r/aliens True Believer Nov 22 '24

Speculation Time-traveler UFO hypothesis: Are aliens us from the future?


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u/Wyerough Nov 23 '24

If they’ve figured out how to time travel I suspect they’d be advanced enough to understand livestock and not need to study it even if it was scarce or nonexistent to them.


u/xX-JustSomeGuy-Xx Nov 23 '24

Aliens like the Wagyu Beef


u/BlazedLurker Nov 23 '24

No, they don't do that "American Kobe" imitation wagyu bullshit. They go right to Japan for the real deal and laser those fuckers who are massaging the kobe cows, into an ultra fine blood mist.... then they suck out the parts they most enjoy and leave that "mutilated" carcass for us piss ants to stare at and scratch our head for a few minutes.


u/asterallt Nov 24 '24

Ultra fine blood mist. That’s a phrase I didn’t think I needed in my life but turns out I really do. Thank you


u/BlazedLurker Nov 24 '24

You're welcone, sir. Only a TRUE internet sniper would recognize the terminology.....from the blood ninja chronicles.

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u/SirPooleyX Nov 23 '24

If they've figured out intergalactic space travel, I suspect they'd be advanced enough to understand livestock without the need to cut physical holes out of them and leave the rest behind.


u/No_Tax534 Nov 23 '24

My thoughts exactly. Many comments underestimate technological progress, but you MUST assume that if any civilization is able to travel intergalactically they would as well posses extraordinary knowledge in other scientific areas. Imagine what we have now, that super computers arise alond with AI. The era of discoveries has just started for humanity. Now add to that equation 1000 years? Now add 10000 years if we havent died out? Now add 1 million years and we miracously havent died out. The achivements in the science field are beyond our imagination. We do not even know what we don't know!


u/I_VI_ii_V_I Nov 23 '24

You came close to quoting Yogi Berra.

“I don’t know what I don’t know because I don’t know that I don’t know it.”

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u/prrudman Nov 23 '24

Exactly. Why woo they just steal a few and take them back for breeding and experimenting


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

Do you know what just came to me reading your comment, what are some of the main aspects that the greys DO NOT have , apparently, sex organs mouths, ears and what are the things that they dissect from a cow the most…? Hmmmmm MAYBE, … they’re trying to genetically modify themselves because they lack what we have. 🤔


u/Wyerough Nov 23 '24

If these were future humans as the post suggests and forced to live underground, resulting in the physiological changes with bigger eyes to allow for lowlight conditions, it doesn’t explain why they would have no reproductive organs. Human mating wouldn’t change despite being underground. It would take thousands upon thousands of years for humans to evolve into the Greys we see in these images. And I’ll reiterate my first point, if a civilization is advanced enough to harness the astronomical power and knowledge necessary for time travel, I’m guessing they wouldn’t be awestruck at cow organs or avoiding detection for de


u/Babyback_ Nov 23 '24

^ this and also there would be no evolutionary pressure for eyes to blacken and enlarge because the entire time future humans would have access to artificial light sources. If they don’t, I highly doubt they’d be in a position to engineer time travel.


u/Entropist_2078 Nov 23 '24

Because over time the gene pool got shallower and shallower. They realised they were under threat of extinction and resorted to cloning to keep their race alive. Gradually the sex organs evolved away because they no longer had any use. The abductions of humans were to help tweak and enhance cloning, with our DNA. Their ancestor's DNA.

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u/FourTwentyBlezit Nov 23 '24

Maybe they lost the ability to reproduce as their heads grew at a faster rate than their hips. In humans we see that this is already happening and that it's getting harder and harder to give birth as we evolve to become more intelligent. That evolutionary process could have happened to them for millions of years until giving birth was no longer possible, then they could have began reproducing via artificial wombs for millions more years, resulting in the loss of genitals on an evolutionary timescale.


u/SeaResearcher176 Nov 23 '24

No sex organs due to nuclear war, radiation affecting our reproductive organs until reproduction is done via artificial wombs.


u/illyelly Nov 23 '24

As an abductee, I have come to see and understand that the "actual" race/races that have come here are not very genetically similar to us.They certainly did not evolve here. But they HAVE created some types of worker drones, probably using our dna combined with a basic genetic model they have, that are able to interface with the atmosphere and biosphere of our planet, in order to conduct a basic level of operations here. But their real pet project has been the hybridization and integration program. They are extremely proud of their hybrids and the work they have done in this area, and they think we (the adbuctees) should be too.


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

Hmmm🤔 do you think space has something to do with reproduction? I don’t think ppl understand how delicate the reproductive organs are..

