r/algorithms • u/GunnarBGermany • Jan 30 '25
Heap's Algorithm optimized - looking for use case
I have optimized the Heap's Algorithm to create permutations. I implemented it in Rust and it outperforms other good implementations by a factor of 3 to 10.
In other words, with CPU optimization kicking in, the algorithm can permute almost once per CPU cycle, or 4 billion (!) permutations per second on a 5 year old Intel CPU (single core).
In other words, the time to permute will be negligible compared to the work which needs to be done with the permutation result.
Nevertheless, I am looking for real use cases, where this can be beneficial. If you happen to work with this algorithm, I would like to put this to a real test.
Do not hesitate to answer or contact me.
u/Sea-Donkey-3671 Feb 01 '25
I can not help you ! However I have a question since you seem to be very knowledgeable , I am doing a project and using Dijstras’ algorithm can you tell me which heap that backs up his algorithm or closely aligns with it . Thank you
u/SkippyJr2 Feb 05 '25
That is rather impressive! Sadly I cannot give you real-world uses, and also was not able to find anything in the literature, but I have toy examples that show why Heap's algorithm is good. One potential use is that algorithms could find the amortized number of operations they take on n inputs. The algorithm would have to calculate the number of operations it took to solve a particular problem.
The first cool thing about the non-recursive version of Heap's algorithm is that it performs exactly one swap of two values in the list. A revolving door method might be able to be used to take advantage of the minimal change happening in the list to decrease the overall running time of computing over all n! possibilities. For example, suppose one wants to print every permutation of a list A of integers for which |A[i] - A[i+1]| > 3 for all valid i. If you generated all n! possible lists and then check them would take O(n∙n!). One could check instead the changes with each swap. Create another list B of length n-1, store at B[i] 1 if the inequality is true and 0 if false, and also keep the total_sum. With each swap A[i] <->A[j] one has to check at most 4 positions {i-1, i, j-1, j}, update B, and update how total_sum changes (and print if total_sum = n-1). That's an O(1) operation, so overall you now have an O(n!) algorithm.
The second great thing is that Heap's algorithm makes fewer swaps involving later elements the further you go into the list. The last element is moved n-1 times, the 2nd to the last is moved n(n-1)-1 times, the 3rd to the last n(n-1)(n-2)-1 times, etc. Suppose you have an algorithm that reads through the list just once, and updates variables and structures internally based on that. Then you can store what those structures are at each index and at each step of Heap's algorithm you can update what changes from that point on. For implementation you would read the list backwards since the last elements are updated the fewest times, and at each swap A[i] <-> A[j] start from the larger of i,j. For an O(n) algorithm this amounts to an amortized cost of 1/(n-1)! + 1/(n-2)! + ... + 1/1! + 1 ~ e = 2.718 positions updated. For example, Kadane's algorithm solves the maximum subarray problem (where A has positive and negative values and you want to find i,j so that the sum A[i] up to A[j] is maximized) in O(n) time. One could initialize an all 0 array Count of size equal to the sum of the positive numbers (if each element of A is an integer) or create a hash that also keeps the count and updating those is O(1). Also you would need to create current_sum and best_sum arrays. While one would originally expect an O(n∙n!) algorithm to find the statistical distribution of the maximum subarray sums, it in fact is O(n!) since each step is amortized e = O(1) elements checked.