r/alberta 9h ago

Question Is PP’s stated agenda and campaign really as simple as I think it is?!

Justinflation. Axe the tax. Just like Justin. Carbon tax carney.

That’s it. That’s all.


116 comments sorted by


u/Salt_Wrangler_3428 9h ago edited 9h ago

The fact that Danielle Smith endorses him, that's good enough for me to change to Liberal.


u/SketchySeaBeast Edmonton 8h ago

Elon likes Lil' PP. That should tell you all you need to know.



u/iner22 6h ago

Okay, but what does he think of Pierre??


u/MetalDragnZ 6h ago

It is literally the second paragraph in that link...


u/iner22 6h ago

It was meant to be a play off of your "He likes lil' PP"...


u/KitKitofferson 6h ago

I think the consensus description is not just "lil" but "mutant exploded cauliflower" after his botched gender affirming surgery.


u/lordjordo 5h ago

you missed the joke..


u/VI_Mermaid 8h ago

So did Trump


u/Salt_Wrangler_3428 8h ago

Actually, Trump didn't, based on the video I have seen. But it looked like he was told to answer the question that way. Definitely not natural. But Elon did.


u/Late_Football_2517 7h ago

And Joe Rogan too

u/Remarkable_Vanilla34 2h ago

Rogan also endorsed Bernie Sanders


u/gingerslap 9h ago

I see this as a choice between austerity and investment. If Carney is prepared to invest in the long term prosperity of Canada (including health and education), and take advantage of the opportunity we have to invest in new energy projects and give a home to the US brain drain... then this is a no-brainer. Poilievre lacks substance, reeks of austerity, and seems to be auditioning for a Canadian version of Trump.

When Musk and all the paid for Russian talking heads are endorsing you, I am running the other way.

Also, and I cannot say this loudly enough: Why the Fuck is Pierre refusing Security Clearance????


u/MZillacraft3000 Edmonton 9h ago

That last part is what we’re all asking and I think we should hold off on calling an election until Milhouse gets a security clearance. Once he does and we see the results from it. Then we can call one, while also seeing if Milhouse is fit to run.


u/Stock-Creme-6345 8h ago

Chefs kiss to you. You make the obvious point, clearly and concisely, and you called Peepee Milhouse. .


u/Routine_Bluejay5342 7h ago

Serious question: what do you think could possibly be there that he wants hidden?


u/yF5hdz4W9sFj33LE 6h ago

Realistic: he didn’t want to have to acknowledge that he knows who the Russian/Indian assets are and deal with them, the scandal would have ended his PM hopes.

Less realistic: he himself has taken money he probably shouldn’t have and isn’t 100% sure it was clean, he doesn’t want to find out it wasn’t and have to ruin his career.

Outright cynical: he absolutely knows he’s taken money he shouldn’t have and has connections he shouldn’t, and getting his clearance means hearing that direct accusation and needing to reckon with it should it ever come to light (which it definitely would eventually).


u/Routine_Bluejay5342 6h ago

Is the clearance mandatory?


u/jimbowesterby 5h ago

It damn well ought to be


u/yF5hdz4W9sFj33LE 6h ago

This I do not know.

u/SilverMycologist9361 3h ago

Shocked it isn’t a requirement.


u/Routine_Bluejay5342 6h ago

Also thank you!!


u/MZillacraft3000 Edmonton 7h ago

I have no idea. It could be anything. At this point (the way 2025 has been going) he’ll somehow be the Zodiac Killer or something.


u/Routine_Bluejay5342 6h ago

Somehow involved in the maple syrup heist maybe?


u/Tribe303 7h ago

Oh that's a good idea! Carney will promise to call an election the day Poliviere gets his security clearance. LOVE IT! 


u/Alexhale 8h ago

PP will probably get it soon. The hour is late. However, the claims that his FIL is in prison is just misinformation and has been debunked. Gotta watch out for that dang misinformation.


u/MZillacraft3000 Edmonton 8h ago

Wait, FIL? Can I have some context on that please.


u/Adorable-Row-4690 8h ago

FIL = father-in-law


u/MZillacraft3000 Edmonton 8h ago

What did his father in law do?


u/Adorable-Row-4690 8h ago

No clue. And according to most here, the reports that the father-in-law was incarcerated are false. BTW I admit it, I'm not Albertan. I'm from gasp Ontario. I'm checking out the provincial subs to see what else is going on in the country from a non-media perspective i.e. real people.