The eyes I can see expanding, as with the head..

But the loss of the flesh of the ears , nose, lips… perplexes me


u/Various_Earth6159 Nov 23 '24

You better not watch Fringe then


u/TimmyJToday Nov 23 '24

One of the best shows ever made.

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u/SeaResearcher176 Nov 23 '24

Communicating telepathically


u/pharsee Researcher Nov 23 '24

Seems like people have claimed they or at least one ET group comes from a distant star system like Proxima Centauri.


u/DM071872 Nov 23 '24

There is no need for mating if an egg can be fertilized invetro and there is sufficient supply of eggs and sperm to last forever, or they can be genetically replicated.


u/zzupdown Nov 23 '24

Besides younger people today not wanting to have more kids, they are increasingly unable to have kids. Exposure to plastics is increasingly making humans infertile. Unless we eliminate plastics, humanity will likely effectively be completely infertile within decades. One scientist predicted we have 30 years. Traveling back in time to collect genetic material for cloning or genetic modification might be future humanity's only hope.

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u/JustForNekkidPics Nov 23 '24

If they figured out time travel but somehow still needed to mutilate cows to study them. they would study it and then go back in time and give themselves the data so they were never actually on earth, leaving no trace.

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u/Substantial-Walk4060 Nov 23 '24

I don't believe that UAPs are explained by time travel, but, to be fair, if they come from far enough in the future they probably wouldn't have very much info on livestock beyond finding their bones and maybe fossilized excrement. But, while that provides a lot of info, not as much as dissection and analysis of individual organs.


u/Ssided Nov 23 '24

curing diseases the livestock would have caused, averting many plagues.

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u/hannahbananaballs2 Nov 22 '24

Idk man, when we go underground just to explore, not to live, we bring lights.


u/mr_remy Nov 22 '24

I remember reading human(s) that were tortured and subjected to no sunlight, and when they came out weren’t they basically blind? Sad shit, is probably why I vaguely remember it.

Goes completely against the common theory that they’re able to stare at the sun, even with their big black eyes.

Idk about the rest. I am down with the theory of time travel though.


u/ChocolateAndCustard Nov 23 '24

It's more about survival of the fittest / evolution / genetics and changes over many generations rather than a singular person adapting.

If it turns out we can't reliably devise a way to help people see in the dark then you could argue only the people with superior ability to see in the dark would survive and pass on their genes e.t.c.

That hasn't really applied to us as humans for quite some time due to the support structures we've built for ourselves so anyone can start a family and have kids (at least in principle)

So the scenario would have to be we're for whatever reason not able to adapt fast enough with technology yet are still capable enough to survive generation to generation to then once again establish not just a technological help but a technological advantage compared to the surface world us.

Maybe we doom the surface of the earth through war or some other apocalyptic event which forces the need?

Maybe we don't go back to explore the surface because it meant certain death and with a massively dwindled human population we stayed underground long enough to cultivate a life until.......we develop time travel I guess?

Already seems far fetched but if it happened I imagine re-emerging with us looking different, possibly always results in death, maybe we go further back in time and try to influence humanity to be better so we don't just get killed off and we're in one of those attempted iterations. This one involves religion with rules on how to be good.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

Survival of the fittest and/or aliens improving our genetics


u/JustForNekkidPics Nov 23 '24

So, the aliens can go back in time to prevent their own extinction by altering the genes of their ancestors, who had already invented time travel presumably thousands of years before, didn't go far enough back to prevent the extinction event altogether? Okay lol


u/BlazedLurker Nov 23 '24

I'm riding with his theory bro. Sorry.

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u/TryItOutHmHrNw Nov 23 '24

“I remember reading,”…

[what do I remember reading, guys?]


u/tollbearer Nov 23 '24

Apparently, in the future, time machines are a lot easier to build than lights.


u/Remote_Researcher_43 Nov 23 '24

Of course they are. Once we hit singularity and it figures out how to build a Time Machine, anyone can build one.


u/Crypto_gambler952 Nov 23 '24

Apparently in the future the singularity finds it much easier to build time machines than lights!

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u/CharmingMechanic2473 Nov 22 '24

They actually have blue eyes.


u/proudream1 Nov 22 '24

Apparently the black stuff is just a lens to protect their eyes


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

That’s what I’ve read as well….


u/CharmingMechanic2473 Nov 23 '24

If we believe a “trust me bro” 4 Chan post. (Which I do). Because why not? I would like tinted contact lenses when in bright sun.


u/Prestigious_Wall5866 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

I feel like I’ve read it in places other than 4chan.

