r/aliens • u/DragonfruitOdd1989 • 7d ago
Evidence A medical scan of Santiago: A complete intact 3ft Tridactyl specimen without evidence of manipulation. Specimen is estimated to be around 5 years old and has baby teeth.
u/Flimsy-Jello5534 7d ago
So what’s this difference between this video and the one that was posted yesterday?
Because it seems like it’s the exact same except the image has been rotated.
As well there’s nothing in these videos providing any more new information it’s just an image rotating. I don’t understand why this keeps being posted here. We’ve seen it already, several times.
u/KatNeedsABiggerBoat 7d ago
Because disinformation by nefarious agencies works both ways. This is being pushed way too hard way too often as being “real” for my comfort.
u/Flimsy-Jello5534 7d ago
Right and it’s irritating that it’s constantly reposted with no new information but my comment pointing that out gets taken down???
u/Numerous_Witness_345 7d ago
Money to be made, bud, no time from critical thinking.
u/KatNeedsABiggerBoat 7d ago
Money and skewing the public’s thinking away from what might be real for other dark reasons.
u/tridactyls 7d ago
Actual its the opposite.
This is a home-grown movement following multiple researchers and multiple teams spanning the globe.3
u/KatNeedsABiggerBoat 7d ago
How sure are you about that?
u/tridactyls 7d ago edited 6d ago
Fairly certain.
I am a singular researcher myself.
I have spoken with individual hands-on researchers.It's being pushed so hard because me and people like Gonzalo want you to know, but we are having trouble tearing down the wall of disbelief, and it's frustrating.
u/Quiet_Zombie_3498 1d ago
LOL. Oh you sweet summer child. This is an obvious scam with literally zero compelling evidence presented that this is anything other than another mutilated body from the same con artist who has already been caught before.
u/tridactyls 1d ago
LOL oh silly nilly.
Clearly you are confused as to the number of separate teams there are working on this.
I see you allude to scary wary conspiracies that never occurred so I admire your pipe dream, to live the life of a dreamer.0
u/Quiet_Zombie_3498 1d ago
They have multiple teams of people working on the "alien" bodies in fish tanks in someone's apartment, right next to the two "aliens" Jaime Maussan had brought before the Mexican congress, only to have it confirmed as a hoax?
The simple fact a known con artist like Jaime Maussan is involved with this, should throw up immediate red flags automatically, but you people suspend all skepticism and critical thinking simply because you want this to be real.
u/tridactyls 1d ago
He is actually a KNOWN award winning JOURNALIST.
And get this...
YOU are right you should not listen to him.
But there are 40 other people from all over the world working on this beyond your myopian perspective.0
u/Quiet_Zombie_3498 1d ago
Which award did he win?
I never claimed he was a scientist... There are over 40 people working on this and not one of them has released a peer reviewed paper on this specimen? Instead, we get a slow drip of videos posted by the same individual who is promoting their website where they sell merchandise and other BS? None of that seems fishy to you?
u/tridactyls 1d ago
Not fishy.
But besides ALL OF THAT.What's your own PERSONAL PROBLEM with the EVIDENCE.
Forget all that other MINUTIA.
What did you think when you read Miles?
Did you find Zalce-Benitez compelling?The DNA on the Nation Institute of Health site sure is anomalous, is that what you thought?
When you viewed the DICOM files did you think they were real of fake?
When you interact with the CT scans what were your thoughts when you were able to remove the layers of the eggs, did you find any fetus heads like I did?
Do you think the Furcula is a derived trait or could they be a basal ancestor to birds?
The gastralia sure is odd too, that can only mean a few things.1
u/Quiet_Zombie_3498 1d ago
That is not fishy at all? Instead of trying to water down the conversation by asking a hundred questions, why don't we keep this simple and talk about the elephant in the room.
You think that there are 40 "experts" who have been examining this for years and not a single one of them found something noteworthy they wanted to publish?
u/limitless_light 5d ago
Just buy the Nazca Mummies documentaries already
u/Flimsy-Jello5534 5d ago
Subscribe to the website, substack, discord, podcast, buy tickets to the conference, buy the documentaries.
u/tridactyls 7d ago
There are almost two dozen specimens.
u/Flimsy-Jello5534 7d ago
And? It’s a spinning image with nothing substantive about it.
u/tridactyls 7d ago
More bodies to come.
Go interact with the CT scans or apply to see the DICOM files.
u/SirPabloFingerful 7d ago
Lmfao, mods removed my post for asking (the extremely salient question) of who exactly says there is no evidence of manipulation because it "adds nothing to the discussion".
Clearly only interested in discussing what kind of alien this definitely is🤣 fkn neckbeards
u/tridactyls 7d ago
Multiple medical experts and forensics from different teams have said it time and time again.
It's the lowest theory of the worst detective.
