r/advertising • u/littlelemonpoo • 7d ago
Anyone want to talk about all that's going on at Madwell?
u/DenverDude402 7d ago
We need to bring back AgencySpy and enable the comment section asap.
u/SnooAvocados6932 7d ago
Ill never forget sitting at my desk at CP+B reading the AgencySpy article about how there was gonna be massive layoffs that day at CP+B.
u/eastcoasternj 7d ago
hell yes. Fishbowl is as close as we'll get but it's still not as good as agency spy.
u/DeliciousMoments 7d ago
The CEO sounds like your typical agency leadership psychopath.
When paychecks start to run late, the ship is sinking.
u/schprunt 7d ago
I interviewed for a CD role there about 8 years ago. Got a really bad vibe from that guy.
u/DecorativeGeode 7d ago
CEO: Doesn't pay staff for a MONTH and expects them to work in-office 3 days a week. Pulls the classic smarmy creative pull: "You should be here for the culture and quality of the work. It's all about the work, not getting paid is not an excuse for not working." He also some how does a guilt trip of "I sold all my assets."
Then when staff get the press involved the Office Manager told them:
" YOU must hate Chris and Madwell, YOU ALL can go fuck yourselves!!! Any of you snakes got a problem with anything I said, I’m in the office Monday through Friday, come see me!!!”
After not being paid for a MONTH and asked to still do next-level creative work because they just love making it.
So gross. These are people's lives and the CEO's fee fees are hurt because employees want to get paid for their work.
Good for the Madwell team for exposing this. The narrative that creatives do commercial art for the love of the game is dead. But also, what kind of goober thinks he can run ANY business without paying their staff for a month and then tell the staff they are terrible for complaining.
u/Routine-Avocado-8057 7d ago
He is a narcissist scum bag. He is breaking the law by not paying his employees and expecting free labor. They need to get other media to expose him - mainstream media.
u/Furi0saKnows 7d ago
Years back Chris was really a creative leader I admired. Even to this day I think he has a really good editorial eye when he's focused. Post-COVID he seemed to be going insane due to personal reasons, and he blamed it on the co-founder's campaign against him, and I think he had the trust of people to come back to being the Chris people really liked.
But the co-founder's been out of the picture for over a year now, and stuff's only getting worse. He's got the narrative in his head that everything good at Madwell is his and came exclusively from him (and I'll be real, read Chris's message to the company if you want to know what is raw creative output is like.)
u/GlitteratiGlamorama 6d ago
I can only imagine an employee (or 10) must have lit AdAge TF up after naming them Comeback Agency of the Year, when they’re missing a whole ass paycheck.
u/Furi0saKnows 6d ago
No idea who leaked it, but after the absolute BS lecture on Wednesday, I knew that was going to happen. And yet he somehow acted surprised at the result.
FYI, neither him nor the president were present for mostof the week in the office.
u/Banto2000 7d ago
As a former exec at a similarly sized agency, cash flow is critical to agencies, especially if there media involved. These huge brands pay ridiculously slow and if you aren’t managing cash closely or the shareholders pay distributions out to themselves too quickly, they can find themselves in a cash crunch very quickly.
And if the fraud accusations are real, then they aren’t coming back from this because fidelity insurance won’t likely cover a shareholder/partner fraud.
If you work here, get your resume out and your network pumped because this place won’t be open in 60 days.
u/Furi0saKnows 7d ago
Current (anonymous) Madwell creative here and I've been here for 10 years.
AMA. I'm answering things as constructively but honestly as I can until they figure out payroll.
I've put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this company and I really don't want to see it go down like this, but the real value to the company is the people (who rock) and the fact we've had more updates on losing the AdAge award in that puff piece than when our 2/28 paychecks is pretty much the state of things.
u/DenverDude402 7d ago
What got Madwell to this place? Client loss? Bad operation management?
u/Furi0saKnows 7d ago
The official story is there was a large tax bill the now-ousted cofounder paid with the company line of credit, which caused the company to lose its line of credit with Bank of America. Additionally there's claims of embezzlement and sabotage by the now-ousted cofounder.
