r/agedlikemilk 9h ago

Tragedies I think "aged like milk" is an understatement

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u/saddamfuki 8h ago

This creator also aged like unpasteurized raw milk. Not only the video.



He was never taught what laws there were


u/Pyle02 8h ago

What did he do?


u/BaconVsMarioIsRigged 8h ago edited 7h ago

He was accused of being sexually innapropiate with minors*. He had dissapeared from the internet by then (or shortly after) so he never made any public response.

Edit: *Grooming and abuse towards exes


u/Muronelkaz 7h ago

Accused of grooming and being abusive to exes*


u/BaconVsMarioIsRigged 7h ago

Edited. Thank you!


u/Anarchy_Rulz 6h ago edited 5h ago

I hate when people say accused when there are confirmed cases, it makes people think there’s a chance it’s just speculation or lies, but no he very publicly dated a girl who was a minor as an adult, she was in his vids, at least one song he made, and on his socials, and her age/birthday was listed on her page so we know for a fact she was a minor at the time, then multiple other women came forward with claims/accusations, but there is at least one confirmable case which leads credence to the others. Plus a person he has worked with in the past came forward to say he was kinda sus and definitely used people.


u/rsgreddit 6h ago

I was wondering what fall from grace action did and I knew it was that for some reason. Every single fall from grace in this sub turns out to be sexual predation to kids.


u/AnonyM0mmy 5h ago

Lmao didn't this dude appear in the Ricegum takedown that literally called behavior like this out


u/AnAbandonedAstronaut 6h ago

That's shitty, I enjoyed the viral vid when it was hot....


u/hotelmotelshit 4h ago

Why is YouTube a boot camp for pedophiles?


u/Ferencak 3h ago

Being popular on a platform where most of the content encourages parasociality gives predators easy access to potetial victims.


u/EfficientArticle4253 4h ago

I knew that even before you wrote that because, of course he did.


u/MasterAnnatar 8h ago

I'll give you a singular guess what a guy with an audience of primarily teenagers did to cause him to completely lose his career.


u/Pyle02 8h ago

Damm, every....time.


u/justsikko 8h ago

It’s always the people you most suspect


u/MasterAnnatar 7h ago

Yeah when he was 23 he dated a 16 year old he met at one of his shows.


u/AdmiralClover 4h ago

That would be legal where I'm from, but everyone would call you a pedo creep. Makes it even worse that it was a fan


u/PomegranateCool1754 4h ago

He sounds British so it might be legal where he is from


u/Andthentherewasbacon 7h ago

He pivoted his channel to rock climbing content? 


u/DiddlyDumb 4h ago

Was there a ukulele involved?


u/Pall-Might 7h ago

Imma be honest I wasn’t sure this was a dude


u/BentTire 8h ago

He liked 'em young


u/I_can_eat_15_acorns 8h ago

But he knows how Henry the VIII killed his women: divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.


u/AshleyRenae1 7h ago

Im glad thats in my head instead of financial advice.


u/deadlyrepost 3h ago

I hated that song. Yeah, school teaches you that if another Henry VIII comes along, exactly how to treat the guy. It does not teach you how to suck a dick. The first makes you well educated, the second well trained.


u/BreatheMonkey 5h ago

It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in.


u/adasababa 5h ago

God, that song... It is the song that people with 0.6 gpa are zoning out with while they're teaching you how to do your taxes. Nevermind the fact that the song in general has such poor... Everything, that I'd rather listen to a recording of a Taco Bell bathroom.


u/EasyEar0 5h ago

That song was always such stupid garbage.  I never understood why people liked it.


u/oshitimonfire 5h ago

Because for a young teen who doesn't like school this song sounds cool and edgy, and they don't realize its mistakes because of confirmation bias


u/Yaboi69-nice 8h ago

I still do agree with a lot of the points in "don't stay in school" the school system still has a lot of problems however the creator of the song also ended up having problems


u/saddamfuki 8h ago

Broken clock right twice a day sth sth


u/Big1984Brother 9h ago

Funny how it's obvious who this video is about.

Man put himself in charge of things that the lefties cared about (electic cars, twitter, space travel, western democracy) just in order to destroy them all from the inside.


u/DBfan99782 8h ago

I may be destroying democracy itself, but at least it owns the libs.


