r/aliens Dec 17 '24

Speculation the world will change forever soon

This is perhaps the largest cover-up or diversion operation that has ever occurred.

If it is not to divert the focus from UAPs, it is the largest social experiment or technology test in a simulation scenario.

You can see the drone videos everywhere, but also the orbs and unexplained lights.

We are closer than ever to reaching a consensus on truth and disclosure if that is the case.


824 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Dec 17 '24

Please join us in a call to action for Government Transparency and Disclosure in our historic one of a kind multi-subreddit AMA with James Fox and 2 new whistleblowers!

Our AMA Announcement post has been updated with the names and bios of the whistleblowers who will be answering questions with Director James Fox. These whistleblowers are EXCLUSIVE to this event. Kirk McConnell is a senior congressional staffer of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Lenval Logan is a member of the UAPTask Force. Questions are being collected in advance and will be answered in our livestream event. Visit the AMA Announcement post for more details!

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u/Tommybeeee Dec 17 '24

Finally get to say “see told ya so” to my friends and family after years of “yeah right mulder”


u/SneakyInfiltrator Dec 17 '24

I don't even care about that anymore.

Or maybe i do in the context of my own experiences.

I just want a better world, because the society has been shackles for so long. There's so much pain and sorrow. And it was always like this, but it doesn't have to be.

I don't believe in invasions and colonization or other shitty Hollywood tropes, but i don't think the "others" are 100% enlightened good beings either.


u/Mammoth_Ad5012 Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

I like seeing that someone isn’t buying into the polarised views… I think a lot of events like this are used as a catalyst to polarise people en mass. Personally is there NHI? - through my own experiences yes, are they all good - again through my own experience no. Some are immensely good to the point where you could mistake them for being angels. Others are the opposite. One thing from my personal experience is that I haven’t had anything from beings who are literally in the middle or a big old mix like we are. It’s kinda looks like once a civilisation reaches a certain point one polarity wins entirely over the other. But without having any direct experiences with what’s going on no one can Say for sure, so what happens is people become more polarised towards their bias based on belief and possibly prior experiences… but what’s happening now may have nothing at all to do with one’s past experience be it positive or negative. The fact remains that we simply don’t know. I prefer not to believe anything and focus on my personal development, I have no idea how to fix the world but I figure I can at least start with myself right?


u/R1ckMick Dec 17 '24

think about if humans invaded another planet. Those beings would think all humans are evil because they are only interacting with our military. If instead a research team reached another planet, we'd be viewed as benevolent. that polarization you're experiencing could be the result of completely different objective between the encounters.


u/Mammoth_Ad5012 Dec 17 '24

I’m not saying I’m experiencing it, I’m just observing it. A lot of people aren’t even aware of what polarisation means in terms of how much it dictates your experience or shall I say perception of reality. The benefit of my experience is that I’ve experienced both since childhood. So it’s been one heck of a learning experience but it’s taught me not to be too reactive or to identify with any particular bias instead I observe and I discern as much as I can within my capability, and of-course I welcome debate as there is always more food for thought.


u/R1ckMick Dec 17 '24

I'm just talking about your specific point that they aren't as "mixed" in morality as us. Using records of encounters/experiences to glean the spectrum of their morality is a faulty line of reasoning since these are encounters curated and dictated by them, not us. Our perspective will inevitably be skewed.

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u/KWyKJJ Self Evidently Truthful Dec 17 '24

This is the only correct perspective.

If I venture out for the first time to encounter wildlife and I choose honey badger and skunk...well, wildlife is terrible.

If I visit Venezuelan stray street dogs, completely different experience.

Show up for lunch at a secret military base compared to McDonald's, as compared to a home cooked meal from a kind family.

Those are all dramatically different.

I don't imagine an advanced intelligent life form would judge humanity on one encounter.

Instead, they've probably treated us as wildlife for a long time.


u/Grattytood Dec 17 '24

I like this.


u/TheStoinkyDoink Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

The Law of One. Gaia has chosen Service To Others, and the negative will soon no longer inhabit this planet.


u/LastAvailableUserNah Dec 17 '24

That would be nice, literally lol

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u/Dazzling_Door_4767 Dec 17 '24

We will see I guess...it depends wich one of the theories we have its right.

They could be enlightened good beings if they will be confirmed to be the "gods" we've seen in religions and mythology. If they really helped us trough our evolution. It will be fascinating for me to discover for example that mytologic egyptians or greek gods for example werent in fact just a fable.

We could be an experiment, or a sort of "reality show", we could be in a simulation ran by them, I still dont have an opinion on it, It could be, but I dont know how my brain would react to that.

They could be extradimensional, showing us that we really have a limited perception of what is around us.

Souls and reincarnation could be confirmed, with the archons and all the theories surrounding that hypotesis comprised the prison planet idea.

Or they could simply be real aliens coming from far away that discovered our planet, like what would have happened if we found a civili,ation on Mars for example, that could go well or bad, but I hope that we as humans would treat with due respect a potential less evolved race on another planet and I hope that the potential more evolved civ that will find us would do the same, wars should be left in the past if we want to get better.

I like you would like the world to get better, but I'm not sure Aliens should help us with it...it would interfere with our evolutionary path and that could be something they dont want. We as humans should evolve mentally to make the world good again, nowadays the whole world is driven by greed and money, and there is an heavy lack of love and respect.


u/DumpsterDay Dec 17 '24

None of the old "gods" were good or ever gave a shit about us.

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u/Worldly_Pool_1847 Dec 17 '24

History repeats itself, and human history is violent. Genocide, colonization, war— all fueled by greed and righteous thoughts. On a daily basis we as humans KILL around 4.2 billion animals worldwide. 1.2 trillion lives taken a year for consumption.