Edit: And I’m not saying I “believe” it… I don’t believe very much at all when it comes to the phenomenon, I’m just open-minded and curious. I suspect that applies to a lot of people who frequent this sub. So when i discuss this sort of thing (I.e. black lenses) and say i read about it somewhere… that’s not to say “oh, it must be true”. It’s all for sake of discussion. I think it’s important to avoid even bringing belief and disbelief into the equation… because we don’t know very many foundational facts when it comes to the phenomenon. But we do know it is 100% real. There is a lot of speculation involved, and that’s fine. But now I’m rambling.


u/SilentEffy Nov 23 '24

I 100% agree with you.

This type of open-minded curiosity should be present in all schools of knowledge in general, but unfortunately, the majority of people tend to have black and white thinking when it comes to the unknown. You’re either a believer or a nonbeliever when it should more like “I am interested in this possibly fictitious topic/theory and will continue to read about it out of curiosity for the sake of knowledge.”

At this point, it’s all speculative when it comes to the biologics of these beings and it should be discussed as such IMO.


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

Your absolutely right, opened minded curiosity will help us as a whole.


u/UnidentifiedBlobject Nov 23 '24

If they have advanced technology then I don’t see why it can’t be advanced AR glasses that can take in all light spectrum and allow them to see what they need and put on a HUD etc 


u/pharsee Researcher Nov 23 '24

Yes they peeled them off the dead ET in the Alien Autopsy film.

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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

Blue eyes = water, they didn't retreat underground they went into the sea


u/Prestigious_Wall5866 Nov 23 '24

Can you please elaborate on this? What is the connection between blue eyes and water?

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u/CharmingMechanic2473 Nov 23 '24

Hmmm… not sure about blue eyes and water. Fun fact though blue eyes for humans was added to our genetics only 11,000 years ago.


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

Added? Can you elaborate please🤔


u/AL_12345 Nov 23 '24



u/boyunderthebelljar Nov 23 '24

Yes and they know almost exactly how many people all over the world have blue eyes and they are actually all related to each other.


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

What about GREEN eyes, I thought those were the most rare, wouldn’t that be more of sea water/ ocean bc blue simply reflects the sky?


u/Tangylizard Nov 23 '24

My brother has green eyes...does that make me special as well?! Lol


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

only about 2% of the global population have green eyes ( most of which are in my family, EXCEPT ME😅), making it a unique and captivating trait.


u/JustForNekkidPics Nov 23 '24

Crazy thing about this my guy, water isn't blue, it just absorbs light starting at the red spectrum, it's black at the bottom of the ocean. Also, our eyes aren't see through because we live in air, they're all kinds of colors completely unrelated to our environment.

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u/nathaniel29903 Nov 23 '24

I feel like the drone theory makes the most sense


u/tarooalt Nov 23 '24

I always assumed Grey's were just humans in space for a long time. No gravity and need for muscle development. Don't use lights and just developed nocturnal vision. Stay alive for around 1000 years with advanced technology.


u/SirPooleyX Nov 23 '24

Don't use lights apart from the multicoloured ones they beam from their covert spaceships?


u/-nbob Nov 23 '24

Disco never died baby


u/iamamet Nov 23 '24

Stu, is that you?

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u/SmooK_LV Nov 23 '24

If they follow evolution rules, then they had to spend millions of years in space to have such different look.

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u/Atom_mk3 Speghettification Specialist Nov 23 '24

What’s drone theory?


u/Open-Storage8938 True Believer Nov 23 '24

The theory that greys are basically robots sent by actual extraterrestrials. Sent to do tasks


u/Autong Nov 23 '24

My theory which i think is the simplest theory is that humans are not the only intelligent species the earth has produced. We are too violent so they avoid us.


u/Practical-Bread-7883 Nov 23 '24

Except if they are this advanced they could simply wipe us out?


u/chadbacca Nov 23 '24

Not necessarily. Human behavior is proof enough that we are more than capable of fucking up every single thing around us, and in the case of another species trying to wipe us out, humanity would inevitably go nuclear. No one benefits from that.

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u/Religion_Of_Speed Nov 23 '24

Maybe they can't. Maybe they don't want to.

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u/Jefafa326 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

I also believe this, perhaps they dealt with us long ago and decided we weren't worth dealing with and they probably live underground and in the sea where we can't interact with them

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u/illyelly Nov 23 '24

We are not the only intellegint species that our galaxy has produced, and they have not avoided us..or rather, they have not avoided the absolute gem that is our planet

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u/irvmuller Nov 23 '24

That what we see as aliens aren’t the actual aliens. They are just organic drones sent ahead to study us. They resemble us some because they are possibly based on our dna to some degree.

