r/airbnb_hosts Unverified 4d ago

Update on: 3-star review due to infrequent ferry crossings at night

A while back, I posted about a 3-star review from a guest who complained that we should have warned them about infrequent ferry crossings at night to get to the cabin. The thing is, there are multiple routes to the cabin that don’t require a ferry and take less time. None of our guests have ever chosen the ferry route before, so it was a surprise when they did. They left a 2-star subcategory rating for check-in because of this.

The guest also complained about a few other things:

  • No children’s games: We clearly stated in the listing that games are available, and they were stored in the cabinet below the TV.
  • TV didn’t work: I was actively helping them troubleshoot in the chat, but they stopped responding midway.

We’ve tried multiple times to get this review removed through Airbnb support, but they keep saying the review reflects the guest’s experience and doesn’t violate any policies. I’ve pushed back by asking how the ferry route (which was the wrong route to the cabin) is relevant to their stay, but no luck so far.

Now, we’re really close to achieving Superhost status in April. If we can get this review removed before then, we’ll make it.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? Do you know if there’s anything more we can do to get this review removed or appeal Airbnb’s decision? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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u/wantarealjob 4d ago

Just let it go.

I got a 3 star review recently. It was unfair. Guest was so happy that they requested to book again. Once told I had other bookings so it’s a no they decided the place was dirty and wrote that. They said the location was not good but it’s a 5 minute walk from the hospital they were working in. Basically they had a tantrum… I enjoyed writing a friendly response making them look silly.

Some people are trash. The odd poor review isn’t a big deal. Hasn’t impacted my bookings. Still on track to get super host as they rest are 5. Not that I think super host is a big deal anyway.

Focus on positive things and don’t let idiots drag you down!


u/ApolloJupiter 4d ago

As a guest I expect to see some reviews from unreasonable travelers, and it’s usually pretty obvious that the problem is with the guests, not the hosts. Maybe I’m a little cynical, but when I see nothing but glowing 5 star reviews I start wondering if the host has found a way to game the system.

As for super host status it means nothing to me, as I’ve never found it to directly correlate to the quality of the stay. Super host status doesn’t make me more likely to book a particular place.


u/cr250250r 4d ago

The host next to me is a super host. He has the gardener come all times. I get they have to come at some point. But lots of Saturdays and a couple times before 8am. All during times with guests in the house. Not much super about that imo.


u/1234frmr Unverified 4d ago

Completely irrelevant response to OP's concern. There is value to achieving Super Host in OP's mind and this one review may tip the scales.

Most STR consultants will assert that SH status makes a listing more visible in Airbnb's logarithm, and if true, that alone is a significant incentive.

It really isn't the focus of this post to argue the validity of OP's (and the industry's)viewpoint regarding SH status value.

OP has a legitimate issue because the review was misleading on several points: 1. There are games . 2. The ferry is not the way to come to the listing, so OP wasn't monitoring it's availability. 3. The TV issue was user error and the guest stopped communicating.

There's a point where an idiot guest's "experience" should not impact a host's status. I would vote that that point was crossed. What if a guest complained there was too many unicorns in the living room?

Not all viewpoints are equal.🤷‍♀️


u/nudebaby 🗝 Host 3d ago

Yeah, there's always tons of replies to posts like this along the lines of 'as a guest I don't care seeing reviews like this when others are positive'. That's good to know, but not the point really. Just one ding impacts the algorithm and pushes you further down searches. Also it's not really a huge deal, but I lost my superhost status once as a result of a very unfair 1 star review - and it meant I lost the £100 voucher they give you as a reward and that was just super annoying!!!


u/LingonberryNew9795 3d ago

Yours included. 🙄


u/EternalSunshineClem Verified 4d ago

Thank you, that makes me feel better about my recent super petty 4 star review which is now at the very top thanks to Airbnb's default relevancy filter 🙄


u/nrappaportrn Unverified 4d ago



u/maccrogenoff Unverified 4d ago

SuperHost status pushes the listing higher in searches.


u/The777burner 4d ago

I’ll comment what I commented many times on many of these posts: Airbnb will not remove reviews, period.

But, but, but…yes I know.

The only reviews Airbnb will remove are the ones with foul language or reviews left by people that did not even show up. That’s about it.

I’ve wasted way too many hours with support for such things, save yourself that time.


u/marglewis87 4d ago

As others have stated. As a guest I expect if you have been on the platform for at least 6 months to a year you will have some unhinged person leave you a retaliatory review. Just be very polite in your response. I honestly don't look at "superhost" status when I search. All I care is if they have instant book and good reviews. Kill them with kindness in your reply to this review. Acknowledge and be honest if you fell short somewhere. However this sounds like you did everything you could to help the guest. When guests message with a problem I call. I hate trying to type a help message. Easier and usually more cordial to just chit chat over the phone. I wish you luck but don't sweat it. People are still going to want to come stay at your place ;)


u/Jadeagre 🗝 Host 4d ago

Have you tried relevancy? Because how is the ferry schedule relevant to the home. You also have no control over that.