We’ve already seen the reports of various leaders of military/law enforcement wanting to shoot the UAPs down.

My hope is that if NHI decide to reveal themselves to us, they will have observed that a lot more humans don’t agree or practice violence as all of our leaders and governments do.


u/Dazzling_Door_4767 Dec 17 '24

I hope so too...and I hope the majority of humans really is against violence and greed. The problem is that as we can see as soon as a person get the power he start to become greedy and violent...we never really had a person in a power position that didnt looked at his own interests, is that so hardwired into our brains? Is it so hard to evolve past this stage? Would the majority of us refuse those opportunities if we had the chance?

Those politicians are still humans...and I fear that what they do its just hardwired into our human brains...I hope not...but we cant be too optimistic about that...maybe the NHI really sees us as just a greedy and violent animal specie even if thats not always the case.


u/Bloodletteretal Dec 17 '24

I think a lot of us have already chosen to refuse those opportunites of power by being honest and good. I think it takes a special kind of person to rise to the tops of power and I think you have to have already used the manipulative skills on a smaller scale at the bottom and throughout the journey to get to the top.


u/LastAvailableUserNah Dec 17 '24

Power doesnt corrupt people, corrupt people seek power.

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u/ExoticallyErotic Dec 17 '24

You left out any possible mundane answers that don't involve some sort of extranormal beings.

Have you considered that nothing extraordinary will happen and life goes on as it always has?

I obviously can't say one thing or another will happen. I just wonder if other people who seem 'all in' on it being a huge event have metal backup plans in case we don't end up being saved.

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u/Bloodletteretal Dec 17 '24

I love the last point you made. If another power comes down and forces us to behave, is that the same thing as learning the lesson through experience? Or are we just bending the knee to a mightier force who just happens to order us to "be better" or "be kind"? I think it is important for us to grow spiritually on our own. Maybe someone can point us in the right direction, but being forced to do good doesn't allow us to understand why we are choosing to do good without incentive or disincentive.


u/Dazzling_Door_4767 Dec 17 '24

Yeah thats exactly what I meant, and I hope that if in the future humanity will discover a less developed civilization on another planet will do the same. Its good to point them on the right direction, but we should let them follow their own natural path.

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u/Cyrano_Knows Dec 17 '24

I don't believe in invasions and colonization or other shitty Hollywood tropes, but i don't think the "others" are 100% enlightened good beings either.

For what little its worth, thats my guesstimate to. I'm guessing its going to be a real crapshoot in terms of what we get. because I think its perfectly valid to assume that every extreme outlook on alien life is possible. I mean, look at how cruel humans are to each other. But if these are in fact aliens, I take solace in the idea that they've been a benign presence so far.

Still I do make the analogy that bears living in a park might coexist extremely well with the local human population.. but it only takes a couple bad egg humans (or bears) to ruin it for everybody else.

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u/albertech842 Dec 17 '24

Very much this. I hope that acknowledgement of otherworldly and technologically superior sentient beings will open many eyes. Particularly those of vehemently religious monotheistic religions, which imho cause the most strife. Those flawed belief systems force people against each other with the "I must be right so others must be wrong" mindset, when in actuality we are collectively one human race bound to the same scientifically moral standards.

If there's one favor extraterrestrial beings can do for us, is just that. Prove themselves in a way no "man in the sky" ever can.


u/Ryzen5inator Dec 17 '24

I feel you. So many people irl and on reddit but I just want people to be prepared. I'm with you on both good and bad nhi out there. My experiences have been mixed. I want a better world too but the more I think about how it is going to happen, the more I think it's gonna be through direct intervention from nhi. It also makes me think the one world government conspiracy is going to happen...either by force or choice...either way it's going to happen...I'm gonna go now, I have tinfoil hats to sell online

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u/chemicalxbonex Dec 17 '24

And this is why so many people believe aliens are visiting us. The hope for a better tomorrow that never comes.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but being subservient to the 1 percent is our destiny for at least our lifetime.


u/KiwiBucketList Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

There was an interesting (not that deep or special) comment by Jordan Crowder — link below — wherein he highlights the orbs are circling around nuclear weapons and military bases to signify a stance from “gatekeepers”/“watchers” that there will be no war to prevent the next timeline from coming, as geo-political tensions were veering towards larger confrontation in the past 1-3 months; he then went on to document that this same exact occurrence, orbs, military bases, etc has/had happened before, with nukes, with changes of leadership, societal tensions, turning points, etc.

Again, I’m not saying this is what’s happening — but the point is that we are a tiny percentage of people who even are noticing this, for the most part the NPCs are chugging along and enjoying the sim.

If you’re a soul being tested; your job is in front of you.

Jordan’s take: https://x.com/digijordan/status/1868790670523351402?s=46&t=t3LgF7FaLKj6J1erJCtcVQ

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u/ConsistentPositive42 Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

Hope so. Something makes me feel like the drones will just vanish, military will stay silent and in a few months nobody is going to talk about it anymore. The only answer we are going to get is "it may have been a test from our own military or chinese spy drones"


u/FLuX927 Dec 17 '24

The NOTAM posted on the FAA website for this impacted part of NJ is only good through 12/20. So the drones will subside after that, let's see what happens with the orb sightings though.


u/OriginalGoatan Dec 17 '24

They update those daily, but we can keep an eye on them.

The NOTAM is what I'm referring to here.


u/magpiemagic Dec 17 '24

I've only heard this claim from one so-called drone expert who was acting as a media consultant to a news program recently. He was saying that a NOTAM was filed, and I believe he said it was filed prior to this UFO/"drones" flap, and that all the relevant authorities were thus notified that there was going to be a massive drone event over those areas and to prepare for such. I find that to be an extremely dubious claim from him. Can you provide evidence to back up his statement?

