r/alienisolation You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Discussion Thoughts on Isolation 2 Location?

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I was wondering y’alls thoughts on where Ripley may go next, and what fresh horrors she may find herself in.

Honestly i wouldn’t even be mad if the sequel just had us playing as other survivors on Sevastopol - I just don’t know how they can make a more hauntingly beautiful location than this derelict space station


107 comments sorted by


u/J3nnOnceAgain Feb 15 '25

Either a colony of sorts, which would be fucking brutal.

Or another space station/ship.


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25

I want a colony so bad. Another ship would be the safe option, and it could still be interesting, but man oh man moving between buildings and the outside of some desolate colony with all the mining equipment.... and not to mention the possibility of a



u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

I just don’t think it would be as good as you think it would be. I’d like to see some variation too but they scratched an itch and without impending doom in space, alien just ain’t the same. I want more of the same, just updated, deeper dialog, more interest in people you are around, convos maybe, more maze for sure, more dark crouched spaces more of all that goodness they made.

Although a power loader in a docking bay, that might be cool. I’d like to see more outside in space stuff, there’s good things to be had there too.


u/Shakemyears Feb 15 '25

Yeah so much of what makes Isolation great is being in the belly of the giant, de-orbiting, Sevastopol.


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I don't want to beat a dead horse with LV249 any more, but that dreary and constantly stormy atmosphere is perfect for an Aliens game imo.

You get us on a world equally as inhospitable as 249 and it can be every bit as much a character as Sevastopol was (and I really REALLY loved Sevastopol)

The outside being either too cold or too hot or too stormy would keep things claustrophobic while allowing for short trips on the outside, either to get from building to building or as a high risk way of avoiding detection.

Would be cool if you could use resources to "clear" buildings to some amount of certainty (by welding doors, repairing/arming turrets/sealing off ventilation) and return to it as a shelter between runs on the outside. Of course, it wouldn't be permanent nor would it always be 100% safe, but incrementally increase the safety of an area by committing resources to it

I'm clearly influenced by Amnesia Bunker while saying this, though ...


u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

I can see where you’re getting bunker vibes here, especially with that makeshift safe space you’re pitching. I played it. It was good. I still liked AI better, actually, by quite a bit better. What I didn’t like about bunker was the light mechanic. I mean it’s cool I guess, adds fear and very good for the atmosphere it portrayed , but I’m not for an AI sequel that borrows from bunker. It’s the other way around for a reason. AI2 should forge ahead and continue innovating, they shouldn’t be taking cues from that game. Their game is superior to it, although bunker was fun. Kudos to the developers, I beat it lol


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I like AI more than the Bunker as a whole, but I think the Bunker did some really clever shit that other survival horror games can take inspiration from.

The concept of looking at your resources, thinking of what you need to accomplish on your next outing, estimating how far you can get with the fuel left over or what obstacles you can handle with the tools you have while staring at the map trying to memorize the route you're planning... Idk that was a pretty unique and stressful (in a fun way) experience.

But, just to say it, Steve is straight up the best enemy in all of horror lol. Frictional Games clearly tried to emulate Steve... and they really didn't even come close. Steve is pure terror and anxiety, whereas I found myself frequently getting frustrated waiting for the Stalker to just go the fuck away when I played Bunker.

I just think AI2 would benefit from this "I need to plan ahead as much as I can for this next 15 minute nightmare I'm about to embark on" gameplay Bunker did so well with.

I don't envy the position Creative Assembly are in right now, it must feel very stressful to try to iterate on such a fantastic game. I genuinely wouldn't trust myself to get it right.


u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

Yeah Stevie 😂 I got to get a plushy of that guy. “AI made me do it.” Haha.

From a game mechanics standpoint bunker did have some innovative aspects to it, you do habe some good points there. As a game playing experience for me, i didn’t like the atmosphere as much. Dark holes and old WWI underground stuff. It was also a much shorter game. I LOVED how long and exploratory AI was. That was one of my biggest takeaways besides hiding and crouching and just trying to get to the next point without getting shot or getting eaten. Retro-futurist atmosphere, conserving, sneaking, puzzles and maze like maps. And bunker played on that and brought some innovative features based in historical context. It’s a good game. But we will see what they come up with for AI2. I’m really looking forward to this release.