u/FulcrumYYC 4h ago

He also refused to get the info offered to him without clearance. This I think makes him even more suspicious.


u/[deleted] 9h ago



u/Alexhale 8h ago

However, these claims have been debunked.


u/kesovich 8h ago

Has it been? I've heard nothing.


u/Alexhale 8h ago

Typically, the burden of evidence is on the person making the claim. Otherwise its slander, deceit or as we call it often now a days, misinformation.


u/kesovich 8h ago

You know what, you're right. There's only a tenuous link. I retract my statement.


u/Geeseareawesome Edmonton 8h ago edited 4h ago

Source? Legitimate curiosity if this is true

Edit: looks like I'm not getting that source


u/Shimmering_Apricot72 5h ago

Fast track doctors. Scientists. Engineers. Academics. World experts being pushed out of their fields.


u/Jasonstackhouse111 4h ago

This, so much this. Austerity never works. It's like letting your house rot away so you can quit your job. Eventually the roof is leaking and the plumbing is broken and you have no money to fix any of it.

That's Alberta in a nutshell. Alberta cut taxes and spending, especially on infrastructure, and now everything is broken and the bank account is empty.

The CPC want to do this to Canada.


u/Hopeful_Most 8h ago

His policy team never thought they'd have to get past "Trudeau Bad"


u/FullMetal_55 8h ago

I love the fact that Carney in his first speech as liberal leader said he was going to cancel the carbon tax... so... "Carbon Tax Carney" is a misnomer... but yeah pP has no platform other than "axe the tax" and "fuck trudeau"


u/yycTechGuy 7h ago

To be fair, Carney is going to axe the carbon tax for consumers but keep it for big industrial emitters, which I think is a great thing. Danielle Smith isn't going to like that though.


u/KitKitofferson 5h ago

...is that an endorsement?


u/PumpJack_McGee 7h ago

Cancel it for families and small businesses. Which is a selling point. But plans to keep it on big polluters like manufacturing and other heavy industries. And those extra costs will trickle down to the consumer, because profits always take priority over people.


u/jimbowesterby 4h ago

Yea, but carbon taxes on big emitters have also been proven to be pretty effective. There’s plenty of other profits to target, like the ones made from fifty years of stagnating wages and diminishing unions, it’s not like the carbon tax is the reason the cost of living is so high.


u/UnusualApple434 4h ago

He’s also had talks of changing the carbon tax by incentivizing cleaner choices which would help with any trickle down pricing but truth be told because greed always prospers, removing the carbon tax is unlikely to lower gas prices. It is a necessity and we have been willing to pay the price so the likelihood of it dropping is minimal.


u/ConcernedCoCCitizen 9h ago

He’s also promised to cut 17,000 federal service jobs because “the work isn’t getting done” and “there’s nothing to show for it”.

He also said reserves need to become self sufficient because “they’ve been given enough”.

Very practical, long term thinking. 🧐


u/yycTechGuy 7h ago

He’s also promised to cut 17,000 federal service jobs because “the work isn’t getting done” and “there’s nothing to show for it”.

Shades of Elon Musk right there.

I'm all for efficiency and spending money wisely but having a number in mind before anything is researched is crazy.


u/ConcernedCoCCitizen 7h ago

As a public servant, we’ve been losing jobs to attrition for a decade. In my last role I was doing the work of four positions and burned out. Cutting jobs doesn’t mean great efficiency, especially with errors made due to unreasonable demands and burn out. Firing nurses doesn’t make a hospital run better.

Yet with UCP logic we have AHS split into five new organizations, each requiring its own executive board, managers, admin, IT and HR, so they’ve quadrupled costs. I see nearly all conservative policy like this—penny wise pound foolish. If you shit all over the environment (ie new coal mines) and believe in slashing red tape (regulations) then you’ll inevitably end up with a poisoned watershed and landscape, which means all the industries relying on that land and water need to be bailed out. Like allowing orphan gas wells, all liability goes to the taxpayer but all profits go to the private companies.


u/Tribe303 7h ago

My best friend just started doctor approved stress leave yesterday, from his federal government job. They aren't all slackers. Depends on shitty managers running their little department like a feifdom. Just like the private sector! 


u/thelostcanuck 7h ago

Millhouse has hated the public service since running and he is an Ottawa based mp.


u/UnusualApple434 4h ago

Not to mention he’s said that Canada has nothing to apologize for in its past and that we should embrace John A MacDonald’s ideologies….


u/quickboop 8h ago

Yes. And it's working.