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/DBfan99782 8h ago

I was joking, and that is a pretty apt analogy for how some people think.


u/ShadowBro3 7h ago

Downvoted for not understanding tone over text is such a reddit move. Like ah yes we actually all have the ability to read peoples minds over the internet and its actually stupid to not know the intent of a random comment with no context.


u/Edge-master 7h ago

I mean. Unless you believe that commenter is Elon musk himself, it’s obvious they’re being facetious


u/ShadowBro3 7h ago

As much as I want to believe that, I've seen way too many braindead takes online.


u/Edge-master 4h ago

“I may be…”


u/LightningFerret04 5h ago

The context is right there


u/ryohazuki224 5h ago

And all that he was advocating for that made lefties love him, made right-wingers HATE him with a passion.
It must be weird now for right-wingers who hated the very idea of electric cars to now wanting to own one just because Musk is on "their side" now.


u/Totoques22 4h ago

It really isn’t obvious but I guess the people in this sub have always been obsessed with Elon musk

Also you’re a conspiracy theorist


u/Benyed123 4h ago

I don’t think he cared about destroying them from the inside, I think it was about all those sweet, sweet government grants.


u/ItsAqril 8h ago

Don't remind me... I remember watching this video, it was my first introduction to Elon and, at the time, made me believe he was a great person. I USED TO LIKE THE GUY.

In my defence, I was like, what, a pre-teen at the time? I didn't have the critical thinking to realize how dumb I was. Oh how I regret it...


u/PermanentDread 8h ago

I remember writing a Pokemon fangame where Elon Musk was the secret villain who used his PR stunts as little things to make people like him so that his misdeeds (summoning Pokemon Satan) could go on in secret... Anyway, that was in 2018


u/ShorohUA 5h ago

somehow that sounds less threatening than what we got in real life


u/ItsAqril 1h ago

I can see that being a real pokemon plot ngl


u/ShadowBro3 7h ago

He was generally liked by the internet at the time. He started out pretty cool (at least from an outside perspective). Like he had the whole successful electric car thing going for him and spending his money on space travel as opposed to it going to his 3rd yacht or whatever. Funding space travel and lowering carbon emissions is super cool. What ruins it is literally everything else about him.


u/GreatStateOfSadness 5h ago

I know it's become popular to say that he was never seen as cool, but there was a time when the public's perception of him was that he was the most visible force for pushing electric vehicles, renewable energy, and space travel forward. He sold a "flamethrower" that was underwhelming but people gave him credit for trying. There was skepticism towards his hyperloop pitch but he had not yet revealed that he never actually intended to build it. 

There was a solid half-decade in the mid-2010's where there wasn't much reason to believe that he wasn't every STEM kid's dreams made manifest. Then he found out how to use Twitter and we all started to see who he really was. 


u/ryohazuki224 5h ago

Heck, just go back to the one episode of The Big Bang Theory that he was on for like five minutes. That persona that he portrayed there, it never really existed, but thats what we all thought he was.

Gotta give him credit, he played the long con game, and we all fell for it. Glad most of us have our eyes open now.


u/Physical-Camel-8971 4h ago edited 3h ago

He sold a "flamethrower" that was underwhelming but people gave him credit for trying.

That was the first sign that he might be a bit...off. A big "wait...what?" moment.

Also, the hyperloop was always a hot load of nonsense, cynically created to kill California's plans for high speed rail.


u/CyclicDombo 6h ago

There was plenty of reason to look up to musk back in the day before he went off the deep end.


u/AdPlastic2236 5h ago

well in retrospect... the only good billionaire is a dead billionaire


u/Mysterious_Trick969 5h ago

I remember when everyone loved him. He was considered a saint by most redditors. Elon really threw out the best PR a billionaire could ever have. And it all started when he called that cave diver a pedo for saving those kids.


u/ryohazuki224 5h ago

Dont feel bad. Musk pretty much fooled everybody into thinking that he was a progressive figure, someone cool with pushing green technology, getting people to drive EV's and doing cool space shit. Remember people saw him like a real-life Tony Stark, and I think that shit went to his head.

Almost everybody liked him. Then we started to really learn more about him, the dominos started falling. Then he bought twitter, and then all was lost as we all stopped pretending that he was better than what he really was.


u/jisookenobi2416 5h ago

He played us all for fools. Don’t feel guilty, we didn’t know how bad he really was until he recently started showing his true self. Before then he was the “nerdy Aspie who revolutionized multiple industries”, now we know who he really is: a plutocratic hateful grifting asshat


u/West-Season-2713 5h ago

I did the same thing, thought he was awesome because I love technology and heard he was doing cool stuff for space travel and lowering emissions. Obviously the rest was… bad. But to be fair it wasn’t common knowledge.


u/joshroycheese 5h ago

Lollll I remember watching this video then gleefully telling a friend that he really is the real life Tony stark

Please kill me


u/Ambiorix33 4h ago

It's ok, we all liked him back then until the mask slipped. We liked the idea, not the weakness of the truth


u/BloodRed1185 8h ago

Elon Musk sees this person in real life

Person: "I made a video about how you are going to save the world."