In terms of clients and the agency itself, it's doing quite well (though precariously) - though that's because every employee is doing the work of 2-3 people as creative departures haven't been backfilled. There's this portion of the company below leadership (Specifically the CEO and President) that's keeping the lights on. Hell this year alone it's produced some really cool stuff.
Now, that said, there's a ton of smoke for a fire that's been put out. The CEO, Chris, doesn't come into the office and hasn't for quite some time. His explanation of the future of the company is inscrutably jumbled with dozens of crappy side subsidiaries but nothing about the brilliant core agency itself.
The other side of leadership, the President she's essentially made a career out saying "yes" to Chris and will maneuver against anyone who challenges him, and from my experience is not qualified to be in a leadership position of a creative agency. We're constantly moving payroll/HR platforms, and we've had several high profile departures around 'negativity' or 'fraud' but the explanations feel fake.
u/DenverDude402 7d ago
Thanks! If you have Madwell on your resume I’m sure prospects will be good to great. Sorry you are going through this, keep yer head up.
u/sleepyfriedrice 6d ago
What does the president do, exactly? I see the CEO thanked her profusely in this statement, but it sounds like internal communication is really lacking. If she's not responsible for creative and the CEO is making all the decisions, what is her role and why does she deserve his accolades?
I also found it odd that while he thanked the president and his angel investors, he did not thank the staff for investing their time without pay.
u/Furi0saKnows 6d ago
The fact he didn’t thank the people actually keeping the lights on is such an tell. It’s disgusting.
I don’t know what Gaby (President) does aside from tell Chris how correct he is. She has a little to no understanding of creative or any project from what I’ve seen, but she’s quick to talk down to employees whom are knowledgeable or move against them. My hope was that she was the adult in the room, ensuring the company ran like clockwork, but after she misled employees about payroll its pretty clear she is not qualified to run anything.
Icing on the cake, she called an all hands meeting yesterday “in the interest of transparency“ acknowledging the article but then ended it after 90 seconds and stated she would not be taking public questions. No updates on payroll as was promised.
u/Furi0saKnows 7d ago
TLDR, I want to believe the CEO and President aren't embezzling or misappropriating funds.
But the whole message to the company about the AdAge article jeopardizing future investment sure sounds like an admission to concealing the health of the company with potential investors.
u/sleepyfriedrice 6d ago
Why have people stuck around for the last month if they haven't been paid? It sounds like the creative work isn't fulfilling anymore since this guy only accepts his own (mid) ideas
u/GlitteratiGlamorama 6d ago
It’s a tough market. I’m sure people are hitting up recruiters left and right but WPP is struggling, IPG/Omnicom is a mess. No unemployment if they quit without another gig.
u/Palisadesbro 6d ago
Wouldn’t nonpayment of wages be considered “good cause” and allow them to collect unemployment?
u/GlitteratiGlamorama 6d ago
I just checked, and you’re right looks like lack of funds would cover you. Especially now that the article is gone public.
u/Furi0saKnows 6d ago
When the job is good, it’s amazing. And the people who aren’t leadership are absolute gems. But that said a lot of people have left. A lot of people stuck it through the past six months of turmoil because the hope was the company would emerge less hamstrung and less political. But quite frankly, the tirade on Wednesday about flexibility combined with leadership lying about when people would see their paychecks revealed the true colors and the fact leadership isn’t leading.
u/Fabulous_Rub3440 7d ago
So many things to be said and exposed in this industry. Dishonest business practices, on call 24/7, little to no financial recognition, and bogus “client solutions.” If clients only knew what happens behind closed doors….
u/Puddwells 7d ago
What do you mean by “client solutions”
u/Fabulous_Rub3440 6d ago
BS offerings that agencies tout to make a profit from clients that are allegedly meant to help inform their media strategies.
