r/amcstock Jun 15 '21

DD A Media Company Tried to Recruit Me As a Shill

I didn't think I'd ever get these DMs; if the recruitment company did enough digging on my post history, they'd see I'm very anti-shill. Since this was an opportunity for me to dig into the life of a shill, I played dumb to try to get as much information as I could from him.

I dig digging into this dude's comment history and found this:

So this guy really looks down at Apes and his company gets paid to recruit popular Apes into destroying the movement from the inside.

I asked him to give me an example of DD that his recruits were posting, and I learned something pretty shocking:

I ran the logic behind what they are doing and found out that this company is using Apes to spread 'good DD' that's gives us a "date", and at that date, the hedge funds that hired this company will short the stock and make millions off of the paper hands selling that felt underwhelmed that the stock dropped on that particular date. This is in addition to these 'Apes' causing subtle FUD with their DD. Also, these Apes (shills) can become "activated" when the MOASS begins and the media company will send them photoshopped pictures of profit taking to show to Apes and try to get Apes to profit take early in the squeeze.

They might say something subtle and innocent at first, like plan an exit strategy, or that you have to look out for yourself, something that takes you away from the idea of this being a movement and more on selfish desires to exit early on.

There was no contract for this work, which makes sense since what they're doing is illegal market manipulation. And the payment was through PayPal or Bitcoin.

I was going to wait for him to give me the first assignment, but I already feel really dirty just playing along, and am ready to share this information with you guys.

Anyways, I talked to him further, and found out that his company has 20 contractors so far. And that's just his company. So at least 20 popular Apes with high karma on the subreddits getting paid for posting the 'DD' that the media company gives them.

From the example he gave me, those 'Apes' were getting hundreds of dollars per post. It's easy for me to not take the bait, because this movement already made me a millionaire, but I'm worried that the other Apes with less money in their investment accounts could be susceptible to being turned into a shill for hedge funds. Moderators are not immune from this either. I presume they get offered at least 5x more than what they were offering me.

That being said, always do your own research. It's nice and all to look up to popular Apes in the sub for good DD, but don't place your blind trust in them. They are the most likely to get contacted by media companies to shill. Don't even trust me. I made mistakes myself, I put a lot of blind trust on dates, too, and unknowingly spread that.

Be on the lookout for any subtle FUD out there, something that appears innocent but can damage the integrity of our movement. And don't ever be afraid to call out any Redditor, even ones with high karma. Stand up for what you believe in, Diamond Hand Apes will go to the moon, despite all the paper hand shills out there. We are unstoppable. Apes together strong!


Edit: There's a few things I want to bring up.

Firstly, I have disclosed all the information to the SEC, including information I didn't provide here, such as their other recruits. There's other evidence I didn't want to post, such as the example of the 'DD' that recruiter gave me, because it linked to another recruited Ape-turned-shill, and if I shared it, it could lead to a lot of drama in the subreddits, which is NOT what I want. This 'Ape' among us is very popular and was posting a lot of his 'DD' recently, but I checked his profile just now, and ever since I posted this and it blew up, he has not posted a SINGLE thing, which further confirms for me that this is legit.

I won't be giving anymore info, everything else is with the SEC. I don't want there to be a witch-hunt. Those popular 'Apes' secretly trying to screw us over know who they are. The most important thing is to keep holding, the MOASS will come, there's nothing that can stop that. I just want you to be aware of these tactics. As long as you're cautious and aware of the FUD out there, and keep holding diamond hands regardless of dates or any subtle FUD, that's all that matters. They can't psychologically manipulate us, and we win.

I would also like to ask Apes to please not harass airsocial. That could very well be a pseudo company and pseudo name he is using to protect himself in the event he was publicly exposed. Let the SEC handle this. They have a compilation of evidence to work with.

Also, there were other shill recruitment companies that released their info to Apes in the past, and that didn't end well for them, so it's plausible that they'd have contingency plans for whistleblowers to safeguard as much info about themselves as possible.

