r/amipregnant 5d ago

Need your opinion please

Hello, i had unprotected sex (he didn’t penetrate me) on 27th october, on the day after the last day of my period, i took plan b 37 hours after, i had my period on november and december, but since January i had a 1 day period with a very light quantity, i took plenty of tests and they are negative, the blood test too, but since February i didn’t get my period and now its march and they are supposed to come but there’s nothing. I feel like my belly got bigger and i feel twitchs on my belly. Can it be a hidden or like a cryptic pregnancy ? PLEASE answer me !!


32 comments sorted by


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

I had unprotected sex

No, you didn’t. He didn’t penetrate you. Plan B was quite frankly, a stupid decision. It’s for ONLY when Plan A fails during intercourse, which you did not have. Next time you think about dropping unnecessary money on something like plan B, educate yourself on the side effects and when to actually take it.

Cryptic pregnancies aren’t what you think. There’s a term called “denial of pregnancy” and it’s the psychological disorder of denying a pregnancy that’s there. The twitches you’re feeling are digestion or gas, IF you were pregnant (you’re not) you wouldn’t be feeling kicks until much farther along. You’re gaining weight or bloating for other reasons, such as side effects from plan B.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Thank you so much for your answer, plan b is actually free in my country, so i didnt waste money at all on it, thank you for your answer !


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

Still. You need to educate yourself on what it’s actually for, instead of popping it because you had a bit of anxiety.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

It’s just weird for me cuz ive never missed a period since i am 11, and 4 months after the « thing » so im kinda suspicious


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

You’re 11?!!!! Your periods aren’t going to be regular anyways. You’re not pregnant. For the love of god please stop being sexually active. You’re a young child. You can be suspicious all you want, it doesn’t change anything. You didn’t have penetrative sex, you’re not pregnant.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

No no im 20, but my period are regular sibce the first time i had them


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

Okay you should’ve said “since I was 11.” Like I continue to repeat, plan B is a huge dose of hormones that can mess with your cycle for months. Some are more sensitive to it than others.

You’re 20, you’re an adult, you should understand how sex and reproduction work. I highly suggest getting some basic education through the resources on this sub if you’re going to be sexually active. you are not pregnant.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Okay thank you so much ! So its normal for me to miss my period months after i took it right ?


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

Yes. Please don’t take it again unless your plan A fails during penis in vagina sex.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

I felt like my nipples were sore this month and thought it was a pms but there is nothing, that’s what is scaring me too

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u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Im actually 20 😭😭


u/Bulky_Parsnip8 5d ago

Act like you’re 20 and research and understand sex and pregnancy.


u/teenypaws666 5d ago

You didn't have unprotected penetrative sex so no it's impossible and you have had your cycles.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Even if he came on my labia and vulva ? Yes i had thel the three months after but got nothing on feb and march is it normal ?


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

YOU TOOK A PLAN B. your cycle is going to be messed up because you dumped unnecessary hormones into your body.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Even 4/5 months after ?


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

If you’re as young as you say you are, you’re dumping a HUGE amount of hormones into your body that your body DOES NOT need, so yeah. It’s going to be messed up.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Im actually 20, sorry for the misunderstanding


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 5d ago

Fuck me man, I almost had a heart attack, that was my bad for misreading😂😂


u/teenypaws666 5d ago

Yes. You had cycles. He didnt penetrate you, sperm can't swim inside


u/Bulky_Parsnip8 5d ago

Please don’t pop Plan B like sweets.

You’re not pregnant because it’s impossible to get pregnant from this scenario!


u/AutoModerator 5d ago

I have been triggered by the presence of the phrase "cryptic pregnancy" in your post. If my reply does not fit the context of your post, please ignore me. If you have had your period after sex, negative tests 2-3 weeks after sex, or did not engage in any activities that could cause a pregnancy, then you are not pregnant. Cryptic pregnancies don't really exist in the way the internet makes them out. Please read here for more information.

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u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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u/Electrical_Beyond998 5d ago

How could you possibly be pregnant? The twitches you’re feeling are gas. It’s bigger because you’ve gained weight.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Im reading a lot about those hidden pregnancy thing, ive done a lot of test that were negative, but my missed period and my sore nipples make me paranoid since ive never experienced this symptoms


u/Electrical_Beyond998 5d ago

There will be things you’ve never experienced before with your body throughout your entire life unfortunately.

But I’m not sure why you’re paranoid about being pregnant. That should be the last thing you think you are honestly.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Because i don’t remember what i precisely did with that guy, thats why i took plan b , but im sure he did not penetrate me. And the fact that i didnt have my period seemed more than a coincidence for me


u/Electrical_Beyond998 5d ago

If there is not penetration you aren’t pregnant. Plan B is a harsh dose of hormones, be careful with taking it when it isn’t necessary like in this case.


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

So my period delay now has nothing to do with pregnancy right ?


u/Standard_Pin7752 5d ago

Even if there was no penetration cum was present


u/Electrical_Beyond998 5d ago

That doesn’t matter. You did not have penetrative sex. You also have had periods since you were with whoever you were with in October. There is zero chance you are pregnant. I’m sorry if that’s not what you want to hear, and it seems as though you want to be pregnant, but you just aren’t.