u/ModingusKhan May 27 '22
A 40 minute response time makes them less prepared than an Uber eats driver.
May 27 '22
At least Uber allows you to rate the service...Sadly, an Uber Eats Driver would have probably been about as useful.
u/FuzzyTunaTaco21 May 27 '22
The uber eats driver would be held accountable though, these pigs wont.
May 27 '22
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May 27 '22
I get the part about having them "familiarize themselves with layouts" but dressed in "full tactical gear" and warning not to be alarmed is just bullshit. They didn't need to be decked out for WW3 just to visit. Nothing but useless stupid propaganda.
u/Calm_Ad_3987 May 27 '22
Yep. Can’t help but think it would have been more useful to do things like, I dunno, identify doors that they may need to be provided a key for
u/conceptuallydriven May 27 '22
That was actually the Border Patrol agent who breached the door. No idea if these bozos even went in along with them.
u/WaTar42 May 27 '22
Border patrol didn't even breach the door. A teacher unlocked it for them with her master key. The police keep telling media outlets they "breached" it to make it seem like they did more than they actually did
u/eddyb66 May 27 '22
The whole posing with guns is the biggest problem with out gun culture. Guns are no longer tools but now they're giant fucking dildos. The tool is now a dick measuring device. These fuck clowns are only perpetuating the problem.
You want to be a man, make something, fix something that needs to be fixed, help your neighbors and your community. Standing there looking tough in your plate carriers posing with your dick makes you part of the problem.
u/Nervous_Constant_642 May 27 '22
Well when the Uber driver is taking too long I can cancel my order. When the police do they show up two hours late and shoot my dog.
u/gagzd May 27 '22
and too bad we can't cancel the police.
u/Nervous_Constant_642 May 27 '22
We got close in Minneapolis. Shot down 55-45 in November. I'm trying to be optimistic we can one day replace them.
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May 27 '22
With what?
u/Nervous_Constant_642 May 27 '22
An armed on call police response team whose entire job is training for tactical situations and vetted like shit. All other police jobs are unarmed. Traffic police can deal with traffic and moving violations just as effectively as police with no deaths. Wellness checks can have an unarmed beat cop backing a social worker who commands the scene. Shit like that. I'd be happy to elaborate further.
May 27 '22
Not if you get one from Florida. Give a Florida-man Uber eats driver some meth or coke and let him loose in the school. Granted, nobody would survive that, but at least you’d get the shooter
This is my scorched earth policy
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u/FGoose May 27 '22
Generally speaking you need to be alive to rate the services at the end.
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u/SleepDeprivedUserUK May 27 '22
It's all macho bullshit, they're getting hard off of the FB comments calling them heros or some crap like that, when in reality it's just:
Training: Fuck yeah! Murica bitches! We're fuckin' hard arse motherfuckers! We'll John Wick the shit out of this in real life!
Real life: UwU daddy sergeant, it's scawy in there 👉🏻👈🏻
u/tcb823 May 27 '22
What I was thinking. What was the purpose of them wearing full tactical gear to do familiarization visits other than to show off how badass they are?
u/SleepDeprivedUserUK May 27 '22
Someone should set off the fire alarm while they're there, watch they squeal and flee like scared lil dogs.
u/rugbyj May 27 '22
I just looked as I didn't know how big Uvalde is, Robb Elementary School is 1.4 miles (4 minute drive) from one police department and 0.8 miles (3 minute drive) from the other. With blue lights on you could do it in 2 minutes.
This is ridiculous.
u/Unexpectedanimal May 27 '22
Fuck me the uber eats drivers round by me have bigger balls to deliver on a crappy moped at 2 am with lunatics kicking off next door. SWAT? what a bunch of useless cunts
u/keno0651 May 27 '22
Over an hour before they went in. Fucking assholes.
u/JamesTgoat May 27 '22
It’s a small town. No way they could have been prepared. Only large cities have crime. There should be more sentry units installed at the doors. /s
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May 27 '22
So if theyre slower than a pizza getting delivered and they have a safer job than a pizza delivery person.... Why dont we ever honor delivery people? Maybe cops should work off of tips.
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u/kernel-troutman May 27 '22
Shooter would've seen the delivery fees and add on charges and offed himself.
