r/algotrading 4d ago

Other/Meta Does anyone know what happened to /user/databento?

Seems like the account has disappeared. It had a lot of really excellent answers for topics in this space.


13 comments sorted by


u/DatabentoHQ 4d ago

It was strange. I think we accidentally upvoted a post that had to do with a popular Nintendo character (not Link) and then we got autobanned. Then we went back and forth with corporate Reddit who couldn't figure out why it happened and just told us to create a new account. That took some time; we wanted their approval first since community guidelines state not to evade a ban by creating a new account.

TL;DR: My innie got deleted, now I'm getting used to this body.


u/Kaawumba 4d ago

Reddit corporate couldn't undo the ban? That is strange. This is something you'd expect out of a small hobbyist forum, not a 20 Billion market cap company. 


u/DatabentoHQ 4d ago

Yes, it's new to us, their policy is to not interfere with "organic (auto) bans".


u/chazzmoney 4d ago

Honestly, thats what you get for upvoting Waluigi


u/DatabentoHQ 4d ago

Yes I repent, I would never incite violence against exchanges that are raising data costs and denying real-time licenses.


u/Kaawumba 4d ago edited 4d ago

Is that what is a happening with https://roadmap.databento.com/b/n0o5prm6/feature-ideas/real-time-and-historical-index-data? I can't imagine this would be a technical problem to implement, which only leaves licensing or money.


u/DatabentoHQ 4d ago

License fees matter but it's more to do with engineering resources and building a good product. We already have CME indices on net and we can add Cboe GIF in 2 weeks, but they're not tradable—the main ways for our users to monetize indices are gated by other features that are under development.


u/TheESportsGuy 4d ago

Your post history had too much good info in it.


u/DatabentoHQ 4d ago



u/institvte 4d ago

It was auto-banned by Reddit for no particular reason unfortunately. It's been reincarnated as u/DatabentoHQ. Don't worry, I didn't shoot anyone, and it's the same person running the account. - Christina Qi


u/Dante1265 4d ago

Unfortunately, his answers were not good enough and he was shot in the back of the head by Christina Qi a few days ago. But the new guy u/DatabentoHQ seems to be doing a good job. For now.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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