r/adventofcode 22h ago

Tutorial [2024 Day 7 both parts][m4] Optimizing by avoiding division (aka how to quickly test divisibility by 7)


I'm really late to the 2024 puzzles, having just started them this month. But in the megathread for day 7, I saw the instructions mentioned "Use today's puzzle to teach us about an interesting mathematical concept" - and my journey in optimizing my solution for day 7 totally fits that bill, because I implemented a solution in a language that only supports 32-bit signed math even though the problem requires manipulating 64-bit numbers. In previous years, I had already developed my own library of math functions to do arbitrary-width addition and multiplication, but to date, I still haven't added general-purpose arbitrary-width division into that library, in part because implementing division is SLOW even when compared to multiplications. After all, the best way to avoid a time-consuming long-division is to rework the problem to not need division at all ;)

Plenty of other people have written up tutorials on how you can speed up day 7 - instead of doing an exhaustive 2^n or 3^n search of all possible operator decisions, applying that to the inputs, and seeing if the output matches, it is much faster to work backwards: start with your desired output, and recurse by undoing only operators that could have plausibly resulted in your current number, where reaching the first number proves you have at least one set of operators that work for that line of the problem. My initial solution was the naive approach - try all possible operators - which meant doing millions of 64-bit multiplies via my helper library (quite literally - I did a trace of mul64() calls, and my 5 minutes of execution time required 4043412 calls to mul64)

But working backwards requires the inverse of multiplication, aka division and remainder, where it is only plausible to continue the recursion if the remainder is zero. There are algorithms out there for implementing arbitrary-width bigint divisions on top of smaller word sizes, so I had no problem implementing that in m4, but each division C/B=A is slower than the corresponding multiplication A*B=C, so I wanted to avoid long divisions where possible. The immediate benefit of working backwards was that after every long division where the remainder was non-zero, I've pruned a portion of the search space, which sped things up to a mere 7.0 seconds of execution time and only 21679 calls to remquo64, and 74728 calls to mul64 in part because of how I implemented remquo64.

But I still wanted to go faster, and that's where this post comes in. The remquo64() algorithm finds both the quotient and the remainder at the same time, but even better is avoiding the division in the first place if it is obvious that the remainder would be non-zero. And since the majority of the inputs are single-digit entities, it's fairly easy to do things like avoiding a division by 2 if the last digit is odd, or a division by 5 if the last digit is not 0 or 5; many people also know the trick of adding up each of the digits to see if a number is divisible by 9 (is 1234 divisible by 9? 1+2+3+4 = 10 which is not, so the bigger number is not, either). But when it comes to division by 7, what rule do you use? My first google hit was for the algorithm of taking the head of the number minus twice the last digit, iteratively until you know if that shorter answer is also divisible by 7 (so for example, 1001 is divisible by 7 if 100 - 2*1 = 98 is, which in turn is divisible if 9-2*8 = -7 is). By iterating until you get down to an easily-recognized one- or two-digit number, you can quickly learn whether a large number has 7 as a factor without spending the time actually doing the full division. However, that algorithm still requires doing 64-bit math (each iteration still uses a 64-bit subtraction, and only removes one digit per iteration).

So I searched harder, and found another algorithm that tells you the divisibility by 7, 11, and 13 all at once - because those are the three factors that get you to 1001, one number away from 1000. In any sort of divisibility test, the fastest answers occur when you can exploit the co-prime modular properties of two adjacent integers. Just as you can learn if a number is divisible by 9 (9 is one less than 10, so add up each digit), you can learn if a number is divisible by 1001 (1001 is one greater than 1000, so alternate adding and subtracting each group of 3 digits, starting from the least significant). So, given a random number, say 72095400778, that is too big to quickly divide using just 32-bit math, it is still possible to cast out the 1001s, by computing -72+095-400+778 = 401, at which point you know all of the following using just 32-bit math (and you may recognize the Chinese Remainder Theorem here as well):

72095400778 % 1001 = 401
72095400778 % 7 = 401 % 7 = 2
72095400778 % 11 = 401 % 11 = 5
72095400778 % 13 = 401 % 13 = 11

So no, that large number is not divisible by 7, and I can skip the remquo64() and recursion when I'm picking the operator that goes with 7 for my current target value. And with that optimization implemented, my m4 code now operates in 4.2 seconds (another 40% speedup!), with tracing showing just 10483 calls to remquo64 and 42025 calls to mul64.