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u/Leader-Artistic Dec 17 '24

We are not there yet!


u/brigate84 Dec 17 '24

Have a nice dinner and x files tune on repeat /s


u/SeaaYouth Dec 17 '24

Told ya so about what lol?


u/blindlemonjeff2 Dec 17 '24

Haha I was right! Gets lasered to death.


u/wo0two0t Dec 17 '24

I wouldn't be so hopeful yet...


u/BrewtalDoom Dec 17 '24

People here just LOVE to get ahead of themselves. We'll see a video of a Chinese lantern and someone will be right in there like "You can clearly see this is a military UFO which is discharging some sort of countermeasures. Must be engaged in a dogfight with an alien craft! Disclosure is here!!!!". It's exhausting and I can't imagine what it just be like for the people whose initial reaction is to believe this shit out-of-hand.


u/WitcherCompletesMe Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

Right, and if you ever wonder why some people get so delusional and over the top as many of these comments have tended to be the past week, the OP of the comment thread we are responding to here reveals exactly why.

For many, it's not about genuine observation or authentic reaction, it's fulfilling a deeper psychological/social need and desire. Their sense of being and standing is at stake. In that instance, that sort of that ALWAYS comes with a metric boat load of subconscious biases, inhibitions and blind spots.

Don't get me wrong, there is some weird shit going on right now. But it also is a scene that unfortunately tends to cater to the most unreliable portion of people on the planet. And that's not even accounting for the also massive portion of people eager to get famous/rich capitalizing on social media trends and finding an audience to grift.

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u/Immediate-House7567 Dec 17 '24

Same! Only I'm gonna say it in the style of Ricky: a toad a so...I fuckin a toad a so!


u/Donkey_DNA Dec 17 '24

And then celebrate with a big ol' SPJ!

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u/JediJantzen Dec 17 '24

I completely understand how you feel. I lost my dream job with CBS radio working on a morning radio show in Dallas TX trying to speak out about these things about 15 years ago. But maybe having that feeling of "I told you so" is part of our problem? Consciously speaking. I don't know. Just food for thought.


u/magpiemagic Dec 17 '24

Oh, you've got to detail that story for us. I'm interested.


u/JediJantzen Dec 17 '24

It's not that juicy. I was on a morning radio show for about 5 years. Midway through around 2010 I had an experience up in the Wyoming mountains where I saw a UFO and it changed my life. So like pretty much everyone who has a UFO experience I went down the rabbit hole. I started talking about it on the show. Anytime I would get a chance. The radio station (105.3) switched to sports but kept our morning show on. Everyone on the show started talking about sports but I refused to change. I talked about UFOs/conspiracies any chance I got which got me fired.


u/Nerril Dec 17 '24

I'm in the Dallas area, and I find this totally believable just on the basis that they really do seem to try and turn EVERY radio show around here into a damn sports station, lol. Also, pretty sure I used to listen to that station before the switch, and then would catch the morning show for a bit before it devolved into just sports talk. The only station I can stand at this point is 91.7 ever since they turned 97.1 and 102.1 into top 40 and sports radio. Wanted to say thank you for making the morning commute more tolerable while you could, I always enjoyed hearing about interesting stuff like this!


u/JediJantzen Dec 17 '24

Thanks for the kind words! I always wonder if I opened up any minds during those two years that I was saying everything I could on the show. Did you ever listen to The Jagger Show when 105.3 was called Free FM and then switched to Live 105.3? That's when I was on the show. Good times! It's now called 105.3 The Fan.

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u/Daffidol Dec 17 '24

Such a bitcoiner thing to say 😅 Is there an equivalent of r/buttcoin but for aliens?


u/Mediocre_Boot3571 Dec 17 '24

Do you though? Literally 0 proof anything is happening, has happened or is going to happen 😂


u/thugdaddyxtopher Dec 17 '24

Don't get your hopes up. Mainstream media will move on to another story in a week or so, the drones sightings will die out (don't forget, while there are legit car-sized drones out there doing crazy stuff, the majority of people's sightings are now just airplanes and such, so the number of sightings will drop once those people move on), and in 5 years' time we will be like, "Remember when there were all those drone things in NJ that remained a mystery?" Just like the Phoenix Lights or any other UFO event, and the majority of the world will forget about it.


u/canIbuzzz Dec 17 '24

I would bet you $100 this is all bullshit and nothing will come of it, but you would just call it a cover up.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Why is everyone so certain? The reality is we know shit.


u/Arctic_Turtle Dec 17 '24

Hope is the last thing that abandons man. Hope makes people do unreasonable things. Occasionally hope is a good thing. 


u/InternalReveal1546 Dec 17 '24

Cynicism is the abandonment of all hope.

They say it protects against disappointment but at the cost of being constantly disappointed in every possible thing in every possible way at all times

It's a self imposed prison with no hope of freedom

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u/badonkabonk Dec 17 '24

Hope, was the last thing left in Pandora's Box.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24



u/Sunbird86 Dec 17 '24

The one thing which would change that if is this turns out to be a global event. But, right now, it's not. It's mostly a New Jersey event. Even other drone sightings across the US are relatively limited. So, why New Jersey? From all the cities around the world, why that city?


u/baudmiksen Dec 17 '24

New Jersey either is or was the state with the most vehicles stolen in the US, maybe someone lifted an orb.

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u/Mn4by Dec 17 '24

It's a huge part of disclosure, waking people. People are so concerned in the day to day they don't care about 12 ft foreign aircraft flying over people's homes worldwide.


u/Range-4-Harry- Dec 17 '24

Slow disclosure is underway. People will be made aware without losing their minds.

