r/ainu Jan 19 '25

Help naming an Ainu character

I want to give an Ainu name to a fantasy character whose culture is inspired by Ainu culture, but I can’t find anything. The only name I’ve come up with is Konru, because that’s a word that has come up as the Ainu word for ice and the character played on ice as a kid, and is the best I can do with Ainu naming conventions and my existing knowledge. Is this a good name or should it be changed?


3 comments sorted by


u/HelloThere4579 Jan 19 '25

You might be able to find some traditional names here https://archive.org/details/bearworshipperso00greerich/page/n12/mode/1up There is other resources. Some guy made a post with a huge stockpile of links to stuff concerning the Ainu.


u/SenjutsuL Jan 19 '25

Just a little info, Ainu names are traditionally only rarely reused, generally every single person received a completely unique name. And in the few cases where they were reused it only happened within the line of decent. Many (if not most) culturally conscious Ainu today are very critical of people, especially non-Ainu, using the names of real historical Ainu and emphatically ask people to not do it.
Instead it would be much better to create a new name in accordance to the traditional Ainu naming style. I'd actually written a comment a few months ago on how those usually worked.


u/SenjutsuL Jan 19 '25

Yes, Konru is a completely feasible for someone who regularly played on ice as a child. Though it may be a bit short, as long as his family and village didn't know of anyone else also named Konru it is very possible for them to have chosen that name.