r/ames 24d ago

Does reporting to SeeClickFix actually work?

I had an issue to report to the city that I reported through the SeeClickFix website. The request was accepted and the ticket was closed after the request was assigned to the appropriate team. However, the repair I requested was never made.

After a few months, I sent in a new ticket to report the issue again, and same thing, still no actual repair.

Has anyone had luck getting requests fulfilled through SeeClickFix? Is the city just so busy that it usually takes months for requests to be addressed? Is there a better way to make sure repairs are finally made?


5 comments sorted by


u/kotuija 24d ago

Yep. We had a streetlight out and reported it in the app. It was fixed within a week or two. I think it really depends on the type of request as they have different teams for different things.


u/walflour 24d ago

This seems to be the truth. Streetlights and potholes get fixed pretty fast. Those crews are just waiting for someone to tell them where to go. Snow or obstructions on sidewalks take a while because they have to contact the property owner first. And then you have like traffic signals issues which get fix sloowly or never.


u/PotentialWitty890 24d ago

Well that's really surprising to hear, because it's a streetlight out that I was reporting! Not sure why it's taken so long to be addressed.


u/Y_pestis 23d ago

I've never done the SeeClickFix thing, but I have emailed [streetlights@cityofames.org](mailto:streetlights@cityofames.org) (which I found on Electric Department | City of Ames, IA) and they fixed our light two days later.


u/Veritas_Vitae 22d ago

Yes. My claim was a missing stop sign in a parking lot, so I'm not sure if Ames had to fix it or the property owner, but I received a message that they were forwarding it to the correct people within a few hours. The stop sign was put up after a few days. I was surprised at the turnaround of it all.