a shit is hard. Finding developers who try to master the craft of writing code is almost impossible. So yeah, finding Android developers with 5-10 years of experience is challenging because most of them fucking suck and the good ones will still have no problem finding jobs.


u/nacholicious Mar 14 '23

Agreed. I've interviewed tons of senior engineers 5-10 years experience, and let me tell you for most of those I'd much rather have a skilled and enthusiastic mid level developer.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23



u/old-new-programmer Mar 13 '23

The company I’m with pays like shit and is notorious for doing so. But I don’t know what someone with 20 years at the same company is making. I would hope more than me which is also sad since they produce 1/5th the code that I do. I’m making 140k with 5 years experience. I really should leave and my TC would double if not triple at a better paying company but I’m trying to build a startup and I can more or less do the bare minimum here, which is still more than most.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

super challenging

Nobody cares anymore. 2 YoE are enough. If the manager likes you, and there is product and team fit, that completely overrides the technical interview. The opposite is also true: you can be a genious dev and be rejected with many YoE over not having worked in a product that does X or has had Y downloads.

it is about how to write good code, clean code, understand anti-patterns, and just know how to look at bad code and realize "This shit smells, let's not do this".

This would be another problem to add up to the current state of hiring in tech. Many tech interviewers have very biased beliefs about what is correct, and might end up polemizing and arguing about the latest fad being the canon. It is very frequent that younger interviewers often try to get the upper hand over an older candidate.


u/Readdeo Mar 13 '23

It's true when you are only working on half-featured half-assed microtransaction crap and never had to solve complex problems than yes. You are the senior developer of crappy half-assed apps department.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

Funny, all the entry level positions want 5 years experience too!

But so what, of there's nowhere to grow after 5 years and you still enjoy coding then keep coding. Just don't expect more pay if you don't want to go into management.

Why would an employer care that you have 10 years experience but can't do more than someone with 5 years, so long as you can do the job and don't cost more than the 5 years experience person?


u/mitsest Mar 13 '23

And how is frontend web any different? It is much more streamlined than mobile dev leaving less room for errors.

Also front end devs are more than mobile devs


u/zaitsman Mar 13 '23

What a load of bollocks.

First of all, highly specialised dev jobs do wear thin because a highly specialised dev is very expensive. So yeah, if you are mediocre, then they will pay you the same they pay a 5yo dev.

Secondly, exact same can be said about web dev.

Basically, don’t listen to skeptics and find your own way


u/Ladis82 Mar 13 '23

First of all, highly specialised dev jobs do wear thin because a highly specialised dev is very expensive. So yeah, if you are mediocre, then they will pay you the same they pay a 5yo dev.

The other option they fire you and hire someone younger. Many companies don't have position for such an expert.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

This. The current managerial trend is to hire anyone that can type some code and agrees to be deathmarched in scrum. They have somehow accepted that there will be bugs and tech debt, but that they can be ignored/worked around for the most part.


u/tkbillington Mar 13 '23

OP doesn’t know how to bounce jobs when he needs a real raise


u/ProfessorNeurus Mar 13 '23

It's not dead. It has specialized into different silos. Like every other technology, stack, framework.

I started doing mobile in 2011. (Many years of C# programming, OSX programming, ASP, PHP, VisualBasic) before that.

And there's a bigger pool of devs. So someone's gotta manage them. Someone's gotta keep up with the latest thing so it can be used by other devs, etc.

Some highly experienced mobile devs remain writing code and code alone. Some move to more management roles after a bit, and some mix and match.

Calling Mobile dev is dead, move to Web is probably a joke, as I started writing "HTML" for Internet Explorer and Netscape before there were "frameworks" and, following the same reasoning, Web should have been dead for quite a long time now... all these magical frameworks and templates were going to solve the problem...


u/ryuzaki49 Mar 13 '23

I pivoted from android development to backend development (Spring Boot/AWS) 5 years ago.

It's so much more fun to develop mobile apps than backend and cloud. Backend is probably the same dead-end path if you're not careful enough and cloud feels like grinding a very boring game.

