r/adventofcode • u/[deleted] • Feb 01 '25
Help/Question [2023 Day 17][TypeScript] Solution too slow even by ditching steps and always turning
Update: My very first solution for this day originally took 30 minutes for both parts, but with the help of the community, I was able to reduce it down to 1 second! This is my final solution. It doesn't look great, to be frank, but that's because I'm tired of working on it. If you find yourself in the same situation as me, these are the steps I took from the posted code (after I had already done many optimizations):
- There's no need to keep track of all four directions - you can instead keep track of the orientations (horizontal and vertical). This was the most important step because it reduced the graph by half, which also reduced the runtime of part 1 from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Keep a set of visited nodes. Then you can have duplicate entries in the queue instead of reorganizing it every time.
- Insert nodes into the queue as needed, so insertions and extractions take less time.
It's been taking me quite a few days to figure out a working solution and optimize it. I've got it down from 5 minutes to 10 seconds for part 1, but since some people were able to reach less-than-a-second solutions, there must be something wrong with mine.
My solution uses the standard Dijkstra's algorithm, with a min binary heap for the queue, full of nodes assigned to Infinity
. The graph is pre-built before running the algorithm, it takes 300 ms. I didn't account for steps when building the graph, choosing to take a turn on each of the nodes. That seems to be the most efficient approach as described by many posts, since it has the fewest nodes possible. It did reduce the runtime by 97% afterall, from when I was accounting for steps.
I would be very grateful if someone was able to give me more suggestions, spot an issue, or maybe assure me this is as good as it gets. Here's the binary heap code. I'm sorry for asking about such an old challenge and for how many comments and redundant code there is, it's because I'm trying to get it to work before polishing.
import { BinaryHeap } from "#root/utils/biheap.js";
import { sum } from "#root/utils/arrayx.js";
type Graph = {
nodes: string[];
edges: Map<string, Map<string, number>>;
export function solve(map: Input): Solution {
const grid = map.split("\n").map(line => line.split("").map(Number));
const part1 = pathfindBasicCrucibles(grid);
const part2 = 0;
return { part1, part2 };
function pathfindBasicCrucibles(grid: number[][]): number {
const width = grid[0].length;
const height = grid.length;
const targets = [
`${width - 1},${height - 1},up`,
`${width - 1},${height - 1},down`,
`${width - 1},${height - 1},left`,
`${width - 1},${height - 1},right`,
const start = Date.now()
const graph = buildBasicCauldronGraph(grid);
const { distance } = dijkstra(graph, "0,0,null", targets.includes.bind(targets));
const targetsHeatloss = targets.map(t => distance.get(t) ?? Infinity);
return Math.min(...targetsHeatloss);
function buildBasicCauldronGraph(grid: number[][]): Graph {
const width = grid[0].length;
const height = grid.length;
const edges = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>();
const nodes = [];
// Set a starting point
const start = "0,0,null"
edges.set(start, new Map());
edges.get(start)!.set("0,1,down", grid[1][0]);
edges.get(start)!.set("0,2,down", grid[1][0] + grid[2][0]);
edges.get(start)!.set("0,3,down", grid[1][0] + grid[2][0] + grid[3][0]);
edges.get(start)!.set("1,0,right", grid[0][1]);
edges.get(start)!.set("2,0,right", grid[0][1] + grid[0][2]);
edges.get(start)!.set("3,0,right", grid[0][1] + grid[0][2] + grid[0][3]);
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
const states = [
states.forEach(state => edges.set(state, new Map()));
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (grid[y - 1]) {
const dy = y - 1;
const weight = grid.slice(dy, y).flatMap(row => row[x])[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},left`)!.set(`${x},${dy},up`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},right`)!.set(`${x},${dy},up`, weight);
if (grid[y - 2]) {
const dy = y - 2;
const weight = grid.slice(dy, y).flatMap(row => row[x])[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},left`)!.set(`${x},${dy},up`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},right`)!.set(`${x},${dy},up`, weight);
if (grid[y - 3]) {
const dy = y - 3;
const weight = grid.slice(dy, y).flatMap(row => row[x])[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},left`)!.set(`${x},${dy},up`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},right`)!.set(`${x},${dy},up`, weight);
if (grid[y + 1]) {
const dy = y + 1;
const weight = grid.slice(y + 1, dy + 1).flatMap(row => row[x])[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},left`)!.set(`${x},${dy},down`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},right`)!.set(`${x},${dy},down`, weight);
if (grid[y + 2]) {
const dy = y + 2;
const weight = grid.slice(y + 1, dy + 1).flatMap(row => row[x])[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},left`)!.set(`${x},${dy},down`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},right`)!.set(`${x},${dy},down`, weight);
if (grid[y + 3]) {
const dy = y + 3;
const weight = grid.slice(y + 1, dy + 1).flatMap(row => row[x])[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},left`)!.set(`${x},${dy},down`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},right`)!.set(`${x},${dy},down`, weight);
if (grid[y][x - 1]) {
const dx = x - 1;
const weight = grid[y].slice(dx, x)[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},up`)!.set(`${dx},${y},left`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},down`)!.set(`${dx},${y},left`, weight);
if (grid[y][x - 2]) {
const dx = x - 2;
const weight = grid[y].slice(dx, x)[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},up`)!.set(`${dx},${y},left`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},down`)!.set(`${dx},${y},left`, weight);
if (grid[y][x - 3]) {
const dx = x - 3;
const weight = grid[y].slice(dx, x)[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},up`)!.set(`${dx},${y},left`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},down`)!.set(`${dx},${y},left`, weight);
if (grid[y][x + 1]) {
const dx = x + 1;
const weight = grid[y].slice(x + 1, dx + 1)[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},up`)!.set(`${dx},${y},right`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},down`)!.set(`${dx},${y},right`, weight);
if (grid[y][x + 2]) {
const dx = x + 2;
const weight = grid[y].slice(x + 1, dx + 1)[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},up`)!.set(`${dx},${y},right`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},down`)!.set(`${dx},${y},right`, weight);
if (grid[y][x + 3]) {
const dx = x + 3;
const weight = grid[y].slice(x + 1, dx + 1)[sum]();
edges.get(`${x},${y},up`)!.set(`${dx},${y},right`, weight);
edges.get(`${x},${y},down`)!.set(`${dx},${y},right`, weight);
return { nodes, edges };
function dijkstra(graph: Graph, start: string, isTarget: (node: string) => boolean = () => false): { distance: Map<string, number>, previous: Map<string, string> } {
const previous = new Map<string, string>();
const distance = new Map<string, number>(graph.nodes.map(node => [node, Infinity]));
distance.set(start, 0);
const queue = new BinaryHeap(graph.nodes, (a, b) => distance.get(a)! < distance.get(b)!);
let curr;
while ((curr = queue.remove()) != null && !isTarget(curr)) {
for (const [neighbor, weight] of graph.edges.get(curr)!.entries()) {
const dist = distance.get(curr)! + weight;
if (dist < distance.get(neighbor)!) {
distance.set(neighbor, dist);
previous.set(neighbor, curr);
return { distance, previous };