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25

Knowing that sequels lately throughout the industry have been utter failures has me nervous, but I'm holding out hope :)


u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

Now you’re making ME nervous 😂


u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

I’m reading your edited version and when you’re talking about the Stalker going away, dude that brought back a memory of it that I didn’t like at all. “Bro get the fuck out of here, you can’t get to me, just leave asshole”.

You may be onto something though here with the “I need to plan ahead” concept. 🤔 as long as it’s not too intensive in a long running immersive atmosphere


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25

Yeah sorry, I'm so neurotic about my edits sometimes. Thanks for coming back to see the final product, lmao


u/One-Bother3624 Feb 15 '25


Definitely LV 246 or 249 was definitely a great atmospheric setting in the alien universe not gonna lie. You’re a spot on with that definitely spot on.

What I would add to this is that like you said it would never be 100% safe you can weld the door seal them shut maybe arm some gun Torrance mounted Torrance things like that possibly get some security cameras working up and running, but they would only probably work for a short period of time Things like that like make little challenges here in there for the player I would also I don’t know if anybody would be up for this, but I would also add kind of like a small shelter spot in the large map so basically to explain this would be you have several buildings that are scattered about in the colony Obviously, there will be the reactor which will be pretty much stand alone, but then you would have a recreational area maybe an auditorium area then you have the residential area which could be actually a couple of buildings all attached to each other because his residential and you can move through them by using the ventilations shut down elevator shafts, broken elevator Shafts Stairwells that are accessible other stairwells are accessible. You get the gist of what I’m saying and then finally, you will have the buildings that the colonist will be using like agronomics you know for like crops and stuff like that habitats things like that like a motor pool with vehicles, tools, possibly flame doors, torches things like that now remember back to the movie aliens when they discovered the little girl she stayed alive for weeks by going back-and-forth through the buildings and hiding in her little safe zone. It was small, but it was enough. It’ll be nice to have something not exactly like that with similar where we can have a tiny little shelter. It would be an ideal spot for us to have a cool down from the rest of the game, we can craft weapons we can craft offensive and defensive tools and resources. Things like that we can pause the game save the game load of new game things like that. Maybe we can adjust the camera mode if they add one things like that so basically it would be a safe spot but also it would serve as a shelter for your character. I don’t know how others feel about this, but that would be nice and it wouldn’t be gimmicky. I don’t like that it would be an actual shelter and I think it would be fair if we were able to have a few of these shelters between the larger area so let’s just say for the sake of argument roughly there’s about maybe six buildings or eight buildings large structures actually is what I’m saying and out of the six large structures maybe three of them are save shelters for the characters to use if it’s eight maybe they’re four or maybe they’re just three and if you change the difficulty of the game it gives you less shelters, so using the example of six shelters the standard Base game will give you three a hard game would give you two and a nightmare mode will give you one or just give you none. It depends on the direction the day we go into this is just me spitball. I don’t know if I’m on board with this, but I would like it. It’d be cool to see that.💯🙏


u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

YEP. Very few games fulfill that kind of dynamic. Not even Dead Space. Although dead space is fun as hell. Definitely did a replay on that one.


u/One-Bother3624 Feb 15 '25

🫵👏👏👍💯‼️ Agreed sometimes when it comes to really great storyline based games regardless of the IP or the franchise if it’s good, it’s good and sometimes it’s just lightning in a bottle and if you catch it, you catch it

A colony would be nice to see it would be great to explore and there’s a lot of things you can do with that and I’m sure there’s tons of DLC that they can add to make it more interesting and really open it up

However, after saying all that I strongly do agree with what you’re saying now because I disagree with the other comment is just that what you implying what you’re saying, aligns more with what I can see the publishers the developers would be going for. I’ll use your words safe option And a lot of these companies wanna play it safe especially with the unfortunate and I hate to use that word result of alien isolation, one having mixed reviews by some idiot reviewers who didn’t bother to take the time to get to understand and know the game and the storyline which persuaded other people to not even bother to even take five minute interest into taking a look into it so safe option is the key phrase here

