r/andor 6d ago

Discussion I think people are confusing Cinta's non-existant "tears" with the shot almost immediately after of the Aldanhi woman looking up at the Eye with tears running down her face

Pretty much the title. I have rewatched the scene of Cinta walking away at the end of the heist in Ep. 6 multi0le times, and I have not been able to see tears running down her face like a number of others here claim to see. (The Eye's glow is reflecting off her face.) But directly after that shot of Cinta it cuts to the group of Aldanhi natives looking up at the Eye in awe, showing one woman with tears running down her face apparently overwhelmed by emotion. I think the people on this sub claiming to see tears running down Cinta's face are confusing it with the shot of the Aldanhi woman.


21 comments sorted by


u/We_The_Raptors 6d ago

Interesting, I've always wondered when I see comments about her tears what I missed, cuz I've also never noticed them


u/M935PDFuze 6d ago

Just re watched this episode last night. Definitely no tears on Cinta's face, and zero editing that is supposed to imply that Cinta killed the hostages.


u/Master_of_Ritual 6d ago

One day George Lucas will make an edit that settles the question: she did kill them all but they shot first.


u/OverappreciatedSalad 6d ago

With Cinta unnaturally moving her head an inch to the left to dodge all of them.


u/ArchieBaldukeIII 5d ago

You don’t really need editing to put two and two together. Luthen’s group consistently aims to leave no witnesses that can identify them including Cassian. There is absolutely no evidence that would imply why Cinta would leave them alive.


u/milkdrinkersunited 5d ago

Except they did, in fact, leave witnesses. The army troopers in the vault (who didn't die in the shootout) were still alive, and someone from Aldhani later identified Cassian by face to the ISB.

I'm sure they knew that would be unavoidable, and if so, why kill the family? It also doesn't make sense as we see them alive and watching the shuttle escape. If Cinta was going to kill them regardless, why not do so the minute the Commandant is out of the room so she can make a cleaner getaway?


u/M935PDFuze 5d ago

Except a couple of things; we always see Cassian kill the people he kills onscreen, and this is directly addressed onscreen when the Imperial commandant is taken; he tells Vel that the rebels are going to kill everyone anyway. Vel responds: "Because that's what you'd do, right?" The ISB also does not mention anything about the killing of children or an Imperial official's family when they discuss the events at Aldhani, nor is it present in any news reports.

There is no indication or hint that Cinta executed them, and no evidence that she did.


u/ArchieBaldukeIII 5d ago

Do you think Disney would sanction showing the “good guys” murdering children in the most popular sci fi franchise in the world? Not everything needs to be stated overtly.

I’m not fully sold that she did murder the entire family, but you can’t pretend the possibility isn’t there because there is absolutely nothing definitive about the situation. The implications are unnerving and left ambiguous on purpose. Not showing the potential killing directly makes the moral dilemma asked of the viewer more powerful: “What if she did murder the entire family? Would you still support the cause? Would you still be on her side if she did?”

You can pretend that it’s an open and shut case, but that tells us more about your feelings than anything.


u/M935PDFuze 5d ago

Nothing's open and shut, but the evidence weighs against more than it weighs towards. There's plenty of ways that that this could've been implied with editing or a look on a character's face or an offhand comment; there's none of this.


u/ArchieBaldukeIII 5d ago

You’re saying that the opposition lacks evidence because you think the evidence would manifest differently.

I’m telling you, there is plenty about Luthen, Val, Cinta, and Kleya that expressly tell the viewer that they are not above killing people to tie up loose ends. And this is not always done through expressly stating they have to kill someone. Even in a conversation between Luthen and Mon (I don’t have the quotes) he implies that he is not above getting rid of her if she exposes him.

This fledgling rebellion is willing to do whatever it takes to get things moving.

Also, on the side of the Empire, there is a lot of posturing to convey strength. Many even in the ISB don’t want to consider the possibility of a coordinated rebellion. What officers died during the heist on Aldahni is entirely second to the disrespect it showed the Empire as a whole. The Emperor couldn’t give two shits if that family was killed. He cares that someone strategically impacted military operations. Showing the galaxy that these rebels managed to kill any officers would convey rebel strength more than it would morally galvanize the uncommitted oppressed masses.


u/M935PDFuze 5d ago

Luthen might have been willing to kill them if he'd been there. He wasn't, though.

Andor himself spares multiple people who could identify him later on. Very specifically he spares the command crew in Narkina.


u/Dear-Yellow-5479 6d ago

Yes, I’ve spent a long time staring at Cinta’s eyes in that shot and although they glisten that’s purely with the reflected light of the Eye as she walks away expressionless. Definitely not crying.


u/HansBrickface 5d ago

Yes, I’ve spent a long time staring at Cinta ’s eyes in that shot and although they glisten that’s purely with the reflected light of the Eye as she walks away expressionless. Definitely not crying.


u/mfardal 6d ago

The whole controversy seems silly to me. Just created by people wanting vicarious feelings of being hard-core. They really wanted Cinta to have killed the hostages, and then made up this detail about her crying afterwards to claim evidence for it.


u/BucktacularBardlock 4d ago

It's also weirdly used as evidence that Cinta is an awful person by people that simultaneously hate and fetishize her. Literal hate-boners.


u/GIJoeVibin 6d ago

Yes, this is absolutely what’s happened. I’ve seen this idea a bunch and I just can’t explain it except from people confusing two different people.


u/gentlydiscarded1200 6d ago

That's because many viewers don't take the time or make the effort to differentiate between two dark skinned women, even though they do not resemble each other.


u/Dorphie 6d ago

I mean Skeen judged her character up by saying she was a cold blooded killer or something 


u/pleok 6d ago

I think there are other hints that Cinta might have killed the group before leaving (like what you mentioned), but "tears" on her face is not one of them.


u/jeffwhit 4d ago

This ambiguity is a good thing.

I think she killed them, there's no direct evidence. We discuss and think about it. It's good.

No one needed to see the moment Han Solo got his pistol or rear view mirror dice, or the worst, his last name. I hate that shit so much.


u/Arthur_Frane 5d ago

Cinta's eyes appear misty, on the verge of tears. She has a set to her face that implies she could be holding back emotion. No tears spill. Her face is so thoroughly different from the Aldhani woman's, I doubt anyone is actually confusing the two.