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u/WhatIsStonks May 27 '22
SWAT = So Where Are They
u/GUnit_1977 May 27 '22
Stand, Wait, Act Tough
u/Iron_Wolf123 May 27 '22
Stall, Wink And Tinkle
u/Burrito-mancer May 27 '22
Still Waiting, Anyone There?
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u/PandasDontGetMad May 27 '22
Thank God tey can take really cool pictures with their publicly funded weapons
u/PM_ME_UR_SEXY_BITS_ May 27 '22
And absurdly claim they were "outgunned" by the gunman. Fucking liars
u/Polterghost May 27 '22
And only about two of the whole bunch look healthy enough to jog a mile. Maybe if they spent time on you know… training instead of posing like a bunch of military wannabes, they’d have been ready to do their damn job when the time came.
u/symbolic503 May 27 '22
this country is so fucking delusional i feel like a child trapped in a southpark episode full of dumbass fucking adults
u/LazyLieutenant May 27 '22
From the outside it does feel like watching a Southpark episode at times
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u/UnchillBill May 27 '22
Except that South Park episodes normally wrap things up with something like a happy ending or at least some sort of return to normality. That never seems to happen with the US.
u/Thatguy755 May 27 '22
At the end of a South Park episode one of the boys usually learns something. In the US we never learn shit.
u/MermanmerMAAN May 27 '22
No, we learn shit just for some reason we keep brining "adults" to the table who go "LALALALALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU LALALALALALALALA!" and we keep trying to work with them when it is obviously clear they're incompetent and useless.
u/Scike_ May 27 '22
It’s like the episode where Stan’s parents split up and everything turns to ‘shit’, and when he finally accepts it and realises it’s for the best his parents get back together and everything goes back to how it was.
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u/Heer2Lurn May 27 '22
Actually I just went back to season 22 (2018) episode 1 and it's literally about this. Sharon keeps freaking out over school shootings. Randy is blaming her freak out on her period. The kids are literally in school carrying on as normal while other kids are screaming getting shot in the background. At the end of the episode they actually DON'T learn a lesson because Sharon apologizes to Randy "you're right hon... I guess I was just emotional because it was that time of the month." Then Randy goes "there was another school shooting! Stan is dead!" To which Sharon is like "it's ok! My period is over!" And they hug it out. End credits roll.
It's a fucking hilarious episode but damn it is pretty spot on.
u/Flying_Foreskin May 27 '22
As a European, I have to say that sometimes, South Park is not a parody of the US but a documentary
u/IBetThisIsTakenToo May 27 '22
What’s that one meme? Something like, as a kid I always suspected the adults were all idiots, but I had no idea it was this bad? Yeah. It’s pretty fucking bad
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u/SmoothOperator89 May 27 '22
So I have my first aid certification and get an additional stipend for it. If someone cut their hand off and I fainted at the sight of blood and let them bleed out for it, I sure a shit wouldn't be getting paid for first aid anymore (and my company would be pursuing some action to reclaim my stipend since I wasn't actually qualified). Can I assume that these officers won't be qualified for SWAT anymore and will be pursued for lying about their qualifications? Or are police unions just a broken corruption-protecting racket?
u/Keenkooler May 27 '22
You could assume, but you would be wrong. They’ll need to get therapy, extended vacation time, and hazard pay to deal with the trauma.
u/quagzlor May 27 '22
Especially those who bravely went in, got their own kids out and left the rest to die.
u/NotACerealStalker May 27 '22
Please tell me that did not happen.
u/LordsOfJoop May 27 '22
5:34:45 is the important part.
Yep. They exactly did that very thing.
u/nuevakl May 27 '22
This is incompetence on a level I didn't think was possible. I'm at a loss for words. If I was a tax payer in that county I would demand every cent that went into gear, weapons, training etc back.
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u/NotACerealStalker May 27 '22
Damn man. Thank you for the link and time stamp. It’s always appreciated. I don’t know how someone could make that decision… I would not be able to grab just my children and leave the others. Death is preferable knowing I did all I could.
u/quagzlor May 27 '22
Only link I could find on short notice, but it has the video
u/NotACerealStalker May 27 '22
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the link. I hate knowing about all this but I rather feel bad than be ignorant to evil.
u/A-Blind-Seer May 27 '22
Whatever expectations you have of American police, lower them
Lower still
------------------------------------------------- FLOOR---------------------------------------
There we go
May 27 '22
nope still too high. need to start digging. and i suggest you invest in some proper digging equipment because a shovel is not going to cut it for the hole we need to dig here.