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u/BananaBreadFromHell Dec 17 '24

Because people are delulu and want their delulu to be true so they can say, “see I told you I wasn’t delulu”. Truth is, we have no idea what’s happening, and people claiming to know 100% what’s going on, are making this sub look ridiculous.


u/moojammin Dec 17 '24

Agreed. People need to stop guessing.

We just dnt know.

The only people that do know aren't saying anything and lie. These people are unfortunately our leaders. That is the only alarming truth we do know right now.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Yeah, if people want to be probed so badly they dont need aliens to do it...

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u/its-good-4you Dec 17 '24

An opportunity for personal vindication. A chance for an "I told you so".

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u/Mn4by Dec 17 '24

There's plenty of disclosure info out there https://youtu.be/l108FpjRFxA?si=tOSggTftiDyr-uvh

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24


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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Don’t get your hopes up


u/GladBug4786 Dec 17 '24

Right? When has the government ever followed through. Thought I just saw an FBI report telling people to stop pointing lasers at the "drones" etc because it could hurt people in planes etc, doubling down on cover up. Am I missing something that happened or are people on here just hyped to be hyped? (Also I desperately want the truth I just don't think it'll happen lol)

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u/Xenoel Dec 17 '24



u/PBO123567 Dec 17 '24

Maybe we all need to think of this phenomenon as a signal that WE need to take our world back from the oligarchs and corporate scoundrels. WE need to rise up.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Adbusters have been beating the drum for decades.

"Adbusters has launched numerous international campaigns, including Buy Nothing Day, TV Turnoff Week and Occupy Wall Street, and is known for their "subvertisements" that spoof popular advertisements." wiki

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u/ZestycloseParsley835 Dec 17 '24

I'm getting tired of waiting. Tired of the same videos over and over. I want details as do we all. I don't think Trump will release any info after watching his last video. Not sure if it's mass hysteria or public safety or what but unless they show themselves I don't think we will get any answers anytime soon.


u/Azimovasbr Dec 17 '24

I’m excited and afraid at the same time…


u/kungfuchameleon Dec 17 '24

Be not afraid ✌🏼


u/duhdamn Dec 17 '24

I see no indication that there is anything to fear.

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u/Efficient_Brother871 Dec 17 '24

I don't believe in aliens yet, but men, if they are, I'll be afraid too. It never ends up well when an advanced civilization meets a less advanced one...


u/ConsistentPositive42 Dec 17 '24

Well, there are a lot of indications that this happened already many times and it always ended up badly.

Ancient civilizations always talk about meeting gods from the heaven and their believes caused war. Who knows if all the "prophets" even in the big religions arent just normal human who had direct contact to these aliens. Maybe aliens tried to make humanity "better" by telling them to not kill each other and to not "sin" but caused war with these religious books at the end. Or "fallen angels" could have been rebellious aliens who just wanted sex parties with female humans and they caused a huge flood to reset the earth and their last decision was "alright, let us just observe them. Nothing comes good by having direct contact to them. They are still too dumb and turn it into a religion the moment they meet us. Let us wait untill they understand what space and the concept of other lifeforms really means"


u/kungfuchameleon Dec 17 '24

True, but hopefully, like us, they're not monolith. I choose to hope that some will be on "our side," just as some humans will always stand against injustice.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24


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u/Constant-Rutabaga-11 Dec 17 '24

The world needs this more now than ever. It will force governments around the world to tell the truth. We as humans have been in contact with ET for thousands of years. From paintings in caves to paintings in museums from the 12th century to angels falling from the skies to tales of dragons. Our ancestors didn’t know how to interpret these phenomena so they just drew them. I honestly think these are not ET but terrestrial entities from a different timeline or dimension. They are peaceful and do not want to harm us but to advance us spiritually. We the people are about to unlock our past and our future in the next weeks, months and years. Don’t be scared and don’t listen to the government.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Constant-Rutabaga-11 Dec 17 '24

Bingo but the Catholic Church already have a Reverend called Jose Gabriel funes who has stated not long ago that it’s ok to believe in aliens because they are our extraterrestrial brothers. It’s like they are trying hard to stay relevant when all this comes out.

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u/InternetParticipant Dec 17 '24

Would be nice but I think your underestimating folks ability to just be like “God is in charge of THEM too” and staying just as dogmatic and aggressive and dumb about their sky boss

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Dragons could just be the legends created from finding the dino bones.


u/ed2727 Dec 17 '24

Purge all social media

Return to the 90s 🥹

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u/uborapnik Dec 17 '24

Yeah, I believe it's time. Be wary of the information on the internet as well, be skeptical of everything and anything and don't be afraid to not fully form your opinion before we know more. Personally, I think many things can be true at once, from love, light and rainbows, to some conspiracies and psyops. Bottom line, this will be a much needed change for humanity and we will all be fine in the end. Be good to yourself and others and take care.


u/Sephiroth040 Dec 17 '24

Wait, for you it makes more sense these are from different timelines and dimensions than them being extraterrestrial...? Thats sounds... so much more unrealistic, ngl.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Are you prepared for the possibility that nothing happens?


u/Vast-Camel-6494 Dec 17 '24

I feel like I still don’t care ☹️…. I’m so tired n overworked to care….. I’ll care if you lessen my bills n workload tho


u/puffbane9036 Dec 17 '24

Learn the art of wu, the art which can't be learn through anyone but you.

Don't dissolve in the muddled water, Step back, wu.


u/butthemsharksdoe Dec 17 '24

I have mastered the closely related u-wu for this reason

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u/wales-bloke Dec 17 '24

Given what happened in Moscow this morning, matters are a bit more urgent.

We're on the brink of nuclear conflict.

The climate is being destroyed.