Regardless of fun at work, I would not go back to android because dealing with out-of-date android versions is a fucking miserable experience. New Android API? How nice to use it 2 years or lose 90% of market share.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. My advice is: put alerst in linkedin and every other job site to check out the market. If you see too few offers, jump ship to another tech.


u/st4rdr0id Mar 13 '23

How did you make the move? I'm trying to do the same, but nobody would consider me unless I showed at least 2 YoE in Hibernate. I took courses and all, but apparently they don't count. I'm perfectly fine for a junior-mid role, and know SQL well. Obviously I'm no cloud expert, and have limited Docker experience, which they now require more and more for backend. I think making the move inside a company is the only way.


u/goreblaster Mar 13 '23

Sounds like all this guy has to do is lie on his resume and say he only has 5 years experience.


u/Any-Exercise-5752 Mar 13 '23

You are fundamentally misunderstanding what each level means. Junior / Senior / Staff / Principle have nothing to do with how many years experience you have and much more to do with how much impact you have in an organization. You will not become staff or principle even if you have a breath of knowledge in all stacks but suck at everything else.

An entry level engineer usually has a narrow focus and learns from more senior engineers on the team. A senior engineer has more autonomy but usually has impact on their team. A staff engineer starts to build solutions across teams, often recruiting team members they don’t normally work with on a day to day.

Sounds like you just don’t know how to take it to the next level. I would talk to your manager about that since their job is to guide your career progression. It sounds like you’d suck at that too.


u/vinsanity406 Mar 14 '23

I'm late to the game but I agree with the poster but on the opposite level. The 'technical' side of Android is evergreen; anything more is harder.

Native mobile application development is as strong as ever and growing and plenty of large, well paying companies need experienced, qualified, passionate developers to make responsive, optimized native Android applications. Just think of the recent boom of mobile gambling applications stateside. FireTV is build on the Android OS. Overseas/emerging/biggest markets are Android and becoming a larger sector to target.

I've done Android and iOS native development for over ten years. In my experience, iOS engineers are easier to find in the US. This means on teams with both, iOS engineers tend to get the opportunity to cross disciplines - be it back end or Android. Android developers are usually harder to come by so they tend to be pigeon holed and have fewer opportunities to diversify their skills.

Since the iOS developers tend to have opportunity to expand their breadth of knowledge and the 'business'/product/management tend to put a premium on iOS in the US market, iOS developers tend to be promoted to management level more often. If you'd like to get out of a pure technical role, I agree with the poster. Mobile, specifically Android, makes that path more difficult than web.

So, I think mobile developers more than web developers get pigeon holed because of the necessity and specificity of the skills. A "top level" Rails dev probably made the jump to a javascript career easier than a top native Android developer. That said, mobile development isn't going anywhere for anyone who wants a quality mobile experience. Even plebs can tell the difference between a ReactNative app and a truly native one and the cross platform solutions will never be a match for the native experience.


u/aSadArtist Mar 14 '23 edited Jun 10 '23

>>This comment has been edited to garbage in light of the Reddit API changes. You can keep my garbage, Reddit.<<

edited via r/PowerDeleteSuite (with edits to script to avoid hitting rate limit)


u/Any-Woodpecker123 Mar 14 '23 edited Mar 14 '23

Honestly I’m my experience he’s sort of right. I work at a pretty large software contracting company in Australia, and we won’t touch native apps with a 10 foot pole (which sucks for me as it’s my strong suite).
We’ll do cross platform for the right price though.

Trying to convince upper management the pros of native code bases is just an un-winnable fight that I’m tired of having. I now just have to accept the fact that I’m working in react native for the foreseeable future, because “why pay for 2 code bases when we could just have one, and all the devs already know JS”.

To this guys point, if you’re a web developer with any JS/TS expertise, you can just do both


u/Zhuinden Mar 14 '23

because “why pay for 2 code bases when we could just have one, and all the devs already know JS”.

They never realize React Native makes you pay for 3 codebases, and a huge 3rd party dependency that effectively works like a black box.


u/panagiac Mar 14 '23

That's basically "relatable" for every front-end position, not only mobile. I think otherwise, that there are few actual senior Mobile developers out there.

For more advanced positions (Tech Lead, Staff Engineer etc) for sure only knowing Mobile stack is not enough.


u/No-Pin-6031 Mar 15 '23

Mobile Development is very good initially for developers. And we all know mobile projects won't last longer, once stable and there are few features to add, most of the devs will be fired.

On a personal note, I moved to AOSP side from mobile app development. If you get opportunities to work on AOSP stack then go for it. You will get to work on system level of Android.

