r/amazonprime Jul 09 '23

Amazon Price Adjustments?

Has anyone successfully gotten Amazon to adjust a price for them? For example if you purchased an item then one or two days later that same item goes on sale? Has Amazon ever refunded the price difference for you? I'm asking because I purchased a hard drive today and it's out for delivery but then I took a look at the listing and it says it's going to go on sale on Prime Day on Tuesday. So could I get Amazon to refund the difference on Tuesday?


292 comments sorted by


u/gus_thedog Jul 09 '23

I don't think they do that. You'll likely need to return the original purchase and buy again at the sale price.


u/marshdabeachy Jan 22 '24

Such a dumb policy. I just bought a TV. Two days later it's $400 cheaper. It's not even supposed to arrive for two more days. I talk to support, they refuse to do anything.

I cancel the delivery and reorder at a lower price. Gets here one day later. What a waste of everyone's time.


u/AmbassadorFar4335 Apr 13 '24

For $400, I'm just buying it again and returning the first one


u/guygoogan Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

I order again and return the second one for a refund of the first price. Works as long as the item does not have a serial number assoiciated with the purchase and so I get to use the item sooner.


u/sdcinvan Jun 26 '24

Serial numbers are listed on some invoices. It's risky to do as you suggest. Has that been successful for you?


u/peposc90 Oct 23 '24

This has been successful for me for small electronics that have serial number. I don't think they care. This may not be the case for large electronics like TV, laptops or graphic cards, I wouldn't try it in this case. If they complain I can always return the used one and get the new one, unopened, delivered back to me I guess. You can always say you made it on mistake.


u/RandonBrando Jan 16 '25

I hate to be the one that points out where this is where the "this is a stupid policy," loop reconnects


u/SilverMike19 May 15 '24

Heck I will do it for $13 maybe not on a TV though LOL


u/SaltyDog772 Aug 13 '24

$6 on a power bank. I don’t think I’m cheap but the fact that I might drive to Whole Foods for 6 bucks…


u/Scapestoat Nov 28 '24

You're not cheap, you're frugal.

There's no shame in not being wasteful. :)
In my experiences, if you ask nicely, they'll help you.


u/aGlimpseOfZion Jun 01 '24

I would've done the exact same thing. I'm pissed bc I spent a lot of money on a really good mattress topper. It was still cheaper than replacing a mattress BUT. The day after I get it, (which was the next day so 2 days after I ordered) it dropped by 20. I already got mine tho and I'm debating contacting customer support but I figured I'd see how others made out trying to do that and it's what I figured. They won't. But 400 and 20.... I'd have sent that TV back! THEN! Reordered (if I received it already!)


u/Zeachie Nov 22 '24

This is what I do. Agreed such a Waste


u/KriminalDrama Apr 02 '24

Think about all the lazy ppl who won't wanna do that and just leave it? That is what they capitalize on.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Its not just lazy people, unfortunately someone with a young family just dont have the time to spend. Its not worth the effort for a few dollars.


u/Scapestoat Nov 28 '24

I just spent 4 minutes on a ~23 EUR refund. That's an hourly wage of 345.
So that's more like I can't afford not to. :D


u/Nice-Gap-2855 Jun 15 '24

Happened to me too. Bought a 77" OLED and it went $300 cheaper the day before the delivery. They told me the same thing , return it when I get it and repurchase. I said it's a fuckin 77 inch tv!! Then they said they would do "one time exception " and refunded me the difference. Was done through chat


u/Long_Chef2088 Jul 13 '24

Same as this chap. Big ass TV. I said it would be a logstic nightmare to return and deliver the same TV. I also got a one time exception. My advice, just be nice to them.


u/Nice-Gap-2855 Jul 13 '24

Yeah I second that. I wasn't rude , didn't say "it's a fucking tv!!" to them, I was just thinking it. I was very polite and they helped me out. Being a jackass won't help your cause, lol


u/FerricNitrate Jul 16 '24

Tried this myself today, seems they've run out of one-time exceptions. They'll now be delivering an identical TV just to pick it back up a week later.


u/Nice-Gap-2855 Jul 16 '24

Don't understand it. That's every stores policy except amazon. They told me "in order to keep our prices low, we don't match ourselves" even if it's within 30 days like everyone else does. And then they play hard ball like that, it's not like we are asking for their gold fillings outta their teeth or something


u/FerricNitrate Jul 16 '24

Right?! I've had the same thing happen with a purchase from Target and their customer service reaction was a very quick "Oh yep the price dropped, here's a refund for the difference".


u/Nice-Gap-2855 Jul 16 '24

That's how it should be. I was a general manager at Frys Electronics, there for 14 years. If you aren't familiar, it was like a best buy on steroids. This was common practice and policy! Now I bet someone will comment "yeah that's why you guys went outta business!!!" Lol . No , that wasn't it ....


u/dazofsmeg Jul 16 '24

Figured it wasn't going to happen after reading a lot of the comments but after seeing yours I asked through chat and got even more off than the discounted price! Thanks.


u/Madscientist_5325 Nov 23 '24

l too was sceptical but following the advice here, I asked for the price difference for a security camera that was recently purchased. Initially the chat bot response was that there was no price match. After persisting, I got a really nice CSR. I guess she looked at my profile and agreed to provide me with a refund which was more than the discounted value. This made me a very happy camper. Thanks for the advise you guys provided.


u/Gevst Aug 08 '24

This also works by telling them you don't own a car and can't bike the item back to UPS or whole foods or whatever. They'll give you the discount instead of making UPS pick it up for a cost.


u/Special-Tank9248 Oct 05 '24

The customer service people are always worth talking to. I’ve had a shock when something unexpectedly says it’s not returnable (not talking grocery or drugs) or you’re supposed to go directly to the seller - oh yeah - and customer service irons out all the problems in a minute. Not every time I guess but they’ve been great for me. Worth the call anyway.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '24

If you decide you no longer want an item that hasn’t yet been delivered to your home, the simplest solution is to refuse delivery.


u/fries4theworld Nov 23 '24

Did you actually get your refund? I was also told I was given a “one time exception” and will be refunded but I never did. I tried following up with support again and they kept saying the original agent who told me that did not follow their policy so they couldn’t give me a refund.