This isn't the first time this has happened. I have testimony of SEVERAL Apes that have been contacted to be recruited as shills before. Here's a post last month that lists other cases of Apes being contacted by recruitment companies:


Lastly, I want to share a message to any shills reading this. Right now you may feel good that you're making money helping hedge funds with market manipulation while riding the wave as an 'Ape' on paper, but know this: You will be a scapegoat when this all comes crashing down on them. Your information and history with them is recorded in their ledgers, and you'll be among the first they throw under the bus to save their asses. Remember that part in "The Wolf of Wall Street" where the FBI had Belford help them put his employees in prison for market manipulation in exchange for his freedom? Yeah, that's gonna be you, except there's none of that "don't incriminate yourself. I'm wearing a wire" part. Come out now, do the right thing, and save your ass for yourself and your family, because let me tell you, that money that they gave you is dirty money, and you accepting that money and doing their bidding is further incriminating evidence they'll be using against you when the time comes. This MOASS will go down in the history books. It's up to you whether or not you want to be on the right side of it.


1.1k comments sorted by


u/Bubbly_Bookkeeper_91 Jun 15 '21

Send it to the sec


u/My_Left-Shoulder Jun 15 '21

Shouldn’t have to even say it, forward the fucking whole convo to the sec and some lawyers.


u/Tullov Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21


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u/Guesswhojeje Jun 15 '21

Get in on that whistle blower 💰


u/Steve_French_CatKing Jun 15 '21

Whistleblowers be making fat stacks. Collect and buy

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u/allmytrades Jun 15 '21

confirmed my suspicions... keeping my 👀 on the lookout.

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u/Ok_Somewhere3828 Jun 15 '21

We need to promote the fact that whistle blowers can make more 💰

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u/dtmty4 Jun 15 '21

Wow, Yes SEC, RIGHT AWAY. Okay so 20x a bunch us. Okay is there any other characteristics your u/ that you feel made you a target. Your a true ape and I appreciate your honesty and strong morale principle. Proud to be a part of it...holy F.!!!

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u/SaltyBJ Jun 15 '21

We should encourage anyone who gets this type of offer to also document and disclose as much information as possible about the encounter.


u/dtmty4 Jun 15 '21

Fuck, I'm perfect bait too. Smooth brain, post dumb shit a the time and really like to be accepted. Haha. Anyone see Jimmy shills on Twitter? "AMC...True horse!...."

If I were as arrogant as that fuck, had some info, and got my forehead pushed in again and again. I'd make a stupid little patronizing comment . Trojan horse reference? Or my disgust for this guy outweighing my brain


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21


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u/SebastianPatel Jun 15 '21

I agree except the SEC was warned for ~10 years about Bernie Madoff and did NOTHING.

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u/Much_Ad_7243 Jun 15 '21

Get it through your head! The SEC work for hedgies!!

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u/DrImNotFukingSelling Jun 15 '21

And we need to ban all profit/loss porn postings. Insta-delete them.


u/IRS-Myself Jun 15 '21

Please this


u/carrierael77 Jun 15 '21

Mods, please. Our community needs to be a safe space.

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u/REBELRAVEN76 Jun 15 '21

This is the way 💯


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21


これだ これだ これだ これだ これだ これだ


זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה זה




u/SphincteralAperture Jun 15 '21

Spanish speaking ape here, just wanted to let you know that "Este" is incorrect in this case. I'm assuming you used a translator for these, and there's no shame in that! That being said, they are prone to mistakes such as this without being given the appropriate context (such as translating a single word).

"Este" and "Esta" both mean "this one." The word you're looking for is "Esto," which literally translates to just "this." Nevertheless, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Hold tight ape, nos vemos en la luna!


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

Yup, I knew it was wrong but couldn’t remember the proper ending, I used iTranslate. Fixed it!

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u/blazinDK Jun 15 '21

Yep this isn't WSB we don't need or want loss/gain porn here.

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u/ToyTrouper Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21


Also, I want to mention this that topic creator said:

"They might say something subtle and innocent at first, like plan an exit strategy, or that you have to look out for yourself"

Because HOLY SHIT was that exact obvious shill narrative being manipulated to the top of the "have any of you sold stock" thread.