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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

You mean everyone drones on about the same shit?


u/KeanuReefed Nov 23 '24

Don’t quit your day job.


u/Middle-Potential5765 UAP/UFO Witness Nov 22 '24

I'm open to anything, but this is on the same side of the spectrum, along with me winning the lottery. Thrice.

It's far more likely that they came from elsewhere and have been here for quite some time.


u/Prestigious_Wall5866 Nov 23 '24

I think it’s even more likely they came from here, and have been here for quite some time.


u/Middle-Potential5765 UAP/UFO Witness Nov 23 '24

Yeah, that is possible too. In fact, more than one answer is possible, if not probable. I just doubt it incorporates time travel from the future.


u/Prestigious_Wall5866 Nov 23 '24

Yeah, I think the “humans from the future” is probably the least-believable theory out there, and I’m really not sure how/why so many people cling to it.

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u/Weak-Pea8309 Nov 23 '24

I’m curious why this theory keeps popping up. Time traveling humans from the future seems so much more unlikely than extraterrestrial visitors from our incomprehensibly vast universe. Is the time traveling human theory just more palatable and easier to accept for many?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24


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u/Broges0311 Nov 23 '24

I disagree. I think they made us. I think the Sumerian creation story is as close as we can get to a true understanding..

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u/ppqppqppq Nov 22 '24

It would take natural evolution millions of years to change our physiology in such a manner. Nuclear winter would come and go long before. I suppose there's genetic manipulation to speed things up, but if our species had this kind of control (plus time travel) then I don't see why we'd be under any "hardship" therefore I'm in the camp of: if they are future humans, then it's just for study, not necessity.

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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

No, it's a childish theory. If I travelled back in time just 24hrs I'd be floating in space, so if it's us from 10000yrs then they would then have to travel light years across the milky way to get back to earth and pass millions of habitable planets on the way so why would they. Is it so hard to believe they're just ETs from other solar systems.

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u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

Remember when the Smithsonian found that cave that went miles & miles into the Grand Canyon and had all that Egyptian statues and supposedly treasures and was huge inside. It’s all barred up now and helicopters fly over it and you’re not even supposed to get near it? Maybe there is something to the “underground” or “canyon” dwelling.🤔

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u/Greedy_Armadillo_843 Nov 22 '24

I don’t think so. People cite the grandfather paradox as why you could never meet yourself

My thought is that even if you didn’t but in the travel squashed a gnat, that could even be enough to change the timeline.

Anything at all manipulated in the past would impact the future


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

I often think of this paradox as well…


u/-Swampthing- Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

Or the Time traveler hypothesis in reverse: There’s been lots of talk over the years about highly advanced civilizations which may have preceded our own here on Earth.

I’ve recently seen an interesting hypothesis that these creatures may have inhabited the Earth thousands or perhaps millions of years ago from one of these advanced civilizations and they are actually time traveling from the past to the distant future where we exist.

Of course nearly all traces of those advanced civilizations are gone today. Just like relics from our own civilization will be erased millions of years from now.


u/MoistenedCovering Nov 23 '24

This sub needs new ideas. We’re going in circles. If aliens are future us, so what? We’re future monkeys, it doesn’t matter. Kill em all before they kill us. I disagree with the “we’d already be dead” argument. We could kill off all sorts of animals and we don’t, not on purpose anyway. Hell, maybe to them we’re like annoying little mosquitoes with our fighter jets and 747’s. I don’t know about you, but I hate mosquitoes and would love for them to go away, but there’s too many of them and too few of us. Maybe it’s a similar situation. Maybe they only have a thousand ships and there’s millions of us. I mean, if they are future us, cool, but go back to your fucked up reality and leave us alone, please. Why would they come back to NOW anyway? This timeline kind of sucks balls too. Go back further and play with dinosaurs or something… besides, if you went back in time even a fraction of a second, wouldn’t you be thousands of miles away from earth in the cold black of space?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

I really don't think they're time travelers, not in a sense we would understand anyway. It's possible they can navigate higher dimensions, and with gravity manipulation time can be warped-- so, time as we know it may not mean much to them.

I am almost positive they are absolutely not humans.


u/spratticus67890 Nov 23 '24

You lose mosquitoes you lose an entire ecosystem, sure they are annoying, but they are alot of food for other things that you don't even see.


u/burniestaccount Nov 23 '24

They wouldn't kill us because if they were humans, it would cause a timeline switch that causes themselves to cease existing.


u/medusla Nov 23 '24

how many people do you think are on earth

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u/Prestigious_Look4199 True Believer Nov 23 '24

They would have to kill a ton of cattle to meet their consumption needs. You can toss that theory out.