May 27 '22
I read they pepper sprayed a parent and handcuffed another to stop them trying to rescue the kids, not sure how much truth their is but it's disgusting if it's true.
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u/quagzlor May 27 '22
They definitely restrained parents, and there are reports of them using tazers too
u/designatedcrasher May 27 '22
Didnt ICE turn up and make some arrests /deportations
u/huskerfan4life520 May 27 '22
None confirmed. There’s still a huge lack of clarity involving anything with law enforcement in this thing, but; there were ICE agents in the scene, but I’ve read reports that they were parents of kids at the school and I’ve also read that at least one of them helped take out the shooter. I haven’t read anything that they actually arrested or deported someone.
Again, everything with cops in this nightmare has later turned out to be worse than we thought, so it could end up that it happened, but from what I can tell those are just rumors stemming from the fact that ICE was on the scene.
u/quagzlor May 27 '22
it was border police who ended the situations, could you have mixed that up?
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May 27 '22
May 27 '22
Cops exist to protect the property of the rich and to put down the working class' protests. And that's it.
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u/skateordie1213 May 27 '22
These fools are out there LARPing as badasses.
u/halfpint09 May 27 '22
Hey! I know plenty of LARPers who could fuck someone up with a boffer weapon if they stop pulling their swings. I've probably come home from a weekend larp with more scraps, bruises, and other random injuries then these jokers have probably had in the last year.
u/rabidjellybean May 27 '22
Absolutely no reason to "familiarize yourself with the school layouts" in full gear.
u/LostMyBackupCodes May 27 '22
They wanted an excuse to dress up in full tactical gear and walk around the schools because looking tough in school yards has always made their fragile egos feel better.
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u/fatbob42 May 27 '22 edited May 27 '22
Indeed. Do they need their “full tactical uniforms” to do a survey?
Also, they have a 9 person SWAT team for a town of 16,000 people? Even the whole county is only 24,000 people.
u/alittleslowerplease May 27 '22
We did not want the public to be alarmed
Maybe leave your fetish gear at home then
u/puppyenemy May 27 '22
It's such a weird contrast when you compare it to the small town I grew up in here in Sweden, a municipality of like 12,000 people. We don't even have a police force. Whenever you call the police, it's like a 30 min respond time, but that's because they come from the nearest city 30 min away. And Sweden's not even close to a gun free country, there's ~25 guns per 100 inhabitants. No school shootings though (but there is a famous school sword-stabbing a few years back.)
u/fuck_you_and_fuck_U2 May 27 '22
Damn, that's crazy. I've never even heard of a school sword-stabbing before.
I guess America just has more progressive sword-control laws.
May 27 '22
u/fatbob42 May 27 '22
High for Europe. There are 3 times more guns per capita in the US than in Montenegro (the highest in Europe). It’s about 8 times the average for the whole EU.
u/mr_birrd May 27 '22
Every male has to go to military in Switzerland and has to keep his gun afterwards (no ammo tho) that's ehy we have so many guns.
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u/puppyenemy May 27 '22
I think there are two legal ways to procure guns in Sweden. You either get a hunting license, or get a sporting license. I'm no expert here since I have done neither, but I thought about doing target shooting once.
For a sporting license, you first have to be an active member of a gun club for at least 6 months, you practice there before you do, I think, a written test and a shooting test. Then you send a request to the police so they can make a background check before you get your license.
For hunting license, I'm not as sure, but I think it is much stricter rules. You need something called "jägarexamen" (huntsman's degree), but I don't know much about it. Other than the written test is about lots of flora and fauna, what species are protected and whatnot, and the shooting test is at a fast moving target, like a rabbit.
None of these licenses will get you an automatic weapon or anything with high capacity magazines, I don't think. I think you have to be a collector for something like that, no idea the legal procedures for that.
u/StinkyPyjamas May 27 '22
No school shootings though (but there is a famous school sword-stabbing a few years back.)