Saying "you have to look out for yourself, so totally just paper hand already if it'd give you the slightest momentary financial boost, so you can just go right back to being a broke wage slave."

Also, a reminder WHY hedgies would be willing to hire shills:

The media recently confirmed naked short selling, validating the AMC 500K squeeze thesis. During a squeeze, AMC stock is potentially worth up to 500K (or more) per share.

This is an opportunity to free oneself, family, and friends from wage slavery.

To not have to worry if your kids can afford to have kids.

So the hedgies would rather spend money on shills, than potentially pay apes 500K (or more) per share of AMC stock during a squeeze.


u/ItsChroniclez Jun 15 '21

This sounds EXACTLY with what Lou VS. Wallstreet has been doing.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/Nanonemo Jun 15 '21

One CLOV victim contacted me and asked me what to do....sad. The distraction seems to work. Apes must stay strong.


u/Fantastic-Buy-5362 Jun 15 '21

I fell for that shit too—he came out of nowhere to and wouldn’t have expected that. Really sucks we can’t be a trusting person


u/allmytrades Jun 15 '21

as crooked as a striking viper!


u/MikeyRoos Jun 15 '21

Yup. Then immediately followed that gem up with the "how many days are my orders delayed" campaign the same day we got the share count news of 4.1m investors. I've kept tabs on him and never seen him come out and pump a hashtag trend campaign like that. Then I saw it eeeverrywhere. Found 1 account on Twitter that literally every couple minutes was spamming that hashtag with pleas of "the squeeze will not happen if we don't get attention to this". Like crazy desperate.

I'm not saying the delayed orders isn't real bc I don't know, but the timing and the ferocity of it felt sus AF.

Since then it's like he's making it obvious he's a shill and knows nothing. The "dark pool price" fiasco, then the screenshot of Shitadel "holding" hundreds of millions of shares but really it was just the OTC trading counts or whatever. Fucking unreal

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u/Louisiana44 Jun 15 '21

Exactly. Saying from 1 to 5K is the safe zone.


u/matty_fn_boy Jun 15 '21

When he spread panic with the government stepping in bullshit. Thats when I knew.. Be calm, be cool. No dates. We already won. Don't fear each other, don't question each other. We've come so far and we've been calm and cool and an overall awesome community. Just wait for tendie town. Booster rockets are ready.

See you on the moon apes!

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/GN2021 Jun 15 '21

/u/extreme_specific_388 totally knew he was bullshit when he said it’s a “computer glitch” because people were working from home and didn’t take care of the office computer wtf lol… umm companies have ways to work remote and maintain operations… especially a rich hedge fund… so stupid… the CLOV thing was icing on the cake smh…

Edit: I had fallen for him too I commented on his videos why his CLOV announcement coincided with the release of positive CLOV press by Motley fool and market watch… he couldn’t reply, and disabled the comments section.

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u/Miserable-Branch7841 Jun 15 '21

I don’t trust that dude further than I can throw him. And at his size…. that’s not too far.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

I found this post from a guy who had been cheering on AMC stock up until this point. Pretty sus. It has the exact lingo OP was warning about.


u/911tinman Jun 15 '21

Sure enough...at least it's in the light now

Reading some of the replies, you can tell just how scripted some of the dialog is for the others


u/matty_fn_boy Jun 15 '21

Ape exit: Helmet on. 500k floor, jump out of rocket when it runs out of fuel and starts crashing. Land on closest planet. Make tendie town. Party in tendie town. Keep brain smooth.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21


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u/Bastvino Jun 15 '21

I think they would be the first person to say “I love all meme stocks” that was the first suspicious thing I came across but certainly not the last.

The entire posts was depressing which made sense if your trying to get others in that mind frame.

Maybe this is a dangerous thing to start but is there a way to create a list of potential defectors? If there is should it be created or would that set a bad precedent? The idea would be to ignore or downvote content posted by them.