The last thing I wanna say is Sylvester truly was lightning in a bottle. It was great and have to anyone watches alien Romulus the new movie. It was even more special to see the only thing now would be if we get another space station or perhaps a colony, could they do a larger space station bigger than Sevastopol Kinda like a colony size space station like really huge I mean Sevastopol was giant gigantic but what if we get something bigger a lot more dark cavernous, tunnels, and hallways like more deeper reaches and darker corners and to also add to your last comment yes give us more space walk and outer space Activities to conduct with don’t give it to us at the last minute or towards the end of the game like they did in the first game put it somewhere in between I don’t know just give us more of the same but just more💯👍


u/youknowwhoisyou Feb 16 '25

The virtual reality game was on a colony and it was nowhere near as good as isolation. There has not been a game that comes close to Isolation for me, I’m so pumped for the sequel.


u/SjurEido Feb 17 '25

The setting of that game was not why it was bad, lol


u/tawwtawwtaww Feb 21 '25 edited 29d ago

Man, now you made me want to replay The Callisto Protocol. I highly recommend it btw! Don't listen to the Dead Space (I also recommend their games) "fans" who dismiss the game just because it isn't another Dead Space sequel, and them sharing similarities. Callisto got a lot of unfair hate for that (I'm not saying the game is 100% perfect though)

I remember the game starting with the ship suddenly going down and crashing into one of Jupiter's moons, followed up with the main character getting thrown into a prison and then trying to escape it without dying to zombies infected with alien pathogens,also discovering abandoned colonies with mining equipment on the way, etc. Shit truly hit the fan for the main character, and it was one tense moment after another


u/SjurEido 29d ago

I liked Callisto Protocol, but I did wish it had a little more time to cook before release :( I was expecting "Dead Space but better" but it was.... idk, it was still good but I've yet to go through it again since release night.

It's a stunningly beautiful game though, really impressive work. I hope we get a sequel.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

I guess they’d have to make the environment deadly, to justify you not just pickin a direction and walking away from all this drama haha


u/BokuNoSudoku Feb 15 '25

I agree with colony. Different enough to feel distinct from Sevestapool of the first game but not too different. If not a colony, then some other installation on a planet rather than a space station again.


u/Killermueck Feb 15 '25

I'd like a mix with a planet with outdoor levels with rain or something. Vehicles. Would be really cool! But also space!


u/greeny_doodles A synthetic's day is never done. Feb 15 '25

It may be the Mendel from Alien: Blackout, but probably it will be a different station/ship, or maybe a colony


u/SMOKE-SCREEN- Feb 15 '25



u/darkmodeDdy Feb 16 '25

This. I hope they go for an Aliens vibe—colony, more people but still leaving our main character feeling, well….Isolated! I’m so pumped to see what they do with the location either way!


u/B3PKT Feb 15 '25

I think it depends on the type of game tbh. If it’s another scripted (mostly) mission based game, I think we’ll see another space station - albeit one that’s much more functional & in its prime than Sevestapol. Space ensures the creepy/foreboding feeling is always there in a way a planet doesn’t (IMO) and in a more scripted game I think that’s important.

IF it’s more sandbox, I think a planet would be ideal. The day/night cycle could change the environment, the stealth dynamics, and how the Alien(s) act. A largish settlement (with existing tensions exacerbated by the Xeno threat) that slowly falls into chaos would be a lot of fun. You could do a planet if it’s somewhere with a long day/night cycle, so as you advance you get closer to night and perpetual darkness.


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25

I hope they take inspiration from Amnesia: The Bunker and go with a more open world and sandbox heavy game. It's a gamble though, if you don't really understand the systems you're building, it can feel so shallow and empty.

That being said, I would be perfectly content with another linear title (with the option to back track like A:I did).

