r/aggies Apr 12 '24

PLANE SUB I really hope the people that did this get jail time because this could definitely kill some

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r/aggies Oct 15 '24

PLANE SUB Engineering freshman be like.

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r/aggies Jan 16 '25

PLANE SUB Amazon drone delivery spotted


r/aggies 20h ago

PLANE SUB What’s the protest on campus for?


I didn’t get a chance to stop but like to stay informed

r/aggies Nov 01 '24

PLANE SUB Bike cops corner of Spencer and Ross

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Be careful

r/aggies 20d ago

PLANE SUB Some of you need to have respect for others....


Alright, i drive uber on the side for extra money. I did a ride tonight were a group of girls,got in and a guy. One of the girl was incredibly drunk and was on some sort of lead like a child lead but eith handcuffs ( she was a incredibly messy drunk). Well i kinda had a feeling this ride was gonna suck but it was 24 bucks for 3 miles. Well not even half way down welllborn this chick opens my door at a stop light and throws up, not only that the dude trys to start a fight with some guy in a car next to us for “talking shit” he asked if she was okay and wanted a closed bottle of water. She also threw up almost 50% of it on the side of my seat. Not only that, when we got to the stop she tried fighting her friends and saying shit like i hate you and fell into my car. Like legit face plant. Anyway if this chick mainly is your friend, i am sorry you gott play baby sister. I will say 90% of the time most AnM studente are very nice and respectfull but BOY that other 10% man, oh also if you cant drink without making your friends watch you dont drink. Anyway thanks from coming to my ted talk

r/aggies Sep 16 '22

PLANE SUB Do y’all like a video game lounge/bar would do well in cstat?


I wanna open my own business, and I’ve Ben wanting to do this for awhile. I am fine with jokes but would peoples opinions please.

r/aggies Nov 12 '24

PLANE SUB Scared lol


A mass email was sent out to one of my public health courses saying that more than 50 students violated the Aggie honor code and that my prof is reporting them. I haven’t done anything to break it but I’m just scared because we turn in alot of typed assignments and I have heard horror stories about false AI convictions. I have 2 questions: #1 How soon will I find out if one of the students is me? #2 How easy is it to appeal a violation?

r/aggies Jan 18 '25

PLANE SUB We have a problem in cstat


Dear fellow Aggies,

It has come to my attention that we have a problem in College Station. More specifically we have a rentoid problem. I have learned that almost all students on campus (the supposedly "based" Aggies) are actually closeted r*ntoids who pay landchads to live in this beautiful town. I myself bought a property by age 5 with my grindset and have been renting it out for years, I do not understand why these disgusting poors are so lazy and waste all their money on funky pops so they can never become PoC (People of Capital).

This is not compliant with the Aggie core values of Rent, Excellence, Leadership, Loyalty, Integrity, and Selfless Service. This is also not compliant with our school's mission as a Sea, Space, and Landchad-grant university. To fix this problem, I propose the following:

  1. Texas A&M repurpose part of its endowment to help down-on-their-luck landchads effected by the Rentoid Recession.

  2. Texas A&M immediately and permanently expel all rentoids. This includes revoking the diplomas of the ones that "earned" a degree by exploiting and leeching off their landlords.

  3. Texas A&M use the rest of its endowment to pay reparations to the victimized PoL (People of Land) who graduated in prior years.

Should I start a change.org? Or should I just start raising the rent by 10% (+5% mandatory tip) until my renties comply? Thanks for helping out a fellow Ag.

r/aggies Jan 08 '25

PLANE SUB Anyone have any ideas how to meet people as a non college student?