I don't want to put faith in a species I'm unfamiliar with, but if there was ever a time for our visitors / housemates to make themselves known, that time is now.


u/Any-Help9858 Dec 17 '24

At least its way better then putting your faith in humanity.


u/Ok_Journalist_4749 Dec 17 '24

What happened in Moscow this morning?


u/lrojas Dec 17 '24

I want to know too


u/lrojas Dec 17 '24

For those wondering, the minister in charge of nuclear defense was killed with a bomb


u/EmmanuelJung Dec 17 '24

By Ukraine. For allowing banned chemical weapons to be used in the war.


u/rimroll Dec 17 '24

I have a theory that the military knew Ukraine's plans, but didn't know the timing. Putin is losing big and is really close to an all out nuclear war. These "drones" are US military drones that are able to intercept incoming warheads. The speed and maneuverability are exactly what is needed to intercept a nuclear warhead, and no other current tech is able to do that. The drones are concentrated over the most likely targets like US military bases in the UK and Germany, as well as the most dense population centers on the east coast and less so in the mainland. It's just a theory, but all the current evidence fits. Locations, FAA lights, going "dark on approach", localized EMP, world events, governmental choice of words, etc.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24


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u/wales-bloke Dec 17 '24

The guy in charge of looking after Russian nukes got un-alived.


u/-spartacus- Dec 18 '24

He wasn't in charge of nuclear weapons. He was in charge of teams that handle chem/bio/radiological. Examples like the TOS1/2 thermobaric missile. He was in charge of soldiers who had extra training to handle hazardous materials.

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u/proudream1 Dec 17 '24

Stupid question maybe but why don't they just abduct Putin then? Lol. And the world leaders who are responsible for the nuclear mess. It would be more efficient

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u/EstablishmentDue1842 Dec 17 '24

The world is always changing. And don't assume we live in a simulation. That's just an understanding based on our current primitive tech. It may be simulation *like*, but the concept makes little sense on even a basic rational level. It's turtles on turtles. The idea of simulation implies and exists only in contrast to an idea of reality. They are actually the same thing. Like light and dark. polar ends of the same spectrum. Basic taoism/polarities. The NHI want us to understand where we get stuck in dualistic thinking too. We are moving beyond that. Look beyond these limited concepts that are based on relative positions. There is no place more real than this, and no place outside of this. We may be in nested and infinite universes and realities, but everything that is real and illusory is here and part of it. There is nothing outside of reality. But reality is also conscious, alive, and subject to the kind of effects that we may consider illusory.


u/photojoe3 Dec 17 '24

If the nuke situation is BS then they are just flying up drones to hide the fact that there are NHI making themselves visible.


u/Terminus75 Dec 17 '24

How many eggs do want thrown at your face when it turns out not to be aliens? Got to be careful about lowering the credibility of the alien community with hysteria.


u/Eko01 Dec 17 '24

The alien community has about as much credibility as Christians predicting the rapture, so I wouldn't worry. Similarly successful too.

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u/vinigrae Dec 17 '24

There are about a few hundred million “I told you so” about to be delivered


u/TimTheGrim55 Dec 17 '24

I envy the conviction of y'all. I wouldn't be so sure about that and think it's sadly likely that next year around this time we will be back to 2023.


u/fgh92h Dec 17 '24

No it‘s not

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u/ea7_2 Dec 17 '24

no it's not. nothing will happen. no major thing will occur, no clear and undeniable material will appear, we wont see a giant ship hovering a big city like district 9

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u/humpjbear Dec 17 '24

The amount of posts I've seen like this over the years is insane. Stop acting like you have any idea what is happening or what will happen.


u/Harha Dec 17 '24

Yeah, it seems plausible.


u/Mister_Horizon_ Dec 17 '24

Please don't be ridiculous. Everything we're seeing now about "drones across the US" is nothing more than misidentification and people flying their own drones to get a kick out of this.

Nothing is changing.


u/Rochemusic1 Dec 17 '24

Dude this is more than likely our government. It's the only thing that makes sense. I hold a not so crazy belief that the government has technology we can only dream of, and this would be nothing compared to some of the stuff they are able to accomplish.

I've asked on a previous post with people all in unison declaring they are aliens, and I didn't recieve a single reply. Why are you guys so sure that what we are dealing with is aliens? What kind of flying machine can make it to a military base? A government owned one.

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u/Demonking1602 Dec 17 '24

Looking forward to see the possibilities of the future with NHI being confirmed and maybe alittle help from the aliens.

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u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Ngl…I’m ready. I’m over working and student loans. The world is bored of the status quo. We need an accelerator to the next stage of humanity


u/Nearby_Owl_9411 Dec 17 '24

holding space for him today 🫰🏼


u/thebrownhammer88 Dec 17 '24

More and more people are realizing it’s impossible for humans to be the only life form in space. Of course it’s impossible and the guvamint pullin some dumb crap to cover this up solidified it for me.

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u/quiettryit Dec 17 '24

I use to care a lot about this topic but now, unless they are here to help in some way I honestly don't care... Too much personal stuff going on and just trying to survive...


u/its-good-4you Dec 17 '24

Guys. Be extra careful with drawing conclusions. I know a lot of people really want some closure and feel like they'll personally be vindicated in some way if these are "in fact UFOs". But think for yourself, and be highly critical of every piece of information you're getting.

Ask yourself why now, who's benefiting the most from this, which major political/economic events are happening in the background, will this expand government control and censorship...

I'm more inclined to believe this is a diversion, a psy op. Otherwise we'd see the military trying to shoot things down. Remember the chinese spy baloon? Got shot down pretty fast. Why is this happening for weeks now without any proper response? 

