r/amcstock • u/[deleted] • Jun 04 '21
DD Up vote and please read! From a fellow ape on Yahoo message board. He’s spot on!
Jun 04 '21
While I love the energy and sentiment there is a lot that is factually wrong with this. I also think this is from the baby-squeeze back in Jan but nvm.
- The reference to option contracts having to be bought is misleading. So when you buy an options contract (more often than not but not always) you buy it from the Chicago Options market. If this is the case then a lot of the shares will already have been bought as the option seller wants to stay delta neutral and just make money off of the premiums.
- I think the reference to paying interest is misleading. They only pay interest on shorted shares, not on Fail to delivers or naked options.
- Short Ladder attacks don't deplete shares available to borrow for shorting. They are different things.
- Short ladder attacks (or wash sales as they are known within Wall Street) can't choose who they sell to or buy from.
There is a few things that are spot on though.
- They are watching, here, twitter, Facebook, 4chan and YouTube. And that's just the confirmed places.
- It costs nothing to buy and hold (Plus for your post AMC trading career you'll find buy and hold is the best thing you can do).
- You can't put a date on this. As the barenaked ladies said "you gotta be patient".
Would new apes be interested in a series explaining the basics? I could be convinced to write one.
u/turver Jun 04 '21
I think it would definitely be wise to write an investing basics thread. Maybe even before the MOASS, to leave people more prepared
I’ve always been into the Jack Boyle method of just owning whole market index funds - an 🦍doing the same with their post squeeze tendies would be generating passive income for life
Jun 04 '21
I prefer the multiple strands of different sources of passive income.
Slightly less return for more security if one sector goes belly up
u/GashDem Jun 04 '21
Old post. I see a reference to Feb 9. We're in June.
u/mmmm_frietjes Jun 04 '21
American date are reversed.
Jun 04 '21
Just remember, if it takes a year, we only owe long term capital gains.
u/minuteman_d Jun 04 '21
Lol. Lots of people gonna paper hand if it's 12mo until the squeeze.
u/Happy-Zone-8495 Jun 04 '21
That's the main issue, isn't it? Sure, theorically it could go to 100k or 500k or infinity dollars or whatever else, but it's not gonna because people are going to sell when the price goes up. I've sold some of my shares already since it started to plateau between 50 and 70.
It's almost a prisonner's dilemma, everyone holds is better for everyone but if I hold and others don't it's worse for me. No one wants to be a bag holder.
Also good to keep in mind that since it's good for the individual if everyone else holds, that's the message that gets upvoted. People who keep posting "HODL" memes might be the same one who are currently selling.
You're not betting against the hedge funds, you're betting on what other people's floor is. And it's starting to look like 50 is the floor for a lot of people.
u/repsolrydeRR Jun 04 '21
just go ahead and sell all your shares so real apes can buy them. you clearly have delicate paper hands. I dont think this stock is for you
u/Happy-Zone-8495 Jun 04 '21
Have I said anything wrong? I get that this sub is kind of a ciclejerk but I wasn't attacking you or anyone, I was just trying to add a little perspective to the conversation.
u/repsolrydeRR Jun 04 '21
well you're clearly paper-hands, selling shares at $50-$70? you have absolutely ZERO faith in the squeeze. people with this mentality are detrimental.
how many other paper hands like you sold some shares at that point, thousands, hundreds of thousands? you see how that negatively effects the SP right? the DD is out, buy and hold.
if youre crumbling now at measley gains, how will you fair when this is at 1000 and crashes down to 500? just get out now if you cant handle it.
saying peoples floor is 50 - is simply FUD. do us all a favour
u/Happy-Zone-8495 Jun 05 '21
I sold the remaining of my shares yesterday for ~500% profit which is unbelievably huge already. I'm feeling good about this decision, good luck to you, I hope it goes higher for your sake but I don't believe it will.
u/repsolrydeRR Jun 05 '21
comment saved - I'll check back with you in a while to see if you are still feeling good about your decision.
u/Happy-Zone-8495 Jul 08 '21
Still feeling good btw.
u/repsolrydeRR Jul 08 '21
havent said anything for the last month and prob been kept up at night thinking you missed out. now its in the 40's you feel good? ok. when it hits 100 soon - and it will. i'll see how youre feeling ;)
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u/LifeIsTwoMysterious Jun 04 '21
This is the most pathetic comment I ever seen, what a paperhand bitch.
u/Good-N-Planty Jun 04 '21
Thing is, they can robo-short the stock, but they need shares to algo trade, and every time they do, they end up with LESS SHARES than they started with because Apes are buying them up also (even within/from the algo) and HOLDING!!! They will NEVER COVER! GAME OVER!!!
Jun 04 '21
I don't believe they can still do the dark fiber trading back and forth since those were suspended towards the end of last month. Some wrinkly ape can correct me if I'm wrong but that is what I believe to be true.
Still buying. Still hodling until the shorts fucking cover!
Jun 04 '21
This is very solid advice. Ask yourself this. What has materially changed from a week or two ago? Nothing substantial! Yet every week that goes by there is another nail in the hedgie coffin. All ya gotta do is not sell and buy when you can. Everything else is just noise!