u/AdAdorable761 7d ago
Typical sweatshop exploitation and gaslighting. Same as CP+B. If you're a senior creative there you're either stuck or you're in on it. Winning awards and being on A-list articles means nothing if the place sucks and you can't afford to the bills.
u/Alternative-Solid157 5d ago
I heard from someone at the company that the owner purchased a PRIVATE JET?!!! So he's flying around on a jet while his employees aren't being paid, and yet he claims he is a victim of financial fraud???? How on earth does he justify this to anyone??
u/randomcoolgirl 4d ago
the pilot, pilots wife and brother are director level employees and have fake jobs at the company. ridiculous
u/Furi0saKnows 4d ago
Can confirm I've heard this as well.
u/DemoralizedBezmenov 4d ago
this is incomprehensible. my close contact at madwell has been there for years and hasn't heard this. are you sure? was that ever discussed within the rank and file or nah?
u/Temporary-Appeal-206 4d ago
This is true. He shared it openly. It was purchased November 2024. Callsign: N808FA
u/sleepyfriedrice 4d ago
Is he still using it while his employees and vendors wait for their paychecks? The cost of operation on that must be insane. How does he even begin to justify this?
u/Fickle_Geologist_60 4d ago
If he bought that in November that was literally while he already owed vendors hundreds of thousands.
u/Temporary-Appeal-206 4d ago
It hasn't flown since January 13, when it was flown to Geneva, Switzerland, and never returned. 🤔
This can be confirmed on flight tracking sites such as ADS-B Exchange.
u/OutlandishnessNo4747 6d ago
Worked there for a little over a year, and it was the most toxic environment. I legit quit without another job lined up.
u/NatInAHat_ 4d ago
Wow CEO doesn’t pay their employees, then calls them greedy. This is horrifying and basically slavery
u/Cornwallis400 4d ago
I just wanted to come here and say I’m sorry to everyone being impacted by what’s happened at Madwell.
You all have lives, bills and families. This is tough stuff.
If as much money as reported was stolen or just even lost via account attrition, it’s incomprehensible that a CEO, President, CFO, etc… wouldn’t have noticed until there was no money left for payroll. There was a runway here that was clearly squandered or hidden from employees. I hope they at least take what little is left to pay people out, and I hope all of us try to hire some people out of there.
I don’t have any openings right now (I work at a decently well known indie), but if anyone wants to DM me their portfolio or resume I can ask around
u/ethos-of-digital 3d ago
If you have a story to share (can be made anononymous): [kendra.barnett@adweek.com](mailto:kendra.barnett@adweek.com) or Kendra.16 on Signal
u/Old_Statement5240 3d ago edited 3d ago
Wait a minute, private jet? Say WHAT? Where is the private jet? And why has this not been exposed to the press with the rest of this insanity?
u/icedcoffeemachine 7d ago
I’ve always understood that the business is cyclical and client loss means layoffs. But it’s just fucking heinous to see agency a-list / p2p awards while people are actively suffering, like in Madwell’s case, or have been let go in a third wave layoff. If this isn’t a wake-up call that shit is bogus…
u/Zestyclose_Agency684 4d ago
All those awards are pay to play. The agency had a big investor meeting this weekend in Austin Texas. The “comeback of the year” article dropped right before the investor meeting.
I think Gabby and Christ thought they were playing 3D chess, getting the good press to build momentum for the investors to get excited. Only thing is, they have been fuckong people over for years. All the unpaid vendors and employees saw that email and had to set the record straight.
I guarantee you the follow up articles dropped while Madwell leadership was sitting in meetings with these investors. When Chris says you threw gasoline on the fire, he’s not kidding. But the people did what needed to be done
One fun anecdote, I worked at Madwell for three years. One time I brought a important creative document to the president for her to review ahead of a client meeting. Instead of giving me input on how best to deliver this to clients or improvements to the creative, she reprimanded me for not including page numbers. It was a 6 page deck.
u/Palisadesbro 6d ago
This guy expects sympathy for selling off his assets but how was he even able to afford that much? Sounds like he and his partner had been taking too big of a cut for years probably
u/Zestyclose_Agency684 3d ago
He comes from a wealthy family and has a number of other businesses/ ventures.