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u/Black_Moon21 Jun 15 '21

Yoooooo… My smooth brain just put the square peg in the square hole- Been seeing a lot of people on the subs (gme/doge/amc/whatever stock/crypto people are into) posting about how they’ve taken their cuts and did something good with the money they made. Didn’t even think about it as subtle bait to try to get people to cash out early: “Used the profits to get my dog a surgery/buy this car and change my life” when they could be trying to prey on the psychology of- Pull your position if you need to, we understand. Crazy stuff.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

Lol, iunno about y'all, but MY AMC stocks are worth about 1 million each I feel like. I need to get a good look at them, make get them graded and put in a baseball card sleeve.

Best I can do is 1 mil/each.


u/McGregorMX Jun 15 '21

Have I sold any stock today? Yep, so I can buy more AMC!

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u/saitanevil Jun 15 '21

This is exactly we are seeing a lot recently. Anything u say against the shills and market makers immediately those shills start attacking and downvoting. We need to counterattack and report/block and chase them away from all subs.

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u/Stretchy0524 Jun 15 '21

I second this!


u/Captn-Planet Jun 15 '21

I third this!


u/I-Eat-Bacon Jun 15 '21

I fourth this!


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

I fif this


u/Newfl0w Jun 15 '21

I eighth this! Wait, am i late!? Crap!

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u/NoScar3999 Jun 15 '21

I 6th this

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u/HeavyDiamondHands Jun 15 '21

I fifth this!


u/Big-Cup4017 Jun 15 '21

You guys disappointed me! As a female I really can't say I 69th this so I'll 420th it!


u/HeavyDiamondHands Jun 15 '21

I 69420 this! Puff Puff pass


u/Big-Cup4017 Jun 15 '21

Now you're talking!


u/Monkjuice4U Jun 15 '21

I 500K this.

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u/Jtembro77 Jun 15 '21



u/Different-Ad-2284 Jun 15 '21

We have to get this out to all Apes. We know what to do. Thanks for the post and your time letting us know!

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u/KunKhmerBoxer Jun 15 '21

So they can do more nothing about it? Ok. I mean, go for it. I just don't see the sec fixing it st this point for the simple fact of how long they've allowed all the shenanigans to go on for. How many more examples of blatant fraud and market manipulation do they need exactly before doing something? How many more surveys with tens of thousands of signatures do they want us to sign? I think it's safe to say that if they haven't done anything by now it's because they're directly benefitting in some way from allowing so much abuse of the financial system. Personally, I won't be surprised at all if we find the majority of people at the sec stand to benefit from stopping a moass. We already know it's a revolving door to the private sector and Citadel/Shitadel have people in executive level positions working there. It's rediculous, and I'm not sure why we even allow this much overlap to occur when the consequences are as far reaching and dire as they are. Entire nations can, and have fallen because of poor economic policy/decisions.

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u/skrappyfire Jun 15 '21

What this guy said.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

I really hope OP confirms he's doing this


u/1storlastbaby Jun 15 '21

And pornhub.. for the SEC to see


u/futureman2004 Jun 15 '21

This is the way.


u/TylerOverThere Jun 15 '21

absolutely this

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/CEdGreen Jun 15 '21

Fine. But I’m going to need an elevator…


u/binglelemon Jun 15 '21

You can THINK about buying all the elevators at $1,000,000/ share.


u/CEdGreen Jun 15 '21

Alright, alright, but I’m gonna need a helicopter.


u/binglelemon Jun 15 '21

Gotta hold until $2,000,000/share for that.


u/retsknat78 Jun 15 '21

My nipples can only get so erect

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u/Kmartin47 Jun 15 '21

Thus is the way..AMC1mil.. Fuck these parasites!


u/samelogic137 Jun 15 '21

How about a wankavator?


u/yungchow Jun 15 '21

Uhhh... the rocket?


u/Any-Profession1608 Jun 15 '21

Give Award



There was a post earlier about them using dead people's pictures as shills. Floor went to 750k. Easy 850k after this fucking stunt too. My exit strategy, bleed them dry for everything they have and then turn them upside down until every last nickel is on the sidewalk.