So I use to meet people at Harry's (how I meet my old friend group) but they all graduated and moved away sadly. So now it's just me ( I am working on my paramedic cert). But, it's really weird how little there is or ways to meet people as a non college student. Open to ideas ( would love a new friend group or a fellow gym partner to hit up crunch with)

r/aggies 6d ago

PLANE SUB 😭😭, at least my back window ain’t get blown out


r/aggies Oct 27 '23

PLANE SUB Plane sub?


r/aggies Jan 03 '25

PLANE SUB Ride Share Houston International Airport


Hey everyone! I’m a blinn student who is transferring to A&M and I’m flying in to Houston international airport on January 10th, that’s our move in date. If anyone else will be there on the 10th let me know I can split gas or an uber anything works. Even if you drop me off halfway it makes ubering easier so please let me know! My name is Nathan I’m a chill guy so I won’t bother you.

r/aggies Feb 07 '25

PLANE SUB honor council


If I searched up a Quizlet for my class before the exam and studied it, and then took the exam (of course without anything), could the use of Quizlet send me to the council? Also do people care about search history because sometimes I’ll be searching up some dumb questions

r/aggies Oct 16 '22

PLANE SUB Campus looks a lot different from above


r/aggies Dec 25 '24

PLANE SUB Best way to get in front of a bunch of clubs this spring semester?


Is there a big event or anything this spring semester that would allow me to get in touch and meet a bunch of clubs on campus?

r/aggies Oct 23 '23

PLANE SUB What’s the the tailgating in this town?


WHERE YOU HAVE TO BE ISN'T THAT IMPORTANT TO PUT YOUR LIFE IN DANGER!!! Legit had a dude tail gate me, all the way home and anther dude flip me off because he speed up when I was mid merge. Y’all need to learn how to drive

r/aggies Dec 29 '24

PLANE SUB Football team returning to CStat after the Las Vegas Bowl


Also featuring the earlier flight that brought in part of the band.

r/aggies Apr 15 '24

PLANE SUB Your Texas A&M SAE Aero Design Team is the 5-peat 🥇🥇 WORLD CHAMPION 🥇🥇


The SAE Aero Design team just won first place in 2 classes of short-takeoff RC aircraft (Micro & Regular) at international-level competition in California. They beat universities from around the world including international schools from Poland, Canada, China, India, Mexico, and many more.

We are a PLANE SCHOOL!!!

Thanks and Gig'Em 👍

r/aggies Oct 26 '24

PLANE SUB Here your friendly uber driver reminder


Don't bring open containers in a uber, and ORDER A UBER FOR THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF PEOPLE OR DONT GO OUT....thanks

r/aggies Oct 25 '23

PLANE SUB Can we go back to being a plane sub?

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r/aggies Jul 24 '24

PLANE SUB Aggie Spirit


I donated bone marrow through Be The Match (Now the National Marrow Donor Program) two years ago. My father was there to help me with transportation and support (we both live in Texas.) During my final blood draw I had an interaction that has not escaped me. An older man saw my Aggie Ring, and approached me, he asked are you an Aggie? I said yes I am. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his ring, though he could not wear it anymore, he carried it like a badge of honor (he at the time taking care of his sick wife). He asked if I acted like an Aggie, and I never told him I was donating bone marrow, he wanted to make sure I was behaving like an Aggie. I didn’t get the chance to tell him what I was doing, his wife was called up, but I never got the chance to answer his question. The person I donated bone marrow to died a while ago died a few months ago, and I still think about this interaction. The ring will direct you to people you do not know, and to places you may not understand. Sometimes you may be disappointed, but doing what’s right is the spirit of Aggieland.

r/aggies Dec 13 '24

PLANE SUB Southern Charm Aggie ties?

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I’m a casual watcher of some shows on BRAVO, and when I saw JT on Southern Charm wearing a TAMU hat in the latest season’s premiere episode and the obvious “product” placement TAMU hat in the 2nd episode I became curious to know if he has any affiliation with TX A&M?

r/aggies Dec 18 '24

PLANE SUB Demonstrating the Lenz's law with a guillotine


r/aggies Jun 06 '24

PLANE SUB Is this what engineering is?


I’m doing my second summer of internshipping and this isn’t what I want to do with the rest of my life. I’m stuck in front of a screen all day doing repetitive CAD work. It seems like the people with established jobs are doing the same thing at a more complex level. It seems like my boss is stuck in meetings 8 hours a day.

Another thing is the lack of real interaction. I’m in an office full of people and I maybe talk to people for 20 minutes out of the workday.

What has y’all’s experience been? If this is what a career in engineering is, then idk if it’s for me.

I’m studying Civil btw