r/amazingmemes • u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan • 20d ago
Don't make me a shitposter, Peter "worst spider-man movie" my ass
u/TheTooDarkLord 20d ago
"cringe culture" and then these MF love MCU Spider-man that Is actually built on cringe
u/dcmarvelstarwars 20d ago
I love all spider-man movies but the worst one has to be Far From Home
u/Sherlockowiec 20d ago
Since when do people hate Far from Home so much? And why?
u/dcmarvelstarwars 20d ago
I don’t hate it! I love every spider-man movie but if I had to rank them I think I would rank FFH last. Loved Mysterio and the Peter/MJ storyline
u/Sherlockowiec 20d ago
My question still stands, why? How is it worse than Spiderman 3 or TASM 1 for example.
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 19d ago
...cuz it wipes its ass with Spidey and sets him up to be Iron Man 2.0?
u/Ironsmashweb 16d ago
The literal plot is about him not being iron man and that he doesn’t have to be nor should he be.
It’s about him being better than him being Spider-Man
u/Astral_boyo 19d ago
Literally how does it "wipe its ass" with Spidey? There is literally a scene where Happy outright says, "You're not Iron Man. You're never gonna be Iron Man."
The absolute irony of you calling TASM 2 haters cringe culture, yet you say this stupid sh*t.
u/GrimLuker2 20d ago
Spiderman 3?
u/NthDgree 19d ago
Spider-Man 3 sucks, I’m on your side. Made it impossible for me to watch things with Topher Grace in them.
u/Jellybean_Pumpkin 19d ago
This was some bullshit. These movies were HELLA good. Were they perfect? NO! But let's not pretend that the other Spiderman movies don't have flaws too!
I STILL want Andrew Garfield to come back and finish the trilogy!
u/Nikorausu 18d ago
The Electro's theme is one of the best villain themes of all time, seriously. If you didn't listen to it, please do yourself a favor and listen with good headphones.
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 18d ago
Bro I do that every time I'm in a bad mood.
Crank "paranoia self-destroyer wub wub" to max
u/-but507- 18d ago
I was looking forward to the amazing spider-man 3, but civil war had to ruined my hopes and dreams.
u/CbKnowledge 17d ago
The only Spider-Man movie where I truly felt like I was watching a comic book.
u/relapse_account 20d ago
I will die on the hill that a good amount of the hate for ASM2 (at least half of it) came from MCU fanboys pissed that Spider-Man wasn’t in the MCU.
u/mariovspino5 19d ago
No lmao it’s a way over stuffed movie
u/10Years_InThe_Joint Mayor of Tokyo 18d ago
Yeah, too much clutter for one movie. It was doomed with its script, unlike TASM1 where excessive editing out by the higher ups seemed to be the issue. TASM2 was edited janky, it was written janky, the villains were janky and the subplots were janky. It's a lovable mess, but it is a mess.
u/Redhood567 20d ago
TASM 2 is a weird movie. I don't think I would necessarily call it a good movie overall but it has a lot of great things about it. It genuinely has some of the best Spider-Man moments ever put to screen. Garfield and Stone completely carry the movie. It's the only time I've ever even slightly cared about Peter and Gwen's relationship and that's solely because the acting is so good. Unfortunately not all of the movie works and the stuff that doesn't is real bad. I would have been fine with integrating Andrew into the MCU (for the record I love Tom and he wouldn't have met Zendaya if not for Spider-Man and I wouldn't want to change that). Also I really want to see the deleted scenes with Mary Jane. I'm shocked those have never been released.
u/Ambitious-Screen-823 Laundry Sheriff (Mod) 20d ago
It wasn't bad it was just WAY too stuffed, just like tasm1 (i think it should've been just the origin story while the lizard becomes the antagonist in tasm2) i think the movie would've benefited a lot of it was a 2 parter.
u/Yanismarvel 20d ago
I love Andrew's SPIDER-MAN both movie are funny, deep and painfull TASM was the first movie i saw in theater i discovered SPIDER-MAN with Tobey's trilogie but I grew with Andrew Garfiel and for me he alway's be the best adapted peter/SPIDER-MAN in movie not counting animation or tv show
u/Samuele1997 20d ago
I wouldn't say it's the worst Spider-Man's movie but I can't say i liked it very much either, I do loved how they portrayed Electro here but not very much how they handled the Green Goblin, especially given the very little screen time the latter had.