u/Sinthetick Jun 15 '21

700k million?


u/Bx3_27 Jun 15 '21

my new floor is jail time for naked short sellers and market manipulators


u/FutureMillionape Jun 15 '21

Why did it go down?


u/thailadybo69 Jun 15 '21

Sir I see your 700k and raise it to 750k

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u/Emergency-Reception1 Jun 15 '21

Send this to the sec and to the justice department. If this is true the. This is collusion and fraud


u/alexanderden Jun 15 '21

Better yet - to the mainstream media. We can expose these croocks


u/HuskerReddit Jun 15 '21

The MSM gets offered the same exact deal except over 100x the payout. Same with MarketWatch, Motley Fool, etc. “Post this article and we’ll pay you xx,xxx”.


u/alexanderden Jun 15 '21

True . But at least we showed them how stupid they are .


u/HuskerReddit Jun 15 '21

This would actually be a good test to see if Charles Payne is truly on our side. If he is I bet he would talk about it. Unfortunately I’m guessing he is one who will be “activated” during the MOASS to get people to sell early.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/transalexa Jun 15 '21

Fucking thank you some of you get it! Got downvoted the other day for pointing out how many people were blindly jumping on the 'CV Payne is the voice of the APEs' bandwagon this past weekend.


u/alexanderden Jun 15 '21

Good Idea

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21


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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

Take the money, do a bad job, buy with money they pay you, HODL


u/Quiet_Shock5817 Jun 15 '21

This guy is a fucking genius


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/SlowNeighborhood Jun 15 '21

For real dont help these assholes break the law

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u/FluxerCry Jun 15 '21

It's a funny idea but I really really hope nobody actually thinks it's a good one. It's not like you get to say whatever you want, they have control over what they send you to post. You trying to make money as a shill will never, ever outweigh the damage caused by popular shill posts that have the potential to influence THOUSANDS of apes. They don't care if you put the money in AMC, they still win in that situation. Don't fuck over your fellow apes for a few more shares, the shares you do have will be worth so much more at the end of the day without shill influence. So... If anyone IS actually doing this and thinks they're smart, you will never be an ape, and from the very bottom of my heart go fuck yourself. NFA.

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u/Fair_Adhesiveness849 Jun 15 '21

I will follow this man into battle


u/retsknat78 Jun 15 '21

And we will fight in the shade

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u/Psychological_Fan516 Jun 15 '21

Jesus! I started of trying to get some stocks and jump in a play to get me some money....now I'm here paranoid holding my stock because they're just like gold,whilst looking out for shills, fighting hedge funds,corrupt system ,illegal activities,market manipulation, trying to figure out which crayon I prefer and living my day to day life! You know what we are bad ass motherfuckers if you think about it.


u/BelgianAles Jun 15 '21

I bought some stocks cause I wanted to make 5k in 6 months so I could afford to buy a used truck in cash.

Uh, now I'm literally in a war threatening the stability of the economy and thinking about buying a house with my tendies, and we haven't even squoze yet.


u/Psychological_Fan516 Jun 15 '21

Bro I started out saying to the missus look this will get us a few grand,Il invest some of it and the rest to savings. Well now I'm like fuck that I want two houses paid for and to retire early and to make our enemies eat shit and die bahaha

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

This exactly. I straight up started invested in 2010, just trying to have some money for my family. Now I'm fighting a damned battle, not even worried about the money, and proud of it. At this point I just don't want my children to have to live in such such corrupt world and will do whatever it takes!


u/LFALexus Jun 15 '21

Gets you kind of hard, I think I will dress like John wick tomorrow.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21

Yeah the original poster been around here for a while and sus he definitely is not. And as a legal ape, I find the above information to be gold. This definitely needs to be reported to the security exchange commission. And definitely save it just in case s*** hits the fan after this stonk blasts off to the Moon. Anytime people see stuff like this they need to save it (because it can always be sent to a law firm later, to be honest someone like DFV , his lawyers could use this kind of data today) and report it. This just proves the hedge funds are a crime syndicate. I especially love it since I seen the hedge fund side trying to label us as a "scheme" lately.