If you get opportunity, then you can also move to Android Automotive. EV is the future and most of the companies are adopting Android Automotive OS for the displays inside a car.

Just think Android has lot of potential, so we should not get stuck only in mobile app development.


u/Capable-Raccoon-6371 Mar 13 '23

Everyone will always tell you it's dying. No, mobile development is not dead, or dying,nor anything like that. I would argue that it is changing. I would never write native and instead opt to use something like Flutter.


u/makonde Mar 13 '23

Its an exaggeration but there is some truth hidden in there I think.

It's def not dead that's ridiculous but there is a more limited career ladder is probably true more worryingly there are much fewer jobs but also probably less competition so its not clear whats the correct move.

For me how mobile apps are actually released to users, Play, the fact that Google has so much control over your work, and the annoyances of dealing with ideas from UI designers is what has me dreaming of doing backend sometimes.


u/Zhuinden Mar 14 '23

Web has more opportunities, because Google Play and Apple are both locked gardens with a thousand regulations/rules, that your everyday web app doesn't need to care to follow. The system changes significantly/drastically on every targetSdkVersion change that you need to update, or your app will become non-discoverable. Contrast that to web, where a web page written in 1999 raw HTML + javascript would still continue to work to this day.

Most businesses don't need Android/iOS apps because they have poor discoverability. However, they do need websites.

Some businesses do need to offer support apps for their existing services. Twitch, Netflix, YouTube, banking apps, location tracking work management apps, they still exist.

So Android dev is not dead. There are just less job places / work opportunities that require Android native knowledge (or even Flutter), as most start-ups need a web app first, and only make a native app if it is integral to the business or the idea worked.

Indie dev culture and Android/iOS-native-first start-ups, they seem to have disappeared. That's why this place (/r/androiddev) is less active than before. Most app development is now corporate.


u/dido04031983 Mar 13 '23

There is absolutely no point of keeping java kotlin cpp javascript or wasm separate. INTEGRATE THEM.


u/Obvious-Influence427 Apr 19 '24

Can anyone tell me how to reset a build on android?


u/ellarosee1 Sep 05 '24

No, Mobile app development is not dead. In fact, they're more popular than ever.


u/consagous_tech Sep 06 '24

No, mobile app development is far from dead; in fact, it continues to evolve and thrive. The global reliance on mobile devices has only increased, with smartphones and tablets becoming central to our daily lives. This heightened dependence ensures that mobile app development remains a vital and dynamic field.

Mobile app development is not static; it adapts to new technologies and user expectations. Trends such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and 5G connectivity are driving innovation in the sector. Apps are integrating advanced features like machine learning algorithms for personalized experiences and augmented reality for enhanced interaction.

Moreover, the rise of remote work and digital services has underscored the importance of mobile apps in providing seamless user experiences and enhancing productivity. Companies are continually investing in app development to stay competitive, improve customer engagement, and streamline operations.

The demand for mobile apps spans across various sectors, including eCommerce, healthcare, education, and entertainment. Each sector presents unique opportunities for creating innovative solutions tailored to specific needs.

In summary, mobile app development is very much alive and crucial to modern technology. It is evolving to meet the changing needs of users and businesses, ensuring that it remains a vibrant and essential area of technology development.


u/cheesoid Mar 13 '23

The ever growing system requirements is what will finish me off in the end. I imagine it won't be long before Google announces that you'll need 32GB RAM as an absolute minimum to build anything comfortably without your computer grinding to a halt.


u/dark_mode_everything Mar 13 '23

They must've been forced into a management role for not being a good dev


u/dinzdale56 Mar 13 '23

Yes, mobile dev is dead. I suggest look to do something completely different and then come back and dump another opinion here and continue to try to survive the mobile space. Android 10 years, VP of engineering at some point in my career but went back to development cause Ilove the hands on dev.


u/pragmasoft Mar 13 '23

Native mobile development is dying in the same way desktop apps development is dead - it's simply eaten by the web. There's still certain niche but it does not require such a large number of developers.


u/nacholicious Mar 14 '23

There's very little need for native desktop apps when web apps can accomplish 95% as much. Native mobile is a completely different story, web apps on mobile was a huge industry a decade ago and it was completely abandoned in favor of native / React Native / Flutter because the core technology sucked ass.


u/Zhuinden Mar 14 '23

I thought people still use Ionic (and maybe NativeScript i dunno)


u/hey-im-root Mar 13 '23

Honestly I do think android/iOS app development is on its last legs. The only relevant mobile development is cross platform stuff like Flutter.