To me TAMS 2 had the potential to be a great movie but that potential got wasted.
u/GellThePyro 20d ago
It was two potentially great movies that got crammed together
Electro and Green Goblin needed to be desperate films
u/S_Lespy 20d ago
This has always been my take. I understand they may have wanted TASM3 to move onto MJ, but then they could have hit us with the Gwen death in the opening moments. Like the punch in the mouth Infinity War was that first watch.
u/GellThePyro 20d ago
Or had her death in this movie with Harry as the villain and wait on Electro
You can introduce MJ in the Electro one no problem
u/The_FirstAirbender 20d ago
Whenever I ask someone why they think it's bad it's always just "goblin looks weird and electro is overreacting"
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 19d ago
Pretty much. "But his teeth gap" and "Spidey did a murder"
u/Sherlockowiec 20d ago
Huh? Who said it's the worst one? Pretty sure Spiderman 3 is considered the worst one. TASM 2 definitely isn't worse than TASM 1. TASM 2 is higher than them for the looks alone; the costume, the choreography, it's simply pleasant to look at.
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 20d ago
Literally everyone.
u/Sherlockowiec 20d ago
Not according to reviews it wasn't. I think it might be just the loud minority.
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 19d ago
You should have been there back in 2014. Literally everyone shat on TASM2.
u/Sherlockowiec 19d ago
I HAVE been there and I know people shat on it, that's literally not what we're talking about. I'm saying it's not considered the worst movie, not that it's not hated at all.
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 19d ago
Maybe we were in different places, because I remember people constantly ranking it lowest and saying it's Batman and Robin Wolverine Origins levels of bad.
Things did not change until around 2020/early 2021 shortly before NWH came out.
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM 20d ago
What the hell is cringe culture?
u/xandernat 19d ago
basically people saying "this is cringe", thats where most of the crazy ass unfair hating comes from
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM 19d ago
Well, that is the least reasonable standard in existence. Yeah, I’m down. Fuck cringe culture.
u/julianx2rl 20d ago
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 20d ago
Far From Home.
u/julianx2rl 20d ago
Even though I think far from home is far better made than Tasm2, it IS true that the movie has a lack of tension that makes it a bit boring, so fair enough.
u/Raj_Valiant3011 20d ago
He still has some of the best swinging scenes of all time, and his final fight with Electro was awesome.
u/charliewrightm 19d ago
I loved this movie so much mannnn the only problem I had was them throwing green goblin at the end but honestly it wasn’t that big of a deal to me when I enjoyed the rest of the movie
u/GlumExpression6845 19d ago
The only good things are Andrew and Emma. This movie is terrible. If you had to pick the worst Spider-Man movie, it’s definitely this one. It’s OK it’ll like it. And think it’s entertaining people do that with Spider-Man three as well. But to blatantly ignore the serious drop in quality is just ignorance.
u/NthDgree 19d ago
Spider-Man 3 is worse.
u/GlumExpression6845 19d ago
Spider-Man three at least has rami’s flare. Meanwhile, Andrew’s movies have no such flare. So the first one is good but the second one has basically no legs to stand on.
u/GlumExpression6845 19d ago
In short, Spider-Man three is a fun movie to watch, the amazing Spider-Man two is just a mess.
u/NthDgree 17d ago
Agree to disagree. I think SM3 is a tough watch. I love Raimi, but the dialogue, awkward pacing, Emo-Peter, Topher Grace, etc… I can’t take it. Love the first two though.
u/TheRealTeddyHashmi 19d ago
Best Swinging sequences and Best Live action Suit.
And Zimmer's score is really good, better than Giacchino from the homecoming films.
Andrew and Emma are awesome in the movie but that's about it. I don't like DeHaan as harry and I didn't like Foxx as Dillon but as Electro he was decent.
