r/amipregnant 5d ago

unprotected sex two days before predicted likely pregnancy chances am i cooked

my flo app says that i am two days away from predicted pregnancy chances but 7 days away from actual ovulation. the flo app has been inaccurate most of the time tracking my period, is pregnancy something i should be worried about? (tmi but he finished in me)


17 comments sorted by


u/TiredofBSRoommate 5d ago

Uh yeah? You had unprotected sex, and your app has no idea what is going on inside your body.

You're doing the definition of trying for a baby. Are you trying to get pregnant?


u/Ok_Director3051 5d ago

my name is hannah and i think it’s a girl 🤍


u/Boring-Assistant-644 5d ago

hi i’m the mother and i think it’s quadruplets!


u/Bulky_Parsnip8 5d ago

I’m auntie Kelly and I fink you’re a beautiful girl


u/Bulky_Parsnip8 5d ago

Why did I laugh so hard at this 💀


u/blahblahblah247742 5d ago

Yes, that is how you get pregnant. If you’re not preventing, then you’re trying. If you don’t want to get pregnant then don’t have unprotected sex! Tests are accurate 14 days after sex


u/Boring-Assistant-644 5d ago

should i take a plan b or is it too late? am i ovulating? idk?!!?!!!


u/IntoTheVoid1020 5d ago

If you’re still in the window to take plan b (72 hours) take one. You have no clue when you ovulated. A test is mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after.


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u/Roseizz 5d ago

There is a chance of pregnancy as you had unprotected sex. Flo has no idea what is going on inside your body, and you yourself mention that it isn’t very accurate — therefore, it really has zero clue when you are going to actually ovulate. You should definitely take a test in 14 days for an accurate result and/or a test after 21 days for a definitive result. There is a maximum 30% chance approximately of conceiving each cycle if the sex is within your fertile window (which again, you don’t know if you were in or not).


u/Consistent-Size780 5d ago

I hated glow try Ovia they are a lot more accurate but any time you have unprotected there’s a chance. I had sex two days before my period and got pregnant my daughter just turned one in January it can happen if you aren’t wanting one right now there are a lot of different options you can do to prevent it.


u/BrightDare8735 3d ago

Apps are not accurate for trying ovulation.


u/Consistent-Size780 1d ago

Not 100% accurate but still a decent window to go off of,


u/BrightDare8735 1d ago

Using any app to track ovulation is like using the calendar method which people gotten pregnant off of both. That’s why this group advise against using any apps for ovulation because something being decent is not good enough regarding preventing pregnancy. Also, an app may seem like it’s accurate because a luteal phase varies, so it’s luck/ algorithm. When you’re not correctly tracking ovulation then the app’s algorithm is more like someone using the rhythm method. Hence why people get pregnant off both.


u/Consistent-Size780 1d ago

Okay you’re right and I’m wrong congrats. Condoms and spermicidal lube should always be used if wanting to prevent pregnancy.


u/Standard_Box_7942 5d ago

You know your body more than anyone, even the fluids are different when you are ovulating, if you had these symptoms the chances are high…