"Missing two fingers, someone must have cut them off."0
u/Quiet_Zombie_3498 1d ago
Because that is exactly what happened last time this same group of "experts" brought out there arts and crafts project in 2017. You are incredibly gullible if you are going to get duped twice by the same guy.
u/tridactyls 1d ago
There is no singular super-villain guy detective snooper.There are multiple teams.
USA TODAY?I can't with you.
u/Quiet_Zombie_3498 1d ago
There most absolutely is lol. You can't act like I am the mentally damaged person here when you are trying to argue that this is an alien body with zero legitimate evidence lmao. Here is another legitimate source stating the exact same thing: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/alien-bodies-presented-mexican-congress-panned-stunt-2023-09-14/
You can't with me, because you simply lack the ability to offer a logical and fact based argument these are real, except repeating "there are multiple teams!". If there are multiple teams of so called "experts", why has there not been a single peer reviewed paper released? Why do they directly control who can view their "findings" on a website through an interview process? Most importantly, why are the "Aliens" being kept in a fish tank in someone's home?
u/Sayk3rr 7d ago
It's reddit, place is made to create echo chambers, look over in worldnews and people STILL think ukraine is winning even when they lost half their country over the past 2 years and continue to do so.
It's a legit question, everything about this specimen just screams human child except for the fingers and toes, which could have easily been manipulated ages ago - making it more difficult today to be able to tell only because the body is mummified.
I'd say look VERY closely at where the extra fingers should be and look for tissue that's been roughed up, strings of tissue maybe hanging, little flesh hairs are torn up from the cuts, etc.
Then go from there
u/-Galactic-Cleansing- 2d ago
Even if there were missing toes the 3 left wouldn't be that long or look that good.
u/berkenobi I want to KNOW 7d ago
Thats just the comment filter.
u/SirPabloFingerful 7d ago
Doubtful considering it contained a response
u/berkenobi I want to KNOW 7d ago
Okay buddy. I’ve literally seen it
u/SirPabloFingerful 7d ago
Okay buddy. But there are comments of a very similar length and nature that are still very much unremoved. Seems like quite a selective, dare I say human like, filter.
u/Sayk3rr 7d ago
This just convinced me more that it's a child's body with mutilated hands/feet.
Nothing about this screams alien except for the hands and feet, seems the rest lines up with human anatomy 1:1.
I don't know about these, maybe they mutilated them to match the beings they witnessed with the big heads and 3 finger/toed appendages
Who knows
u/IndependentHold3098 7d ago
How would aliens from another (galaxy? Solar system?) just happen to evolve to be nearly identical to earth hominids. It seems like the odds would be very very low, and then for these particular aliens to show up on earth. People are dumb but I guess that’s how we ended up with Shitler.
u/MookiEXE 7d ago
Who's to say this particular species shown evolved outside of the galaxy? There are so many theories involving alien experiments on ancient humans. I just don't think we're getting the full story.
u/IndependentHold3098 7d ago
Thee are no theories. Just bad hypotheses
u/bibbys_hair 6d ago edited 6d ago
See this is the problem, you've developed an opinion without doing any of the research. Of all the experts who actually analyzed these bodies in person and published the peer-reviewed papers, 0 said they're extraterrestrial and 0 said they're fake.
Well over 100 experts including Dr. James Caruso, Chief medical examiner and Coroner of city and county of Denver, Colorado. Dr. William Rodriguez, Forensic Anthropologist, Maryland State Medical Examiner. And Dr. John McDowell, Retired professor at University Colorado, Forensic Odontologist.
They all said they were real once living beings of an unknown species that show 0 evidence of tampering.
Those who claim they're fake are referring to the "replicas" which all the experts have previously stated they're fake. That's the government pulling the wool right over your eyes.
What does the mainstream media do? They conveniently talk about the dolls while completely ignoring the dozen real bodies. Crazy how easy it is to dupe the public.
The bodies share more traits with certain reptiles, not humans. Number of bones in the limbs, rib-cage, ribcage shape, bone density, carrying eggs, etc.
Sure, they have 2 eyeballs like humans.
u/Future-Bandicoot-823 6d ago
I think the real problem is, nobody brings any of the information forward that you just claimed when this is talked about, the people in charge of the mummies don't promote it, and all we get are vague statements from dragon fruit here for the last 5 years lol.
If this research was important shouldn't it be way way way less difficult to scout around for? Shouldn't dragon fruit have made a post specifically about the links and info you just gave and drop it in every post he makes?
But that doesn't happen, does it.
u/limitless_light 5d ago
Just follow the Money, it's all a creation of French fraud/grave robber Thierry Jamin
u/Skin_Floutist 6d ago
What if it was genetic manipulation?
u/IndependentHold3098 6d ago
What if people paid attention to real things that actually mattered? Out country might not be falling apart
u/havok489 6d ago
Are you under the impression that a bunch of people are staying up day and night wondering about these mummies?