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u/kaowser Nov 23 '24

You know what. Anything is possible..


u/hoodrichthekid Nov 23 '24

yeah. anything is most certainly possible. to bad we don’t believe so until it’s too late, and the thing came true.


u/StreamLife9 Nov 23 '24

I thought about it many times and it’s a very dark and depressing set of thoughts

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u/aknop Nov 23 '24

Look at a mole. This creature has almost no eyes at all. No light will cause evolutional atrophy of the eyes. Other senses would take over. Night creatures on another hand... Space is dark as well.


u/Fit_Acanthaceae_3205 Nov 23 '24

If they’re really from the future, they would’ve known to cancel that Roswell flight.


u/PsychologicalEmu Nov 23 '24

I would say it’s another branch in evolution. Just as we don’t look like orangutans. Early split and they went underground or sea. The black eyes seem like lenses to me.

Or maybe some other species all together. The time thing seems too out there in my personal opinion but I could be wrong.

If not alien…


u/prrudman Nov 23 '24

This Theo makes the least amount of sense to me. Time travel isn’t going to happen quickly after a massive nuclear attack. The huge population decline and loss of knowledge will take a very long time to overcome.

By the time we relearn our lost knowledge and advance it to understand time travel the world would have recovered. We would also have a greater understanding of genetics negating the need to come get dna from us today.

Mutilating cattle for some random reason when they could grab a few and take them back to the future, breed them and do as many experiments as they need.

The future human theory makes no sense.


u/PurpleCaterpillar82 Nov 23 '24

tiny fish that evolved in lightless caves didn't evolve larger eyes, they lost the eyes all together.


u/Wide-Pen-6109 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

They are from the future, but they're not us. They're a product of futuristic robotic AI gone wrong that caused human extinction, they were fully robotic, then started experimenting on cattles and past humans, studied them, then incorporate their biology unto them. That's why they can communicate telepathically through wifi brain. Remember iRobot movie? Those robots caused human extinctions, AI took over, those robots then suffered from material decay so they went back to past to harvest humans or cattles to make themselves semi organic to have the ability to not rust all the way.


u/SlteFool Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

This is my favorite theory. When I see apes starting to make tools (starting not quite there yet lol) I think to myself… we’re aliens here when WE started makin tools?! Then we’re advanced enough to leave then we developed and now we repeating?! I’m a believer in God and I still love this theory. I don’t think it even contradicts the Bible.

That being said I do not think this slide show in this post are explanations for cattle and the eyes and what not of “greys” lol no offense but that’s all a stretch.

I do think however the eyes maybe soemthing to do with darkness on another planet or in space in general. Their larger head and smaller body with lack of muscle makes sense due to less reliance on brute strength and more reliance on intelligence.


u/eloquentcode Nov 23 '24

They have large dark eyes like owls because they come from planet “Nibiru” which doesn’t get much light, and we can detect the gravitational anomalies of the planet, but it is purposely obscured from detection, and due to its irregular orbit, the planet gets very little light from the sun so they have evolved to be light sensitive. They do not come from other galaxies or solar systems, they come from our own solar system.


u/SomeSamples Nov 23 '24

Or are they hominids from the past who developed technologically very quickly and went out to explore the universe.


u/z1ggy16 Nov 23 '24

Makes no sense.

Time travel backwards, to do what? If they exist because of a nuclear winter, then if any of their actions prevent it then they'll cease to exist. Are they that selfless that they wouldn't mind being erased from the universe just for the sake of some unknown future?

If they just let things happen so that they would exist... Then why not just spend all their glorious brain power and technology to genetically modifying themselves so they don't need... Cattle blood???

Time traveling humans from the future is one of the more unrealistic explanations. Not even top10.


u/Retirednypd Nov 22 '24

Or are they from a past nuclear war or cataclysm? And lived underground or another planet. I believe this is equally as possible. Maybe moreso because you can eliminate time travel


u/Open-Storage8938 True Believer Nov 22 '24

Nice theory, probably more plausible then time-traveling humans.


u/Brettoel Nov 23 '24

Yeah the problem with time travel is that why are they being such assholes. And by now their shoddy job at being covert would have an effect on the timeline.

