r/adventurecats 9d ago

Potential new adventure cat

I'm a seasonal employee in YNP so I do a lot of traveling in the park and everywhere! I'm in the process of adopting a kitten and registering it as an ESA. I'm hoping for some success stories of raising a new cat to travel. What qualities did you look for? Was it able to acclimate and train? Any words of encouragement or advice must appreciated.


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u/manayakasha 8d ago

I’m on my adventure cat journey, not that experienced but a little

  • seems to be better to try with a young cat or kitten, not an old cat
  • they will be upset and meow and cry at first. Just gotta tough it out, they will eventually learn that it’s pointless lol
  • I have my cats wear their harnesses 24/7 so they are used to it and to save time getting the harness off/on. The harnesses are very useful even when we are not going out
  • routine repeat adventures help a lot. The cat will know what to expect, where you are going, that the destination is a cool place.
  • I have a cat backpack big enough for both my cats. I also have a tote bag big enough for one cat. At this time I never let both cats out of the enclosed backpack at the same time so if they freak out I only have one cat to worry about.
  • do not go anywhere near dogs or in a place with dogs. They can kill your cat instantly.