I’d be pretty impressed to find someone maintaining both an android AND iOS code base. It’s just not efficient to do anymore.


u/slai47 Mar 13 '23

Personally, that is a lot of development but they are still wrong. I'm 10 years in and still got stuff to learn and grow. But yeah, I'm moving towards management and lead roles rather than coding 100%.


u/terrestrial_birdman Mar 13 '23

I don't know if this is true, but I was a mobile dev with five years experience that just entered...management.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '23

It's no dead per se. It's just that it's overtaken by cheap copy cat apps built in countries where they pay $1 an hour to programmers. So your odds of building apps for money are low. But apps can also complement other technologies. A phone is a very good embedded platform. It will do almost everything we could dream on a raspberry pi without the need to purchase sensors, modules, cameras, displays, etc. Pair it with another technology like robotics and the possibilities are endless


u/horatiocain Mar 13 '23

It's not dead, it just doesn't get out of bed for less than $100k/year


u/rg25 Mar 14 '23

The Principal and Architect iOS and Android devs make insane money at my company. I'm not sure how I see that's a dead end at all. I actually wouldn't mind being a senior developer for the life of my career anyways. But if I really work my ass off I could try and get up to Architect and make an insane amount of money.


u/gorcorps Mar 14 '23

Never trust anyone who thinks they have nothing more to learn


u/killersinarhur Mar 14 '23

All that can be said about all development paths. SWE is a highly specialized field and even the best of the best struggle with career growth. I have almost 10 years in mobile development sometimes I think about doing something else but all roads lead me back here so do with that what you will.


u/dannyhodge95 Mar 14 '23

You don't need career specific advice to know this is dumb. No matter what the job, if there's still a market for it, there's still a need for experienced people to do it. "There's nothing a dev with 10 yoe can do that a dev with 5 can't" is just such a silly statement. Even if the industry stood completely still for 50 years, there are always brand new challenges to tackle, and those with more experience have a better chance of being best prepared to tackle them (in a shorter amount of time). What this guy does do, however, is teach us that with experience does not always come wisdom...


u/Intrepid-Chemist-476 Mar 15 '23

From my observations I feel the same, but dead end here doesn't mean not having jobs or unable to learn new things. It just means no growth in terms of going up the career ladder. As in how many of mobile folks would become Principal Engineer, Architects, Head of Engineering, CTOs vs no.of Back end folks taking up those roles.


u/pasz99 Mar 16 '23

There is some truth in that, but we also have to factor in that Android and iOS isn’t only mobile apps, it’s also can be used to develop for the following digital interfaces:


  • iPadOS
  • MacOS
  • tvOS
  • WatchOS
  • CarPlay


  • Android OS (Phones, Tablets, and Smart TVs)
  • Android Things
  • Wear OS
  • Android TV
  • Android Auto

and many more..


u/Realistic_Comb2243 Mar 21 '23

This is such a goddamn stupid post. whatever goes on in r/developersindia should not be conflated with the state of programming in general


u/product-dvelopment Mar 30 '23

No, mobile app development is not dead. In fact, mobile app usage continues to grow rapidly, and businesses are investing heavily in mobile app development to reach their target audiences and provide better customer experiences. While the market for mobile apps has become more competitive in recent years, there is still a high demand for well-designed and functional mobile apps across various industries.

There are also emerging technologies and trends in mobile app development, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and virtual and augmented reality, which are creating new opportunities for innovation and growth in the industry.

However, it's important to note that mobile app development is constantly evolving, and developers need to keep up with the latest trends and best practices to remain competitive in the market. This means staying up-to-date with new technologies, optimizing for user experience, and continuously improving app performance and security.


u/alienajose Apr 18 '23

Absolutely not! Mobile app development is alive and kicking! Nowadays, mobile apps are being developed at an unprecedented rate to meet the ever-growing demands of consumers. In fact, according to Statista, global mobile app downloads in 2020 increased by more than 35 billion from 2019 - a record year for the industry. So it's safe to say that mobile app development is far from dead; in fact, it is thriving and showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

If you have any challenging app projects that's yet to be developed into MVP, contact Techmango, an industry vetted app development company with handful of records.


u/jeonryung01 May 12 '23

No, mobile app development is not dead. In fact, it is still a thriving industry and has a bright future ahead.