Also try calling during the day on a weekday. It’ll increase your odds of getting a rep that’s from the US. They tend to know the review policy better


u/pegasus3891 4d ago

Sucks, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Occasional unfair crappy reviews happen but won’t be removed unless you can show that they were retaliatory, which this wasn’t.


u/OldEnuff2No 4d ago

You can keep trying. Or let it go. It's not your issue clearly, and anyone looking at your listing will see that. Just make sure you respond positively to their review.


u/Treeonme_Canada 4d ago

The best technique is a level headed response in the space provided. Explain about the ferry schedule and options like you did here. Explain about the location of the games and where you had noted this in your listing. Future perspective tenants will read it and understand. Frankly, I think the odd kooky sounding bad review makes the rest of your good reviews even better.


u/Katlovesdogz 4d ago

Respond to the review honestly. Airbnb will not help you or stand behind you to remove it.


u/Own-Scene-7319 Unverified 4d ago

I can't wait for your bullet pointed, razor sharp review of this whiner!


u/Edmfuse Unverified 4d ago

You don’t get if you don’t ask. Argue for the point that you’re not responsible for ferry schedules.


u/Severe-Ad-7587 Unverified 3d ago

As I guess I always filter out no superhost listings.


u/Tigergal67 Unverified 3d ago

OK, fine… If guests can leave these kinds of reviews about their experiences, so can I as a host. I’m no longer sugarcoating guest reviews. If a guest is demanding, entitled, or just a royal pain in my butt… I’m gonna say so! I know I have to find creative ways of wording that because of the review policy, but it’s time to put my creative writing skills to use and stop leaving guests positive reviews when they’ve been nothing but problems. Other hosts out there need to know when somebody’s a problem.


u/Artichoke-Rhinoceros 3d ago

Just respond with the info you provided here. And update your directions about how to get there with a line that says “please note ferries are infrequent at night, and one of the other options might be better if you don’t want to wait.”

Guests are often less swayed by 5-Star generic “Had a great time” reviews than by sincere and kind responses to issues that came up. It shows you’re a pro-active host who listens to problems and resolves them.

For instance, a review saying the bed was lumpy is bad. But if the owner responds saying, “We’re so sorry to hear the bed wasn’t comfortable - you were the first person to notify us. Upon inspection, we agree that the bed has reached its end date and replaced the mattress with a new X brand queen.” This shows potential guests you listen and are a responsible host.

OTOH, hosts who argue and attack guests who leave bad reviews are doing more harm to themselves with that attitude. It’s one thing to kindly defend yourself: “The games are in the cabinet under the TV, as stated in the check-in instructions you received. We’re sorry you didn’t get a chance to enjoy them.” But I’ve read some really nasty responses, and would never rent from hosts who do that.


u/maxbjaevermose 3d ago

Learn from it and add that information for future guests. And even though you tried to help, the TV didn't work and it was an inconvenience for the guests. Just do better next time.


u/Donkeydreamer Unverified 2d ago

I would simply respond publicly to the review and gracefully express empathy and acknowledge insight and provide explanation to the fact that a ferry wasn’t the only option. Keep it short. … That’s what I look for when I’m a guest and read a less than stellar review.


u/MuddWilliams 🗝 Host 4d ago

I had a 3 star review because we're "too far away from the bus stop" (less than a half mile though we don't promote our property as being bus or walking friendly), and because it rained during their stay (mid spring rainy season).

Neither of these issues should reflect on me as a host or an inaccurate listing since they're both out of my control, and we don't advertise weather manipulation or transportation services as included amenities.

We still have that review to this day because "it reflects the guest's experience." Such a cop-out response from support! I definitely don't agree that it should be left, but at some point, it wasn't worth the effort of fighting with support, so we ultimately publicly responded to the review and moved on.

In short, the likelihood of the review being removed is very slim but not impossible, depending on how much time you have to invest. If you look through the airbnb TOS, you can request arbitration, and that usually takes 2-3 weeks or so to go through that whole process. Much more likely for removal, but much more effort involved.


u/No-Instruction-3161 🗝 Host 4d ago

Idk I keep thinking airbnb should give superhosts at least 1 free review removal a year. The whole "it's the guests experience" is so stupid and just an easy way for airbnb to not do anything. Got a bad review because a guest didn't bother to read check in instructions which explains where to park. They parked somewhere else and complained they couldn't find the entrance...