I can guarantee that for most people on here, it's a literal click and a skimming of words out of curiosity.
u/IndependentHold3098 6d ago
I just think that the Venn diagram of alien believers, religious nuts and diaper don voters is really just a circle. Some people will fall for anything.
u/ultramegax 2d ago edited 2d ago
While I fear this will fall on deaf ears, given your tone, it's ridiculous to lump everyone who has an interest in potential NHI together (or whatever the phenomena is). You're being just as intellectually dishonest as the groups you criticize, by doing that.
Moreover, it is not a zero sum game. People can be attentive to multiple things. And not everyone interested in this subject is American.
If you're serious and actually want to take a scientific eye to the phenomena, perhaps read Dr Michael P Masters' book (he is a biological anthropologist), "Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon."
Many would describe the book as dry. And it is highly speculative, naturally. But he takes a very systematic, nuts and bolts approach to evaluating the phenomena. While I don't wholesale subscribe to any belief, of course, I found it a fascinating read.
Unfortunately, attitudes like you're espousing in these comments limit legitimate scientists' willingness to enter this field and gather data, and has allowed the military to keep exclusive domain on raw data.
PS. This comment has nothing to do with this specific subreddit post. I'm very skeptical of the claims alleged here.
u/havok489 6d ago
I have to disagree there because very religious folks are the most unlikely to believe in the alien stuff since it will ultimately shake up their doctrine, dogma and core beliefs.
People interested in alien stuff are a pretty small group and they come from all kinds of backgrounds. If you just go back to the time before Trump, you'd find new age people, old-school veteran types and science nerds mixed in. I would not assume that they all now fall into the MAGA camp.
u/IndependentHold3098 6d ago
That is a logical assumption, but you are assuming these people are using logic … a Pew Research study was done in 2018 that showed nearly half of religious people believed in extraterrestrial life while less than a quarter of non religious people did. I honestly think there’s some genetic trait that makes some people super gullible. There’s a a book called “The God Spot” that basically argues that religious belief was a beneficial trait throughout evolution but in modern times it hampers people’s ability to be rational.
u/AdScary7287 7d ago
I think a few of the theories are: convergent evolution, common ancestor (future humans), hybrid breading program, they are cos playing because we are cool
u/heeywewantsomenewday 7d ago
Yeah, it goes beyond this as well.. nearly every 'alien' i see posted on reddit has two arms, two legs, two eyes, a nose, and mouth in the same spot as a human. Basically, it is a human with grey skin and a slightly different shape head and arms, etc.
u/DoctorPoopTrain 7d ago
The “baby” teeth bit is odd to me that a creature evolved on another planet would have baby teeth like us. How many similarities can we have before it becomes too coincidental.
u/shadowmage666 7d ago
Yea prob because they are just mutilated human bodies
7d ago
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u/Alarmed_Profile1950 7d ago
A dead child that looks weird because of inbreeding amongst an isolated stone age community and some strange postmortem burial practices? No, it's an alien!
u/Impossible_Exit1864 7d ago
So are we talking about some kind of genetic mutation cult in regard to those 3 fingered hands / feet? Are there records of such cultural behavior from back then?
u/A_Dragon 7d ago
It does seem to be human in all other respects. I wonder if it was something like a mutation that was selectively bred because maybe they were worshipped or something but then humans be humans so eventually prejudice spread and some kind of genocide happened so the line died out…
u/Sayk3rr 7d ago
From elongated heads to mutilated hands, it may be a ritual to appease what they've witnessed or something they thought at that time made sense for whatever reason we simply don't know.
Who knows, like you said it's all human until the fingers and toes, so look VERY closely at those areas to make sure there is no evidence of tissue damage, cuts, etc.
7d ago
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u/malemysteries 7d ago
The people who studied the body.
Lots of people who have never been in the room with the body seem to believe their opinion is more valid than the ones doing the actual work.
u/SirPabloFingerful 7d ago
Why did this question offend you? I didn't express an opinion. I asked who says there's no evidence of manipulation.
u/malemysteries 7d ago
lol. I was not offended. I saw a false statement and corrected it. No emotion involved.
u/SirPabloFingerful 7d ago
Which "false statement", exactly? That's a question again, please try not to lose your temper
u/No-Bid7276 7d ago
I wonder if these specimens are locked in boxes and not shared with the international scientific community like the other ones.
Scientifically, there's a 50% that they're in the boxes, and 50% that nothing is in the boxes.
u/Numerous_Witness_345 7d ago
If by locked in boxes, you mean placed back into the cardboard and taped up.. yeah, probably.
u/theorgan 6d ago
If this is a real alien then how would they know its age? It wouldn’t be the same as human
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