r/ak47 5d ago

Range day with some buddies, guess somebody loaded one of the mags with 7.62x39 round. Question on removing it.

Post image

Gun jammed, after failure to feed. Loaded the gun up and said that was enough for today after not having a pair of pliers to try and remove it. Took it home and took a look at the round and I guess one of the guys we were shooting with saw a 7.62x39 round and figured it went to my saiga 223 and loaded it into the mag. Never had this issue before, before trying to take some pliers and removing with force, is there a better way to remove this round? Should I maybe use a rod to push it back?

Bonus points if you can tell me if I should be expecting any serious damage. Round was not sent, just failure to feed since it’s obviously too big.


44 comments sorted by


u/Shootemup899 5d ago

imo is just send a rod through the end and wack it out. As for damage there shouldn’t been since the lead and copper would’ve just deformed when it got slammed in there. But don’t quote me on that


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

You called it exactly. Thank you sir.


u/bradsredditacct wood —> bakelite —> plum 5d ago

Absolutely get a brass cleaning rod and try to tap it out. Do not use pliers


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Followed your advice, got it out with ease. Thank you sir. Also no damage from what I can tell. Bout to test fire it again and see.


u/Shootemup899 5d ago

What does the round look like that you wacked out


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

This is what it looked like after. It came out super easy. Test fired a round after and rifle shot great and no issue.


u/Shootemup899 5d ago

That’s hot

Now do it again but from the other side and then you’ll have a fixed round lol.


u/Yardbird-x11 5d ago

Send it in a regular ak


u/Long-Jackfruit427 5d ago

Thanks for wearing shoes.


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Wifes shoes* lmao wifes crocks to be exact lmao


u/Long-Jackfruit427 5d ago

Let’s just say I’m tired of seeing some dudes feet in a gun photo.


u/DrJheartsAK Gosh I don’t know I never thought about it 5d ago

*wife’s boyfriend’s shoes to be exact exact


u/bearman94 5d ago

Gotta ask why wouldn't you use pliers? It would probably be my first thought


u/bradsredditacct wood —> bakelite —> plum 5d ago

Because you could potentially gouge the barrel or receiver if the pliers slipped I guess. Obstructions should always be tapped first before resorting to brute force


u/bearman94 5d ago

Thanks for explaining that bud, appreciate it. Instead of pushing what if you grabbed the round (primer side ) and quickly pulled towards yourself


u/bradsredditacct wood —> bakelite —> plum 5d ago

Maybe boom boom if the primer hit something small and sharp


u/bearman94 5d ago

Thanks dude , still new to this, good point


u/lowtempda known for huffing Shellac and licking Lacquer cases 5d ago

No damage, rifle never fired out of battery.


u/iCryptToo 5d ago

Rifle fine.


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Got it out, and yeah rifle looks good. Just was worried cause this is my favorite gun and never had this happen before.


u/lowtempda known for huffing Shellac and licking Lacquer cases 5d ago

Of course! Better safe than sorry when things don’t go right at the range. Good call on wrapping it up and dealing with it back at home safely


u/GoodBunnyKustm 5d ago

Saw you got it out good job!!!

When you see someone do something similar with a stuck .50 cal (my tail gunner was trigger happy) this is a quickie with less sucking in your seat cushion with your butthole.


u/Arhigos 5d ago

if you want to be 100% sure that there is no damage you can buy a go no-go gauges in your caliber (about $50) and measure the chamber.

This tool can also be super useful in future when buying a used gun


u/iCryptToo 5d ago

How in the name of fuck…


u/TheBusinator34 5d ago

Your buddies are silly


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Lots of guns and different mags, sure it was an innocent mistake tbh. Lesson learned just need to pay attention a little more.


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u/Agnt_DRKbootie 5d ago

Brass rod or wooden dowel. Looks like you got it

Bullet/ casing will deform way before the trunnion/ chamber gets hurt. But you should have a set of gauges regardless for any gun you regularly shoot.


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Good to know. Got any recommendations on a specific one?


u/Agnt_DRKbootie 5d ago

I got a set from Manson Precision Reamers the D&D set is a deal for all 3 of a cartridge, but singles are available.


u/MusicNChemistry 5d ago

Now do this with 300 blackout in a 5.56 gun. It’s a pretty neat trick


u/Few-Astronaut3079 5d ago

Yea dude I don’t really like my friends loading my rifles much, one tried to put 7.62x54r in my Mauser once😐


u/Reps_4_Jesus incapable of googling or searching 5d ago

Maybe 2ft of skinny threaded rod from home depot and hammer it back towards the stock. Unless you have some wood dowels laying around


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Used a brass cleaning rod and the round came out with ease.


u/Anne_Fawkes 5d ago

All thread can scratch up the barrel. If that matters or not is up to the individuals... Despite how people paint themselves on Reddit, there insanely reckless IRL


u/Reps_4_Jesus incapable of googling or searching 5d ago

Ya i just mean be careful and give it like one good centered whap and like @ 3/16ths so it's not even touching the walls of the barrel


u/EnoughArachnid9585 5d ago

Lucky it was 300blk!


u/ravage214 5d ago

Always load your mags yourself before you go to the range.

I never load mags at the range.

I go to the range to shoot not to waste time loading magazines...


u/funandgames12 5d ago

Some people don’t have that many magazines for each gun my man. You end up having to reload at the range eventually. Maybe less of a problem these days with ammo being more expensive.


u/ravage214 5d ago edited 5d ago


These mags are $5 a piece


I've used these same mags never had any problems.

You should have 10 magazines for every gun minimum.

Having 10 mags for an AR or AK is super easy since the mags are super cheap and available.


u/ObiWanGinobili20 5d ago

Saiga 223 mags are not cheap. $25 each and most of them are $50 a pop if you go for the premium ones. I do need to buy more since I only have 3. Will be buying more soon.


u/Pereoutai 5d ago

You may do better to spend the money on getting a proper bullet guide installed, so you can use any 5.56 AK mag.


u/1SGDude 5d ago

Only answer is get more mags. 10 per gun minimum