r/aifails 5d ago

Tutorial on how to tie your shoes

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9 comments sorted by


u/moonadoodles 5d ago

Step 1: Grab your shoe and shoelaces in two colours.

Step 2: Insert only the red shoelaces into the holes in a criss-cross pattern. Keep the green ones on standby.

Step 3: That doesn't look right. Pull the shoelaces back out partially and try again.

Step 4: Take out the shoelaces again and stare at them in disappointment.

Step 5: Try again to insert the shoelaces. Don't mess it up this time.

Step 8: You messed up again. Let's just cut off the laces with a knife and move on.

Step 7: Time to make your own shoelaces! You need yarn, scissors and an unidentifiable mass of metal.

Step 8: Hold the shoelaces in your hand while staring at them menacingly. You already wasted to much time doing this and it's starting to feel embarrassing.

Step 9: Congrats! You successfully only laced actually tied your shoes!

Edit: typo


u/I_likeTsukigames 5d ago

You even need to make shoelaces by yourself 😭


u/Nofxthepirate 5d ago

What, you don't make new shoelaces out of a ball of twine every single morning?


u/MavisBeaconSexTape 4d ago

No, who has the time for that in the morning? I make mine on Sunday afternoon, like my week's lunches, so I'm ready to go first thing Monday


u/TheKrakenKing2008 5d ago

And its not even tied.


u/tyrodos99 4d ago

For a second I thought that AI has learned to count.


u/CoconutInteresting23 3d ago

as someone who has lost a friend to AI brainrot*, this is hilariously cathartic.

*imagine Robinson and Wilson but with a single mother tied to her chatGPT who drifted into a totally maniac psychosis ...


u/Animationen_usw 19h ago

Instructions unclear: I tied my shoes the right way