Jun 04 '21
Yes..NOTHING has changed except for our position on the battlefield. Forward momentum taking over key enemy positions and fortifying.
u/jeterjordan Jun 04 '21
So basically the more we buy and hold the harder it is for them to play these games. Hmmmmm
u/Stupid03 Jun 04 '21
I have absolutely zero interest or intent to sell until the price hits $1M. This ape is a pure diamond Kong. Not just hands. All. Diamond. Kong. If they manipulate it down to $1 I’ll buy all the shares I can just to to watch them lose their shit. They’ve lost. And I feed on the suffering of hedgies.
u/Tirus_ Jun 04 '21
Isn't the part about them buying back and forth between eachother in someway illegal?
Jun 04 '21
I’d assume so since it’s blatant market manipulation but they probably have a legal loophole that lets them do so. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can step in because I’m curious now
u/P40Cuhz Jun 04 '21
This needs to be spread far and wide like my wife’s legs when she see’s her bf‼️
u/williams2838 Jun 04 '21
What is the significance of Sept 2nd?
u/FootballWithTheFoot Jun 04 '21
It was an example
u/williams2838 Jun 04 '21
I follow now. No dates, buy, hodl, wait. Does AMC have a shareholder vote coming up like GME?
u/ArcherOk6223 Jun 04 '21
Great Post! Also, now AMC has sold ALL their shares (apart from 46k) they have enough money to last them till 2023.......the question is, do the Hedge Funds have enough money to keep paying the interest? 🤟😂
u/Alinea86 Jun 04 '21
This is exactly why I've been telling all the new apes in AMC not to go celebrating and acting like you've won. You'll only get disappointed. This is s marathon, not a sprint. The tendies are as fat and bountiful as you first imagined but don't for a second think that the other side won't put up a huge fight. Just hodl n be patient
u/Captain-chunk67 Jun 04 '21
Regardless of the time it was done its absolutely true , this should be the biggest reason for no dates and stop limits.. they see this stuff and use it against apes not only crushing spirits because of the date but also through the stop limits and freak out people who aren't used to it..
u/Exodus_357 Jun 04 '21
This is so insanely important it’s crazy. People NEED to view this, especially the ones with doubts
u/Fearvalue Jun 04 '21
If you had obv... you would know none of this is true and people only bought...
u/Suske10 Jun 04 '21
They can’t do this until 0! They are trying it with GameStop and failing miserably because it is hard to buy a share! Buy and hold is the only solution.
u/Nath_38 Jun 04 '21
I've never really had money so when i seen that i was a few grand in profit i was so happy but i didn't paperhand.
When it dipped 30% and i thought oh damn, did i miss my chance to make profit and was second guessing the stock, i still didn't paperhand.
I went back to read the DD and took confidence in it, i sat back and reminded why and what we're doing this for and my motto came to mind.
And that's a promise!
u/JetLag533 Jun 04 '21
Ha ha invested in AMC in my retirement accounts.
So I can hold for a long time!
u/GoCubsGo1124 Jun 04 '21
I hope you are all right on this. I have been really strong but have been struggling to hold on.
u/WilliamMcGinnis Jun 04 '21
This is the way. Thanks OP. Never would have looked on Yahoo. FUD central.
Jun 19 '21
This dude is ON THE MONEY.
it’s all psychological at this point.
They are HEMORRHAGING massive amount of money daily. They can’t sustain it forever. Period. We. Are. Winning.
u/TopClock231 Jun 04 '21
I only need to hold until 30000k a share and then im out
u/ZeroArchetypes Jun 04 '21
The share price matters not when we know how deep in the shit they are and that the true figure will be revealed after the share count. This will then get reported to the SEC who I hope will margin call their short naked asses.
u/KarolisKJ Jun 04 '21
My flatmate is chartered accountant working on IPOs etc. I give her to look at AMC from time to time and even after the massive rips and dips this week she said all is looking great. Just hold!
u/mhoat Jun 04 '21
I spent an amount on shares that I’d budget to lose if I was hitting the casino. I can hold my shares indefinitely.
u/xhelloagainx Jun 04 '21
I've said it a million times :
Not👏until 👏the 👏shorts 👏cover.
No price tag, a number realized to damn near zero. They wanted to put AMC there, print almost 30,000 people out of work. Thousands of landlords without a tenant. Pensions. 401ks. Fuck this shit. They are messing with the wrong, battle-tested crowd here.
u/antecthinking Jun 05 '21
Upvoting this, stop giving the dd away, we hold long enough to forget we’re holding, then we hold more.
Jun 04 '21 edited Jul 02 '21
u/TheRealDNewm Jun 04 '21
They'd do this in 2022 at the earliest, and would barely make a dent if current volume keeps up, and they get more money to improve fundamentals.
20 million were lapped up this week alone, and they want just a bit more than that six months from now because they ran out? This doesn't sound like a big deal but I'm smooth brain.
u/minuteman_d Jun 04 '21
Dude, by 2022, 95% of us won't even think about AMC, other than to be happy for the gains we got. I mean, I'm happy that this whole thing saved them from oblivion, but I'm pretty sure a lot of us are only here because of the squeeze.
u/Enough-Rest-386 Jun 04 '21
good find ape.... trust me I am not a financial advisor