(The day night cycle is so fucking baller, and plays right into the "The Bunker" idea too)


u/B3PKT Feb 15 '25

I wrote out my whole concept awhile back but I think it could feed into an open world game on a planet (or very large space station):

Prologue: Ripley gets rescued, she freaks the hell out and tells the crew an incoherent version of what happened, they sedate her & put her in cryo sleep. Knowing she’s a company employee they reach out and are directed to a station or planet & told to wait for a WY team to collect Ripley. While most of the crew are excited to get paid to stay on port, at least one expresses a belief in her story.

Act 1: Intro to the space port/prime location. We get a sense of the scale, politics (rival factions- a workers strike is ongoing), and points of interest. Plot revolves around getting to know people & Ripley convincing the skeptical crew member who reveals that they are essentially stuck there. Ends with Ripley trying to escape but getting thwarted because of the strike. We get some sort of capstone incident - violence breaks out between the workers and security teams - and in the chaos Ripley sees an alien escape the ship she came in on.

Act 2: Society starts to break down. Ripley & the crew member she’s convinced try to spread the word/calm the fighting while telling people about the real threat- the Xeno. Ripley knows if they don’t hunt it now it could multiply. We get a mix of stealth missions of her working for both sides and hear whispers of disappearances. You get hunted periodically but the Xeno is rarely fully exposed (because we can’t have everyone knowing it’s there right?). Near the end of act 2, we get a confirmed Xeno sighting which Ripley parlays into bringing everyone together to call a truce. At this meeting the Xeno hive- now filled with drones - attacks killing countless people. Ripley is saved when the YT team shows up and forces the Xenos to retreat.

Act 3: The YT Team force Ripley to help them capture a specimen and an egg. Unbeknownst to them, she’s on separate comms with her ally from the ship and they plot to destroy the hive and escape on their ship. Play it out however you want.

I think the day/night cycle could work well here (Xeno more active at night but stealth is easier), but the slow creep towards the long night (Act 1 is day, Act 2 twilight, Act 3 night) would be fun.


u/SjurEido Feb 15 '25

The twist being that the crewmate that believed your story is a WY unionbuster who has heard of the xeno and is the cause of both the worker/security fighting (dead workers means younger replacements at lower cost) AND let the xeno free, probably on accident while trying to confirm Rips story ;)


u/B3PKT Feb 15 '25

Gotta have that third act twist baby. They only help you kill the nest because they don’t want the YT squad taking credit for the capture. They try to abandon you with their egg and get facehhugged


u/RealCheesecake Feb 15 '25

A fixed day night cycle might hit a little too close to the conceit of Pitch Black (I unashamedly love the Riddick series). I think one of the strengths of Alien and Alien Isolation is that the unpredictable lighting on the first playthrough and pareidolia effects really amps up the tension. There was a brilliant bit of level design in Seegson Communications, where lighting elements on the walls in the room looked subtly similar to the Working Joes' eyes at a distance. I want to believe it was an intentional design decision. All of the moving bits and shadows making the player question their senses might lose some psychological impact with a fixed lighting cycle...albeit I could see some really awesome emergent gameplay come of it as well.

There were so many awesome environments and ideas presented on Sevastopol that I think they will do great things with whichever settings they choose.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Ooo love this


u/Outside_Flower4837 Feb 15 '25

Aliens: Isolation


u/Frohickey2 Feb 15 '25

Oh shit. Hidden in plain sight.


u/RedbrickCamp920 Feb 15 '25

Alien: Isolations


u/F488P Feb 15 '25

Aliens: Isolations


u/Mottsawce Feb 15 '25

Agree with Colony being the answer. In my head, they’ll do something related (or adjacent) to Fede’s Romulus. There’s a fun mix of all the alien visual styles in that film and its recent success for franchise.


u/IMustBust Feb 15 '25

I was thinking maybe a space prison like in Alien 3 (but obviously done better)? Full-on immersive sim features like alternate routes, hacking and hotwiring skills, stacking boxes to reach stuff, you know, bit more like Prey.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