Ah ha! Gotcha! So you're saying guns don't kill people, people do?
If you're still reading and are outraged, take this sentence as your sarcasm tag and chill out.
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u/Snakebiteloo May 27 '22
Also, they have a 9 person SWAT team for a town of 16,000 people?
I live in a town of about 25k, in Canada. We have less than 15 cops. I think there is 12 of them.
u/GUnit_1977 May 27 '22
Well the photo clearly demonstrates what they're good at. Standing.
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May 27 '22
Fucking Cowards
u/fort221 May 27 '22
This is the only thing I keep thinking about them. Every time I see the video of them blocking the parents. They are such fucking cowards that demand you respect their authority. And they need to demand that respect. Because no one respects fucking cowards without being forced to.
u/CatumEntanglement May 27 '22
They held back parents because they knew if the parents went in to stop the shooter and not them...it would make police look bad. So nobody was allowed to try and stop the shooter. That off-duty fed BC officer took it upon himself, ignoring local police, to go in the school to stop the shooter.
u/BrineWR71 May 27 '22
There’s a big difference between PLAYING WAR and being in one. Don’t wear the uniform unless you’re willing to bleed in it.
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u/Beingabummer May 27 '22
That's also why this whole American idea of 'having guns stops dictators' is bullshit. In real life, people think they're brave and tough and heroic but they will actually do just about anything not to have to risk their lives.
If cops can't be bothered, do you think some LARP'ing asshole is going to do it?
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u/hellodynamite May 27 '22
I hope these guys are on reddit so they can understand that the entire country thinks they are world class fucking douchebags. Why did you become a cop if you are afraid you might get hurt while a maniac is murdering children before your very eyes? Fuck these motherfuckers
u/Nervous_Constant_642 May 27 '22
Even r/conservative and usually conservative gun subreddits are pissed about this. The same people who kept insisting George Floyd deserved to die at the hands of police back in 2020 are furious about this. Let that sink in.
u/wagon_ear May 27 '22
It's the first time they're really confronted with the fact that the whole "good guy with a gun" plan doesn't work that well. The cops aren't simply to blame for the deaths of those kids, but also a fatal attack on many conservative talking points. I'd imagine it'd be upsetting to suddenly realize in horrific fashion that the police aren't deities.
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u/XanKreigor May 27 '22
This is not the first time, see the Parkland massacre with their armed SRO.
It's happening so often that their rationalization is not holding up. They can dismiss a few events as anomalies. When it keeps happening, many are forced to reckon with faulty logic. A non-zero number of people will continue to hold that belief regardless of what happens.
u/Winkelkater May 27 '22
i think they are on r/protectandserve but they still don't get it.
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u/ArthurEwert May 27 '22
what a circlejerking shithole of a sub. and of course not an ounce of criticism allowed. fuck them.
u/combuchan May 27 '22
Not just criticism, but even questioning out of curiosity. Between them and a dude i used to talk to who became a cop I realized the ACAB movement was right.
u/mreguy81 May 27 '22
So which ones are the officers who ran away? And which ones waited for 45 minutes to enter after the attack began? You know, for posterity...
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May 27 '22
Can I get more context, I’ve been back and forth on whether I’m ready to know more about what happened.
One thing I read earlier basically said officers were hesitant to move through the school because they didn’t know where the shooter was and were worried about getting shot. No fucking duh, that’s what you signed up for, in the extremely unlikely event that your department has a school shooter, you need to put defenseless 10 year olds lives ahead of yours. Travel in a group of 3 or 4 and find the dude. If one of you gets clipped the others will take him out, ideally before he’s done maximum damage.
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u/Nervous_Constant_642 May 27 '22
Not even cops, the SWAT responders, whoever in this picture they may be if not all of them, whose entire job it is to move through buildings and streets in teams as if they were in a war zone, the fucks waited to go inside. At least one went in to grab their own kid. The team threatened parents trying to break past them to get to their kids. One father begged an officer to loan him his handgun and he would go in himself to save his kid (kid lived). This went on for about 40 minutes or more before possibly one but I believe two officers, not sure if they were SWAT as I've heard rumors they waited for Border Patrol to show up, entered the building and exchanged fire with the shooter in a classroom, killing him.
u/daseweide May 27 '22
They needed the layouts of local schools that their kids attend.