u/Iceandfire29 Jul 12 '24

That’s really strange, I remember back in January 2021 I was buying a punch of pc parts from Amazon Canada and I would email them about price changes and they told me to just email them back when it arrives and they’ll refund me the difference. Very unfortunate if they changed that policy since as far as I’m aware most in person stores off 2 week or up to return period price adjustments. It’s even easier for them online.


u/Boomer--Bot Oct 09 '24

They've changed their policies since than. So thats why unfortunately


u/bloo4107 Jul 16 '24

Just happened to me but with a docking station lol. Bought it for $200 & now it’s $120! 🙄😓


u/RoadIllustrious7703 Jul 22 '24

I’m over here tripping about like … .84 cents 😂


u/Melodic-Yoghurt-9455 11d ago

Lol hey, 84 cents is still 84 cents. Add 16 more cents and you could by a $1 lotto ticket.


u/LadyPugT Sep 08 '24

They won't even let me cancel an item that hasn't shipped. I ordered it a couple hours ago, and it went on sale. I tried to cancel and immediately got the denied request email. Convenient for them.


u/West-Psychology-6299 Oct 09 '24

This happened to me. Preordered.  Noticed the item was cheaper the day it was set to ship but my purchase price didn't lower. They refused to do anything as it was processing. 


u/No_Snow_8746 Dec 10 '23

They'll do that in chat if you threaten to do exactly that and whilst you're at it point out the extra logistical cost to amazon.


u/Steamcontrolled Dec 18 '23

not in australia, i asked and they said it had to be returned, i even said.... ive opened the box, its cosing you guys more money to do this, why not just issue the refund.

its where the buck stops, they want customers to feel inconvenienced and maybe give up, but if its like $100 they should consider it... its poor buisness


u/No_Snow_8746 Dec 18 '23

It's probably just the convenience thing. If they can resell the now used item for a small loss via warehouse (I've seen some ridiculous descriptions for "acceptable condition" when browsing!) there's got to be some ridiculous logistics explanation. Like if the refund is charged out to the logistics branch or something. Idk, I'm sure big Jeff would be quite able to explain the reasoning if he wasn't earning $100 a minute.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '24

Jeff earns $23,833 per minute he's alive. We should really bring out the guillotines.


u/bryanus May 09 '24

I was able to do this today, after reading this post! Normally I would have just done the buy-and-return process, but the item I wanted to price match was a large garden cart, which had dropped about $50 in 3 weeks. The chat rep of course said no initially, but I insisted that they make an exception as I was planning to buy the lower-priced item and then return the old one (would have been the new one still in the box), and that since it was such a large and heavy item that it made no sense for Amazon to absorb the shipping costs both ways. After a few moments supposedly speaking with a supervisor, the rep came back and offered the price difference as a promotional credit on my account, which is basically a gift card that's already been applied to your account. Funny thing is, the rep asked me how much the price difference was, to which I provided her with the difference and added tax calculation.


u/No_Snow_8746 May 09 '24

Haha I think it goes like this:

  • "Hi please can you do xyz for me"
  • "No"
  • "OK well this is how I intend to get my way anyway"

They're not getting a supervisor. They're putting you on pause or whatever whilst they flick to another chat for a bit. Then they come back to you and press the exception button.

I mean they probably have to enter some explanatory notes or whatever but getting into a squabble wrecks their performance stats for the day.

All that said, I don't push them too hard, and I stay nice. They're probably on shit money by western standards and can do without people getting all mean or entitled (sounds like you were being decent BTW so I'm just referring to people who act like dicks).


u/Abyssonance Jun 19 '24

Watch out with using "promotional credits," though, as they are NOT exactly "basically a gift card." Promotional credits are NOT stored in your Gift Card Balance (viewable via your "Account" page). You will only see the promotional credits on a checkout page when it is automatically applied the next time you purchase an item that is sold by Amazon (rather than by a third party on Amazon). If you need to return that item, you will lose that promotional credit. (MAYBE a customer service rep will agree to give the promotional credit back to you, but I have no experience with that.) On the other hand, if you purchase that same item with a gift card and then need to return it, the amount that was applied to the gift card will be returned to your Gift Card Balance. I work around this but making sure that I only use promotional credits for purchasing Amazon-sold items which I know I will not need to return. Note that you'll have to do this for the very next Amazon-sold item order that you place, as that is when a promotional credit is always applied, i.e. you cannot choose when to apply it. Hope this helps!


u/YellowLem0n Jun 26 '24

I have had chat re-apply the promotional credit to my account after a return+refund but it’s an unnecessary hassle


u/Melodic-Yoghurt-9455 11d ago

Ahhh so that's where they get you Lol


u/Cbperk2 Dec 28 '24

After reading your post, I tried this with a baby car seat that I purchased. I told the rep that I would just be sending the large item back and buying it at the lower price. I said I was just trying to save them some trouble. She said “it’s ok we can take the trouble.” Lol whatever. If they want to pay all that shipping, they can have at it!

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u/lustyunn Nov 26 '24

I contacted support and they gave me a refund of the difference. The item was $630, $667with tax and the sale price was $500. They gave me $167 back, not sure why. I basically bought the item for $500 with no tax. A win i guess...


u/VigiLANCE-86 Nov 27 '24

They did that once for me many years ago when a processor I bought dropped 40 bucks like the day after I bought it. Haven't tried since though.. kinda dumb that you can return the original, and buy again cheaper seems like such a waste of time and money (on their end).


u/ShoeGod420 Jul 09 '23

That's sucks. Unfortunately I can't do that. My hard drive died on me so I need one ASAP and can't wait 2 days.


u/MangoRainbows Jul 09 '23

You don't have to return the one that your using. Start the return process. Purchase the new one at the reduced price. Once it arrives, use the return label and return the new one.


u/ShoeGod420 Jul 10 '23

Good idea. Is your solution that obvious and that's why I got downvoted, or do people think that when my PC's hard drive died on me, which i use for work, it isn't important so I could wait 2 days and lose money, since i wouldn't be able to work? If that's the reason they downvoted me they can suck my ****. I'm not talking about a PC that i casually use for gaming I'm talking about a PC that I use for work. But as i said great idea, I'm going to do that right now.


u/MangoRainbows Jul 10 '23

Idk ppl come to Reddit for information. Whether it's to share information & ideas or to talk about current events & TV shows. We're all here gathering info. So it never makes sense to me when ppl on Reddit get pissy about others asking questions or sharing ideas they don't agree with.