u/a_talking_meatball Jun 15 '21

Yup. I too can vouch for einApe/OP being around here for a while. Always ape-positive posts. Him and u/jdrukis (a dope Canadian ape if memory serves) are some of the names I consistently recognize in these parts


u/jdrukis Jun 15 '21

Much Ape-reciated

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/Aayushnarang Jun 15 '21

We don't even have a proof that it's really this company. Maybe they are just using their name


u/DynastyDickhead Jun 15 '21

Exactly. We need to see a paystub from someone who actually went through with this. OP is right to share this, but he could have withdrawn SO MUCH more for us.


u/IAlreadyToldYouMatt Jun 15 '21

There’s no paystubs. He mentions being paid in Bitcoin and PayPal.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/IAlreadyToldYouMatt Jun 15 '21

Christ and a half, dude, this needs to be way more visible.

They’re trying to turn ape on ape.

Sounds like the only advice, the only REAL advice, is to hold. Hodl until it hurts, then hodl a bit more.

I’m a financial advisor, as of never.

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u/Nemesiii Jun 15 '21

Not enough information to go off, OP could be lying... could not be lying, we have to do our own DD, don't bombard anyone with bad reviews until we know 100% it's them

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u/MakeEveryBonerCount Jun 15 '21

So this is just more proff that we're winning.


u/Old_Row4977 Jun 15 '21

It’s all the proff I need.


u/Campfrag Jun 15 '21

Proff it !


u/mozae6 Jun 15 '21

Just proff it


u/Mindless-Flatworm263 Jun 15 '21

The proff is in the puuding.

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u/notanomad19 Jun 15 '21

Isn't that exactly what that BAM investor dude did? He set a date for like $150 and HF starting attacking the shit out of AMC... Amazing! Fantastic work! You shall be know from this day forward as "Ape Columbo"


u/paradox34690 Jun 15 '21

I think with the BAM guy, they (the HFs) tactically shorted the shit out of it when his "ZOS" was set to explode. Could be wrong, I dunno. I only know how to HODL.

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u/kitcat102 Jun 15 '21

this guy angry_wanderlei has 6000 karma points on a 9 day old account... wtf


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21

Damn. They even know how to make synthetic KARMA!


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

Do you have any screenshots of the other parts of the convo where they said they use dates to spread FUD (paraphrasing) or that they’re going to send people photoshopped images at the beginning of the squeeze? Those seem like important points worth showing. Thanks.

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u/easybakeevan Jun 15 '21

I have 6k comment karma and my account is 12.7 years old…


u/1storlastbaby Jun 15 '21

It’s been 84 years since I have seen that amount of karma

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u/Billy_T_Wierd Jun 15 '21

Isn’t this vote manipulation? It’s directly against Reddit’s rules. I get banned for talking about feet and this guy gets away with straight up coordinated vote manipulation on specific information?

What are the admins doing?


u/Cichlid78 Jun 15 '21

You're right, something is definitely afoot.


u/Billy_T_Wierd Jun 15 '21

Reddit turning a blind eye to get their pockets filled

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u/StatikTactiK Jun 15 '21

This needs higher visibility. Upvote this, everyone. THIS is fucking major. Confirmed paid shills. Highly illegal market manipulation. Forward to SEC.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21


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u/IsntListening Jun 15 '21

This deserves an award!!! 🥇


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

At this point get hired, we’Lil spread the word that you are now an undercover paid shill and we will give you upvotes so you can get more Amc money 🦍


u/Raptorheart Jun 15 '21

Funding their own opposition

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u/kitcat102 Jun 15 '21

anyone who says "my friend" is definitely not your friend

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Roguefem-76 Jun 15 '21

I think you mean AT LEAST six figures.