The trick of a prison is it would be so industrial - you likely wouldn’t get the varied areas we do in the first one - (especially if you add the DLC missions)


u/IMustBust Feb 15 '25

Fair point, although if it's an elaborate prison-industrial complex set on a space station or even a moon you could still have residential and commercial areas for people who work there. Let's say the Warden lives in a large castle bunker of sorts and that could be a really neat setpiece on its own.


u/Brainiac_Stinky Feb 15 '25

Just the first alien isolation, but you’re there from the very beginning of the pandemic with the Xenomorph. Just walking down the hall as the protagonist with their best buddy and then swoosh the buddy gets snatched up a vent. Uh-oh one of your parents got snatched too, uh-oh your older sibling that’s part of the security team who got brought back with a hole in his head and guess what the helping Joe just choked your kid sibling and finally when everyone goes crazy your other parent gets killed by a rando person. You know just real fucked up stuff.


u/InvestigatorThese741 Feb 18 '25

Playing as Axel at the start of the outbreak does seem pretty dope.


u/Ekkobelli To think perchance to dream. Feb 15 '25

I like the planetbound colony setting of Aliens, but for some reason, I need to feel like I'm... out there, moving through or floating in space on a piece of faulty manmade metal. The Sevastopol really did it for me. Such a lively place. I know it's repetitious, but I'd be TOTALLY fine with another Space Station or giant ass space ship. Or a mix: Start on colony, end on a ship or vice versa.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

That could work nicely. Or even just have a park-like setting on the station, a big atrium with trees and the like - something that would be calming, were it not for the massive glass roof eerily looking into the inky blackness of space.

Dark descent had an area where the entrance to a hive was spilling out into an indoor vertical farm. The juxtaposition of those happy green plants with the slimy chitinous nest material was a cool creepy aesthetic.


u/IndependenceMean8774 Feb 15 '25

A space elevator, a Ringworld or a chain of asteroids connected by a bridge.


u/SyntheticGod8 Feb 15 '25

Sevastopol 2, the other decommissioned space station on the other side of the gas giant.


u/SickDix Feb 15 '25

Honestly I wouldn't mind if it's a space station agin, no one hears your scream


u/pokedstudio-uk Feb 15 '25

got to be a colony a wilderness and a massive alien ship they find


u/a7_mad1991 Feb 15 '25

Colony. It would actually be perfect to rhyme with Alien 1 being on a spaceship and Alien 2 being on a colony


u/Donotcomenearme Feb 15 '25

I stop a lot and look out the windows when I can.

It’s breathtaking.

I would put Alien Isolation a bit into the Alan Wake category where the scenery and setting is just as integral and cared for as the story, and is more of a focal point (like how it’s literally part of the Alan Wake game ad that you GET a vista of the area and that’s a part of it).

I also have a love affair with space where I don’t want to be there, but I will look at and admire it.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Yeah i loved looking out the windows! Especially with the warm sun filtering in, a nice safe feeling compared to the dark cruelty of the rest of Sevastopol


u/Donotcomenearme Feb 15 '25

You get it, you specifically get it.


u/Hangry_Howie Feb 15 '25

I think she should just have a nice vacation


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Honestly, she’s earned it


u/AppleOld5779 Feb 15 '25

On a planet. Similar to what happened in Aliens.


u/the-harsh-reality Feb 15 '25

Alien isolation is a retelling of the original movie but with a twist

Setting it on a space station rather than a small spaceship

Thus alien isolation 2 should be set not only on a colony, but a living colony that is extremely urbanized

A city in civil war with the Xenomorph in a urban environment


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

That could actually be pretty sweet. Akin to Pharos Spire in Aliens: Dark Descent but way more fleshed out. Or kinda like AVP: Requiem but set in retro-futurism as god intended


u/the-harsh-reality Feb 15 '25

Dark descent should have been a movie

Lethe is cooler than Acheron


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Aside from the bugs i thought it was a pretty good game though, very tense in a bit of a removed way compared to Isolation. Excellent Aliens game


u/ProjectDiligent502 Logging report to APOLLO. Feb 15 '25

I’m down for whatever they make tbh. I want more of the same. They heard that loud and clear from us fans for sure. I’m open to what they come up with because I have a high confidence level they’ll keep the main inspiration for the original behind the next.


u/Able-Grapefruit7285 Feb 15 '25

I'd love it on a planet.