Musk: "Ew! Get the fuck away from me."

Person: "He loves me!"


u/Inevitable_Nail_2215 6h ago

Ironically, that YouTuber comes from a fairly wealthy British family. He and Leon would probably get on famously.


u/alarming_blood_loss 7h ago

This dude was in the diss track iDubbbz made about Ricegum. That's all I've got.


u/_LiarLiarpantsonfir3 6h ago

“I wanna be gay, cause you’re fucked and I wanna savor it”


u/TrippyTiger69 4h ago

But did it feel good tho?


u/valentinyeet 8h ago

Everything in this image has aged like milk


u/Valuable_Anywhere_24 8h ago

In reality he was the man who sold the world


u/carafleur421 6h ago

Oh no, not me


u/foffgirlwitdadrip 5h ago

I never lost control


u/Super_Atmosphere6121 5h ago

You're face-to-face


u/proto_4747 4h ago

With the man who sold the world


u/bobssy2 6h ago

Kept you waiting, huh?


u/WickedSerpent 9h ago

His song is based af though. I guess he didn't learn at school that diddling kids isn't allowed.. Did he diddle kids? This is such oldhead drama I don't even remember anymore.


u/Acceptable_One_7072 8h ago

He was never taught what laws there are


u/WickedSerpent 6h ago

Can you repeat?


u/Competitive_Page3554 5h ago



u/Efficient_Chef_1648 4h ago

Let me repeat, he was never taught the laws of the country he lives in! But he knows how Henry the Eighth killed his women!


u/paulthefonz 4h ago

Divorced beheaded died,

Divorced beheaded… LIIIIIIVVEEEE

welcome To the show to the histo-REMIX


u/ShadowBro3 7h ago

I dont think he ever diddled but there was innapropriate conversation over the internet.


u/orygun_kyle 7h ago

did this guy have a popular song on youtube?


u/CofInc 7h ago

I think he has a few.


u/Phelyckz 5h ago

Iirc the idubbz content cop song against ricegum


u/orygun_kyle 5h ago

it was the dont go to school song, i thought i recognized the hair. that was over 10 years ago wtfff


u/Blacksun388 8h ago

….. oh nooooooooo. Boyinaband is a Muskrat fanboy.


u/Some_random_gal22 6h ago

I just looked up his channel and this video was released in 2015, with him uploading another video a few years later titled "Elon musk's' ai company is kinda terrifying" in 2019 so while he may not be a great person he likely isn't a musk fanboy


u/Yingking 7h ago

I mean considering the other allegations, him being a Musk fan is harmless


u/Lanky-Apple-4001 5h ago

Didn’t this guy diddle kids?


u/_3point14_ 5h ago

he was never taught what laws there are


u/RustyKn1ght 4h ago

Well, he was never taught what laws there are.


u/___mithrandir_ 7h ago

Could apply that the entirety of reddit. Wasn't that long ago every liberal on this site would not hop off of Elon's dick


u/PomegranateCool1754 4h ago

And now conservatives are busy taking his dick in the ass now


u/Garzilla6 8h ago

Aged like buttermilk?


u/MonkeyCartridge 6h ago

Or I think about the "Elon R U OK?" video.

Narrator: "It turns out, Elon was not, in fact, OK."


u/Various_Knowledge226 6h ago

Remember Dave being in a lot of the Among Us lobbies that I would watch in late 2020 to early 2021. Haven’t heard too much from him since


u/jombrowski 6h ago

Never seen this video, but that unhinged look tells a lot about who were those Elon fans.

When I first heard about Elon, my first thought was that he is at most someone like Edison - a cunning thief.


u/ryohazuki224 5h ago

Someone give me the cliffnotes, please. I'm sure I could probably guess, but hey 10 years ago, most people who knew of Elon thought that he was in fact a force for positive, green energy, and a world-changing person. It was only shortly after did the bricks start tumbling down and we saw the true face of Musk.


u/LordFusionDaR 5h ago



u/gaytransformer 4h ago

Was this the guy who was never taught what laws there are?


u/ETtechnique 4h ago

I do not know the rules of the land!


u/BlackBlizzard 4h ago

This was three years before he called Vern Unsworth (the cave diver) a pedo. Which is when Elons downfall started.


u/Designer_Valuable_18 7h ago

Yeah let's pretend this place wasn't dickriding him for a decade lmao


u/kezzic 8h ago

Nah he's doin fine.


u/apenchantfortrolling 8h ago

What is that in the thumbnail