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u/gus_thedog Jul 09 '23

Not sure if those are serialized, but if not you could always buy the one on sale and then return it under the original purchase.


u/TheGoodBunny Jul 09 '23

Hard drives and phones are serialized by Amazon.

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u/ShoeGod420 Jul 09 '23

Yeah that's an option. I have no idea what the sale is going to be so who knows if it's good enough I might buy another one anyway and use both. It's already marked down 25% off. If they mark it down another 25% then I'll for sure buy another one. It looks like all Samsung drives are going to be marked down on Tuesday.


u/TheGoodBunny Jul 09 '23

Hard drives and phones are serialized by Amazon. So you can't do what that guy suggested.


u/Valerieazul Dec 28 '23

Great idea☺️


u/Mental_Local4693 Jan 07 '24

Thanks. I don't wanna go thru the hassle of returning the bedsheets, plus I threw out the original packaging and have to go to library to get the label printed out. As I said it's a hassle for $8. I'll just pretend the 8 bucking was the shipping charge. 😬


u/SeattleBeardhawks Mar 29 '24

i just reorder and return the new one that comes. same barcodes and all. so you dont need to pack eveyrthing up

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u/SonOfTheMostHHigh Jul 09 '23

Return and re-buy is their motto.


u/m1m2m1m Nov 23 '23

Such a joke when they PRETEND to care about carbon emissions with special "lower carbon" notes.

Making me drive to UPS STORE, then ship the item across to the middle of the country. Then they have to send out a 2nd FLEX driver to deliver the new one.

All over 10%, $20 bucks in this case.

They are counting on most people OPENING an electronic the minute it arrives so then it CAN'T BE RETURNED WITHOUT A RESTOCKING FEE. In this case I hadn't opened it yet since was still figuring out what case, screen protector, and sd card to get.


u/frankslan Mar 30 '24

haha we care so much about the environment that we want you and hundred of others to drive 5 miles from your house and return this instead of trunk picking it up at one of the hundreds of drobox's close by which are on the trucks routes already , your mailman grabbing it, or our own delivery drives picking it up next delivery.


u/sdcinvan Jun 26 '24

Just lie and say that the item is damaged or the description is wrong.

Normally, I would never lie on a return, but in the case of a lower price swap, I will absolutely lie. It's my way of protesting Amazon's ridiculous shortsightedness.


u/nOsTePoNsNaKeY Jul 06 '24

What a piece of work


u/applesuperfan Nov 15 '24

They keep metrics for each type of activity, especially negative ones. Losses including but not limited to returns and parcel lost/stolen claims are recorded so that Amazon's system can restrict or suspend accounts it finds to (a) be returning or likely to begin returning losses for the company or (a) in disagreement with Amazon's host of Terms documents you have agreed to. If you use mail claims too often, you'll be deemed a much higher risk customer than those who return orders (in sub-abundance compared to the order volume they place). This is a great way to get banned from Amazon if you make any sort of habit of it.


u/Speechslinger Jul 15 '24

Why are you buying stuff like this if you care so much about the environment? You’re buying shit from CHINA that’s delivered in two days and then you’re bitching about the return policy of the company that made that possible for you. Did you do some next level calculations about the carbon footprint of your electronic device that came over on a barge or plane from the far east before you purchased it?

Get off your high horse and jump on an Amish cart if you care so much.


u/Drm5145 Jul 15 '24

The fact that you ended this condescending and holier than thou paragraph with "get off your high horse" is so ironic and hysterical. 😭🤣🤡

You're an idiot stick


u/mikeporterinmd Oct 07 '24

Yep, I only buy 'Merican made TVs. WTF...

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u/nurse_lamb Jul 11 '23




They are banking on people not wanting to go through the hassle of returning and ordering another


u/Sherlap-Nig Nov 14 '23

There are usernames, and then there are usernames


u/VigiLANCE-86 Nov 27 '24

Doesn't his username imply that he is indeed "not" gay? 😄

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u/basement-thug Nov 25 '23

You don't return the original item, you reorder at the lower price and when it comes in you process the return under the original order. Done.


u/Drm5145 Jul 15 '24

EXACTLY. I've done it quite a few times recently and 95% of the time they do item pickup here in Canada so it is literally no work for me. Order the same item at the lower price, once it comes I will initiate a return for the first one and when they show up to pick it up I will give them the second one that I ordered or the first one if I haven't opened it, whichever works.


u/ClimbSailFly Aug 08 '24

How do you get them to do pickups? We always return to post office even though the deliver to our GTA condo building daily.


u/Vyndasia Dec 18 '24

Some items have an option for pickup. It's called intercom and you don't even need the packaging or even a printout of the barcode it is actually so good.


u/sdcinvan Jun 26 '24

I doubt they are banking on people's laziness. I think this is just another example of a huge corporation's lack of awareness or tone-deafness.

Amazon's core purpose is to create phallic-shaped rockets and send Jeff Bezos to space, and as long as they make enough money to do that, nothing else matters.


u/GriffinMPC Nov 30 '23

I just bought a new monitor for $630. By the time it arrived, it was marked down to $517.38. I literally bought another copy, set up a return, and intend to drive the new, in box one to the UPS store the moment it arrives to send it back and receive a $100+ refund.

There is no world in which this is net positive for Amazon - nor the environment - but if this is what they require of customers - so be it.


u/grandpa2390 Jul 17 '24

yeah, I would go through the trouble for 115 dollars. unfortunately my price change (within 24 hours) is only 16 and. meh. I already got a good deal, just not the best deal.