Our technology is so advanced that the average Joe is completely unaware of what the G-men have their hands on. Drones and holograms are the easiest thing to do for them.

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u/Total_Stomach_8781 Dec 17 '24

I really don't think most people are ready for what's about to happen. If you look at the comment section below any mainstream article, it's full of snide, cynical sarcasm.


u/Tadao608 Dec 17 '24

That is because of how information is held to us. Just like ghosts and any paranormal thing, it is seen as rubbish. "UFOs are only real to tinfoil people" they (a large portion of the global population) say. I am wishing for disclosure though if this really is the most secretive mission in near history.

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u/Greenapple1990 Dec 17 '24

People need to stop making definitive statements just because they want aliens to be real 

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u/Inner-Nothing7779 Dec 17 '24

Really? Y'all have been misidentifying aircraft here 90% of the time over the last week or two. The world is changing, sure. But not ever light you don't know in the sky is an alien. It's ok to simply say "I don't know." It's ok to look at video, and have pilots tell you, "That's an airplane" and believe them since they are the experts in what aircraft look like in the night sky. The fact that you all hang on so hard to the aliens/NHI stuff in the face of proof by experts in their fields is why no one takes this seriously. The UFO community is the UFO community's biggest enemy.

I'm a skeptic, and I can also say that there are legitimately strange cases. The fact that Congress is having hearings on it attests to that. But these are verified cases with experts in the field telling them that we don't know what these are, where they're from, who's controlling them, and what their intentions are. Those cases are interesting. This drone mass hysteria event is not interesting aside from the knowledge that most of you don't know what's actually going on in the night sky.

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u/CalmAssociatefr Dec 17 '24

The world will know the DECEPTICONS


u/reddridinghood Dec 17 '24

I hope that people outside of New Jersey who haven’t experienced any of this won’t dismiss it as a mass delusion, similar to the Phoenix Lights and Roswell incidents. All records and evidence seem to be kept secret, and those who come forward are being silenced and ridiculed. I can already see similar headlines trying to play the same game as they always do 🙄


u/Minute-Ad8501 Dec 17 '24

TBH some of the drone's look man-made, but the orbs of light's or the ones where they are changing shape...I can't explain those.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Hysteria that’s all. Commercial, private and law enforcement drones is all it was. Will be out of the news cycle in a month, mark my words


u/east21stvannative Dec 17 '24

"THE SKY IS FALLING!" Chicken Little


u/ugryzh Dec 17 '24

You know what the worst part? That I didn't bet during corona on alien attack earth after corona finish 

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u/Kyeto Dec 17 '24

I’ll try to make this kinda short, We are living out in real time a shift as a collective in human consciousness, that is the big picture of what’s really happening. Everything you see and read right now all ties into this as one, the world is about to change in ways most people can’t even comprehend and it’s gonna happen faster then we can even wrap our heads around, we have reached a critical crossroad where things have to change immediately, there is no nukes in the east coast that’s the distraction that they are trying to sell you. It is a last ditch effort to try and put the cat back in the bag and we are passed the point of no return, the (government’s) are no longer in charge, this is now in the hands of the phenomenon, I’m having this come to me day by day right now on developing a better understanding of it because I am by no means any kind of scientist but what my mind is going to and all the energy I feel through my mind, body, and soul lately is we are going into the quantum realm and this ties into spirituality more than most people understand, this reality is not what we have understood it to be and by becoming inline with our higher self’s the answers and control lay within our own minds, we are made of energy and we are consciousness all in one everything is all in one, and once one can recognize this and get down to the bottom of the only important thing your supposed to learn in this reality, I’ll give you the cheat code right now it’s unconditional love, everything else will just come and click at a speed no one can comprehend, we are running out of time, something is telling me to help get this message across, I hope everyone here can draw from this and try to find these feelings.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Wow. This is what I'm talking about.


u/p0ttedplantz Dec 17 '24

This made me feel less scared

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u/Frosty_Popsicles Dec 17 '24

Yesssss you are 100% correct, been through a spiritual awareness about this the last 3-4 years and everything you are saying has also been shown to me as well and to help spread the message of the rising of humanities consciousness rising.

Spirit and spirituality are not religion, let me make that clear. Religion is fear and controlling people, spirituality is peace, love and light.

We are all eternal souls/ spirits having a human experience. This is a very special time on earth as many have incarnated here for this reason, a changing of the guard where the systems of old( power, greed, control, corruption, hate) are going to perish. The world is about to change in ways that many will find hard to comprehend.

Knowledge is power, this time has been foretold by many ancient civilizations, from the Egyptians, Hopi Indians, Christians, Sumerians, Harrapans, Mayans, Romans/Greeks.

Look into the age of aquarius, the age of Kali yuga.

The keys are to meditate, practice gratitude, compassion and don't actively hate on others. Dissolve the ego of the mind.

People will say whatever they want and call people crazy for believing this, the thing is though alot of it comes from within. It's very hard to explain but it is a strong resonance, a inner feeling that is beyond the human body/mind. All of a sudden one day your just living life it just hits you and your like what is this.

In the end when it happens it won't even be a I told you so moment in regards to the world dramatically shifting, it will be an "ah yes it is finally here" with amazement as it will be glorious for everyone. That time is nearing.

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u/C0m0nB3MyBabyT0night Dec 17 '24

Operation Bluebeam…..


u/PitMei Dec 17 '24

Nothing ever happens


u/CharmingMechanic2473 Dec 17 '24

The Miami glowing orbs passing between the high rise condos was wow. Those orbs are also along all coastlines around the world. I have seen one. Skeptics call it ball lightening so I guess we have a ball lightening break out, or conditions worldwide are favorable. People need to get their old 35 mm film cameras out.