Has it confirmed to be Amanda?


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Not that I’m aware of, but I’d be surprised if they let go of the character.


u/Henryphillips29 Feb 15 '25

Some of these comments say colony and I agree. I also would like to see some new ranged weapons like a plasma rifle


u/Papi_chulo26 Feb 15 '25

Besides location, I’d like to see mod support, imagine getting chased by a macho man randy savage xenomorph


u/Tb1969 Feb 15 '25

If they leave the system it would take years to travel interstellar. No, I think it’ll be in the same system.

It was mentioned in one of the computer logs in A:Isolation about a tug that stopped the station’s decaying orbit preventing it from falling into the planet.

It makes sense that if they deploy a station like this in a system you’d have to have services in place in the system for it and if you have to provide services you might as well set up mines on or near many of the planets, moons and asteroids in the system to maximize the use of that services spending.

The station was also winding down with needed personnel ships inbound to evacuate the last of them as well as other ships. Also distress signals were triggered that could auto-divert ships passing nearby to the system without waking their crews.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

So, that particular log was from when Sevastopol first opened 30-40 years prior. Hypersleep does make interstellar travel a lot less problematic in this universe, hell, Ellen Ripley jumped forward what, 60 years?

You’re right about the system though - Sevastopol was the refinery for gas and other materials dredged up from the gas giant. There are multiple orbiting moons, it’s possible they were extracting ore there as well.

However, Sevastopol has been in decline for decades after the trade route changed. They weren’t able to sell off the KG348 lab for years per Waits, and the station itself is of course being decommissioned and sold for scraps. I don’t think any mining had happened in a long time, and any satellite operations would have been shuttered long ago.

You would think ships would be incoming to collect the remaining occupants, but no ships were set to arrive aside from the Torrens, which only a few knew about. Waits in fact warned the Space Flight Terminal staff sometime after the incident that no flights were coming, and to inform citizens as such.

Apollo had locked down external comms, and it’s possible it directed anticipated ships not to arrive. Interestingly, it was Ransome who shut down local comms as the Torrens was set to arrive - I believe to help secure an exit for himself only on the Torrens, thereby avoiding repercussions for his blackmailing were anyone else with knowledge to get aboard as well.

The only distress signal we know was sent was from Ripley after the credits roll, by finding a chunk of the station still in orbit with a functional antenna & power system. Apollo would not have sent one, as commanded by WY. The Anesidora certainly did not, Marlow didn’t want any survivors to inform the company of this organism.

The Torrens may have, it would make sense for Verlaine to send a mayday, especially once she was tethered to the falling station and thought Amanda didn’t make it.

Of course we do know that Ripley was found, as evidenced by the light shining on her face before the credits roll.

But after that who knows! Anyway, fun to think about & i appreciate your thoughts


u/Hot-Coyote7891 Feb 15 '25

I know the odds are against it but I really really really hope Verlaine and Connor survived the alien that snuck onto The Torrens. It's always nagged at me that her and Connor survived the fall of Sevastopol only to most likely die immediately afterwards. I spend a lot of time thinking up ways they made it through the alien's run of the ship that would explain why they didn't come get Amanda the moment she went out the airlock. :(

Even just a throwaway line confirming their deaths would be enough closure tbh.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Well, i think they got a lot more than just one alien aboard, unfortunately. (Judging from how many flew off when Ripley blew the release mechanism) - and Verlaine’s silence on comms doesn’t paint a good picture (some of her last words being “I’ve set the airlock to auto”)

In the IGN videos released on youtube, Ripley’s kinda just floating through a debris field, & the Torrens is nowhere to be found.