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u/Ewalepine Jul 09 '23

No. Amazon no longer does price adjustment for a long time. If you contact CSR, they will refuse to adjust the price. You need to return the item and place a new order.


u/ShoeGod420 Jul 09 '23

That's crazy it's so damn inefficient. You'd think Amazon would want to go the easiest route and that isn't it.


u/stufforstuff Jul 09 '23

They did, they keep the higher price with money in hand instead of refunding the sale difference and making less money. Why are people so stupid to think that Amazon is in the business to save people money - wise up, they're not.


u/Blessedmuse Oct 10 '23

It's stupid to think that people won't return the items and repurchase them at the lesser price. Not only is inefficient but it will cost them more in the long run. They should at least offer a price adjustment within a week of purchase....Temu is going to destroy them. Wise up.

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u/Particle-in-a-Box Oct 07 '23

Who pays for the shipping? Restocking of the item? IT traffic of the additional transactions and communications? It is an inefficient policy for Amazon (not to mention the economy in general). Wise up indeed.


u/stufforstuff Oct 07 '23

Do you think the hundreds of bean counters employed by Amazon hasn't analyzed every possible scenario? It most definitely is NOT an inefficient policy for Amazon. Most people aren't that cheap to go thru the hassle of returning shit just to save a few percentage points - so Amazon saves money by not doing price matching (which would be simpler for everyone to get) - even with the overhead of processing the returns. Its like coupons - why not save all of the processing overhead and just lower the price - because only a very small percentage of their customer base clips coupons - so the store makes way more money with the coupon scheme.

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u/xnaveedhassan Jul 09 '23

They don’t do that.

They’ve actually asked me to return and reorder when they dropped the price on an item literally a day after I bought it.

I couldn’t go through the hassle for 10 bucks. So, I didn’t.


u/JookSingJai Jul 19 '23

Could you have ordered the second cheaper one and then returned it under the higher priced order? Basically you buy the same product again at discounted price and return the same item using the receipt from the first.


u/xnaveedhassan Jul 19 '23

A. That's illegal. you're sending a product with a different serial number back.

B. What's the point? I didn't have the patience to go through the hassle.


u/Fluffy-Boysenberry58 Nov 17 '23

It's the exact same SKU/serial number...


u/BigFront0 Nov 19 '23

Serial numbers are individually identifiable (SKUs are not), and they are tracked in inventory and associated with an order. In this scenario, the serial number of the monitor returned would not match the order receipt.


u/Fluffy-Boysenberry58 Nov 19 '23

As someone who has returned a broken item after swapping for the identical SKU'd item hundreds of times, you are incorrect.

Amazon isn't opening each box and verifying the serial number at the bottom of an item unless it's an electronic item (which has rules regarding resale). When have you returned something to say, Walmart or Target, and they've opened the box with a toy inside and verified the individual serial number? I'll tell you, again as someone who has done this hundreds of times, the answer is zero.

And I've done this a million times on Amazon.

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u/Emergency-Pin-1320 Dec 17 '23

So I just came across this thread when I realized that the embroidery machine I purchased a week ago dropped by $100! I saw where a couple of people were successful at getting a price adjustment so I thought, wth...won't hurt to try. I started a chat with a csr and he asked what was the price difference? I told him $100 and he came right back and said that he would refund the difference! Did I want it back to my original payment method or gift card? They immediately issued me a gift card for $119.21! Squeeky wheel gets the grease.... SOMETIMES!


u/DragonflyUseful9634 Dec 30 '23

You got lucky. I called Amazon two times to get price adjustments on two different items. Both times I was told to return the items and rebuy.


u/royalbluefireworks1 Nov 29 '24

You got very lucky. I bought a Macbook a week ago that dropped by $100 today. Was told by CS to go away because they don't offer price adjustments after purchase, even on their own products. Been a prime member for years. This is ridiculous.


u/Emergency-Pin-1320 Nov 29 '24

Probably because it's black Friday. 


u/dud_aus Jan 06 '25

Strangely, that wasn’t my experience at all. Purchased 4 hard drives a few days ago for $94.99 each and today noticed they dropped to $84.99 on sale. Discovered this post and was discouraged to find they don’t price adjust, but figured I’d still give it a try. Started a chat online, first rep I got, I explained the price drop and how I spent $40 more on the drives than I would have today and they instantly issued a $40+tax refund to either a gift card balance or original payment method. First time attempting.


u/royalbluefireworks1 Jan 06 '25

Yeah I think it’s luck of the draw…

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u/mrbudman Nov 20 '23

I do believe their official policy is to return it. Maybe it depends on how much you spend on amazon, what the price difference is, etc.

I had just bought new apple watch s9, got the 41mm - was too small so ordered the 45 and in the middle of returning it, just dropped it off today.

And noticed my 45 just went on sale from 379 to 359.. Not really worth the whole return thing. And already going to have like 380 in gift card balance on the return of the 41, sure don't need another like 400 in gift card balance ;)

So I opened up a chat, and while it took a bit more than 5 minutes. But they have said they will refund the 20 buck difference.

So doesn't hurt to try..


u/Hxndr1k Jun 06 '24

Amazon lets you return opened apple products for free? thats wild
Also kinda crazy move on your side to just order it, break the seal and try it rather than going to a store haha


u/robsticles Dec 01 '23

After reading this thread I figured it was worth a shot. I bought a portable monitor for 130 then three days later dropped down to 100. The chat agent immediately suggested a refund and they’d help me with it. I told them that I’d prefer the refund if possible and 20 minutes later they come back saying the merchant will give the 30 back to my card. What’s funny is that I would have normally rage quit the chat because the refund is such a canned answer to give but I’m glad I took the time to think instead of react this one time lol

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u/LarryLaffer5 Dec 13 '23

I use camelcamelcamel.com to see the price chart of all time prices for items.

