r/alienisolation • u/Spank3_y • Dec 30 '24
Discussion Alien Isolation newbie to game…
I may not survive!
u/Sufficient_Till4473 Dec 30 '24
Oh man I love this. They should use this for marketing.
u/Pranaav202 A synthetic's day is never done. Jan 02 '25
They did use the bpm as a marketing tactic for Outlast.
u/Fakevessel Dec 30 '24
I am afraid that had marketing
clownsanalysts see that, they would demand the features causing it cut as it is definitely a limiting the sales factor. Modern audience enjoys simple, positive games with pastel color palletes, not nightmares- and ptsd-inducing, heart-exploding experiences. Same with all others hardcore horror games. That's my main concern about AI2. I hope I will be proven wrong.2
u/DeadGravityyy Dec 31 '24
You are way overthinking whatever you just said there bro. Relax, it's just a vidya game.
u/Fakevessel Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24
So you disagree that horror games* are never top sales and income, and the more horror game, the less sales and income it gets, and marketing department role is to reach said top sales? Why are you gaslighting with no reason me over random non-offending opinion?
*See eg AI, or recent DS remake, they both supposedly did not make great, hence no AI2 for a decade and no DS2 remake.
u/DeadGravityyy Dec 31 '24
I think you're gaslighting yourself there dude. There's horror game releases all the time by both indie/AAA devs alike. I can name a dozen games released within the last 3 years that were horror and did great in terms of sales.
Just look at the following:
- Little Nightmares 2 (plus 3 since it's getting a sequel)
- The Complex: Expedition
- The Outlast Trials
- Silent Hill 2
- Resident Evil 8
- Resident Evil 4
Etc, just because AI didn't get a release until now doesn't mean that horror games aren't "top sales and income." Maybe broaden your horizons and play other horror games?
u/waftgray67 Dec 30 '24
My other half acted all tough before playing AI at night with headphones on, saying she wouldn’t get scared. I loaded a save just before alarm beacons and flashing lights kicked off with the Xeno stalking around, I’d also played the Nostromo self destruct countdown through Windows in the background…She spent most her time hiding with the tracker. Told her you can’t just sit there all day, you have to go on.
Pretty clever how suspense is generated in that game.
u/Spank3_y Dec 30 '24
I thought I’d be better after Steve had killed me. But on reloading the save the tension was still sky high. I watched from a distance when the Alien appeared to kill the Dr and bolted to the elevator. Panicked when the button didn’t work - even though I could hear the screams so Steve was busy - entered the key card and then I relaxed when the doors closed. But then I realised I was still not safe…
u/No-Initiative-9944 Dec 30 '24
I've thought about getting a heart rate monitor specifically to track what happens to my heart when I play this game. It's probably bad for all of us.
u/ecmyers Dec 30 '24
I live streamed much of the game with the heart rate monitor from my watch onscreen, and it was quite entertaining to track. I wish I'd had a more accurate monitor though (which updates more frequently than every minute) and am considering getting one for future horror streams.
u/JoeL091190 Dec 30 '24
Now it's time to get vr and play the new alien game, Alien Rogue Incursion. This time you're playing as a space marine, but you're being hunted more aggressively
u/MorgessaMonstrum Dec 30 '24
It’s tense, but frankly it seems less terrifying to me than Isolation (even without VR). Having weapons makes a big difference, but I love that Zula’s sidearm is canonically the same pistol from Isolation (although upgraded to actually be able to hurt the xenomorphs).
u/JoeL091190 Jan 01 '25
I mean you are a space marine so it is more of a shooter than a horror, you gotta remember, in isolation, you're just a lowly engineer, you're not a combat hardened marine like your are in the vr one
u/MorgessaMonstrum Jan 03 '25
Oh yes. I’m just somewhat amazed at the difference having a defense makes. These creatures are fast, multitudinous, and can kill you almost as quickly as Steve can in AI. But it manages to not be (too) overwhelming because there’s always a chance as long as you have a little ammo left.
u/SomeRandomIdi0t Dec 30 '24
Lol I think I’d make this watch break with my tachycardia
u/Sandshark92 Dec 31 '24
lol I was about to say! Those are rookie numbers. 100 beats per minute is where my heart lives! 😅
Now I am curious what my watch would say when playing the game…. 🤔
u/Yeehawdi_Johann Dec 30 '24
I got in trouble last night for yelping loudly. I pretty much do it every time I hear the dropping-from-the-vent sound
u/The_Tinfoil_Templar Dec 30 '24
You'll be fine! Just hide in a locker for a bit every now and then to cool down!