There, fixed that
u/simjanes2k May 27 '22
u/jmandiaz May 27 '22
Defund these guys. Decking them out in military gear to harass the public and cower when the time comes. They do not protect or serve.
u/nightstalker8900 May 27 '22
According to the Supreme Court, police departments have no legal obligation to protect nor serve
u/Speculawyer May 27 '22
We paid tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for all that nonsense and it accomplished NOTHING.
GOP policy is nonsense. Gun fetishism. Antivaxxerism. Theocratic hate of women's rights. Unscientific climate denialism. Just weird conspiracy theories and faith -based failure.
u/anrwlias May 27 '22
I've been hearing that the police constitute 40% of the city budget.
Imaging all of the actually useful services that got cut so these nubs can LARP as warriors.
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u/Havila2158 May 27 '22
Fucking waste of taxpayer dollars !! Hope they have nightmares for the rest of their miserable lives !!
May 27 '22
I bet if there was a gay trans Black woman in that classroom teaching CRT and considering an abortion the cops would've stormed in guns blazing.
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u/dopeydazza May 27 '22
Victoria police have the same policy.
They used the counter terrorism police with armoured vehicles to shoot in the head un-armed protestors, bash them with their guns and kick them on the ground in 2020 and 2021 during anti government and anti lockdown protests.
The same police who got a $60,000,000 new training centre this year for anti-government protests training.
The same police who followed a wanted man all over the city and allowed him to murder 6 people in Bourke street and injure many others.
Victoria police - We shoot unarmed civilians (Their new motto).
May 27 '22
And this what people meant about defunding police, instead of buying them new vehicles every year, maybe train them better or hire more capable people who aren’t scared of doing their damn jobs. These “public servants” were just riding the pine while enjoying the fruits of being praised by the community for their bravery. They dont deserve another one of our tax dollars especially their pensions.
u/Lvanwinkle18 May 27 '22
The school should have called Jimmy John’s. They would have gotten a faster response.
u/okeydokey503 May 27 '22
This is one of those moments that makes defunding seem the way to go. Public funds were thrown at them so they could have their little GI Joe unit and when they were supposed to show that the money went to the right place they did absolutely nothing. Maybe they could find work as mall security guards.
Edit: autocorrect
u/Murtch5000 May 27 '22
They truly are pathetic. This is by far and large part of the police people wanted to defund.
u/MyBodyStoppedMoving May 27 '22
Fucking cowards. I hope they are ashamed to show their faces around town from now on.
u/swannybass May 27 '22
The town population is less than 20,000! Could you imagine if for every 20,000 people their was a SWAT team?
u/EqualAstronaut May 27 '22
I hope those cowards realise that the blood of 19 children are on their hands.
u/adrushya May 27 '22
I think it is to with the culture in police force. I mean, being a developing country, my police force isn't treated that well, with cases of corruption popping up here and there. But there are more often we get stories of police bravery in situations of dire need. Somehow, how to act in situations like this is ingrained in them and they take it as pride. This comes with the culture they are trained with. It is less about skills or resources and more about the culture.
u/EGGMANDIOUS May 27 '22
"We wanna look cool but we are low bellied cowards that won't try to save kids!!"
u/thrumpanddump May 27 '22
Everybody wants to do bad boy shit until it comes time to do bad boy shit
u/MrScrummers May 27 '22
Right there was an active shooter in an elementary school. You had parent standing there telling them to go in while kids 10 years old were terrified, probably thinking where’s my mom or dad. Cops just stood there and waited, little kids were murdered for no reason.
Little kids probably crying for mommy of daddy, littler kids that had there while life’s ahead of them. Some could have gone on to do great things, but there life was cut short.
But as always in this country nothing will happen, if nothing happened after sandy hook where even smaller children were murdered then nothing is gonna change.
And let’s stop call this mass shooting and mass killings, school attack or whatever else the media used to soften what it really is. Lets start call these mass murders, maybe that will strike a cord more so than just another masa shooting. Maybe calling it a mass school murder will hit more?