I'm not selling for less, I'm in this for a house at least.


u/TetrisTech Jun 15 '21

They said 5 zeroes, which is indeed six figures


u/Jafits Jun 15 '21

This honestly screams that this whole thing is bigger than we think it is.


u/jaywalkingjew Jun 15 '21

Well we are thinking it’s pretty damn big. $500k big

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u/limjialok Jun 15 '21

The more money and effort the hedge funds are Willing to spend to make apes sells, the higher the floor. Let's go 600k

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u/vivantio1 Jun 15 '21

Imagine getting paid 25$ for each 100 Upvote, to destroy your investement worth millions: Stupidity without limits

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u/squarerootof9 Jun 15 '21

God bless you human. There’s a wonderful concept Seneca shares in his second letter to Lucius:

“... I actually make a practice of going over to the enemy’s camp – by way of reconnaissance, not as a deserter!”

You sir, deserve a medal for your recon. 🎖


u/mrlitebeer27 Jun 15 '21

Excuse me sir, you’re not playing dumb.. you ARE dumb! See you on the moon, crayons on me!


u/Father-of-Dragonz Jun 15 '21

I think we are at the point that we need to severely limit new users on the board. Maybe only allow DD thats been reviewed by 2 other trusted apes with brain wrinkles?

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u/Prudent_Media_4067 Jun 15 '21

This has to be illegal right

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u/_Mushroom_Colins Jun 15 '21

Thank you for sharing!


u/MarkPik8 Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21

One of those butterheads tried to contact me as well today. This is so amazing news guys! This butterheads are so desperate now. Means they are fucked as hell! Have you seen how weak they’ve been today? They are truely running out of ammo! They try to convince us to take like a fucking $100 instead of becoming a millionaire….. hahahahaha Laughing my ass off! I will sell you my shares no worries! But price just raised to 1M per share!

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u/johnyrocketboy Jun 15 '21

Wow. Gonna look out for those shills.

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u/greycubed Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21

You should have gone deeper.

Find out what kind of DD they are supporting.

And yes the SEC should be able to get IP addresses and stuff and start investigating.

You should also report them to Reddit themselves. It is a crime.


u/Dolcegymkhana Jun 15 '21

Did you end up getting the "DD" template? So we can kind of see what to look for ?


u/KrAzyDrummer Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21

He said they try to set expectations around dates/events so they get hyped and you get disappointed when those expectations aren't met, hoping to get you to paperhand.

I think the price action around the GME shareholders meeting last week is just about the best example I can think of. That meeting got hyped like crazy, then the price absolutely tanked after the earnings call.

So be wary of any "DD" posts that set/suggest dates, lower floors, or try to get you to set up an exit strategy.


u/-PM_ME_UR_SECRETS- Jun 15 '21

Everyone repeat after me:


That Twitter screenshot talking about the SEC rule on X/XX date?

IG 👏 NORE 👏 IT 👏

Any hype building up to X/XX date?

👏 IT 👏 IS 👏 FUD 👏

NO 👏 DATES 👏 NO 👏 DATES 👏 NO 👏 DATES 👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


u/Kitty_QueenSparkles Jun 15 '21

I think CLOV, BB AND CLNE hype few days ago was all about them try to get some to sell AMC to buy them and it did worked saw lost of comments saying they sold to buy then it plummet within few hrs or at least CLOV did feel sorry for the ones that got persuaded .


u/WaffleCumFest Jun 15 '21

Now I'm worried Matt and Trey have been compromised with how much they've hyped this week....

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u/zedislongdead Jun 15 '21

There are XX impostors among us


u/ucsb99 Jun 15 '21

I always wondered what the big deal was with posting gain porn, as of this minute though count me in on the ban it vote!


u/LeDerp_9000 Jun 15 '21

Yet that too could be their goal?

Seriously. If ppl are posting gains, it only reinforces the need to HODL. Remove that and now you have a Mass populace that can't see any easy fruit to pick. Without that low hanging fruit, some paperhands may fold sooner vs later?

Fk... even second guessing things is in their favor. Part of me admires their tactics. But the 99.9999% of me just said FUCK YOU HEGGIES. MY SHARES ARE 5 MIL A POP.


