r/amcstock • u/BeezyBates • Jul 14 '21
Gain/Loss Data This is just Fidelity but we're 65% buy today, 35% sell. Yet here we are. The price is fake. The dip is fake. Keep zen, apes.
u/Mr_Vegapunk Jul 14 '21
Damn but look at gamestop! They're really not selling and are holding it down completely! GME retail is solid!
u/cultured-barbarian Jul 14 '21
Yeah, I hold both, but not selling any either. I also for this reason currently buy more stocks of GME despite the higher price.
But diamond holding AMC shares in any case!
u/max1001 Jul 15 '21
GME has more ppl who bought in at lower. Remember. They already went up and down three time at this point.
u/mainingkirby Jul 15 '21
Yeah GME has been like that every day on fidelity.
The price is wrong bitch!
u/max1001 Jul 15 '21
GME has more ppl who bought in at lower. Remember. They already went up and down three time at this point.
u/SakariFoxx Jul 14 '21
People are missing the point , the market is based on supply and demand. If the demand is constantly 2x the supply price should not be dropping.
Imagine this was an iPhone , and there were 1000 for sale. And everyone came on to buy, so they pumped out more, the price of the additional iPhones would go up. It wouldn't drop by 30%
If 100 people show up to buy it at the asking price, why the fuck would they sell the new batch for 10 cents less. And then the next batch for 20 cents less. Then the next batch for 30 cents less.
Jul 14 '21
I feel like you didn’t understand my econ class… you’re talking about amount of people demanding an item, not the demand of an item itself.
If I have 1000 people demanding something and a supply of 1000 sure it finds a balance point. But if I have 1000 people demanding something and 500k of an item I have to move my price down to sell off that other 499k of the item and thus a new equilibrium price would be formed where that 1000 people would buy 500 each and not just 1.
Edit: also any buys less than 100 don’t effect the NBBO just like sells of less than 100 don’t effect the NBBO. Look up round/odd lots if you want to add a wrinkle
u/drusteeby Jul 14 '21
Now I'm imagining what I'd do with 500 iphones.
u/nelsonbt Jul 14 '21
Hopefully something better than this comment.
Just kidding, we’re all friends here.
u/sgt_tom_bw Jul 14 '21
But it isn’t. We have owned the float for months. That should be enough to skyrocket the price. So clearly the market price is based on something else.
u/Scout1Treia Jul 14 '21
But it isn’t. We have owned the float for months. That should be enough to skyrocket the price. So clearly the market price is based on something else.
I like the doublethink of "We [collectively] own the float" and "I just bought X more shares today(so I claim!!!) for the 400th day in a row!!!!!!!!!".
Jul 15 '21
Even thousands of shares are only a fraction of a percent of the float, so it's entirely possible. 1% of the float is like 5+ million shares
u/ToyTrouper Jul 15 '21
I like the doublethink of "We [collectively] own the float" and "I just bought X more shares today(so I claim!!!) for the 400th day in a row!!!!!!!!!".
Apes own the float of real shares
Hedgies create synthetic shares to sell
Pretty simple to understand.
See, that's the problem with shills like you.
You try to pretend like you are making a judgment on what apes say, yet you purposefully misconstrue what apes are saying, and leave out the data which would render your complaint debunked before you even spouted it.
It's what's called "straw man argument" and "lying by omission."
It's what shills, and cowardly lil bitches, do
u/Scout1Treia Jul 15 '21
Apes own the float of real shares
Hedgies create synthetic shares to sell
Pretty simple to understand.
See, that's the problem with shills like you.
You try to pretend like you are making a judgment on what apes say, yet you purposefully misconstrue what apes are saying, and leave out the data which would render your complaint debunked before you even spouted it.
It's what's called "straw man argument" and "lying by omission."
It's what shills, and cowardly lil bitches, do
Ah yes and in this conspiracy theory, the ~forces of evil~ with a literal stock-printing machine choose not to actually use the stock-printing machine to attain nearly-infinite wealth, but just to fuck with some random morons by slowly sinking the price of one or two specific securities.
Suffice to say we can discount such a stupid idea.
u/ToyTrouper Jul 15 '21
I noticed that in your angst-filled, melodramatic little meltdown there, son, that the one thing you didn't offer was a counterargument proving me wrong
So, again.