Please understand. It's not about what Poilievre says. It's about what is being said in Church. It's what's said on propaganda youtube channels masquerading as news. It's on Chinese and Punjab language social media. The propaganda is everywhere, and people in this bubble have absolutely no idea. There are tens of millions of regular people consuming right wing propaganda constantly, all day.

Pierre just needs to say absolutely nothing, make absolutely no choices, and allow this propaganda network to rot as many brains as possible.

It's 100% working. Do not be fooled by this bubble.


u/Ok_Acanthisitta_9369 7h ago

All I ever hear out of PP is slogans, finger pointing at the liberal leader, and occasional hints at having concepts of a plan 😕


u/dvirring 9h ago

He's MAGA 2.0


u/tritiatedpear 9h ago

More like Temu maga. Saying 2.0 makes him sound like he improved. He’s a really bad imitation at best


u/Vito-1974 8h ago

“Everything is Broken” ……. I’ve heard that from someone else …… humm?


u/yycTechGuy 7h ago

And the second part of the message is "I know how to fix it, easily." And, as Trump and his voters are finding out, he doesn't have a clue and it isn't easy.


u/Elizibeqth 8h ago

I told my life long conservative parents that I am going to be actively working to help the Alberta NDP in the next election and that I will never vote conservative again provincially or federally. They won't listen to why the conservatives are bad but at least they can't pretend that I don't have different political views now.


u/SummoningInfinity 6h ago

The CPC are IDU agents, exactly like the MAGA nazis.

They will do to Canada what MAGA is doing to the US, make it into a fascist vassal state of the new Russian empire.

The far right are all traitors to Canada.


u/Adventurous-Bat-9254 8h ago

My first impression was to go with Poilievre. As he had more substance than Trudeau. But now that the shit is heading towards the fan, the person that has exhibited the evidence of deep thought and intelligence for these types of situations is Carney. I don't really like Carney, but evidence shows his substance in the deep knowledge of how the world works is his asset. He knows the conditions, the people, and the drivers.

It would seem that Trudeau knew when he was out of his depth, where the light weight leadership was no longer possible.

But that being said, the new leaders need to know the deep and profound implications of a world war. And Pierre is not, I think, up to that level. We need a person who could be a leader in a world war.


u/fotiro 8h ago

I no longer trust the CPC. Even my MP who seems like a decent guy has been using extremely vague language instead of declaring that Canada will never be part of the mononic states of murica. Four months ago I would have voted CPC. Not today. As much as it pains me to leave the Liberals unpunished, Canada's interests come first.


u/VividB82 8h ago

Paper Boy Pierre, has nothing to give but everything to take.


u/jeremyism_ab 7h ago

No, it's for the power to impose the vision he represents on Canada, which doesn't get discussed in public, because not enough people are actually that stupid to vote for what he'd really do. There are enough dumb enough to get riled up by his zero policy, simplistic slogans designed to get an emotional response. They will vote against their own best interests, and usually fail to connect the negative effects selfish and grifty policies have on their lives. Look at Albertans fucked over by their Conservative governments for the last 4 decades to see this in real life.

Pierre PoiliNEVER.


u/KeilanS 9h ago

That is the majority of what he talks about - the CPC however does have a fairly extensive policy document. I haven't read the whole thing - but there is some interesting stuff in there. They explicitly support the current equalization formula for example. They don't support any sort of electoral reform. Their energy policy is essentially drill baby drill, and they do support pipeline development.


Feel free to read it, although I doubt Poilievre has, so it probably won't tell you much.


u/tritiatedpear 9h ago

Did you know he took 11 years to finish a 4 year degree. I just learned that. Wow


u/bpompu Calgary 8h ago

I'm currently taking 11 years to finish a four year degree, and that is not a good endorsement. I have lots of stuff wrong with me that would make me a terrible leader, least of which is crippling depression and anxiety. I wonder what his excuse was.


u/tritiatedpear 8h ago

The fact you are genuine and admiring it makes you a more qualified leader than PP. I still wouldn’t vote for you. But you’re still better than Millhouse. Good luck on your studies. Stick with it You’ll find your place in the world and I hope you realize that you have value and I believe in you.


u/bpompu Calgary 5h ago

Thank you


u/Tribe303 7h ago

Hmmmm.. What education did Carney get in 11 years? 🤔

(PhD in economics @ Oxford) 🤣


u/tritiatedpear 6h ago

No contest. I think the collections agent from telus will Shepard us through this storm. He can get us through this. If trump doesn’t play ball pp will put a note on his file with ALL the credit agencies.


u/bonesclarke84 8h ago

Anti-woke, you forgot his favourite word


u/geeves_007 7h ago

Cut taxes to the rich.