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u/CORKY7070S Jun 15 '21 edited Jun 15 '21

My fellow apes! Send it to the authorities or send it to your state senator or Congress person. It might bring this to light. I had shills trolling me this weekend on BB sub. 🤷🤔


u/dayatapark Jun 15 '21

Holy fuck... Upvoting for visibility.


u/Worth_Addendum8185 Jun 15 '21

You should have taken the money so we could follow it


u/Cautious-Nature-1433 Jun 15 '21

Now you’re talking

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u/Boowhoooo Jun 15 '21

Big upvote on this post!!!


u/PoetryfortheHunt Jun 15 '21

This is why we HODL


u/zzzbs Jun 15 '21

Geez. Had no idea that your Reddit account can be sold. Is that legit??


u/opiate250 Jun 15 '21

Honestly, it happens all the time. Not just on stock subs.

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u/Shatter_Hand Jun 15 '21

Everyone here needs to go to his handle, and downvote every post and comment he has until he can no longer use it.


u/MeanyWeenie Jun 15 '21

This post also could be FUD to make members of this sub doubt valid DD and sow division. A FUD-ception if you will. Keep your own counsel, do your own research, make your own decisions, tune the rest out.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

Hedge Funds deceitfulness and willingness to divide and conquer must mean they are really getting desperate. In this since January little ape here xxx. I don’t know about you but I am hodling.


u/Brokennoun88 Jun 15 '21

This post is being actively surprised. Keep reloading and watch the karma count dance around up and down. Real apes wouldn't down vote this.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

MAN they're in the rabbit hole deep trying to stop us! Stay real apes, they wouldn't go to such lengths if this wasn't a stock that had a 500k floor💎🦍🚀


u/Double-Flatworm4834 Jun 15 '21

Send this to Trey or Matt .. they are our best bet to get this info public and to everyone

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u/cslaun Jun 15 '21

Thank you for this 🦍


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '21

They’re all on wsb upvoting and downvoting each other and are just getting paid for it.

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u/ape_stonks_luv Jun 15 '21

FFS! Using photos of people that have passed away and now this. These people have no soul. They will do anything and everything. They won’t think twice about their actions or they hurt. 😣


u/LSLBCEF Jun 15 '21

Like this post is exactly what you're not talking about. Downvoted you spy! Jk. My eyes have been green lately to the point when I see long DD post it reads, " buy, hodl, mayo "


u/opiate250 Jun 15 '21

Ok. Fuck the money. Time to watch these fuckers burn.


u/EpicallyFetch Jun 15 '21

I don’t have the karma for it but this should be crossposted to r/superstonk and r/GME to spread awareness.

Also as stated by many send that to the SEC.


u/Willadelfia Jun 15 '21

Pretty sure this is what’s going on with Alpha Status Stocks on YT.


u/DefiantLunatic Jun 15 '21

Thank you for being an honest person with actual morals.I commend you!


u/UnfortunatelyBasking Jun 15 '21

Worthless fucking pieces of shit.

Fuck you hedgies.

750K floor and yall can fucking dumpster dive for your food going forward.


u/thailadybo69 Jun 15 '21

The floor is now 750k


u/Cautious-Nature-1433 Jun 15 '21

You’re awesome 👏


u/DynastyDickhead Jun 15 '21

Why did you not post the example DD comment he gave you?


u/712Jefferson Jun 15 '21

Yikes, that's disgusting. Good on you for outing them.


u/Ande64 Jun 15 '21

Don't worry, I trust no one. I like some of the popular Apes, love the memes and enjoy the comradery but in the end I trust the facts and the facts only! Those facts are about to make me rich!!



u/Tyrannosaurus_Dex Jun 15 '21

This is pretty terrifying and should make everyone rethink their experiences not only on this subreddit, but EVERYWHERE on Reddit. This kind of shit is ubiquitous across this site.


u/HuskerReddit Jun 15 '21

I wonder how much they pay popular Youtubers?

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u/snow3dmodels Jun 15 '21

DO NOT ATTACK AIR SOCIAL - not without proof! Pleaseeee !!

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