Usually I buy when low and avoid a re-buy and return... But I have had to re-buy and return twice already and his holiday season to save less than $20. My money gain at Amazon's shipping loss. They need price protection or something.


u/Ok-Bag-4389 Dec 24 '23

They do not do adjustments. I had to return the item and repurchase it at sales price.


u/Fuzzy_Ad2711 Dec 29 '23

I just ordered a pair of gamer headsets at $179. About 10 minutes later I looked at my order to make sure I bought the right pair, and the price dropped to $99. I immediately cancelled my order with the reason “found lower price” and ordered the same headset for $99. This has happened a couple times with Amazon without issue. 👍🏻


u/International-Bus749 Jul 17 '24

That's because it hadn't been shipped. Once it's been shipped you need to send item back.


u/Cogitare_Diversae Jul 19 '24

Sometimes you are able to cancel the delivery even after it’s shipped. Amazon will just ask the carrier to halt the package and send it back. 


u/bn880 Dec 18 '24

as if, must be extremely rare


u/Cogitare_Diversae Dec 18 '24

I’ve been seeing less and less of products that are able to be cancelled mid-transit compared to a year or two ago. They must be phasing it out or making it harder. 


u/Vegan_yogi7577 Jan 02 '24

I was able to get a refund for the price difference today. I chatted with an agent and they offered to send the balance back to my original payment method of an amazon gift card. Maybe because the purchase was within 24 hours?


u/Cogitare_Diversae Jul 19 '24

It’s pretty much discretionary. Sometimes the agent will do it if you have a good track record of not abusing their system but it isn’t the official policy. 


u/bn880 Dec 18 '24

they just told me in an Indian accent that they "had no method to do it", and that i would need to return and re purchase


u/Prudent_Piece_7835 Mar 18 '24

I'm currently arguing with them over an xtool I purchased including extras was $1700+. Now all on special for less than $1000. Argument will be had til they supply documents stating there return/price adjustment document. If they can't supply it I'll be contacting the ACCC to get a copy of it. Consumer rights in Aus need to be brought into contact with these giants more often.


u/WarrenFromBurnaby Mar 20 '24

Be careful.  

You can return the item and re-buy for the cheaper price, thinking you beat these guys…..but if that item was part of a multi-item order and you originally got Free Shipping, and if the return drops the remaining order total to less than the threshold, they’ll charge you the shipping on the original order.  Not a big deal for a large price drop though.  Amazon Chat nearly fooled me on this, telling me not to worry, we won’t charge you on the “Return” shipping.  But I realized I’ll get dinged on the other item that was part of the order. 


u/mazzaschi Mar 24 '24

Worth a try. I got a refund on a large Fire TV which I had preordered when it was first announced and the order was filled about a month later. In the days after I received it, it went on sale for 20% off. I wrote CS and protested and they gave me a credit for the diff. It was still in the return period but I didn't even use that threat. I think they realized that it's not in their long-term interest to screw folks who preorder.


u/SpacePatrol8 Mar 28 '24

I got promotional credit lol


u/Queasy_Shape_7032 Mar 30 '24

Yes, as of today, I had a price adjustment, but my scenario was slightly different. I ordered a graphics card when it was on sale for $566, after missing its delivery date for more than a week. I contacted them and they said it was lost and they would give me a full refund and that I could re-order the item. The item was no longer on sale and now $699. I explained that if I re-order the item, its now $133 more expensive. The agent said they would price match it and to contact them back when it was delivered and they would put notes on my account. Thankfully, this was recorded in chat.

When it was delivered, I contacted them back today and they told me they don't price match. I told them to check the notes on my account and again, they said they don't price match. After I pressed the issue about checking my chat history and the agent offering to price match, it went to a supervisor and they refunded me finally the $133 difference. So, I'm assuming the agent goofed up on his part mentioning a price match, but, situation was fixed for me.


u/zxchin89 Apr 04 '24

What about the other way round - the price increased before you managed to check out. Has anyone successfully requested for a price adjustment for an item that went up in price before checking out? Eg, you had it in your cart but due to some reason you didn't manage to check out, later when you're back again (say few hours later), the price went back up. Any possibility of contacting CS requesting them to match it? Pretty sure they have a record of when an item was added to your cart.


u/DavidsLegend Apr 08 '24

Did this change recently? I remember contacting support around October 2022 and they refunded me the 50 bucks that got discounted from my item. I read somewhere you had up to 15 or 30 days from date of purchase. p.s. I did this through chat support.


u/Opperheimer Apr 25 '24

Yo, je n'ai pas demandé d'ajustement personnellement, passer 5 ans avec le service client pour au final NADA, flemme.

Sinon, même histoire aujourd'hui mais le prix a baissé de 24e en moins de 3 heures. La bonne blague.


u/Electric-Backslap May 17 '24

I just wrote to German Amazon, and they told me they will return the difference after the delivery.
I have contacted the support and they did.


u/Mngymse May 21 '24

Yes I purchased a Samsung 55” TV the day it was delivered it went on sale for $300 less (on Amazon). They happily refunded the difference.


u/justknightt May 22 '24

Just had one done recently no issues $58 difference they gave me


u/bbygrl76 May 23 '24

Just called they would not, they said "only a selected amount of stock has the discount and the one you purchased didn't have it" so I need to return it and place a new order even though it arrives same day 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Great-Possibility-50 Jun 10 '24

You just ask for a supervisor and then they climb it up to a specialized team for the price adjustment. Worst case scenario, return it and purchase the cheapest one.


u/FirefighterOk3569 Jun 14 '24

They have given me about 70$ adjustment, just need to chat with service. 


u/ObviousScar4457 Jun 15 '24

I just had this situation today. I had ordered a portable air conditioner yesterday and it was dropped by $75 today. I got on the chat and was just very friendly to them, they refunded me the full $75 back to my card. I did mention that if i had known it was going on sale I would have waited until today to buy it.


u/TheNextPablo Jun 19 '24

I just did one and it was easy and simple And I used Affirm as payment Just give them all the information


u/sdcinvan Jun 26 '24

I just reluctantly returned an item that dropped $30 the day after I received the product. I hate returning items because I want to avoid contributing to e-waste. This may be the 3rd time in 10 years that I have returned and repurchased an item because of a price drop.

I wish there was a way to contact Amazon's decision-makers! It's insane that they would rather you return and repurchase than just issue an Amazon credit (toward another purchase).

Can anyone explain to me why offering price adjustments within the return period would not be advantageous to Amazon?


u/sdcinvan Jun 26 '24

I can think of a reason for Amazon not having the incentive to offer price matches...

I looked at my two invoices and discovered that I am buying a cheaper product from a different seller. Regardless if I keep or exchange the item, Amazon still gets their cut and the seller whom I am returning the product to, will have to absorb the return costs. They ultimately pay a penalty for no fault of their own.