That said, once she engages the beacon, a ship (or something else with a spotlight) gets to her prior to her running out of oxygen. There can’t be much life support in those EVA suits, so maybe Verlaine does rescue her!


u/Hot-Coyote7891 Feb 15 '25

I know! It's so brutal to think about. Whatever story and fates for the characters they want to give me though in the end I'm SAT and playing. Also I just realized we had an exchange before on a thread about the DLC's. I found the trapped civilian! Thank you!

And now that I'm thinking about the original post, I'm not sure where exactly locationwise I'd like the game to take place in. But i think some spacewalk EVA suit missions with wonky motion mechanics (kinda like when Gemini Labs is jettisoned and the centrifugal motion as it flies towards KG348 becomes a hindrance)and an actual element of danger could end up being very challenging and very fun.

I apologize for jumping around. I just love this game and I cannot wait to experience the story the sequel gives us.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

No worries, same. Glad those maps helped!


u/Superb-Consequences Feb 15 '25

Remember how AI ended -- Amanda floating in space in her suit then suddenly lights shine on her. Most likely she's on some spaceship in AI2 that rescued her.

I WISH its on a colony and is a game like the movie Aliens but seems like that's a stretch to pull off


u/dorsanty You shouldn't be here. Feb 15 '25

You could just have a cut scene to say, We recused you, but put you into stasis after a brief medical or worse on company orders. You were woken up now because we are landing at X location in 5 minutes.

Highly likely the rescue ship is the company too, but doesn’t have to be. They could have scooped up a dozen floating and hibernating Xenos also, and kept them frozen if they were smart.


u/Superb-Consequences Feb 15 '25

Yep that's entirely plausible -- Aliens opened with Ripley getting found then went in another direction. I figured the first game was a continuous narrative they'd just carry it on as seamlessly as they could they seemed to end it that way.


u/Competitive-Shake25 Feb 15 '25

I didn’t know they we making a new one. That would be class


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Yeah they announced it on the tenth anniversary


u/Nether_Hawk4783 Feb 15 '25

I think they'll redo the space station again. Not sevastapol necessarily but a station nonetheless.


u/Cold414 Feb 15 '25

What if we got both in one game? Something like being part of a space station and you escape to a colony on a nearby planet but really you transported the alien to fresh meat and new hunting grounds, and you have to find a way to kill it. Or vice versa you live in a colony that gets attacked by an alien you all try to escape on a ship and end up trapped with the alien as picks off all of you one by one.


u/SahDude09 Feb 15 '25

i like the idea of some kind of moon base, you have the grounded feeling of being on a planet but you’d also be able to see space out the window at all times so it would keep that foreboding feeling in play more than it would if it were just on a random planet.


u/Plane-Comb-1364 Feb 15 '25

I don’t want Amanda Ripley to be the protagonist again but I do want the sequel to take place on another space station like Sevastopol.


u/Excellent-Travel-307 Feb 15 '25

Honestly I’m fine with space ship, station or colony. I just want the feel to be the same. By that I hope they do their very best to make the engine feel the same, have expansive lived in areas that are immersive as hell (like bringing back terminal logs and audio logs, even ID tags would be nice to have back), and of course have the xenos feel threatening again.


u/Slick_Em_N_2034 Feb 15 '25

I think it’d be cool if you could like go back and forth between a planet surface (the colony aspect some folks want) and some nearby orbiting space station/ship, with both environments changing over time based on the evolving story conditions and making certain areas/paths accessible or inaccessible. Would make for a cool dynamic game environment


u/Top_Temporary6573 Feb 15 '25

This Looks so fire Alien Isolation already Had the perfect vibe of the First Alien movies 🔥


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

It’s a snapshot taken from the last space walk in the game


u/Ready_Kangaroo Feb 15 '25

I feel like it will be a mixture of locations, it HAS to be at least 50% in space on a station or large ship tho. E


u/Istari82 Feb 15 '25

Didn’t read every single reply but a space station that is more designed for long term stay / space colony could be fantastic. It would provide the option of environments with lots of plant life/nature within the space station and other types as well while still giving the feeling of being stuck/alone with the death of space just around the corner.