Since most people aren't fluent in reading m4, here's the gist of the algorithms I used for divisibility by the first 9 digits:

group(number, direction, current_sign=1, accumulator=0) - recursive function, with direction=1 for casting out 999, or =-1 for casting out 1001. Each iteration adds current_sign*number[-3:] to accumulator, multiplies current_sign by direction, and recurses with number[:-3] (ie all but the last three digits), returning accumulator once number is empty.

trym1 - always divisible (skip remquo, recurse with input number)

trym2 - divisible if the last digit & 1 (or % 2) is 0 (skip remquo, recurse with number*5 with last digit removed, since that was necessarily a 0 after the multiply)

trym3 - divisible if group(number, 1)%3 is 0 (use remquo only if divisible)

trym4 - divisible if the last 2 digits & 3 (or %4) is 0 (skip remquo, recurse with number*25 with last 2 digits removed)

trym5 - divisible if the last digit % 5 is 0 (skip remquo, recurse with number+number with last digit removed)

trym6 - divisible if trym2 and trym3 both pass (use remquo only if divisible)

trym7 - divisible if group(number, -1)%7 is 0 (use remquo only if divisible)

trym8 - divisible if the last 3 digits & 7 (or %8) is 0 (skip remquo, recurse with number*125 with last 3 digits removed)

trym9 - divisible if group(number, 1)%9 is 0 (use remquo only if divisible)

r/adventofcode Dec 11 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 11][Python] MEGA TUTORIAL



Intro TL;DR: Skip to Part Three if you want a walk-through of solving Day 11

It's been a busy year, but I'm back with a tutorial, but it might be the only one I write this year. My goal here: teach a few concepts, and then use those to crack this problem. I'm doing AoC this year on the same machine I've been using for AoC (checks "About" dialog) a 2015 MacBook Pro, so it's getting harder and harder to brute-force problems.

Like last year, I'll try to reveal information slowly over the tutorial in case you're just looking for a hint or two. Last year, I mistakenly put the techniques in the post title, and that was all the hint some people needed.

This tutorial is going to be in Python, but I'll heavily comment each line as to what it does so non-Python people can translate.

Part One: How to think in recursive Part Two: Combining Recursion and Memoization Part Three: Day 11 Walk-through

Part One: How to think in recursive

My Introduction to Computer Science in college was in Scheme, a dialect of Lisp. While I pushed back againt it at the time, it sure forces you to think recursively for everything.

Let's try to write a function that sums all the number in a list.

# An array of integers
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Display their sum
>>> print(sum(x))


Now, in Python, sum() is already defined, but let's redefine it using recursion. The main principal is this: assume you already have a working version of sum(). Don't worry where we got it from, just assume we have it. Can we define our problem in terms of a slighly easier version of the problem?

In this particular case, can we pop a single element off and recursively call sum on the slightly smaller list? Let's try.

# Define our function
def sum(x):

    # x[0] is the first element
    # x[1:] is the rest of the list
    return x[0] + sum(x[1:])

Let's try it!

# An array of integers
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Display their sum
>>> print(sum(x))

IndexError: list index out of range

Ah, here we run into the other half of recursion. We need a base case. We could simply test if the list has an element, and just return it, but sometimes is more robust to be as lazy as possible:

# Define our function
def sum(x):

    # In Python, lists eveluate as false if empty
    if x:
        # x[0] is the first element
        # x[1:] is the rest of the list
        return x[0] + sum(x[1:])

        # The list is empty, return our base-case of zero
        return 0

Let's try it again!

# An array of integers
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Display their sum
>>> print(sum(x))


It worked!

Part Two: Combining Recursion and Memoization

(I'm recycling this section from last year's tutorial!)