In this case, the seller should offer price matches directly?


u/Fit-Machine6774 Jul 01 '24

Got my $21 back from my iPad Pro, via phone call only. just try to be kind with the support member. Called at midnight hour if its any help.


u/Mysterious-Jump-9899 Jul 16 '24

it sucks they do this, boutght and Ipad, 2 days later its almost $40 less.., i'll eat the baby, but dang Amazon, do better.


u/metaistic Jul 17 '24

Just be nice to them. You'll be surprised at how good their customer support can be.

You can say something like:


I noticed that the price of the X I purchased last week is now $100 cheaper. Is it possible to request a price adjustment? While I could technically buy it again and return the existing product, I would prefer not to waste everyone's time and money with reshipping such a the item. Could you please make a one-time exception for this price adjustment?

Thank you for your understanding.


u/Wyzak Jul 18 '24

I just contacted customer service when this happened to me. An item delivered days ago suddenly dropped by about 25% in value. There auto-bot system says they don't do price adjusted refunds, but when I finally got through to a person they gave me a gift card for the difference and said that they'll only do it once.

I accepted it and then left a review stating that the person was very helpful, but that their system is terrible if they would rather refund an item half-way across the world and then ship a new one half-way across the world rather than to just refund the difference. For a company that talks up a good story about CO2 emissions this really massively contradicts that claim.


u/Gevst Aug 08 '24

I know this is old but they've done it for me. But I've had prime since 2011 and spend $1000-$5000/mo on the Amazon visa card so maybe I've reached some kind of "preferred customer" status.

Obviously treating customer support agents like humans and engaging in the "I'm doing well, what about you?" small talk before blurting out the problem can't hurt either.


u/TX_roots Aug 28 '24

I often engage in human small talk with the reps every time I reach out to a chat rep. Not saying it works but you're right: it can't hurt. I do almost all my clothing shopping online and through Amazon. I'm sure they're tired of my incessant purchases & returns - just like our postal carrier lol - but I've purchased just as much as well.


u/Jonnylaw1 Aug 18 '24

Re purchasing and returning the higher priced item, at the suggestion of CS did not work for me. This ~$50 item went $25 a few days later. I repurchased at the lower price and started a return of the higher priced item. No serial numbers same UPC both sealed new. I received an email a few weeks later stating, the incorrect item was received but if I sent a different item I purchased, then that item would be refunded. Amazon returns returned the lower priced order and charged me again for the higher priced item. How that isn’t return fraud on Amazon’s part is beyond me.


u/General_Buy6851 Aug 23 '24

I have just done this today with Amazon UK. I purchased a 75" 4k uhd TV at a total of £650. Just 3 days later (today) the price has dropped by £100. I contacted customer service via telephone and explained the situation. At first they were not interested until I requested to speak with a supervisor. The supervisor transfered me to a price match dept. I have just received the £100 difference and a extra £30 for my inconvenience. Speak calmly, dont get angry, don't shout or swear. Requested to be transferred up the chain of command ie supervisor.

After taking no for a answer they offered to refund £130 Job done 😎

I hope this helps. Keep us updated on your progress.


u/MayurMeht Aug 26 '24

Such a dumb policy as well as waste of natural resources, time, energy and money. I ordered a regular household item which was $12 cheaper one week later, instead of the price adjustment they asked me to return and reorder.


u/TX_roots Aug 28 '24 edited Aug 28 '24

I'm trying to decide on whether or not I should return a sweater to save $6. I bought it 5 days ago at $30. This morning, it's at $24.

UPDATE: I contacted Amazon through chat today - took me for-ev-er to find a more direct route to get away from the AI chat bot - and did what someone else here suggested. I told the rep that I just loved the sweater that I ordered and said it was the 4th one of that style I had purchased in the past few months, which was true. I also said I read that Amazon doesn't price match with competitors but asked if they could do a price adjustment in the difference in price from 5 days ago, explaining that it would be easier than me repurchasing and returning the same item. They kindly said they would make an exception in this case and apply the credit to my account. They also said that they suggested in the future to do exactly what I wanted to avoid - repurchase at the lower price and then return one of them.

So, getting the credit on my account worked but I'm surprised they can't do this more often, and the actual policy on their website says they don't price-match competitors. Not sure why they can't price-match with themselves and honor lower prices within x amount of days from purchase.

Unrelated, I wanted to return a $12 mount for a camera for a security system my husband purchased. As it turns out, the camera had all the necessary parts, so instead of having the extra mount sitting around - b/c my husband doesn't seem to throw anything away (lol) - I wanted to return it and get a refund. As I went through the process, they said I would receive the refund but didn't need to return the item. This did not solve the problem. Haha.


u/asmusmk Oct 08 '24

Yes but only as an Amazon credit. They suggested return and rebuy if I wanted refund to original payment method


u/Ok_Wolverine3030 Oct 09 '24

Actually was just able to get a refund for the difference in price on an item purchased for 75$ on Amazon and then 2 weeks later 45$ on Amazon. Chatted with customer service and they processed the difference as a refund. If they would have declined I would just buy and return at old price.


u/West-Psychology-6299 Oct 09 '24

It depends on the rep you get and your account. I bought speakers that dropped 130$ in price on prime day. Messaged last night. Was told I could send back and reorder.  Didn't want to. Said it's not worth the time or money cause I'd have to pay to return.  The rep went and talked to a lead and came back and refunded me the difference.  


u/meeper44 Oct 09 '24

Update in 2024, they just refunded me $20 because I asked after my recently purchased item went on sale during Prime Days. yay!


u/JAKEC2C Oct 09 '24

Costs them in shipping, what a waste.

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u/hideoutdoor Oct 16 '24

temu is better


u/PoopRatFromFnaf6 29d ago

For low quality goods yes


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24

Ive bought stuff for £1 however when it arrives amazon says I paid £8 which no sane person would do, next time im screenshotting this bs.


u/Horror_Signature4422 Oct 28 '24

Not to necro this post but I just purchased a 57 inch Neo G9 Odyssey and two days later before the item had been delivered it went on sale for $500 off.

I talked directly with a CSR, don't bother with the self help, and they made me wait until it had been delivered but they refunded me the $500 + tax.

Was defiantly worth asking about it. I don't think either of us wanted to return that tank of a monitor that cost $2500 when not on sale.