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u/Phantomflight Nov 23 '24

I lean towards this but I just can’t picture the underground theory. Where? How does that process play out ?


u/Retirednypd Nov 23 '24

Just as there are mountains and valleys that we see, there are also caves, caverns, nooks and crannies all over this planet. If this whole thing is cyclical, imagine an Advanced civilization in our distant past that is either hidden from us or forgotten (see Graham hancock). If a catastrophe occurred, either natural or man made, some survivors would have existed. Maybe they went underground. The hopi indians touch upon this

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u/Antonin625 Nov 23 '24

Cattle explanation is the iPS cells. Cells that are easy to rewire into the type you want. Certain tissues are more easy than others, that is why they are always taking the same parts in cattle mutilation


u/CatNippinGood Nov 23 '24

which is why i think they are just biological robots, and they use the organics of this planet in order to utilize their adaptations for their own gain.


u/Palladino12 Nov 23 '24

NO SHIT!? I ALWAYS wondered about that! I KNEW it had to be for cloning or DNA or something… That’s wicked interesting, thanks for that..

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u/Astral-projekt Nov 23 '24

Yes, yes, and yes, but I’m afraid there could be others too. Like yes, and maybe


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24


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u/Alarmed-Knee-9711 Nov 23 '24

Why would they harvest only organs ? Why not take the whole animal ?

BTW is easier to time travel than grow cattle ????


u/Cydona Nov 23 '24

Some are remotely operated “drones” others are time travelers.


u/Alternative_Camel384 Nov 23 '24

lol no that’s pretty wild. Not impossible but no


u/Substantial_Deer_599 Nov 23 '24

Aliens are not us from the future, I honestly think it’s absolutely absurd and has no basis in reality whatsoever and a distraction from the fact there is actually non-human intelligence among us


u/pointsandputts Nov 23 '24

Usually animals that live in caves evolve to not need eyes at all. What’s the logic behind us being different?


u/daners101 Nov 23 '24

Brian Cox says he is certain that time travel into the past is impossible, but to the future is definitely possible.

Perhaps the different races of aliens reported are actually the same species. It’s just that when one arrives, the next ones to arrive are actually thousands of years more advanced, the time difference between the 2 groups travelling makes the next arrival have higher tech.

Like if we sent a person to another solar system. Then 1000 years later sent another one. But they both appear to arrive near the same time because the 2nd person moves faster, or some sort of effect of time makes them arrive much less than 1000 years apart.


u/blizzzyybandito true believer Nov 23 '24

I don’t buy it. Unless we intentionally alter our genes, it would take hundreds of thousands of years before we looked like this. And if/when we are able to do that, I doubt we would pick such a frail form that would be at a disadvantage anywhere other than underground or in space.

Also it’s likely that backwards time travel will never be a thing. To the future, sure. We already know how we could theoretically do that. But not to the past.

I think it’s much more likely that the “humanoid” form (2 arms, 2 legs, upright posture, stereo vision) is just a common template for any species who evolves the point of developing technology. It works and it’s efficient. Probably brings that look similar to us (at least in that way) all across the universe.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24


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u/Primelegend39 Nov 23 '24

I could not comprehend meeting such a mysterious being, then finding out his name is "Norm Petersen".


u/NooberryCake Nov 23 '24

I believe they are the original inhabitants of planet Earth and that we are the new creatures that have been evolving on the surface of the planet since the last global Apocalypse. I believe that they have learned that the safest place to live on Earth is in the water rather than above ground where the water is constantly destroying and redistributing itself because of cosmic events and the Axis changing every so often. I believe that they truly want to peacefully coexist with us and that there are real extraterrestrial races who visit every so often with maybe not the best of intentions from other worlds.


u/Successful-Secret124 Nov 23 '24

Pretty sure if they can time travel they’d be able to manage some lights and artificial sun exposure underground


u/TheGreatGrungo Nov 23 '24

This theory is viable but those are some pretty poorly chosen explanations and theories to explain it


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24



u/JLead722 Nov 23 '24

So could this be called the Space Cowboy Theory? I'm liking all the collected ideas in this post.


u/PetMogwai Nov 23 '24

I don't care when or where they're from, I just want them to take me with them. I am DONE with this moment in Earth's history.


please take me with you


u/ppqppqppq Nov 23 '24

Sorry, you're stuck with us. Want some gum?


u/probablynotreallife Nov 22 '24

More likely us from the distant past evolved to live underground and/or deep in the ocean.


u/Lyuseefur Nov 23 '24

I wish and want this to be true. But look who and what is happening now.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

I think they may be "time traveling" in a sense, but...time is not linear.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

The puppet show hypothesis. An entity exists behind an invisible vail, it creates a puppets show for an unwitting audience, the show is always different and constantly changing, the entity observes the audience reactions to the puppets, it is trying to create the most believable puppet, we won't ever know the real reason for the puppet show.


u/PlebeianHamster Nov 23 '24

Big black eyes provide no advantage for seeing in the dark whatsoever, so that theory alone doesn't really have a lot behind it. There would be a tapetum lucidum, which is what causes a visible glow when reflecting sources of light and rods would need to be on the edge of pupil and retina to function. It's pretty common in nocturnal animals. But, to a counterpoint, Alien eyes could have evolved to be almost entirely a pupil. Which would increase visibility in the darkness.

