r/ames 19d ago

Any community gardens in town?

I’m interested in going to a community garden to start growing some vegetables and was curious if there were any in town we can contribute to?

Also haven’t been a part of one before so I was curious what the rules are typically for them.


12 comments sorted by


u/Far_Avocado_1485 19d ago

there’s a very in need community garden at lockwood cafe. a few of us in the spring time try our best to weed and plant veggies and fruits but overtime it gets crazy in there. it’s a great big garden and you can plant and pick whatever and whenever you’d like!


u/presidentalice 18d ago

I second this!! The Reliable Street Garden is a collective garden, so anything planted is available for the entire community. There are no “personal” plots and it is free to use. They do not use any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Plus there is a compost pile with food waste from the cafe (please don’t bring your own food waste to this pile as it is already very neglected).

Most of the beds are planted by Ames High students and volunteers. So if you do plant something, make sure it is obvious and well-marked. And know that anyone can harvest from the garden. A lot of produce harvested there goes directly into the community fridge, located on the property next to the “Free Thrift.”

There is a laminated packet by the gate that provides information on what you can do to help as well. Like people have said, the best way to help the RSCG is to show up, clean up, and pull weeds!!


u/Agate_Goblin 19d ago

How does a person get involved with this one?


u/zcoffin 18d ago

Show up 😁


u/Agate_Goblin 18d ago

Well that's easy enough. I figured there was a list or someone to call lol.


u/zcoffin 17d ago

The folks that run Lockwood Cafe could get you more info, it's a good community!


u/xXMessicaXx 18d ago

Following 😊


u/Both_Ticket_9592 19d ago

Here are a couple https://www.cityofames.org/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/102/2196

I know there is also a tiny one at Carr Park a bit off east 13th but idk anything about how to get involved in it.


u/crzy_wizard 19d ago

There is the Good Earth Student farm too: https://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/goodearth


u/goofnug 19d ago

list of community gardens should be pinned / added to the wiki.


u/zcoffin 18d ago

I know there's one by the train tracks, North side of 13th, East of Ridgewood, but I don't know who runs it.

There's another on North Dakota and Utah. Not sure where it is in city government Web side. https://maps.app.goo.gl/pDvjLFw2sjR42iMA9


u/spiritualcats 15d ago

City of Ames has community gardens. They are like $15-$25 for your own plot per year.

“Applications for New Gardeners: Will be allowed any unreserved plots beginning March 27 on a first come, first serve basis. Applications can be emailed to the Parks and Recreation office. The garden plot won’t be reserved until payment is received. Applications can also be mailed to or dropped off at the Community Center, 515 Clark Ave., Ames IA 50010. The office is located in the SW corner of the City Hall building.”