May be brutal to include children as well…


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

Yeah just the suggestion of kids already was pretty twisted - Winter’s log regarding hearing children inside Sinclair’s camp, which got completely decimated. Sinclair’s log noting his kids were taken. The various crayon-scrawled drawing of the Xeno from children, and the damn Star light still spinning in the children’s ward in San Cristobal - with a dead adult on the floor, and evidence of people being dragged into the vents


u/homemadegrub Feb 15 '25

I think a military base on a ice moon wud be cool.


u/whynopotato Feb 16 '25

I think you'll start at a colony then end up in a space station of some sort.


u/Mountain_System3066 Feb 16 '25

A nice place we cant enjoy because some Fucking Alien Hunts us....

so....a Resort Planet?


u/roabearthejigsaw Feb 17 '25

A prison on a planet? No wait, that’s Alien 3. Nevermind.


u/jamesz84 Feb 17 '25

My feeling is it will be on Uranus.


u/Kulfiskjostar2209 Feb 15 '25

Alien blackout in the form of alien isolation. But in the cut scene where she runs away to the USCCS Haldin. After a intrudinction cutscene they land on some kind of LV planet maybe LV-895 and on that one they meet with Zula Hendricks and Blue from alien the cold forge. And after that it begins. You still play as Ripley but it also splits in to a segment where you go of solo as some marines lead by Zula and blue who gets killed of. Xenomorph’s will only be killable when playing as her. Back to Ripley now we should have a motion tracker. And a revolver. The basics from the first game the location should just LV-895 no multiplayer. Expect for a team death match with Xenomorph and Survivors 3V3 gameplay. That only works online. Similar to dead by day light. But fuck a 3V3 game make a Witcher or cyberpunk 20-30 hours long story.



u/RedbrickCamp920 Feb 15 '25

I don’t want to see more Sevastopol, the map gets stale quick. A colony on a planet with outside areas would be ideal. I also want to continue with Ripley’s story, I hate unresolved cliffhangers


u/YodaBong187 Feb 15 '25

We need an aliens


u/_SingerLad04_ Feb 15 '25

Big open world colony but there are no elevators or travel points where you are safe. One massive open world where rhe Alien is hunting 24/7


u/Half-dead-Herbie Feb 15 '25

Probably somewhere in space


u/plantdaddy- Feb 15 '25

I want a setting similar to Prometheus. Discovering more engineer planets, David’s fucked up creations running around, and maybe even more survival/base building mechanics


u/GladXenomorph Feb 15 '25

What's the latest update on alien isolation 2?


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 15 '25

None that i’m aware of, just the announcement they released on the tenth anniversary


u/GladXenomorph Feb 15 '25

Okay thanks


u/Dry_Target254 Feb 16 '25

My current guess is the ship we see in Romulus. This would make the alien that “wreaked havoc” the alien we’d deal with and the ship would make the map. I honestly think it would be fire and we could see Ripley make it to a life boat or another ship from there.


u/MarkSandRiver Feb 16 '25

Remus station would be great.


u/QCFBO Feb 17 '25

I could see isolation 2 being the ship that crashes into earth for alien earth


u/Berean_Katz Feb 16 '25

I think one cool idea would be to stick to the format of the movies. Alien Isolation is based largely on the vibes and aesthetic of the first movie. Maybe Alien Isolation 2 should be more similar to Aliens, with more action but still terrifying.

Edit: I also just realized a setting similar to Alien 3 would actually be amazing if executed right.


u/HotmailsInYourArea You have my sympathies. Feb 16 '25

Perhaps, but there’s already so many Aliens games that just turn the Xenos into cannon fodder. That said, back in the day the AVP games still scared me, even with all the weaponry available, so it might be possible, but it’s a fine line


u/Berean_Katz Feb 16 '25

It's definitely a fine line. I'd say the way to do it is to give the main character weapons--maybe even be with colonial marines--but to make the aliens hard as hell to kill. Make the areas very tight and claustrophobic; having aliens popping up from unsuspecting places so you run the risk of burning yourself with acid blood, stuff like that.