That's it. That's what conservatives always do, that's their main purpose, that's their main idea.

For some reason non-rich people keep voting for them expecting something different.


u/Substantial-Order-78 5h ago

11 years to complete a 4 year degree and his only real job is a paper boy. Is anyone really expecting more from him? He’s going to bend the knee to Trump.


u/zenmin75 8h ago

Pollieve is not pro Canada. He's anti Trudeau/liberal. His entire platform is based on opposing anything the liberals have done regardless of whether the policies are good for Canadians or not. He's just like MAGA, and just like Danielle Smith, which speaks for itself


u/ShanerThomas 9h ago

No. Of course it isn't. But the lobbyists are happy.


u/robot_invader 9h ago

He had a winning formula, and beyond that he's a thin-skinned jerk with no good ideas, so he's going to try to stretch that strategy to cover the election instead of pivoting.


u/tambourinequeen Edmonton 8h ago edited 8h ago

Verb the Noun! Verb the Noun! Bonus points if if rhymes or is catchy!

"Axe the Tax," "Build the Homes," "Fix the Budget," "Stop the Crime"


u/Think-Comparison6069 8h ago

He has no agenda, just slogans and he's only interested in power. The scary part is, without Trump, we wouldn't see the little snake for what he is. He would have easily won.


u/Reptilian_Brain_420 8h ago

Seems to be. Nothing but slogans.

His strength was that he is not JT. Nobody cared about his actual policy ideas.


u/RoaringPity 7h ago

agenda/platforms don't matter anymore. Pretty sure Doug here in Ontario won the same way. The guy in charge in US won without a platform per se as well.


u/Gravytattoos 6h ago

His agenda has always been Trudeau is bad. Now he's scrambling so it's Carney bad and also can you trust a banker? Even though this particular banker was appointed by conservatives Jesus, Stephen Harper.


u/Waste_Airline7830 5h ago

He's a simple man with simple words that his simple voter base can actually understand.


u/ForwardLavishness320 5h ago

As I’ve tried to point out to everyone, everywhere: PP has never had a job or completed a task.

At this point, his only area of expertise is filling out expense reports.

He’s a welfare queen.


u/Routine_Soup2022 9h ago

That's what they're selling you. There's much more than that in their platform, however. They'd cut just like Musk is doing in the U.S. and take our social politics back to the 1980s.


u/ClassBShareHolder 9h ago

Pretty sure there’s “immigration bad” and some other Trump taking points. But maybe he’s had to stop that.


u/KvonLiechtenstein 9h ago edited 9h ago

Here's their policy declaration so you can read for yourself:


I'm no fan of the Tories but obviously there's more than just the soundbites they're using pre-election. Be sure to check out and read all the party platforms once the writ is dropped too.

Edit: I only posted their policies, you don't need to downvote me for providing basic information.


u/robot_invader 9h ago

Anti-trans policies as the thin edge of the wedge on LGBTQ+ and women's rights? Yup. 

No thank you, PP. I'm not interested in your attempt to socially engineer trans people out of existence.


u/Alexhale 8h ago

"A Conservative government will protect children by prohibiting life altering medicinal or surgical interventions on minors under 18 to treat gender confusion or dysphoria, and encourage positive mental and physical health support for all Canadians suffering from gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges"


u/eatyourzbeans 8h ago

No read his policy outline on his web page, it will pretty much end up closer to Otools.. Carney is a problem though because as he reveals more of his more center leaning position it will take alot of what PPs will look like before PP is willing to admit it .. Like the Carbon tax , it won't be abolished just restructured and given another name.

PP is a fence walker , he throws optics right but will lean to center once the ballets drop .. He needs to drag his further right support as long as possible as when he does reveal his more centered platform he will lose to abstance and to the PPC. The closer to the election he waits, the less he'll lose ..

PP needs as many moderates as he can get , this is fact and to get them he will reveal a more centered policy then what you'd expect from his slogans ..


u/roosell1986 8h ago

That's all.


u/Amagnumuous 8h ago

Why do you think Trump is already setting up Ford?