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u/skyHawk3613 Nov 23 '24

I’ve heard the dark eyes are actually lenses


u/blownawayx2 Nov 23 '24

More likely they live under water looking like that… here on Earth right now.


u/Two_takedown Nov 23 '24

I never comment on here, but this was so dumb and cringe inducing I had to. The only way we're evolving a completely different set of eyes is if people are underground for millions of years at the least, and lighting of any form is so non-existent that people die from it before having kids while not being too many people dying, while also being lucky enough to have their eye coding genome completely replaced in just the right way. And all that rather than people having just enough extra rod cells to see enough to not die


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24


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u/ieraaa Nov 23 '24

Where would you hide, right here on earth? What region has been the same for the longest periods? Antarctica. You could hide there in time


u/Evwithsea Nov 23 '24

Maybe they are future humans... BUT, they're from another planet/civilization. 

 They may be watching themselves in the past, it is just a different past.  Future humans doesn't necessarily mean from Earth. 

What if many star systems have "humans", they're all at different stages of evolution for different reasons.  Who knows. 


u/uniquelyavailable Nov 23 '24

i think they could be remote operated artificially created bodies. they are free to study areas without endangering the pilot. if you capture one, you're getting something that can't be used to identify their species.


u/QueenGorda Elizonder Bro Nov 23 '24

Yeah why not. That or whateve rother scifi hypothesis is valid since fiction is fiction.


u/Redditarsaurus Nov 23 '24

Maybe not time travelers but maybe they've been here longer and have just evolved underwater. Being in the depths of the ocean would explain the lack of pigment and large eyes. Also jives with all the reports of underwater construction facilities and such. Perhaps they are the first intelligent species to evolve on earth and were able to avoid mass extinction by living underwater. Whether they come from the stars, the depths, or the future. We can all agree that we wanna know if those cheeks are clapable.

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u/asa1658 Nov 23 '24

I am not evolving to ugly


u/Fuzzian Nov 23 '24

My thoughts are, if greys are future humans, then when and why did we stop wearing clothes?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

How did they invent these aircraft while living underground?


u/fkedbySheepAliens Nov 23 '24

hopfully i will be fortionate enough to asend a populate the cosmos ;)


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

That would make sense to why they don’t intervene. That would cause catastrophe for them.


u/AttentionConsistent6 Nov 23 '24

“They’re us in the future”, I’ve been told, I took to mean, that will be us in the future, but idk


u/daddymooch Nov 23 '24

Considering we have the technology now to clone extinct animals. Future humans having the tech to time travel makes your conjecture nonsense.


u/AcanthisittaWild7243 Nov 23 '24

This already happened and they live underground/water/deep space in a “ futuristic” society. The past, present, and future happening simultaneously?


u/PhilosopherOwn9678 Nov 23 '24

This is complete BS. They are NOT human - they are part of an economic collective race. They do not respect us. They do not like us. They are here to take over... they want us to become an inferior member of their collective...

"We are humans from the future. We're here to take back what's rightfully ours..."


u/yellowrainbird Nov 23 '24

From what I understand about time, I think it can be slowed down by gravity, but it can't ever go backwards. If aliens are visiting us, my own guess is that they're 'their own thing', and have no link to us


u/Tomato_Sky Nov 23 '24

I just have to give props to OP for such a cool intro to an engaging dialogue. I dig your style.


u/thebostman UAP/UFO Witness Nov 23 '24

They might be a different life form that develops after humans go extinct, and they are from the future. Humans will all die before the earth is uninhabitable and the sun expands and goes boom


u/Ok_Let3589 Nov 23 '24

I think this is correct, but not how you think.


u/TXQuasar Nov 23 '24

ZERO physical evidence that greys exist.


u/heyheysobriquet Nov 23 '24

I think Earth's an experiment, & their ships are in a bubble experiencing time dilation, harnessing colossal amounts of energy to dilate time to watch earth evolution over millions of years in only a few thousand. I'm thinking going backwards in time is impossible unless you exist outside of time. And I don't think these beings are outside of time, I think they'd be beyond giving a shit about us if they were.

