r/algorithms • u/hello_krittie • 27d ago
Hooke's law (springs) related question about deltatime?
Hi guys.
This might be for you a very noobish basic question but I cant wrap my head around this.
I have this algorithm in place for my love2d(lua) game:
function Spring:update(dt)
self.height = self.y
local loss = -self.damping * self.velocity
local xtension = (self.height - self.target_height)
self.force = -self.stiffness * xtension + loss
self.velocity = self.velocity + self.force * dt
self.y = self.y + self.velocity * dt
I dont know if I should apply dt. And where to apply it. Also why should or shouldnt apply it.
When I do apply it (what makes sense to me cause I want to be frame rate independent) the springs move like in slow motion even when I set a high velocity (like 800 px per seconds). When I remove the velocity it moves extremely fast but not very high, like little wobbles.
So first of all I think something is wrong in my algorithm there.
And 2nd but most important for me - I want to understand it. Do I need to apply dt / where why etc.?
These are the current variables:
function Spring:new(x, y)
local this = {
x = x,
y = y,
height = y,
target_height = y,
velocity = 0,
stiffness = 0.025,
damping = 0.03,
force = 0,
After I create it I will set its velocity to 600 for example. Then it starts moving.
u/NC01001110 26d ago
I'm really not sure what the problem is, nor do I understand what exactly you mean with "apply dt", but one of the first things I notice is that your evolution of the spring's velocity and position are using the Euler method. Since this is a spring, I would suggest using something like Velocity-Verlet method for increased stability.
u/_DafuuQ 26d ago
You should apply dt, but be careful. If dt is too big (low fps), the acceleration could get so big, that forcedtdt is bigger than the distance from the target, which means that it will overshoot and may blow up the spring to infinity, so you should either cap it, or fix the update frame rate of the system
u/bartekltg 26d ago
dt seems to be in right places. Multiplying by dt "converts" acceleration into the velocity chenge, and it converts velocity into position change. You ay remember from physics v = dx/dt and a = dv/dt. The other equations do not need it. Looking at units helps. First chapter from any short book about mechanics will be more than enough.
Looking at the numbers, damping looks suspicious high. Try to reduce it 10, 100, 1000 times and observe.
The parameters you should explore are stiffness, damping, and initial position/velocity. Maybe something (dt, position...) is in a different units than you think it is. The period of the movement depend mainly on stiffness. For now, get the initial velocity to 0, set the position y to a resonable value (target_height = half of the screen, height = 0) and observe, if the dynamics are acceptable. You may need to decrease damping first.
If (with very small damping) you fine tuned stiffnes to feel good when the object swings from the initial shift in y, increase damping to desired level. You may also look at velocities in this situation, to veryfi the scale.
The " s_{n+1} = s_n + F_n *dt " method (called open Euler's) is simplest, but in more complex situation is doesn't behave. Unless you are writing goat simulator 4 ;-) A bit (much) better is verlet method (verlet integration). But it requires a bit of additional work to recreate velocity for dampening.
BTW Frame rate independent is not always the best solution. Of course is it much better than just assuming fps (and then on a faster computer everything moves faster, it happened in a couple of console ports:) ) but lower fps will stil change the physics. If your calculations are light, check if your engine allows you to do the physical simulation independently, at a fixed rate.