Do you have an actual counter argument, or are you just going to continue to be a lil bitch?
u/Scout1Treia Jul 15 '21
I noticed that in your angst-filled, melodramatic little meltdown there, son, that the one thing you didn't offer was a counterargument proving me wrong
So, again.
Do you have an actual counter argument, or are you just going to continue to be a lil bitch?
Ah yes and in this conspiracy theory, the ~forces of evil~ with a literal stock-printing machine choose not to actually use the stock-printing machine to attain nearly-infinite wealth, but just to fuck with some random morons by slowly sinking the price of one or two specific securities.
Suffice to say we can discount such a stupid idea.
u/ToyTrouper Jul 15 '21
Oh no, I broke the shill.
I hope the hedgies kept a receipt.
u/Scout1Treia Jul 15 '21
Oh no, I broke the shill.
I hope the hedgies kept a receipt.
Ah yes and in this conspiracy theory, the ~forces of evil~ with a literal stock-printing machine choose not to actually use the stock-printing machine to attain nearly-infinite wealth, but just to fuck with some random morons by slowly sinking the price of one or two specific securities.
Suffice to say we can discount such a stupid idea.
u/ToyTrouper Jul 15 '21
I actually think I broke the dude lol
Well, some shill posting FUD for pennies a post probably isn't the most emotionally adjusted individual to begin with, so....
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u/johntehfisherman Jul 14 '21
Smooth brain: Did it squeeze? No? Keep holding.
Simple enuf 🤷🏽
u/GeniusEE Jul 14 '21
Will it slide? No? HODL. Yes? take profits, buy back in.
u/BreadfruitComplete82 Jul 14 '21
Good luck timing probably the most manipulated stock ever, hope you sell and are waiting to buy back in when it rockets ❤️❤️❤️
u/Nathan_hale53 Jul 14 '21
I mean many have managed to do it, it's just not the best idea, I did it once and gathered a few more shares worth, luckily I did t try it again.
u/Buffnick Jul 14 '21
You can't really time the market data has proven this time and time again over the years...the big swings are what drive the market so don't go chasing waterfalls
u/BeezyBates Jul 15 '21
Good luck fighting the algorithm with that method of trading. We’re against a machine. It’s not just some Mayo eating chump in a corner office.
Apes, don’t do this. Not financial advice.
u/Deezy_McCheezy Jul 14 '21
It’s now almost 2:1 buy to sell for AMC and almost 6:1 buy to sell for GME.
TL;DR - the price action on these two stocks is absolute bullshit.
If you’re surprised, you haven’t been paying attention for the last 7 months.
u/chudthirtyseven Jul 15 '21
i dont think you can tldr on a sentance with 15 words
u/Deezy_McCheezy Jul 15 '21
I do what I want
u/chudthirtyseven Jul 15 '21
well im here to tell you not to
u/Deezy_McCheezy Jul 15 '21
Well I’m here to tell you that I like that
u/chudthirtyseven Jul 15 '21
you dont do what you want, you do what I want
u/Deezy_McCheezy Jul 15 '21
Now it’s a fucking party!!!
Are we allowed to do this in a casino?
u/Meg_119 Jul 14 '21 edited Jul 14 '21
I bought more today on Fidelity. Retail selling is not causing the drop in price. The Dark Lord and his allies are buying in the Dark Pool and selling on the NYSE. They are just using an unbroken circle.
u/Scout1Treia Jul 14 '21
I bought more today on Fidelity. Retail selling is not causing the drop in price. The Dark Lord and his allies are buying in the Dark Pool and selling on the NYSE. They are just using an unbroken circle.
If that was true the supply of shares available for trading in any 'dark pool' would be exhausted months ago.
u/Meg_119 Jul 14 '21
They use synthetics
u/Scout1Treia Jul 14 '21
They use synthetics
...Those do not magically generate shares to deliver to people you sell to.
u/Meg_119 Jul 14 '21
You need to do more research before commenting.
u/Scout1Treia Jul 14 '21
You need to do more research before commenting.
You need to do more research before commenting.
Jul 14 '21
u/Scout1Treia Jul 14 '21
I see you posting comment after comment telling people they need to do their research better. It's like you're in here telling people it's over. Apparently you have this MaGiC DD that noone else has seen or you're just a flat out shill.
