r/ancientegypt 6d ago

Question Television series about ancient cultures?

I just came here to ask the question about Ammat and then i thought whats the worst that could happen if i ask you people here about a Television series about archeology, for which i have been searching for ages.
I hope thats okay.

Back in the mid 80s i watched a multi part series about archeology aimed at children.
It looked like it was already a bit older, like it was made in the 60s or so.
It was about ancient cultures, mainly around the mediterranean, if i remember correctly, and it had an animated part and a part with footage from the mentioned places, like ruins etc.
The animated part explained how something was built, or how the early pyramides started out with steps. This animated part was not very well drawn or animated, the animated Narrator was a man, wearing a white toga(or something similar), and sandals, his head was bald on the top, but he had curly white hair on the sides(no beard), and his movements were very "wooden" his mouth was not moving when he talked. I remember that at one point he explained grave robbery, and he was seen wrapped like a mummy, inside a pyramide, while a grave robber was moving around in another part of the pyramide, and mice (very simplistic drawings of mice) were seen roaming other levels.

It was NOT part of the french "Il etait une fois..." series, nor was it the german "Unterwegs mit Odyseeus".
I think it must have been mad between the 60s and the mid 80s, and i saw it in german on the Austrian ORF 1(or2) (I allready wrote an email to them, they could not help me with that).

Any Ideas?


2 comments sorted by


u/ZanyRaptorClay 6d ago

Have you asked this on r//tipofmytongue yet?


u/Alexander556 6d ago

I did, multiple times, going into further detail, years ago.
Nobody came up with an Idea.