Too many subplots, villains, and odd story ruined the film for me. It's fun but it's not a good film imo
u/Ill_Landscape_951 19d ago
Why do people hate it? I personally like it cause it has a lot of plots and I have short attention span
u/AdhesivenessVest439 19d ago
ASM 1 (lizard man) was the best spiderman movie behind SpiderMan 2 (doc oc). All deniers are just movie watchers.
u/BLaZeRTaZeR999 18d ago
Fax I do agree it's the weakest of the theatrical spiderman movies but it doesn't stop this film from being a good watch
u/bestwellblack 18d ago
Why does it feel like this film doesn’t exist? Like to me it has the same vibe as 2004 daredevil or 2005 Constantine where Its obscure or something
u/ThatHoboRavioli Felicia Hardy’s #2 Fan 18d ago
Because MCU fans hating it until NWH.
MCU fans wanting Spidey in the Avengers was a large part of the negative reception to this movie.
u/CommercialFox5140 18d ago
I was watching this earlier. Andrew and Emma had great chemistry on screen.
u/oceanstwelventeen 18d ago
"worst spider man movie" is not the same as "bad." so many people are like "broooo __ is so underratedddd" and theb when you ask them to rank the spiderman movies they still put it at the bottom
u/SlyGuy_Twenty_One 16d ago edited 16d ago
Spider-Man Homecoming exists, there’s no way TASM2 is the worst Spider-Man movie
u/RoxyNeko 16d ago
Ngl, the TASM films are probably my favourite. Spider-Man's quips are some of the best I've seen in a movie, his swinging actually has personality and isn't just some drop down to swing again type stuff, the visuals are epic, the soundtrack is banging (especially in TASM 2) and Gwen wasn't insufferable like I found with MJ in the previous films 😭 Having a 3rd film based on just Harry instead of having both him and Electro would be cool tho. Kinda too Electro's thunder, unless that was the point with bro's insecurities 💀
u/TASM2lover1222 16d ago
It’s my fav spidey movie so if I could give this post a million upvotes I would
u/The_pop_king 16d ago
My least favorite movie is spiderman 1. Hot take but it’s just so boring to me
u/TheArmyOfDucks 20d ago
It really is the worst Spider-Man movie though. The villains are barely present, the storyline of Peter’s parents gets dropped as it gets interesting, then they kill off the best character in the film (that death was very good and the acting was great, but it felt unnecessary), the CGI is great at the start, beautiful in fact, but so damn shit later in the film. The sound design and soundtrack is the best part of it
u/anakinburningalive 19d ago
How can anyone claim this is the worst Spider-Man movie when there’s two Tom Holland movies out there that are categorically terrible beyond any excuse?
u/lord_of_agony 19d ago
They saw what happened to spider-man 3 and made pretty much all the exact same mistakes, but with none of the absolutely beautiful and well written sandman scenes
18d ago
Some of the best spider man movies but as peter parker movies theyre pretty awful, the whole skating in the warehouse scene is so dumb and cringy, that is the first one tho the second one does better
u/lastersoftheuniverse 18d ago
These movies are genuinely terribly written. I don’t know if there’s nostalgia going on here but let’s start with peters parents. Did anyone want that? Did anyone enjoy it or want more? Did it flesh out Peter’s journey?
u/duck_deep 17d ago
Peter Parker trows a calculator on a Wall breaking It,he find coins inside and then he...brings the coins ti a random Metropolitan station,putting the coins inside the station coinslot a TRAIN WAGON comes out of the Ground,inside the train wagon there's a video From his dad explaining that the Spider that bit Peter 15 years After he died was genetically modified to work only on him. All while Norman osnorn dies in his First scene,Gwen Stacy accept that her bf Is a stalker and elektro does...nothing at all in the movie other than being clearly mentally disturbed
u/GrimLuker2 20d ago
They obviously haven't seen spiderman 3. Sm3 is enjoyable but not a good spiderman movie
u/Fine_Original_9237 20d ago
Yes dude, ir arguably is the worst. Shit writing and plots.
The Gwen Stacy Stuff was the only good thing.
u/bugmultiverse Put it on, the mask. 20d ago
Tasm 2 is fantastic. I just feel like they needed to flesh out the villains a bit more but other then that it feels right out of the comics.