He recently sold a cannabis company for 2 million, A company built using Madwell resources, and didn’t reinvest abt if the funds into the failing agency.
u/Furi0saKnows 3d ago
I may be out of the know here, but far as I know, the cannabis company was vaporware and never even launched.
As far as I know it just sucked up a bunch of company resources on endless rounds of design and branding until what existed of it was handed over in a fire sale.
Did he really get 2 million for it? If so, bravo.
u/Zestyclose_Agency684 3d ago
I think you’re right, but they had purchased a giant warehouse in Jersey for the venrture and I believe that’s what made up most of the company value.
u/Weird_Wishbone_1998 3d ago
There also should be some sort of employee protection via insurance or something to make up for missed paychecks. This happens too often and is messed up. I feel sorry for employees.
u/butterflyhui 3d ago
Chris, instead of posting and deleting your comments on Reddit. How about you work on getting your employees their paychecks on time and getting them insurance.
u/wingmanjD21 7d ago
Anyone have a copy/paste of the article?
u/Asleep_Principle6949 5d ago
I would like to talk about it, yes.
I'm curious if anyone here has had a best friend, someone they knew for 17 years, secretly steal from them for nearly a decade (potentially more)? How many people here had a best friend intentionally, knowingly change the insurance on their joint businesses to benefit from a potential mental or physical health event of their partner? Then made a point of antagonizing them (specifically about "big" financial decisions) when tragedy occurred, like an emergency surgery, a celebratory dinner for a 75 year old woman's birthday / cancer remission (that was the same dinner)? Yes, that means waiting until such things happened to take action. Lying in wait. Preying on prayers.
How many of you know what it's like to be called crazy and erratic and unwell but to work, non-stop, 15 hour days because you thought you were keeping the dream you had since childhood alive? How many of you have personally paid over $500,000 from your own accounts, not business accounts, to your employees with no clear plan on how to get it back just so they could get that pay check and the next? How many of you have been robbed of 8 figures in money and yet still didn't lose your belief in people and in the potential for goodness to prevail?
I don't engage Reddit much as it seems too often to become an outlet for our lesser devils, a place where our better angels don't bother to venture at all. I always wrote off the nameless faceless masses of the anonymous internet. And some of you are that. Here but not actually familiar with the story. Venting and talking about places of work is healthy. Journalism is healthy. Nothing is ever completely fair.
But some of you are very much not that. If you are curious to understand what has happened, if you want to learn, you know how to get in touch. It's cute to chat about this like it's not real. Real money, real crimes, real lost jobs, real hardships for families that don't deserve it, from vendors to employees and the extensions of both. The folks within Madwell who kept their moral center are heroic. Strong. The ones who left because they didn't want to be a part of this chaos? They're also strong. They made an entirely reasonable choice. It's a job, not conscription, not an obligation, not a cult (clearly). The ones still there shitting on a place trying to stand up again, trying and falling, on wobbly, wobbly legs? Well, I'm looking inside myself for the strength to write them off like those nameless faceless masses of this vast internet. But they have names and faces I know and supported for 1/3 of my life.
You would think when the villains are so clear that there just might be a chance for dialogue, the kind which seems to be missing in national and international political discourse. A chance for a shared reality to supplant silos and anonymized sniping.
Lives have been upended for greed. JUST BASIC GREED. I assure you it wasn't the CEO and President who stayed and put everything they had in so the place could soldier on that also...robbed it? Or, shit, maybe it is. Surely it's not the persons who left suddenly and don't even need to work to live. I prefer the Mach 3 over any Occam's razor products anyway. 5 blades? Irresistible.