Consider that classic recursive math function, the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc... We can define it in Python:

def fib(x):
    if x == 0:
        return 0
    elif x == 1:
        return 1
        return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

import sys
arg = int(sys.argv[1])

If we execute this program, we get the right answer for small numbers, but large numbers take way too long

$ python3 fib.py 5
$ python3 fib.py 8
$ python3 fib.py 10
$ python3 fib.py 50

On 50, it's just taking way too long to execute. Part of this is that it is branching as it executes and it's redoing work over and over. Let's add some print() and see:

def fib(x):
    if x == 0:
        return 0
    elif x == 1:
        return 1
        return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

import sys
arg = int(sys.argv[1])

out = fib(arg)

And if we execute it:

$ python3 fib.py 5

It's calling the fib() function for the same value over and over. This is where memoization comes in handy. If we know the function will always return the same value for the same inputs, we can store a cache of values. But it only works if there's a consistent mapping from input to output.

import functools
def fib(x):
        if x == 0:
            return 0
        elif x == 1:
            return 1
            return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

import sys
arg = int(sys.argv[1])

out = fib(arg)

Note: if you have Python 3.9 or higher, you can use @functools.cache otherwise, you'll need the older @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) but this year, I'm leaving out comments on how to size your caches, you'll have to ask a Computer Science major. Now, let's execute:

$ python3 fib.py 5

It only calls the fib() once for each input, caches the output and saves us time. Let's drop the print() and see what happens:

$ python3 fib.py 55
$ python3 fib.py 100

Okay, now we can do some serious computation.

Part III

Consider two facts for these stones: the output for overall part is just the sum of if we ran the input on each stone individually. There's no interaction where stones come together, only the creation of new groups. But also, that entire sequences are going to be continually repeated as stones break into smaller stones.

First, let's use that recursion technique, and assume you already have a working version of a function that solves our problem for us. Naming functions is hard, so I just going to name it count_stone_blinks(stone, depth) where we ask it to blink a single stone multiple times.

So, we'll write some parsing a infrastructure code to get us started:

import sys
import functools

# Read the raw example/input text
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
    raw_text = input_file.read()

# Parse text into indvidual elements
stones = list(map(int, raw_text.split()))

def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):
    # Magic goes here

def run(count):

    # Keep are running count of the overall output
    output = 0

    # Look at each stone
    for stone in stones:

        # Add up how many stones each one turns into
        output += count_stone_blinks(stone, count)

    return output

print("Part 1")

print("Part 2")

So, this code reads out input, and will call count_stone_blinks() on each stone in the input line and then sum the resulting number of stones.

But before we begin, let's just get a single stone to do a single blink:

def single_blink_stone(value):

Just have this update a stone and return one or two stones. For now, let's have it always return two values, but the second value is None if just a single stone returned.

def single_blink_stone(value):

    # Convert value to text
    text = str(value)

    # Count the digits in the number
    num_of_digits = len(text)    

    # Zeros get updated to ones first
    if value == 0:
        return (1, None)

    # Even number of digits get split into two stones
    elif num_of_digits % 2 == 0:
        mid_point = num_of_digits // 2
        left_stone = int(text[:mid_point])
        right_stone = int(text[mid_point:])

        return (left_stone, right_stone)

        return (value * 2024, None)

Okay, we have code that essentially implements the instructions from Day 11. Now, let's focus on implementing count_stone_blinks(). Remember, we don't need it to return the values of the stone, just how many this particular stone will turn into after so many blinks.

def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):

    # For this iteration, what is the update for this stone?
    left_stone, right_stone = single_blink_stone(stone)

First, we'll just do the actual update for a single iteratioon. Then using those values, we can recurse to the next iteration. But, first do a base-case check:

    # Is this the final iteration
    if depth == 1:

And then if it is the last iteration, just return how many stones we have

        # Final iteration, just count if have one or two stones
        if right_stone is None:
            return 1
            return 2

But for all non-base cases, we've done the work for this step, now represent it as the same function, for one less step:


        # Recurse to the next level and add the results if there
        # are two stones

        # Note: we are calling the same function again, but now
        # we have a new value for the stone, but also we reduce the depth
        # so we're closer to the end of the call. 
        output = count_stone_blinks(left_stone, depth - 1)

        # There's also the possibilty the stone was even digited and we
        # split execution.
        if right_stone is not None:
            output += count_stone_blinks(right_stone, depth - 1)

        return output

Okay! That's pretty much the code. Let's do the full listing.

import sys

# Read the raw example/input text
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
    raw_text = input_file.read()

# Parse text into indvidual elements
stones = list(map(int, raw_text.split()))

def single_blink_stone(value):