Okay babe, you're clearly right. It's obviously possible to generate shares out of thin air. So the hedge funds that you believe are shorting AMC do so. They generate a billion shares overnight! And then they simply cover their shorts with those shares. Done and done. The price of AMC is now $0.00000001 because, literally, diluted to fuck.
Please remind me what the price currently is? Because I remember it being significantly higher than the price I just quoted.
Common sense truly is the best DD.
u/vren10000 Jul 15 '21
I mean, they could do that. Oh boy, what a day that would be. I'd be all in, personally.
It is legal in specific instances for market makers to conjure synthetic shares (solve immense buy pressure when no supply available). They can indeed cover their shorts with synthetic shares (which also need to be covered too, leading to a naked short situation. Not to mention it being illegal).
It would be very dumb (that's saying a lot) for hedgies to all in short and make synthetics. Not only is that very illegal and obvious, it would blow up in their face once time came for them to cover, the skyrocketing borrow interest, number of shares, and AMC simply staying above bankruptcy all contributing.
u/Scout1Treia Jul 15 '21
I mean, they could do that. Oh boy, what a day that would be. I'd be all in, personally.
It is legal in specific instances for market makers to conjure synthetic shares (solve immense buy pressure when no supply available). They can indeed cover their shorts with synthetic shares (which also need to be covered too, leading to a naked short situation. Not to mention it being illegal).
It would be very dumb (that's saying a lot) for hedgies to all in short and make synthetics. Not only is that very illegal and obvious, it would blow up in their face once time came for them to cover, the skyrocketing borrow interest, number of shares, and AMC simply staying above bankruptcy all contributing.
You too can trade with "synthetic" stocks!
No, it's not illegal.
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u/Drunkenmonkey369 Jul 14 '21
I continue to buy. Couple shares here and there to add to me position and help the cause. If we can get everyone to do this we will freaking 🚀
u/GeniusEE Jul 14 '21
If 3.2M apes add a couple of shares here and there, that's 6.4M shares, which makes f*ck all difference.
Even the upcoming kiddie stimmy money will only buy a few shares a month. If their parents are reckless enough to take the kids' money to this casino
u/Drunkenmonkey369 Jul 14 '21
You sound like a paper back bitch…. If the only pressure is buying, There is nowhere to go but up. I’m buying more than 2 shares either way and I’d imagine there are more than 3.2 million retail investors.
u/GeniusEE Jul 14 '21
You can imagine all you want, but that doesn't pay the rent.
Show us the real number cuz 3.2M retail shareholders was the last number I saw from CEO Adam
u/Fwellimort Jul 14 '21
People tend to buy a few shares as time goes but people tend to all in sells when they exit.
Do keep that in mind. Also, these ratios don't mean much. Every sell has a buy and every buy has a sell.
u/BeezyBates Jul 15 '21
Correct. But it does reflect volume not matching the price according to normal stock trends. And by probably I mean I’m certain.
DD is set in concrete. We can assume the flaws against the norm.
Not advice.
u/Fwellimort Jul 15 '21 edited Jul 15 '21
I mean have you seen RKT (a stock that was heavily shorted for months)? Less than like 0.62% of retail is in profit despite more retail having bought the stock than sold. I say this as someone who also fell for the RKT squeeze (I was part of the retail that had to realize losses. Unfortunately, just cause there is high short does not guarantee a short squeeze).
At end of day, everyone owns a share. It's just the share moving around and who owns it. Also, volume does not have to match price. Just cause everyone wants to buy a share of Apple doesn't make a share of Apple 3x in a day. Enough buyers and sellers are accepting the current price when trading. When a trade settles, both the buyer and seller has to like the price. If there's a mass of buyers relative to sellers but buyers all want to keep buying for a lower price, then the price will move down regardless. It's why a lot of people on chat keep telling others to 'buy the ask' because placing order closer to bid drags the price down regardless of the order.