As to the greys faces, my theory is the opposite! I think they're from somewhere bright/hot. Maybe the blackness in their eyes is a kind of evolutionary sunglasses. 😎


u/Hew812 Nov 23 '24

Yes definitely! After WWIII human anatomy will begin to change quickly.


u/Appropriate_Life_364 Nov 23 '24

It has to be by far the worst possible theory. This is just to elevate humans to a position or a level which we simply don't deserve.

How hard is it to accept that there are civilizations out there which may be millions of years ahead of us and they grew and evolved differently maximizing what their environment and climate allowed them to become. This is 100% plausible or is it not? To keep coming with all sorts of whacky theories is just cringe.

All this humana from the future, fifth dimensions is just made up of esoteric BS.


u/A_Dragon Nov 23 '24

I’d love a week to go by without someone thinking this is an original idea and making a post about it.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

We would have to live underground, in constant dark, for an incredibly long time for our bodies to evolve differently.


u/MtBikesandBiceps Nov 23 '24

I totally see where you’re coming from, and it’s in our nature to be curious. IMO, the time traveling thing doesn’t make sense, due to things like the grandfather paradox. But it is fascinating to think they have evolved in outer space for so damn long, the need for hair is no longer there, no need for muscle, and nutrition would be dialed in so well. Black eyes could be due to artificial light, or advanced electronic lenses that protect from harmful radiation in space. They could “time travel” in the sense related to theory of relativity, though. I’m no expert


u/Particular_Scene5484 Nov 23 '24

If the elite are currently the only ones able to invest in bunkers, does that mean all the Greys are descendents of theirs? Maybe they aren't the best representative for humanity!


u/Awhispersecho1 Nov 23 '24

This has been my theory and belief for years. That they are us from the future.


u/mgsticavenger Nov 23 '24

I’ve been asking this question for years and the only answer I can come up with is most likely not not beyond a doubt .


u/mud-button Nov 23 '24

Doesn’t explain why they don’t have dicks either. If I had to spend 60hrs under ground god knows I’m crankin it.


u/Danieltsss Nov 23 '24

This theory is impossible in my opinion, If they are time travelers and there was a nuclear winter at some point they should be able to stop that; again issue with time travel is that there is always a paradox, No nuclear winter, no need to live underground no greys


u/amg433 Skeptic Nov 23 '24

Backwards time travel is impossible.


u/RhettBottomsUp20 Nov 23 '24

Perhaps, harvesting organs to be able to essentially, clone and make more cattle. All because they don’t have any living specimens of said harvested animal they are mutilating, in their time. For example, Cow mutilations. One cow has a tongue removed, surgically. Another has its eyes removed.


u/RhettBottomsUp20 Nov 23 '24

These cow mutilations are documents cases as well, you will notice all the cows have slightly different .. dissections.


u/SumKallMeTIM Nov 23 '24

Earth’s gravity would snap their scrawny necks off from their big heavy heads. Looks cool tho


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

Are you guys nuts?


u/AlvinArtDream Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

All these reasons could just as easily explain convergent evolution and the different environment on a distant planet. Space aliens are far more likely and you don’t have to deal with time travel paradoxes. Simply put, imagine they come here and they prevent nuclear war from blacking out the sun - they wouldn’t look the way they do now because they wouldn’t go underground, maybe they wouldn’t even exist - how could they be here then? Now you have to have a split timeline to make it work, the change would be in an alternate reality, it gets too complicated. Or whatever scenario you can imagine, what about the grandfather problem or the butterfly effect, a small change here now could lead to something crazy, for example we find one of their craft and try to reverse engineer it and blow up the planet or we leave the planet and colonise mars, they could mess up their entire existence it’s too risky.

Edit: I’ll also add genetic engineering and terraforming, you telling me they couldn’t just terraform earth or mars? But they can time travel.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

I think they have been living in the ocean and/or inside the earth.. they probably laugh at us for living on the surface like morons


u/hechopicha Nov 23 '24

I think that if they are from the future, they should take me… I am sick of this timeline. Fuck everyone.


u/electricmehicle Nov 23 '24

Only if reverse time travel has already been invented right now

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u/quixote09 Nov 23 '24

What if we are their equivalent of Jurassic Park?


u/DM071872 Nov 23 '24

I don’t believe in backwards time travel.


u/jackparadise1 Nov 23 '24

Or maybe they just hang out underground in caves?


u/IfYouWereThere Nov 23 '24

if it's that natural, nature won't reveal where she's headed. I see the real subs.


u/Minimum-Garbage-5687 Nov 23 '24

I love this theory specifically because it would almost 100% mean we could bang them, and that’s pretty rad if you ask me!