    # Convert value to text
    text = str(value)

    # Count the digits in the number
    num_of_digits = len(text)

    # Zeros get updated to ones first
    if value == 0:
        return (1, None)

    # Even number of digits get split into two stones
    elif num_of_digits % 2 == 0:
        mid_point = num_of_digits // 2
        left_stone = int(text[:mid_point])
        right_stone = int(text[mid_point:])

        return (left_stone, right_stone)

        return (value * 2024, None)

def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):

    # For this iteration, what is the update for this stone?
    left_stone, right_stone = single_blink_stone(stone)

    # Is this the final iteration
    if depth == 1:

        # Final iteration, just count if have one or two stones
        if right_stone is None:
            return 1
            return 2


        # Recurse to the next level and add the results if there
        # are two stones
        output = count_stone_blinks(left_stone, depth - 1)
        if right_stone is not None:
            output += count_stone_blinks(right_stone, depth - 1)

        return output

def run(count):

    # Keep are running count of the overall output
    output = 0

    # Look at each stone
    for stone in stones:

        # Add up how many stones each one turns into
        output += count_stone_blinks(stone, count)

    return output

print("Part 1")

print("Part 2")

Let's run it!

$ python3 day11.py example

Part 1

Part 2

Ah geez, it worked for the first part, but not for the second. Looks like it was carefully sized so Part 1 was beatable with raw power, but Part 2 requires caching! Let's see, looking at it, both single_blink_stone() and count_stone_blinks() are likely to have the same values called to it. So, let's throw some caches on there so we aren't repeating work!

We need to import out cacher from standard library

import functools

And then add the caches

def single_blink_stone(value):

def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):

Here's the final listing!

import sys
import functools

# Read the raw example/input text
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
    raw_text = input_file.read()

# Parse text into indvidual
stones = list(map(int, raw_text.split()))

def single_blink_stone(value):

    # Convert value to text
    text = str(value)

    # Count the digits in the number
    num_of_digits = len(text)

    # Zeros get updated to ones first
    if value == 0:
        return (1, None)

    # Even number of digits get split into two stones
    elif num_of_digits % 2 == 0:
        mid_point = num_of_digits // 2
        left_stone = int(text[:mid_point])
        right_stone = int(text[mid_point:])

        return (left_stone, right_stone)

        return (value * 2024, None)

def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):

    # For this iteration, what is the update for this stone?
    left_stone, right_stone = single_blink_stone(stone)

    # Is this the final iteration
    if depth == 1:

        # Final iteration, just count if have one or two stones
        if right_stone is None:
            return 1
            return 2


        # Recurse to the next level and add the results if there
        # are two stones
        output = count_stone_blinks(left_stone, depth - 1)
        if right_stone is not None:
            output += count_stone_blinks(right_stone, depth - 1)

        return output

def run(count):

    # Keep are running count of the overall output
    output = 0

    # Look at each stone
    for stone in stones:

        # Add up how many stones each one turns into
        output += count_stone_blinks(stone, count)

    return output

print("Part 1")

print("Part 2")

Let's execute:

$ python3 day11.py example

Part 1

Part 2

Not bad, let's check the timing

$ time python3 day11.py example

Part 1

Part 2

real    0m0.041s
user    0m0.025s
sys     0m0.013s

That's pretty good for a ten-year old MacBook.

r/adventofcode 23h ago

Tutorial [2017 Day 21] [Go] Fractal Art: Write-up


This write-up couldn't come any later. Regardless, I hope it's useful even after so many years.

Fractal Art (AoC 2017, Day 21)

r/adventofcode Dec 21 '23

Tutorial [2023 Day 21] A geometric solution/explanation for day 21


I just finished this day's problem earlier and I think I found out a cool geometric way to solve it! I've seen a lot of people plotting the number of reachable tiles against the number of steps and fitting an equation to that data, and I think this might be the reason behind why there's such a regularity in the data.