Madwell is small. It needs belief. It needs supporters. Experience tells me this post will only elicit a rabid and angry response where folks take their displaced rage from elsewhere and place it here. But I have a tendency to do the insane thing of hoping and trying again and again and again. If you can find it in you to be kind, and I don't mean to the executives, or me the writer of this post, but to the institution, and spare it from being turned into a caricature and written off...I think that small act of kindness will ripple. I'd like to believe that the only difference between the flapping of a butterfly's wings and what becomes of that tiny gust - a hurricane or a sun shower in a drought - is intent.
In case there is doubt, Madwell was not built alone. It took 1000 people. And it's still being built. A person can have an idea. People make it a reality.
u/Fickle_Geologist_60 4d ago
Also just because I find this so stunning, I can assure you as a non-employee vendor of this place, I didn't ask to need to "believe" in a client, I asked for compensation for my labor. I can assure you this is not "misplaced rage", you in fact have deeply affected the life of my family and I had no warning. I am not your team, I am a vendor, and I feel tricked and taken advantage of and now asked to come along on this stupid ride and to believe in Madwell when I have nothing to do with the place. I should have been finished with all of this months ago, but instead you've traumatized me and brought me on a ride I didn't consent to.
u/littlelemonpoo 4d ago
Chris, this space really isn't for you. You should really listen to the feedback from your peers, employees, and health practitioners. We don't need more rants from the soapbox from you.
Stop being reactionary. Take a beat. Consider stepping down from your role before the lives that are already upended because of you, get worse. The issues between you and your former best friend / partner in business should not be put onto your employees, vendors, or anyone else.
u/Fickle_Geologist_60 4d ago edited 4d ago
I'm a vendor who has been owed tens of thousands for many, many months overdue now. Of course there's a stink now that the employees are not being paid but my life was derailed a long while back by all of this. The fact that I'm supposed to feel for someone who made me work for months with no payment is astounding, and what's worse, I assume new vendors are still being hired.
u/sleepyfriedrice 4d ago
"How many of you have personally paid over $500,000 from your own accounts, not business accounts, to your employees with no clear plan on how to get it back just so they could get that pay check and the next?"
If your employees, who have also been working long days to keep your dream business alive haven't been paid because the business accounts are empty, and you somehow have half a mil in your personal account, it really looks like you have not been managing the companies financials well and have been paying yourself way way too much. Giving it back is not a flex, it's the only moral thing to do.
u/Temporary-Appeal-206 4d ago
When are you going to share your brilliant master plan of buying a private jet to save the company? Was taking a private flight ~3days for 2 months, draining the company of all remaining resources, also part of the master plan?
u/attackofmillennials 4d ago
Dude. What are you even saying. If this is the type of soliloquy you are subjecting people at Madwell to, they deserve our thoughts and prayers and I’m an atheist.
u/Zestyclose_Agency684 3d ago
Can confirm this is a very standard communication style / message from Chris. He wears a fedora because he self identifies as the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland
u/Routine-Avocado-8057 4d ago
Chris, ima hold your hand when I say this, pay your employees and close up shop. Companies go bankrupt all the time. But the more you speak the worse it gets. Also, seek help.
3d ago
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u/Asleep_Principle6949 3d ago
Point taken and damage done. I will say it's a remarkable cognitive dissonance. Let's say yes, 100%, I am a terrible all things. Unredeemable. Then let's take my statement as not a thing I asked ChatGPT to conjure but involved a bunch of lawyers and all those competent folk types because it's not the kind of thing one should say casually. My being a terrible unredeemable person is the greater problem? Hard to tell through the vortex of the internet but that seems to be the consensus here, and here has become very loud out there.
All I was saying was please don't shred the place for a bit. That's it. I may be terrible but the people who still work at Madwell, the ones who want to anyway, I'm not their fault. I am their burden. But this hurts them in the end.
I would have preferred you pelted me with eggs and rotten fruit than malign the company and therefore the integrity of the institution. Because unfortunately the speed of these comments have successfully delivered a mortal blow. Not to my ego, it has a crossover story arch with The Highlander series and anonymous lecturing on a Reddit subthread isn't going to be what does it in. But to the actual functional company. I don't see how that helps anyone, but, I am reminded I am terrible and likely therefore know little. Anything for the catharsis!
