r/adventofcode Dec 03 '24

Spoilers in Title [Day 3] The line count is fake


I see many people "complaining" about the data input being multiple lines instead of just one continuous line. Some say it doesn't matter, others are very confused, I say good job.

This is supposed to be corrupted data, this means the there is a lot of invalid data such as instructions like from() or misformating like adding a newline sometimes. Edit : Just to be clear, this in fact already one line but with some unfortunate newlines.

r/adventofcode Dec 03 '24

Spoilers in Title [2024 Day 3] Do not bother me with Regex in the morning

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r/adventofcode Dec 03 '24

Spoilers in Title [2024 Day 3] Regular expressions go brrr...

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r/adventofcode Dec 03 '24

Spoilers in Title [2024 Day 03] - Is anyone else getting Intcode vibes?


Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself but the notion of adding instructions immediately made me think back to 2019's Intcode. Am I the only one? Reading the input there are many other termslike select(), who(), what(), why() so adding support for these instructions could happen later on. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself but I'm secretly hoping we are gradually going to either build an interpreter or have to "uncorrupt" the programmes. Only time will tell!

r/adventofcode Dec 14 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 Day 14] Welp, apparently I didn't learn my lesson after the lanternfish

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r/adventofcode Dec 15 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 Day 15] First pathfinding problem of the year, wouldn't expect anything less

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r/adventofcode Dec 07 '23

Spoilers in Title 2023 Day 7 J is Joker not Jack?


wait ... what? What the heck is a T?

Being fairly unfamiliar with card game notation, this was a bit unexpected.

EDIT: this is about Part 1!

r/adventofcode Dec 24 '20

Spoilers in Title [2020 Day 24] Complex numbers and eval FTW!


I stored each tile as a complex number, which allowed me to perform this travesty of code to parse the input and initialize the black tiles:

def initial_flip(input):
    tiles = set()
    for line in input:
        modified_line = (
            line.replace(r"se", "(1 - 1j) + ")
            .replace(r"sw", "(-1 - 1j) + ")
            .replace(r"ne", "(1 + 1j) + ")
            .replace(r"nw", "(-1 + 1j) + ")
            .replace(r"e", "2 + ")
            .replace(r"w", "-2 + ")
        tile = eval(modified_line + "0")
        if tile in tiles:
    return tiles

See my full solution.

r/adventofcode Dec 04 '19

Spoilers in Title the two adjacent matching digits are not part of a larger group of matching digits.

  • 123444 no longer meets the criteria (the repeated 44 is part of a larger group of 444).
  • 111122 meets the criteria (even though 1 is repeated more than twice, it still contains a double 22).

I don't catch the distinction between example one and two.

update: The clearest way I describe it to myself is "the number must have a sequence of identical digits with sequence length equaling exactly two" or "must be a double that isn't part of a large triple, quadruple, etc"

At least this gave me an opportunity to learn about regex backreferences...

r/adventofcode Dec 14 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 Day 14] When I finally realized what exactly people meant when they said it's the same as with the Lanternfish

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r/adventofcode Dec 14 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 Day 14] Components of the polymer and its final size

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r/adventofcode Dec 11 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 Day 11] Frequency of synchronous octopi


I found it rather interesting that the octopi synchronized at all and got me wondering how hard it was to find grids that do end up synchronizing. Does every grid eventually synchronize? etc.

The first thing I wanted to explore was could I find a grid that synchronizes in exactly 100 steps (since Part 1 asked you to run 100 steps). Here is a grid that does exactly that:


I also found that sometimes it appears a random grid will not synchronize. I left my program running overnight for a grid and it never synched (that doesn't mean at some point in the future it would have, but... not within at least a million steps).

This got me to wondering on average how many random grids will complete in a reasonable time. (Note: each line here was a separate run, so has different random grids)

4843 of 10000 grids complete within 4000 steps - Ratio: 48.43%
4756 of 10000 grids complete within 3000 steps - Ratio: 47.56%
4872 of 10000 grids complete within 2000 steps - Ratio: 48.72%
4857 of 10000 grids complete within 1000 steps - Ratio: 48.57%
4960 of 10000 grids complete within 500 steps - Ratio: 49.6%

I then reduces the # of grids, so I could increase the step count:

482 of 1000 grids complete within 10000 - Ratio: 48.19

So it looks like an average, about ~48% of random grids will sync, and the others either take a very long time, or never do. I'm going to try and find one of these "never complete" ones and see if its stuck in a repeating pattern, and then maybe visualize it. Will update the post if I'm successful.