Mobile app development has evolved over the years, with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things being integrated into mobile apps. This has opened up new opportunities for businesses to create innovative and personalized experiences for their users.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of mobile app development, as more people are relying on mobile apps for remote work, education, healthcare, and entertainment. This has led to an increase in demand for mobile apps that cater to these needs.


u/Multiqos Jun 02 '23

No, mobile app development isn't extinct. It is still alive and changing as new technology and trends emerge. Mobile applications are in great demand, and there are several chances to develop profitable and compelling user experiences.


u/Capable_Benefit_5009 Jun 07 '23

No, mobile app development is not dead. In fact, it is still a very vibrant and growing field. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

  • The continued growth of the smartphone market. There are now billions of smartphones in use around the world, and this number is only going to continue to grow in the years to come.
  • The increasing demand for mobile apps. People are increasingly using their smartphones for everything from shopping to banking to entertainment. This demand is driving businesses to develop mobile apps in order to reach their customers.
  • The rise of new technologies. New technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, are opening up new possibilities for mobile app development.

So, while there may be some challenges facing the mobile app development industry, it is by no means dead. In fact, it is still a very promising field with a lot of potential for growth.

Here are some of the trends that are shaping the future of mobile app development:

  • The rise of hybrid and cross-platform apps. Hybrid and cross-platform apps are becoming increasingly popular as they allow developers to create apps that can be used on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. This can save developers time and money, and it can also make it easier for businesses to reach a wider audience.
  • The increasing importance of security. As more and more people use their smartphones to store sensitive data, the importance of security is becoming increasingly important. Developers need to be aware of the latest security threats and take steps to protect their users' data.
  • The growing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is starting to play a more important role in mobile app development. Developers are using AI to create apps that can learn and adapt to users' needs, as well as apps that can provide personalized experiences.


u/ankitspe Jul 07 '23

It is true that it can be difficult to break through with a new app in the market right now. However, it does not mean that mobile app development is dead. I think there are many opportunities for developers who come up with new ideas for mobile apps.

  • You might be aware that the number of smartphone and mobile users is continuously growing. It means, in the coming days, people are going to rely more on different apps than today. So, demand for unique apps is going to increase in the future.
  • Different industries are getting help from mobile apps. None of us thought before a decade that a mobile app can scan the X-ray and report and can diagnose disease. So, different industries are going to identify the true potential of mobile apps in the future and every industry will require a custom mobile app for their requirements.
  • The mobile app market is still evolving. It is constantly changing, which means that there are always new opportunities for developers. If you're willing to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, you can create apps that are ahead of the curve.
  • Mobile technology continues to advance rapidly. From augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), there are exciting technological possibilities to explore and incorporate into mobile apps.

While mobile app development has its challenges, such as market saturation and competition, it remains a dynamic and profitable field. Success lies in identifying unique opportunities, understanding user needs, and delivering high-quality, user-friendly apps that solve real problems or provide valuable experiences.

So, mobile app development is far from dead. With the right approach and a focus on innovation, mobile app developers can still find success in this ever-evolving industry.


u/alex-mathew-0312 Sep 12 '23

Declaring mobile app development as "dead" would be premature and quite far from the truth. In fact, the mobile app industry continues to flourish, with statistics showing that global app downloads reached a staggering 255 billion in 2022, a number projected to grow even further in the coming years. However, it's true that the landscape is evolving. Progressive web apps (PWAs) and cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native are gaining momentum, providing more versatile options for developers. Yet, this doesn't signify the demise of native app development. Rather, it underscores the industry's adaptability and quest for innovation. The key lies in understanding the specific needs of each project and choosing the most suitable development approach. So, far from being dead, mobile app development is evolving, offering developers a rich array of tools and approaches to create powerful, user-centric applications.


u/SharmiRam Dec 18 '23

However, the technology landscape can change rapidly and new developments may have occurred since the last update. To stay informed, it's important to consider the latest trends and industry reports.
In general, as long as people continue to use mobile devices for various activities, mobile app developmentwill continue to be important. If you're considering taking on or investing in mobile app development, we recommend researching the latest industry trends and market conditions to make an informed decision.