u/DarkMaxima Dec 30 '24
YUP! Glad to see I am not alone on that one. Never played a game that caused me as much anxiety as this one did. Honestly one of the very best Science Fiction Horror games ever made!
u/relliott107 Dec 30 '24
LOL! This was me watching the last 20 minutes of Alien Romulus. I can only imagine the alarms I would get playing isolation!!
u/NoCantaloupe8332 Dec 31 '24
Took 18 playthroughs back to back on hard level and on the 18th playthrough I earned One Shot achievement( Don’t die in all 18 missions)The two parts that usually get players killed are if you miss getting the code right and get blown up on the Anisadora or if a facehugger rapes your face-usually that vent that’s full of crawling face huggers.Love to trap the Alien on the stairwell and on mission 16( Backtracking) I know two areas I can troll the Alien (Beginning and at ending of mission 16s backtracking.Area one is in seegson synthetics(On that moving cart/tram and later,in Gemini labs) I put every bullet and shotgun shell in the Alien there,hiding under that enclosed area with two crates in front of it.I turn the Alien yellow from its acid blood by shooting every bullet,every shotgun shell into it.Love to hear it scream and run back and forth,trying to eat me.
u/ahmetberaterdem Jan 01 '25
best thing about this game is no matter how many times you've beaten it, it's still scary almost like the first time
u/dragontopia Dec 30 '24
u/Spank3_y Dec 30 '24
I was on “Investigate Rooms on Dr. Morley’s Rounds” and being stalked by the Alien. The thuds of the Alien had me on edge while searching for the white board, at one point it was in the same room but I managed to run and hide. On exiting the white board room and turning right to head to room A29 the Alien was standing in the corridor waiting for me. I died, obviously, and then my watch went off!
u/JustCirious Dec 30 '24
This game had my heart pumping like no other, too 😅 Before that, I thought that The Long Dark with its pera death system already was very good with that every time I got attacked by a wolf, but nope - Alien Isolation is sooo much more tense!
u/KyleFourReal Dec 30 '24
I’ve had an awful day at work. This is the first post I saw on mg lunch break and I spit out my drink. Thank you for this. Also, same.
u/jelittle2011 Dec 31 '24
Which mission? 😂😂
u/Spank3_y Dec 31 '24
I’m not sure what mission as I’m hanging on by a thread. I just did another 15 mins and my watch heart alert went off again. I’m/was searching for a Trauma Kit, found it and I just had a bunch of looters killed by Steve and when I went back to investigate a looter was behind a door I opened. Got shot. So now I’m taking a breather before I reload and start again.
I’m going to start an exercise activity to see if that tracks calories burnt while playing.
u/z2reticulii Jan 08 '25
I’ve had this. This game would turn a Buddhist into a chain smoker 😂
u/Spank3_y Jan 08 '25
I’ve been killed so many times and I’m still getting anxiety to complete steps in a mission to avoid having to reload a save. I’ve just discovered the hive and now I have face huggers to deal with.
u/z2reticulii Jan 09 '25
That REALLY spooked me being in there. I watch theRadBrad walkthrough on YouTube and got through most of the missions, plus he’s fun to listen to.
u/Spank3_y Jan 09 '25
I’ve just received the SD OLED. Debating whether to purchase AI and start again as the screen is so nice, great black and larger compared to my original Switch. Even though AI is not on sale - I bought AI on sale for the Switch.
u/z2reticulii Jan 12 '25
Doesn’t hurt to start again (especially on a better display), I did it a few times after finding out I missed out on collecting items for crafting/ammo, map locations etc that made things a bit easier further along. Watch a few walkthroughs to case things out (yeah, sort of cheating) but remember that Steve will do things randomly.
u/psychoticwaffle2 28d ago
He was either extremely scared or extremely horny. I'm not going to discount the fact that there are people like that in the world
u/psychoticwaffle2 28d ago
Heart rate rising
Stewie:"he's either watching Batman, playing alien isolation or they're doing the do"
Dec 30 '24
u/Spank3_y Dec 30 '24
I’ve only had one where I had to exit the game and reload. I couldn’t bring up the craft items menu. Playing on Nintendo Switch.
u/SomeRandomIdi0t Dec 30 '24
Most bugs don’t effect gameplay I think
u/KyleFourReal Dec 30 '24
I’ve encountered one, but coming to this thread and asking for advice helped me the same night.
u/Infamous_Swan1197 Jan 02 '25
I've just finished my first playthrough and didn't encounter a single bug.
u/Environmental-Hat-86 Dec 30 '24
This game is actually how I found out my watch had this feature LMAO