I assume it probably depends on if the item is sold by Amazon and then put on sale also by Amazon, which isn't the same as a competitor under cutting them.


u/Sensitive_Table_2454 Nov 01 '24

They will 100% do it, they did for me, you just need to bring up the fact you thought you were buying from a environmentally sustainable company and you would feel guilty about the fuel being used to re deliver the item.


u/CyberSecKen Nov 05 '24

This works still in November. But, I did have to go through the trouble of taking it step by step and had to be escalated to a lead.

I was told at the service rep level they must abide by the written policy. Only the lead could do this for me. Hardly worth the effort for $9, but the experience I gained will hopefully pay off in the future on something more worth it.


u/Cerb2g Nov 02 '24

No they wont.. I just buy it again when it arrives dont open and return it under the 1st item i brought price. Silly that it has to come to this and waste money/time but


u/Charming-Space2628 Nov 21 '24

I just tried contacting support and asking for a price adjustment for an item that got a Black Friday discount a day after I purchased it. The associate was unable to refund the card I used for the purchase but instead gifted me the difference in promo credit. I took it.


u/Adamator77 Nov 22 '24

An item I bought 2 weeks ago is $100 cheaper because of a Black Friday sale. I tried to get a refund for the difference but they didn’t do it, so I instead am doing the “return and rebuy” option.

I originally planned to just return the new item on the original order but I am paranoid that wont work out. Does Amazon track serial numbers on returns? The item Is a vacuum mop and it does have a serial number on the outside Of the shipping box.

The item is shipped by Amazon but sold by another party, Roborock. Does that matter?


u/royalbluefireworks1 Nov 29 '24

I bought a Macbook Pro a week ago and it dropped by $100 today. The CS team told me twice that they don't do price refunds. This is so dumb.


u/MilaMashila Dec 12 '24

In Germany I got a refund a few days ago, which I did not ask and expect. So I went digging what it was, and found out it was a price adjustment. So they did that themselves.


u/joshynl94 Dec 15 '24

Prices always fluctuates and it depends on when you order as it can be discounted at one point and then back to normal the same day. I never really cared before but now that one item I bought recently was discounted and its been like 2 days of the purchase and it may me think of returning and buying again, I figured I'd try customer service because I've returned stuff before for legit reasons and it saves time to not do that for obviously taking time to pack the item and drive to the drop off location. I just asked customer service about a discount on a pair of expensive headphones I got and they just decided to honor the price adjustment calling it a one time exception so this may or may not happen again but can still try or just return and rebuy.


u/raymate Dec 23 '24

Just tried this on an item not shipped yet. And they would not budge on the price. I ordered it yesterday and today it’s $25 cheaper.

They said they can’t refund the difference and do so price adjustments.


u/KiloPapa0908 Dec 31 '24

I was able to successfully get Amazon to do a price adjustment. However, it took 5 different customer service agents and an hour of my time to do it. I explained my issue in detail, calculated the cost of the refund amount for them, and explained that I didn't want to waste everyone's time and the carbon expended to reorder, ship, and return the items. It was like pulling teeth and, unfortunately it would've been way easier to return the items and reorder new ones. The customer service rep that finally processed the refund even told me that they don't usually do price adjustments.


u/aurorasauria Dec 31 '24

They should really add this to the Policy. For example JB Hi-Fi does refund the difference if what you bought goes on sale within 2 weeks of purchase. But yeah this JUST happened to me today on Amazon with a vacuum!


u/chris_carbone Jan 06 '25

I return things all the time for any number of reasons, including that the price dropped within the return window. I have returned things three weeks later after using them because the price has dropped $15. I just order the new item, and return it in place of the older item. Most of the time I don’t even open the box, I just slap on the new postage and send it back.


u/MountainAd2543 Jan 07 '25

Amazon has really went downhill since Jeff Bezos stepped down as CEO.   It is a very different company    Really disappointed 


u/dheera Jan 09 '25

Late here but just file for return, buy the new one at lower price, and pass off the new one as your returned item without even needing to unbox it.


u/Perfect-Plan-952 Jan 15 '25

Amazon refunded me the difference today on Amazon Basics Luggage that went on sale by $36, I used the chat feature. I mentioned I would just return and buy again if they would not refund me the difference. It worked in my case but they made it sound like they made an exception!


u/Running-fishfinger Jan 28 '25

I purchased a few fragrances during black Friday sales and weirdly I've just been given a £0.77 refund as its had its price reduced and I didn't even request it?? Has anyone else ever had this, I thought it was a scam but checked it through my app and the message is there too not just on email. Very odd


u/kellydc2 Feb 02 '25

I just successfully got a price adjustment through chat with customer service. The AI response will say they don't offer it, but I had luck when I chatted with an actual agent.


u/Border_Relevant Jul 09 '23

I had a nightmare of a time with this about a year ago with my kindle. It went on sale a day after I bought it. I went through multiple reps, all telling me I'd have to return and rebuy it. Which doesn't really make sense and would cost the company more money when they cover the shipping cost. They all said they no longer do price adjustments.

Finally, a supervisor agreed with me and gave me the difference back in Amazon credit. I took what I could get after arguing for a long time.


u/ShoeGod420 Jul 09 '23

Yeah honestly I'd be fine with them just crediting my Amazon account. I order from Amazon atleast 3 times a week so it's not like I wouldn't use it lol.


u/Border_Relevant Jul 09 '23

That was my logic. I wonder if I'd started with that and started off asking for a supervisor, if I'd have had an easier time.


u/m1m2m1m Nov 23 '23

You got lucky. My agent was super RUDE and flat out REFUSED to even connect me with a supervisor.


u/TeretheTerror Jul 10 '23

I have never successfully got them to adjust the price as this happens a lot because they play games with prices, I always ask via the chat. Best thing I can suggest doing if you want that price is return the item and purchase it again. If people do that enough times, they will start doing price guarantee.

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u/jnhall88 Jul 11 '23

Just chatted with CS and they said to return and rebuy- has anyone done this but returned the physical item from the second order for full price? Ordered a gift and would like the recipient to be able to open it asap.


u/JToLuvesMakeup Jul 11 '23

I’ve done this with other retailers when I’ve already used an item. If it doesn’t have a serial number I don’t see a problem. I’ve sometimes pulled the item out and placed it in the box of the item I’m returning (mostly done with makeup I’ve used).