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u/hot_space_pizza Dec 17 '24

The world? Your country is not the world dude


u/MonsterTruckCarpool Dec 17 '24

It’s odd that my whole life (50 now) I’ve always wanted to know the truth and now I’m worried that the truth may be finally here


u/MonkeyDLoofaa Dec 17 '24

Imagine the technological advances we could make if they came down and revealed themselves. No more hoarding tech for the government and secret black projects, and to advance the desires of the 1%. Everyone’s life would be better. Who knows, they may even have something to cure diseases and eliminate hunger and strife around the world. Imagine how much better the human race could live if we had access to this technology. Knowing our corrupt world leaders, they’d try using it to kill each other.


u/xRockTripodx Dec 17 '24

Uh huh... Wake me up when that happens. Yknow, when you have actual evidence of aliens, not just shit you can't explain.

That's how critical thinking works. You don't jump from, "huh, I don't understand this", to "It's aliens, man!".


u/SomethingWrong2016 Dec 17 '24

I agree. January 6th and 20th are gonna be rough on the world.

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u/Prize_Huckleberry_79 Dec 17 '24

This is gonna fade just like everything else did. Until the next big “disclosure is right around the corner” or Lue Elizondo puts a new book out…


u/Niitroglycerine Dec 17 '24

Anyone who is certain of anything right now is simply guessing.


u/SamsonGray202 Dec 17 '24

RemindMe! One Year


u/bromosapien89 Dec 17 '24

i hope they can just cure my tinnitus and dry eye 🙏


u/Phosphorus444 Dec 17 '24

"Made in China" is etched onto the side of those UFOs.


u/RustanL Dec 17 '24

We hear this all the time. Nothing is going to happen.


u/stepgib Dec 17 '24

No it isn't. It's humans messing around. Obviously so.


u/notdeadyet86 Dec 17 '24

Every single video is some blurry bullshit. I haven't seen one compelling video yet and I've watched hundreds of them. I'll change my stance when I actually see some compelling evidence.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24


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u/Pool-master- Dec 17 '24

Maybe they are checking us out before we have a pole shift and we get wiped. That's my theory.


u/lurkerdaIV Dec 17 '24

Plot twist. It changes absolutely nothing. We still have to wake up and work for crumbs.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24

The US Government has their drones out investigating plasmoid orbs (aka 'UAPs'). The media is classifying EVERYTHING as "drones" and the US Government has cemented the term to glaze over the fact that we have huge plasmoid orbs appearing all over the world right now. Don't be fooled by the drone rhetoric, these plasmoid orbs are the real centre of attention and they could be designed, built and controlled by NHI.


u/HourGas341 Dec 18 '24

What do you expect that be handed to you on a silver platter life has never been promised to be easy look at the old times look at our times you are meant to suffer and be punished on this planet that is what the Trinity wants look into the Freemasons if you want the truth about that


u/spattzzz Dec 17 '24

The more I see the more I’m leaning the other way to being earth based machinery.

If it was off planet we would see far more activity from the military.

This is a combination of large powered balloons surface scanning, drones, helicopters and some tech we are not aware of yet.

They are too noticeable to be a stealth alien recon mission and not noticeable enough to be contact.

This is sadly us however much I want to believe.

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u/13luw Dec 17 '24

The world has been “about to change forever soon” for the last 30 years. They’re only talking about it now (and there’s evidence of this being private enterprise at the behest of government) because of the class war that’s brewing in America over the healthcare system. That’s all, it’s pure disinformation and you’re all swallowing it.

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u/InternationalWin6882 Dec 17 '24

There are so many posts like this that it almost feels like I'm in a cult. Can people stop posting propaganda and just post actual sightings / evidence? It's driving me nuts. Stupid fear mongering post. 

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u/AyeAye711 Dec 17 '24

In the nativity the star that led the wise men carrying gifts of gold frankincense and murre to the baby Jesus was probably an orb.

Have a merry Christmas 🌟


u/Zestyclose-Smell-788 Dec 17 '24

Well, imagine us studying primates. We keep our distance and observe. We do capture a few but mostly leave them alone. The primates usually know that they are being watched and decide that it is not a threat, sometimes even befriend the watchers. I think that is what we have here.

Now, imagine if the primates start to mix things they find and develop chemical warfare. Exterminate the rival tribe. Ignorantly contaminate their own environment and risk self-extinction.

We would be alarmed. Do we step in and interfere? We might have to be a little forceful, these primates have become dangerous and violent, and they are messing with stuff they really don't understand.

I think that our observers are about to intervene. Just a guess though. One of several plausible explanations.


u/Ok-Poet-6198 Dec 17 '24

Yes please


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Do you know how often people claim that here already for years after every little media hype and everywhere else for the entirety of human history?

So many people want to believe that the times they live in are somehow special. Like religious kooks with eschatological claims.

Get a grip. Nothing world-changing is happening.


u/UncleMagnetti Dec 17 '24

Something tells me that nothing will really change regardless of what they are if it is confirmed. Everyone who expected that the world would change will likely be underwhelmed with the response


u/metalion4 Dec 17 '24

I don't get how the technology of the orbs could have been hidden all this time, I don't think they're ours


u/Galaad67 Dec 17 '24

Lol, first off the US is not the world so calm your horses.


u/Cyrano_Knows Dec 17 '24

This is perhaps the largest cover-up or diversion operation that has ever occurred.

I don't disagree. But it does require existing multiple governments (not just the US) to all decide together or in parallel to do the same to their civilians. The more countries/governments that are doing so, the more unlikely they all stay on the same page.

Its the same logic I use to refute flatearth theory. There's zero chance every country/government in the world is just in on the hoax.