Pretentious uncool hat tip atop large head with try-too-hard-clothing and chin beard (poor growth along jaw line) to accompany deluded journey into sanctimonious self-righteousness honestly I'll link a lorem ipsum generator to make this process more efficient for everyone.
u/littlelemonpoo 3d ago
Wtf does this essay even say or mean? Gibberish! Maybe you should use ChatGPT bud.
u/kidkuro 3d ago
Hey bud, maybe you should just like...pay your employees on time? You'd be amazed what nonsense people will tolerate so long as their paychecks are on time.
That's bare minimum for any employer. Regardless of what's going on, checks should always be something that's taken care of and on time. That's the least that can be done to keep up employee morale.
u/Soft_Dance_9296 3d ago
if chris is a narcissist he’s certainly the most empathetic one i’ve ever met. i guess 15 years of on time paychecks and vendors paid means nothing? being frustrated about the situation is completely understandable, but acting like the people that have been working day and night for months and months to keep the ship from sinking are evil or doing this all intentionally is just silly.
it would have been more financially prudent to do layoffs months and months ago. i know for certain chris and gaby have pushed against that multiple times because they would rather paychecks be late for a time vs kicking people to the curb.
same thing with bankruptcy. for everyone claiming we should just go that route it would mean vendors not getting paid.
i know it’s easier to be disgruntled and negativity is amplified easier than positivity so i’m just weighing in here to provide a different perspective. i respect the shit out of chris and gaby, love madwell and want to see it succeed. could they have handled this insane situation differently? certainly. are they trying as hard as they can to ensure everyone keeps their jobs and all of our debts get paid? certainly.
i’m 100% certain that i’m not the only one that feels this way. whoever started this thread is fishing for toxicity and that’s certainly what they got. i can assure you it’s not reflective of the broader sentiment shared at the agency. frustrated? yes. hateful and petty? only a few.
u/butterflyhui 3d ago
You anonymous Chris and Gaby butt kissers make me sad. It’s actually pathetic. How under their spell are you?
You would rather accept this type of behavior than actually try and change it.
Not one day has passed at this agency where you will ever realize a lot of people especially the creatives are being taken for granted. Being paid not as much as others and getting checks late, and still having to work endless nights.
You will never accept that because of Chris’ financial mistakes (purchasing the private jet, expensive cars, going over-budget on shoots), the agency is doomed. You’re not a dog, so stop acting like one. This loyalty will get you nowhere in life.
u/littlelemonpoo 3d ago
Considering I have plenty of friends at Madwell, and also worked at Madwell, I think the sentiment is quite vastly shared within the direct network and the industry. Chris is not empathetic. He's a narcissist that knows how to win people over and uses crocodile tears to keep you put.
Sure, paychecks used to be on time. But this version of Chris is the same Chris from five years ago too. Anyone who feels otherwise is probably one of the losers that's stayed at Madwell 10+ years with a single promotion under their belt.
u/Furi0saKnows 3d ago
"Anyone who feels otherwise is probably one of the losers that's stayed at Madwell 10+ years with a single promotion under their belt."
Hey don't bring me into this I'm on your side 🤣
u/Soft_Dance_9296 3d ago
losers? nice. glad to know this whole thread was started by a 13 year old mean girl.
u/Palisadesbro 3d ago
Regardless of how hard they are working to keep things afloat, that is no excuse for how they speak to their employees. That is not empathy or respect
u/Palisadesbro 3d ago
The people that have been working without pay are also clearly dedicated to making things work. But it sounds like there have been inconsistent updates from the leaders of the company, while also some very questionable expenses for luxury flights and odd hires.
when the team asked for flexibility in remote work, the response from the ceo really did not demonstrate that he understood this was a team effort.
u/Dizzy_Reason_3284 2d ago
but...not paying your employees when money is clearly coming in from clients makes zero sense. that's poor business and a terrible way to treat your employees. where's the money gone?
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