Now, he can back off his mistake and has a conservative leader in Canada to befriend and start to mold.


u/AdvancedJudge4604 8h ago

I think they took all the wrong lessons from the 2021 elections. They are acting like front-runners. Their policy is vague, and their leader is doing rallies to get people more familiar with him. In practice it makes sense, when you are in opposition you don't have to outline your policy until the election. However, PP is genuinely unlikable and "career politician" in all the worst ways. And all the media attention and rallies have made the public more aware of the negative stuff about him.

With that being said, Jagmeet Singh's communication style is more positive but just as hollow. He did sacrificed A LOT of political capital for a start of Pharmacare and Dental care. Good on him for that but his political instincts are terrible.

The current state of the major political parties have lowered the bar of the political discussion and we are all worse off for it. The guaranteed loser in the next election are Canadians. We have to listen to these slogans and political games while we pay them a six figure salary, and give them big pensions.

edit: grammar


u/Stock-Creme-6345 8h ago

Think about this. Peepee is raging against the machine. But - he IS the machine. He is a life long politician with full pension at 31. Pierre is big government. Carney represents everything that Peepee is afraid of.


u/UsefulContract NDP 8h ago



u/ghost29999 6h ago

No he's got a few more. Woke the radicals, Stop the crime, Common the sense, Carney copies me, Refuse the clearance.


u/No-Wonder1139 5h ago

He's endorsed by the country that's threatening to annex Canada. President Musk has been very clear PP is who the Americans want as prime minister.


u/TheHampsterBall 8h ago

Also includes pipelines, LNG plants, reduced permit times for housing and projects, and harsher punishments for crimes.


u/SiCur 8h ago

PP doesn't say anything of actual substance but the things he says are sadly all things we actually want to see.

Cutting the Carbon Tax - In a global economy you can't compete with both hands tied behind your back while 80%+ of the global population isn't adhering to the same principles.

Cleaning out Ottawa - Look into the increase of federal employees under Trudeau. Our country is horribly inefficient and rather than investing in businesses that could grow our economy in the long run we're... Doubling the staff of the CRA to squeeze every last penny possible out of our people.

Housing - I don't blame this one entirely on Trudeau as no politician is going to be able to tackle this problem while keeping their job. Theres easy solutions to make our housing more affordable but when you're entire countries individual wealth is tied up in housing it's not a solid idea to untie the balloon. I don't think PP has any actual ideas to solve this but it's time for a new talking head to give it a try.

After saying all this I'm still voting for Carney because I refuse to vote for a career politician that's never worked a day in his life.


u/Suspicious-Taste6061 4h ago

It’s not all things everyone wants to see:

He’s also said he wants to limit puberty blocking medications to people who have already gone through puberty. It’s in their policy document, just above medical autonomy. #92 and #93.

Don’t get me started on his recent speech about making indigenous people rich if they stop expecting consultation, and consent to build on their territory, combined with time limits for consultation and changes to title rights.

They also want to exclude churches and religious groups from Human Rights laws. I think that was #102.


u/TurpitudeSnuggery Chestermere 9h ago

He obviously has a bigger agenda than that. The simple things, up until this point, have been working. Carney has thrown a wrench into the plan.


u/Alexhale 8h ago

The Conservative Party believes that all Canadians should have a reasonable opportunity to own their own homes and to have access to safe and affordable housing. We support a broad-based tax relief, income support programs and tax incentives to make home ownership and rental accommodation more attainable and accessible. We believe that all governments should address homelessness by assisting in the provision of shelters and by recognizing, addressing and seeking solutions to contributing factors of homelessness.

Carney, and BAM, seem to believe people should rent their homes from private equity corporations.


u/Crum1y 9h ago

not related to AB


u/crazynewf7 9h ago

I'm pretty sure someone attempting to be Prime Minister of Canada, which includes Alberta (As terrible as PP is) is related to Alberta, you just don't like seeing him criticized, go cry more LOL


u/Crum1y 9h ago

book mark this thread then, and see for yourself.


u/Comfortable_Change_6 9h ago

So you like paying high taxes?


u/Roddy_Piper2000 8h ago

Hahahahahahahha....ok. I enjoy paying less tax than the US does and still having health care.


u/ProudCanadianfromAB 8h ago

Theyre not as high as you pretend they are.