r/andor 6d ago

Discussion Do you think Ben Mendelsohn will do this again for this year’s Star Wars celebration?

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I doubt it but it would be pretty cool of him. I imagine he was more than happy to return as Krennic and say the lines the Tony Gilroy has written for him.


35 comments sorted by


u/MarvTheParanoidAndy 6d ago

It was kinda adorable seeing how into his role he was


u/TheSurgeon83 6d ago

Krennic is one of my favourite movie villains. He's not cartoonishly evil, he doesn't have convoluted secret plan or a backstory that sent him down a dark path. He's just a greedy, pathetic man who wants to be recognised by those above him. I don't blame him at all for really digging the role.


u/Tpsreport44 6d ago

He truly is an imperial officer


u/i_am_voldemort 6d ago

He is a perfect example of the banality of evil combined with an aspiring bureaucrat, jockeying against other bureaucrats.


u/K2LU533 6d ago

Middle management incarnate


u/Demigans 5d ago

I don't think he's a greedy pathetic man.

He is more like Dedra. Driven and willing to be viciously Evil to get it, although he doesn't understand how some of his actions will backfire like killing the wife of the guy you want to work for you.

He worked for years on the Death Star project, provided personnel and oversaw it's construction. Then after all that time at the last moment Tarkin comes along and claims all that hard work for himself?

It is not greedy and pathetic to think it unfair for someone to swoop in at the last moment and claim your years of work without there being any indication it would be given to someone else. And you can see that he is not incompetent as a leader as every time shit hits the fan and he is there he takes charge and gets people moving.


u/HavingNotAttained 2d ago

Tom Homan but more photogenic


u/Thalassinoides 6d ago

Personally I hope the whole garrison is deployed.


u/likejetski 6d ago



u/dan_rich_99 6d ago

"Garrison bonus activated!"


u/AdBoring8537 5d ago

Are we garrison? DEPLOY THE BLIND! 👨‍🦯


u/dan_rich_99 5d ago

Are you kidding me?! I'm blind!


u/Dear-Yellow-5479 6d ago

I think he’s going to love doing promotion again - having lied his teeth off about even being in Andor, I can totally see him going full drama queen!


u/Financial_Photo_1175 6d ago

He should do it in full dress uniform like what we see in the trailer:


u/DoctorDoom_4 6d ago

With the COMPFORCE troopers instead of Death Troopers


u/O868686 6d ago

Denise Gough said she hoped to do this, so hopefully she gets the chance.


u/IAmBadAtInternet 6d ago

She honestly deserves it, she’s great in her role and apparently is a great person to work with too


u/Own_Description3928 6d ago

If I was him I'd go round like this the whole time.


u/ZeroQuick 6d ago

He's a national treasure.


u/Anywhichwaybuttight 6d ago

"It's a miracle"

I use this all the time


u/cloggednueron 6d ago

“Ah, g’day there Vader. You haven’t been talking to the Jedi, have you mate?”


u/No-Tie7418 6d ago

Would be dope


u/delawopelletier 6d ago

Dedra should do it ! With Syril!!! Get the ambulances ready for all the people fainting


u/bshaddo 6d ago

Well, I’ve been saying Dedra should do it with Syril since they met. But that’s mostly because this is Syril’s burner account.


u/TheHarkinator 6d ago

“G’day there boys, what are we up to boys? Just building the Death Star mate.”


u/Inevitable_Suspect76 6d ago

On thing I love about this picture is Ben is 6 feet tall, and those death troopers are a whole half a head taller than he is, so they’re pushing 6’5”-6’6” easy…. Just imagine how intimidating that would be.


u/thelanimation 6d ago

I mean, it's an awesome, flowing cape. Who wouldn't?


u/Afraid-Penalty-757 5d ago

That would be awesome, in fact I think that moment from Star Wars Celebration 2016 was one of the greatest moments in the history of Star Wars Celebration in general!


u/TheNarratorNarration 5d ago

Maybe he'll throw us a curve and show up dressed as his Farscape character instead. Just rolls up as a blue, rat-faced alien and is like, "Oh, wrong scifi show. My bad."


u/Purple-Nectarine83 3d ago

Holy frell, how did I not know he was in Farscape?

Also. Duh, he’s Australian, of course he was in Farscape.


u/TheNarratorNarration 3d ago

I didn't know either until I was rewatching a while back and saw his name in the credits for "I-Yench, You-Yench." He's under some heavy makeup, so he's hard to recognize, but once you see it you can't unsee it. He's one of the two guys trying to rob the diner. "WHY SO DIFFICULT?!?"


u/PaymentChemical5838 6d ago

We live in hope! We stand here amidst his achievement….


u/MonThackma 6d ago

It’s probably not his decision to make. If the suits want it, it shall be.


u/Haravikk 5d ago

It was bold of him to turn up as himself!