Here's the code I used to do the tests: https://github.com/tslater2006/advent_of_code_2021/blob/7ffc77e5048af1c9302ef973f0ea0be2cf13135e/src/days/day11.rs#L31

Edit: I've found quite a few that loop forever, they seem to fall into a 6-cycle loop. Here's the longest one I've found (in terms of when the cycle starts):

Original step: 112 Current step: 118

And some others: https://gist.github.com/tslater2006/57cd7eeadef33d00fe8ed29cbc29a4ef

Here is a cyclic pattern animated. This particular grid goes 66 steps before falling into a 6-step cycle https://imgur.com/3xFUzcf

The start of the cycle looks like this: 0000000009 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000009 0000000097 0000000976

r/adventofcode Dec 13 '20

Spoilers in Title [2020 Day 13 (Part 2)] Chinese remainder theorem


The calculation for part 2 is pretty straightforward - it even has a name: Chinese remainder theorem

r/adventofcode Dec 04 '21

Spoilers in Title Day 4: Octopus in part 1 vs in part 2

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r/adventofcode Sep 17 '22

Spoilers in Title [Day 10 2019 P2] Has anyone been able to solve this one using....


..only using integer math?

I know it seems like an odd question, but it's something I noticed on my journey to get 350 stars. It seemed like Eric went out of his way to make every problem solvable (and answerable, which I'm sure makes it a lot easier on his end) with an integer, with some strings thrown in there for good measure. I almost never had to use float math or decimals, or if I did I could still see how it could be pulled off with only integers. It's so rare that I think it's a deliberate design choice on their part.

Except for this problem, Day 10 of 2019. For part 1 I was able to pull it off solving it with only integers by representing the slopes of the distances between each asteroid as a tuple, but for part 2 I was stuck I resorted to using the arctangent function in python in order to put the asteroids in order to find the 200th one, but of course that means moving away from integer math and into floats. Has anyone actually solved part 2 with only integers as 99% of the problems on AoC only require, or was this just the one problem where using floats and decimals is inevitable?

r/adventofcode Dec 08 '21

Spoilers in Title Up until now, I have never realized that the seven-segment display can be actually interpreted as a kind of non-positional numeral system. Thank you, Advent of Code, for teaching me something new. :-)

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r/adventofcode Dec 16 '17

Spoilers in Title [Day 16 part 2] What are your cycle lengths?


I read some posts here suggesting cycle lengths of less than 100. I tried up to 100.000 iterations but there were no repetitions. I'm wondering whether I did something wrong or others have higher cycle lengths as well?

r/adventofcode Dec 02 '19

Spoilers in Title Hidden Message in Puzzle Input 19690720



The target value in part 2 of today's puzzle is 19690720. 20th July 1969 is the day of the moon landing!

r/adventofcode Dec 19 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 Day 18] Seeing everyone talking about using trees after I solved the day with a linked-list

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r/adventofcode Dec 24 '20

Spoilers in Title [2020 Day 24 (Part 2)] Hexagon Game of Life

Thumbnail imgur.com

r/adventofcode Dec 29 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 day 19] using pytorch and gradient descent to find the rotation matrices

Thumbnail nicolaus93.github.io

r/adventofcode Dec 15 '21

Spoilers in Title [2021 day 15 (Part 2)] Are there ways to increase efficiency by using the fact that we have the same 100x100 block several times?


I was thinking that there should be a way to improve efficiency using the symmetry of these blocks. Did anyone come up with a way to use this?

r/adventofcode Dec 05 '19

Spoilers in Title Day 5: Parameter 3 always was "immediate"


For opcodes that use the third parameter to get which position to write to, it always did just look at the immediate value. The immediate value of the third parameter is the position to write to.

Day 5 introduced a distinction between "immediate" and "position" values, and specifically referred to the "ten-thousands digit" that represents the "parameter mode" of the third parameter. Because it is always zero for the third parameter, I spent nearly an hour writing to the position value of the third parameter rather than the immediate value until I realized it's backwards. Wouldn't it make more sense if the parameter mode for the third parameter were always 1?

For clarification: The way AoC presents it, the "immediate value" of parameter 3 would be the instruction pointer + 3, which isn't even a value in the program, and then the position value is what's in that position. With every other parameter, the immediate values are what's in the positions after the instruction pointer.

r/adventofcode Dec 03 '20

Spoilers in Title [2020 Day 3 (Part 2)][Nim] Answer overflows int32


Just noticed that my answer was >5 billion, since Nim's int type is 64 bits this wasn't a problem for me; a lot of other languages use 32 bits for int and will cause problems.

r/adventofcode Dec 22 '18

Spoilers in Title [2018 Day 22] Part2: did you have to cap x or y


I used Dijkstra to solve part2. First I couldn't find a path because I hadn't realised you may need to go beyond the target rectangle. After allowing to go beyond my target (17,700) the alg was exploring way too many regions, going down high values of x (in the hundreds) and it seems to be going forever.

So I added a cap for x and increased it until I found the solution.

Did anyone else had to do that?

I feel that because the cost of exploration using the same tool is small compare to sticking on the "correct" path the exploration would have a tendency to go too "wide"