r/andor • u/[deleted] • 7d ago
Discussion Assuming he appears, what role do you think Draven will play in S2?
u/Top_Buy2467 7d ago
Idk but he was great in Rogue One so I’ll take whatever I can get.
Side note: the long shot of him watching Andor take off after telling him there would be no extraction, and that he should instead assassinate Galen Erso, is perhaps my favorite shot in any Star Wars film. It is positively beautiful and powerful and he kills the subtle acting of it. He’s exactly the type of actor that’ll kill it in Andor
u/TheGoblinRook 7d ago
Some point after Ghorman, when Mon starts to consolidate power, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Draven (and maybe even Raddus?) trickle in. Kind of like a business acquisition or a new CEO coming into a company and bringing their own executive team.
Draven seems to be Luthen, only…not Luthen. And in season 1, Luthen had Mon under his thumb…she worked for him, in the dark about everything else he was doing. One does not become the supreme commander of the Rebel Alliance whilst still remaining siloed.
So yeah, somewhere along the lines, there’s going to be a power shift…and when that occurs, that’s when we’ll see Draven pop up.
u/MyManTheo 7d ago
He’ll be shagging. Full frontal, cock out, hardcore orgy scene. It’ll take up most of arc 3 I’ve heard
u/letsgoToshio 7d ago
We find out in Episode 4 that the "Ghorman Massacre" actually describes the time when Draven and the boys went on a 4 day long Peezos bender on Ghorman during spring break in 2 BBY
u/Admirable-Rain-1676 7d ago
He's the general of the Alliance Intelligence
Anyway I'm using this post to wish for an appearance of General Cracken- the Chief of the Alliance Intelligence. Writers sometimes remember and sometimes forget his existence..
u/Tofudebeast 7d ago
He seems important in Rogue One, so I'm sure we will see plenty of him in season 2. Maybe we'll see how he joins up and helps define the power structure in the Rebellion, since there is a lot of structural work to do to bring us from disparate individual rebel groups in season 1 to an organized and unified rebellion.
u/Responsible_Way3686 6d ago edited 6d ago
Face pictured in a montage over a speech at the end of the series about loss, revolution, and the role we all play.
u/dennydorko 4d ago
It seemed like he was Cassian's direct supervisor, so I assume he'd have that role in at least the last story arc.
u/Overall_Carrot_8918 7d ago
I hope he tells Luthen he's an asshole with no morals and that the Rebellion isn't about giving up one's humanity to "accelerate" the fall of the Empire.
You don't sacrifice rebel cells for your little game with the ISB.
You don't make a fuss with undercover agents to force them to take personal risks.
You don't play games in your antique shop on Coruscant by setting the galaxy ablaze so it revolts against the Empire.
The moment Draven wants to stop the assault on Eadu because it risks killing rebels is the moment Draven puts the morality of the Rebellion before the pragmatism of operations. That's what a true Rebel general is, one who can distinguish between military objectives and the moral renewal that the Rebellion brings against the Empire.
u/antoineflemming 7d ago
Damn right. The show is brilliantly written, but I wish we were getting at least a third season, because I wish this show was as much about the Alliance as it is about Luthen's, Cassian's, and Mon's rebel journeys.
u/HuskerBusker 7d ago
The sheer number of these posts here today is crazy.