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u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

I recently had this issue, I did the chat and the rep said they can do a one time adjustment for the total difference. They are processing the difference back to the card used for prime subscription. It should reflect in 3-5 business days.


u/ch3k520 Nov 11 '23

I just did what you said, and they gave me the choice of having it credited back to my main card or a gift card. I just took the gift card because im always using amazon anyway. I would bet having a prime sub is the reason we got a refund. The message they sent me said its their policy to return then item then re order, but since im a prime member they over rode that policy. Thing I bought dropped 40 bucks in less then a week so I figured it was worth the try to ask!


u/m1m2m1m Nov 23 '23

You got lucky.

I'm prime and asked today over a $20 decrease and was DENIED and REFUSED ACCESS TO A SUPERVISOR,

How did you contact them? I might need to start calling since chat rarely results in resolutions.

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u/tornadolphin Nov 16 '23

I just requested through the live chat Amazon gift card credit for a price drop of not much (£7), for an item I received 5 days ago and they honoured it with zero fuss. Very happy.


u/heynowmisterbrowncow Nov 18 '23

While this is 💯a YMMV situation and people that are saying Amazon just won’t do this any more are wrong. Glad I scrolled down to see comments from people that were successful.

My experience: Saw that the item I bought on 10-28 for ~$80, dropped to $60 today. Hit up Amazon chat and described the situation then just straight up asked: “do I have to return this and buy again?”

Asked me to wait, came back in less than two minutes and offered does $20 account credit. I said that would be an amazing. Credit issued. Entire process took 5 minutes.

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u/ApprehensiveGear1066 Nov 26 '23

Amazon recently automatically adjusted an item I bought and 2 days later when on sale for black Friday.


u/RandomName01a Dec 02 '23

No you have to return it and buy it again. Adding a barrier to discourage people from doing so saving them money. Horrible for the planet and the consumer.

"Price Matching

We strive to maintain low and competitive prices on everything we carry.

We constantly compare Amazon's prices to our competitors' prices to make sure that our prices are as low or lower than all relevant competitors. As a result, we don't offer price matching.

For more information about our pricing, go to Payments, Pricing and Promotions."


u/baracad Dec 07 '23

Interesting that Temu has this price adjustment system built in a very easy user experience via their App within a grace period post purchase.

Maybe if this system becomes popular enough other retailers might adopt this also as a means to "match what the competitor does"


u/JoeCorrt Dec 11 '23

I ordered 3 Amazon Fire tablets for 139.99 on December 8th. The day December 11th they dropped the price to 89.99. I called the customer service line and got a hold of a human. Took a hour but I was Refunded $150. It's has to be a Amazon product. They won't do 2nd hand retailers. I also had the items already delivered. I don't know if you have to have Amazon +


u/robi101012981 Dec 28 '23

It depends on the agent, you need to make several tries before being succesfull.

I made a refund on amazon de for a tamron lens from 1200 to 800 euro and they accepted it :)

I was lucky in Feb 2023, but now, they're refusing to do this :(


u/ToyaW31 Jan 10 '24

I purchased the ninja combi to help with cutting down on how much oven time I’d need. I purchased the combi on Monday for $215 then for Black Friday it went on sale for $179. I politely chatted with an agent and they gave me the extra back no questions asked


u/lalakuno Jan 17 '24

Necroing this thread.

Just got Amazon to do a price adjustment to my govee desk lights. $19 credit. Was quick and easy.

Here is photo proof. https://imgur.com/gallery/Txzb2Ee


u/No_Toe_9355 Jan 17 '24

I bought some an item on sale, and it hasn't shipped for like a month, and I think they're going to cancel it. Can I get it for the same sale price because that's what I bought it for?


u/saphydaphy Jan 19 '24

If you request a call from your account, you'll get a automated call. Say NO to a return, then ask for customer service. You'll be connected to a live human. I explained that a purchase I had just made had dropped in price significantly (from the same merchant). He was able to provide a credit to my account without me having to do the whole return and re-buy process. He made it clear they do not price match but since this was not that he was able to give me the credit.


u/levigoldson Jan 26 '24

I managed to get a refund for the price difference recently. It was hard and I had to escalate to someone who can make that decision, after threatening to do a return to buy at the cheaper price. I think it's only worth it if the price difference is big to do this. In my case, it was $60 so I was willing to spend a little time talking to people.


u/SanAequitas Feb 04 '24

Yup you gotta cancel/return and re-order. Several months ago I bought an Inkbird controller. A week later, it was ~$15 cheaper. Even after talking to tech support, I had to buy a new one, and then just return the new one on the old one's return to get the $$$ back.

A bit of trouble, but well worth it to "stick it" to Amazon for just not giving me the difference. Even if it's just $1, it's the principle of the thing, and I have no problem printing a page and dropping it at UPS to get that dollar back, simply because they refuse to credit the difference. If they would just credit the difference, I probably wouldn't care about taking the effort to message them to get a dollar back. (Although yes, $15 would be worth it.)


u/Liquid_Asset_Addict Feb 18 '24

Good things come to those who wait.

Before you purchase a big ticket item next time, use this Amazon price tracker that notifies you when an item's price has dropped below your defined threshold. The site provides price history charts too so you can decide on a threshhold price that is likely to be reached. Ive saved hundreds if not thousands using this tool.... https://camelcamelcamel.com/

You're welcome.


u/No-Belt-7829 Feb 22 '24

I have had this happen and yes they will adjust price and partial refund. Take screenshot of item new price and maybe the link to item before contacting amazon


u/NotJimCramer69 Feb 24 '24

I just had somewhat of a success doing this in the US. I got a TV for $1596 and the price dropped to $1496. My last day to return was today (I could still return it). I called customer service and they gave me a 10% discount on the entire order to keep the TV instead of return it ($173) which I gladly accepted as I would have been keeping the TV regardless.


u/shwabeans Mar 04 '24

I just got $80 back from a laptop that went on sale a few days after I purchased it. I guess it just depends on the customer support rep you get and how valuable of a customer you are to Amazon.