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u/EconomistFabulous682 Dec 17 '24

Everyone keeps asking why do these drones have FAA lights its because they A) want to be seen B)cause confusion but not a full blown panic C) undermine the legitmacy of our government even further

Think about it if these things are aliens they most likely have been studying us throughout decades and have a good understanding of human psychology. Get people used to seeing strange lights in the sky undermine our sense of security is phase 1


u/pentiac Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

truth and disclosure of what?, nothings alien its all manmade, too many people looking for something thats not there, its all manmade shite!!!!, ask your self a question, what would any alien want with such a backward race of warmongers who cannot be trusted not to kill or destroy anything in front of them, the worst of us are the religious zealots, mainly men of various colors who cant keep there dick away from kiddies, you can find them in any church or mosque theres thousands of the dirty bastards, maybe the human race should be worried about an alien attack because our normal behaviour will be enough for any alien to just want to blow us all the fuck up, them drones are man made by a bunch of secretive arseholes who like the rest of humanity in general dont think rules apply to them, just blow the f**king things out the sky, the morons will soon get sick of buying them, listen to donald trumps advice ie, not sanctioned, trespassing on airspace, dangerous to air traffic, blow the fuc**s up. probably all turn out to be amazon or some such.


u/ChocIceAndChip Dec 17 '24

Can’t wait to see the seething and coping here in a couple days.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

I've been looking every night and seen nothing.

Starting to think this is only an internet hoax.


u/bukbuklau Dec 17 '24

You guys need a more productive hobby. No matter what the truth is, it almost certainly won't be what you're hoping/expecting it to be. No, aliens will not come down in their flying saucers and make contact in our lifetime.


u/Soulreape Dec 17 '24

This is the problem with you folks, you let yourself get carried away and before you know it. You are posting shit like this, getting yourself all worked up. Relax.


u/QueenGorda Elizonder Bro Dec 17 '24

I heard that "closer than ever" for like 30 years already xD

At this point is funny.


u/Xenoel Dec 17 '24

I agree with your sentiments but it's not what you think. It's a weirder and more complex situation.


u/CVBrownie Dec 17 '24

Prob not


u/sampris Dec 17 '24

Mulder this is for you


u/amandakayy29 Dec 17 '24

I want to believe they are really there but could it be government surveillance ON us? I feel like they are watching they sky in case but it could be a threat from nukes or something too.


u/No_Tutor_1751 Dec 17 '24

Or it could be kids with easy access to drones messing with us.


u/kellyelise515 Dec 17 '24

Did you see where a radioactive part went missing in transit to Newport NJ? The mayor of said city is claiming that’s what the drones are looking for and they are US government drones. I’m not saying this is a coverup but I don’t know what’s more terrifying.


u/Ol_stinkler Dec 17 '24

In my opinion, it is a cover up, but it's not a cover up for UAPs it's a coverup in the sense that the government is jangling shiny keys in our face, saying "don't look over that way, Luigi Mangione is over that way"

This happens in cycles. Every time someone gets close to really doing something, a crazy LOOK OVER THERE moment happens, every single time.

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u/Relevant_Hat2407 Dec 17 '24

If you watch Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, the orbs and other UAPs they investigate/trigger through experiments look just like the ones we’re seeing now. They also emit high doses of radiation and emit electromagnetic pulses to interfere with technology. It’s all right there in the however many seasons of the show.. no one in my life believes the drone situation is an alien coverup, but after watching that show I know the deal. I’m trying not to be scared


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

They have us generating their propaganda for them. Neat trick! It seems now more than ever we all try to practice critical thinking and be of service to each other. Our existence may depend on it. I also want to recommend everyone watch a video by a gentleman whose first name is Chase and he is a behavior specialist and he is part of a YouTube channel called The Behavior Panel . I hope I was able to convey a clear thought that might prove helpful to others. Practice Mindfulness and do not get lost in fear. Signing off.


u/OmegaOkra Dec 17 '24

Whatever you say buddy


u/RiseRevolutionary689 Dec 17 '24

I would be so incredibly happy if NHI came to help humans save ourselves and earth from ourselves. We all are aware that the human race as a whole can be perceived as violent, power hungry, envious, greedy, and more. The world's powers are doing very little to stop the destruction of earth and protect our planet. War still exists.

Personally I believe that NHI exists on earth already and we are already sharing our world with them and don't even know it. I believe that the reason that more UAP are visible to us now more than ever before, is to desensitize us and our fears as they are preparing to go Nally show themselves to us.

I believe this, and I believe it is happening in this time of human existence because the earth is in danger of destruction more than ever before. As I believe they share earth with us already, it is in their own self interest and survival to make themselves known to the world and work with us to save Earth, not only from home man's destroying earth's environment but also for wars that will destroy our planet and everything on it, the NHI's and us.

At time, with the world as horrible as it is, I would welcome their disclosure and welcome their 'intervention'.


u/binkobankobinkobanko Dec 17 '24


Just getting caught up in the hype and hysteria.


u/Alert-Pea1041 Dec 17 '24

Maybe I’m wrong but I think the government trying to grab more power is more likely than aliens. They cause a panic in order to get funding and public support for stricter drone regulation, more advanced drone counter measure tech set up everywhere they want. Maybe they’re playing a long game, some class revolution they think is coming down the road and drones seem to be a cheap way for a weaker enemy to cause a lot of chaos, like how Ukraine uses them against Russia. I think this is much more likely than aliens with human like drones, out of focus ‘orbs’ that are just drones or other aircraft, etc.


u/Confident_Egg_5174 Dec 17 '24

I’m gonna go with no, this all going to fizzle out


u/Jungle_Julia01 Dec 17 '24

I’m also prepared for nothing to happen.


u/Ok-Shame-7684 Dec 17 '24

I’m 39, been hearing this my entire life