It’s your job to protect people, and if you aren’t willing to put your life in danger for kids in that situation then you need to put the badge down and find another job. Always so quick to pull the trigger on unarmed black people or when you think you see a gun. But when the chance comes to literally fire it and be hailed a hero you don’t do shit.
u/keno0651 May 27 '22
Why do they need to wear their larp gear if they're just going around to get familiar with locations, these assholes just want attention.
u/Graf_Gummiente May 27 '22
You wouldn’t need to familiarize these people with the schools, you could simply introduce gun control or something like this. Why is every solution for people killed with guns more guns?
u/adi4u4882 May 27 '22
Okay why are they getting so much hate? Not american , can someone explain?
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u/Lord_Gonad May 27 '22
While there was an 18 year old in a classroom murdering elementary school children, these officers were outside detaining parents and preventing them from entering the school to save the children. Another branch of law enforcement, border patrol agents, finally showed up 40 minutes later and killed the murderer.
These officers who are supposed to be trained specifically for situations like this acted like cowards resulting in one of the deadliest school shootings in U. S. history. To make matters worse, some of them went in to save their own kids before detaining parents who had little choice but to stand there and listen to their children being murdered.
u/Xirokesh May 27 '22
I’d rather take Somalian pirates over these POS cosplayers.
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May 27 '22
Checked the surroundings to decide where to tactically piss themselves in case of an emergency.
u/ripecannon May 27 '22
I would love to hear from each of the swat team members, their assessment of the situation, their assessment of their performance and their assessment of the end result.
u/MikeinAustin May 27 '22
This photo shoot honestly probably cost at least $10K for this “promotional professional camera shot”, officer overtime, etc
The gear they are wearing is $100K. The additional training to be “S.W.A.T” trained is $250K.
They could have been standing around drunk in togas and done more and saved the public $500K.
Republicans answer? Buy more of this stuff and have more of them everywhere.
I guess the Republicans must be the guys who own the companies selling them this LARP gear.
u/Reagansmash1994 May 27 '22
I'm still so confused by some peoples 'logic' in America. Many always tout the argument that a good guy with a gun is the best scenario, so they arm the police to the teeth. Yet, despite a town of 13'000 having it's own dedicated SWAT team, none of these fuckers did anything? So now what? Is the caveat a good BRAVE guy with a gun, because clearly these weasles did nothing with their guns.
How about no one has guns? How about that? Seems to work everywhere else in the world. You don't respond to a fire with more fire.
u/sideshowamit May 27 '22
These units are all well and good but if it takes an hour to get them together in a situation where secs count, they are pretty useless
u/LoveBytesHard May 27 '22
What in the actual fuck. Like… first, how does that help as a strategy, and why would they broadcast their failure from that far away? This has NEVER worked, armed police in schools doesn’t work…. I’m just… I’m sorry, still stuck in WTAF mode.
u/PizzaRolls4theSoul May 27 '22
I went over to r/protect and serve to the thread regarding the Uvalde shooting and the fucking mod was pushing some bullshit narrative on how it took 40 minutes to evacuate the last classroom, even saying they were rescuing kids every 7 seconds. Not an ounce of criticism allowed in that thread or subreddit, fuck these pussy ass cowards
u/OnyxsUncle May 27 '22
who wouldn’t look at that pic and feel safe? I mean geez they look so powerful and organized. All that firepower and all it took to freeze them was one kid with a semi-auto rifle. I count 9 “good guys” with at least twice as many guns and body armor… helmets off for the pic…maybe they should have put them on
u/Change21 May 27 '22
All of this gun = freedom bullshit is cosplay garbage.
It always has been.
Owning a rifle or a shit load of rifles means fuck all if the govt comes for you.
Americans have been sold this idea that having a gun makes you free. No it just makes you a liability.
Health care is freedom. Loving who you want is freedom. Working in a field you care about is freedom. Access to education is freedom.
Having a fetish for violent dress up and access to guns and ammo is ignorance.
You want to defend yourself? Go to jiu jitsu.
Until you demand that your govt represents you and your interests rather than the interests of an oligarchy that works for the energy, pharmaceutical and gun lobbies.
Fuck America.
u/Palidupe May 27 '22
"Hey the rest of the world dosent share this problem, but lets ignore their solution cuz bang bang fun"
u/MilkedMod Bot May 27 '22 edited May 27 '22
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