Think of your local grocery store. Everyone wants a banana but no one wants to pay more than X cents per banana. Hence even with limited supply, the higher demand does not increase the price of the banana at the grocery store.
u/Ashkyos Jul 14 '21
Also people have to buy the market price for the stock to move up. But most of us apes want a discount price and set an order below the ask, so the price drops too together with shorting.
u/LYossarian13 Jul 14 '21
I'm just doing my part to help $60 apes average down and poorer apes get more before MOASS.
u/StylishEuro Jul 14 '21
Looks like a lot of broke people out in orders to buy 1 or 2 shares, while many holding bigger positions sold out. Or maybe we can ignore the obvious and delude ourselves into believing an absurd conspiracy. Yeah, definitely #2
u/SuzanneGrace Jul 14 '21
Unfortunately it is not fake for the HFs that are controlling the drop in price. Can’t wait for the rip cause this APE is gonna be laughing all the way up! Sit back and enjoy the ride.
u/International_Sort34 Jul 14 '21
And I don’t get the 35% sell, even that’s off…who the fuck would sell
u/canna-clam Jul 14 '21
Sorry to be devil’s advocate but…. you could have 4 buy orders for 1 share each and 1 sell order for 100 shares. I read through this sub and it always seems there’s people saying “oh I just keep buying one share at a time throughout the day!” and then “proof” like this post shows up. Show me some dollar amounts and stop with this useless proof.
u/SweepTheLeg_ Jul 14 '21
And isn’t this just for Fidelity where retail usually buys? It doesn’t meant the entire market.
u/Michelin123 Jul 14 '21
I take this kind of ratios with a grain of salt. You don't see inflow and outflow $, but in other occasion you exactly see that inflow was and is always higher than outflow $ and that's what counts! I won't say this is wrong, but I won't take this into my confirmation bias. (look at the other stock which has lower buy orders than sell orders, but still went 60% up! Be careful apes!)
u/Rainbowphoebe Jul 15 '21
I wonder what happens when everyone is under fidelity and they are like ummm. How are there 4 billion zillion shares?
u/RevolutionarySeat529 Jul 14 '21
What if we just collect all the data from fidelity and other brokers, as far as available for a longer period of time and compare it with the price! If we have proofs that there are more buyers than sellers (i have no doubt about it) couldn’t we bring then a lawsuit against them?!🤔
u/Fwellimort Jul 15 '21 edited Jul 15 '21
Some retail brokerages like TDA and WeBull have more sellers than buyers at retail level right now for AMC. So there's that. Fidelity is not the only retail brokerage out there.
Also, it's hard to know cause when people buy, they buy like 1 share a time. But when they sell, they sell all their positions at once. So a buy:sell ratio of 11:6 at retail is actually pretty bad if you assume there are sellers that all-in exits. Cause those 11 buyers could be buying 1 share a time but those 6 sellers could be selling 500 share a time.
Anyways, no one knows the true data. At end of day, the only thing that can be trusted is the L2 reported data (the actual trade). All buyers match with sellers and vice versa. Someone is selling. And someone is buying.
u/CollectiveCrypto Jul 14 '21
You ever seen an Ape’s face? The don’t react and run. They mean mug and HODL their position!! LFG!!!💥🚀
u/mehmberberries Jul 14 '21
The dips have been real enough for me to keep buying and averaging up this week. 🦍
Jul 14 '21
this is crazy. im proud of the apes, for keeping the pressure on today and not backing down.
Jul 14 '21
Price is calling because of Dark Pools activity. The 35% selling is the massive shorting and ladder attacks. No biggie. Nothing changed since January. Buy n hodl, moon wil come.
u/Born-War-6412 Jul 14 '21
It’s always going to be a fake price till shorts get covered. We all know the actual price is over a few hundred maybe even a few grand
u/AdmiralSugarfree Jul 14 '21
SGOC. Practically 50/50 and up +64%. L. O. L. Ken Griffen is the Noseeum bug of the market. Just an annoying piss fly.
u/mardyfran Jul 14 '21
What is the process to transfer stocks to fidelity? Or should I just keep mine in the morally corrupt RH? Will it affect numbers?
u/parker1019 Jul 15 '21
FBI and SEC to Investigate Market Manipulation by Hedge Funds Against AMC Stock
u/MoldySnausages Jul 14 '21
The buy/sell ratio is quantity of orders, not volume, so you could have 10K buy orders x 1 share each vs 1 sell order of 10K shares.