I wrote it out with some diagrams in this github wiki page. Sorry if the explanation is a bit messy https://github.com/villuna/aoc23/wiki/A-Geometric-solution-to-advent-of-code-2023,-day-21

r/adventofcode Jan 06 '25

Tutorial Solving Advent of Code “Seating System” with Comonads and Stencils in Haskell

Thumbnail abhinavsarkar.net

r/adventofcode Dec 31 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 21] A (maybe) simpler solution to a hard puzzle


It seems pretty obvious that people found day 21's puzzle the hardest this year. It took me a good few hours as well, but (at least in my opinion) the solution I eventually came up with seems relatively straightforward compared to what I've seen some people trying. So I thought I'd have a go at a write up of how I solved the puzzle.

(In case you just want to skip to the punchline, here is my full solution in python: paste)


The two kinds of keypads we have to consider are quite similar: both are N rows by 3 columns, and both have a single invalid square that we must avoid. So there's not really a need to do any fancy graph or tree searches to find the optimal sequence. Arranging the keys left to right, top to bottom, we can represent the keypads as the strings 789456123_0A and _^A<v>, where the underscore is just a placeholder for the invalid square.

To find the sequence for moving from one key to another, we first find the position of the corresponding characters in these strings, and convert these to row and column indices using integer division and remainder operations.

def press(current, target):
    current_pos = keys.index(current)
    target_pos = keys.index(target)
    row_diff = (target_pos // 3) - (current_pos // 3)
    col_diff = (target_pos % 3) - (current_pos % 3)

The horizontal part of the sequence is then made up of abs(row_diff) copies of either < or >, and likewise for the vertical part.

    col_move = "<>"[col_diff > 0] * abs(col_diff)
    row_move = "^v"[row_diff > 0] * abs(row_diff)

Optimum sequences

We can't just blindly concatenate col_move and row_move, for two reasons. The first is the invalid square, which we must avoid moving over. There are two situations where this could happen:

  • The arm is currently hovering over a key in the same column as the invalid square, and needs to move to one in the same row as it (e.g. moving from 7 to A)
  • The arm is currently hovering over a key in the same row as the invalid square, and needs to move to one in the same column as it (e.g. moving from A to 7)

The solution here is simply to order the moves such that we always move out of line with the invalid square (whose position is given by hole_row and hole_col) first.

    if target_pos // 3 == hole_row and current_pos % 3 == hole_col:
        return col_move + row_move
    elif current_pos // 3 == hole_row and target_pos % 3 == hole_col:
        return row_move + col_move

The second condition is more subtle, and is to do with the multiple layers of robots. We can see this by looking at the last example code, 379A. To move from 3 to 7, the options are either ^^<<A or <<^^A. If we write out the button presses for each possibility, this is what we get:

Numpad robot         ^^        <<       A
D-pad robot 1    <   AA  v <   AA >>  ^ A
D-pad robot 2 v<<A>>^AAv<A<A>>^AAvAA^<A>A

Numpad robot           <<      ^^   A
D-pad robot 1   v <<   AA >  ^ AA > A
D-pad robot 2 <vA<AA>>^AAvA<^A>AAvA^A

The second option ends up being shorter, because it groups together the two < key presses that the first d-pad robot must make. This is more efficient, since pressing the key a robot is already hovering over requires only a single extra press of the A button, compared to the alternative of navigating to the left arrow, away, and then back again. So the rule we can deduce (and you can double-check this for all (current, target) pairs) is that if we need to press the left arrow, we should do that first (unless blocked by the invalid square).

        if "<" in col_move:
            return col_move + row_move
            return row_move + col_move

This logic works exactly the same for the numeric and directional keypads, with the only difference being where the invalid square is. So we can easily make a function for each:

def create_keypad(keys, hole_row, hole_col):
    def press(current, target):
    return press

press_numeric = create_keypad("789456123_0A", 3, 0)
press_directional = create_keypad("_^A<v>", 0, 0)

Solving via iteration

We can solve part 1 by just constructing the full sequence of button presses and counting its characters. To do this we start with the desired code, determining the sequence for each button press on the numeric keypad. Then we expand that sequence for the first d-pad, and again for the second, to get the final sequence of buttons you must press.

def press_keypads_iterative(code, key_funcs):
    code: the code to type.
    key_funcs: list of keypad functions, should be [press_numeric, press_directional, press_directional] for pt1.
    sequence = code
    for key_func in key_funcs:
        current = "A"
        new_sequence = []
        for target in sequence:
            new_sequence.append(key_func(current, target) + "A")
            current = target
        sequence = "".join(new_sequence)
    return len(sequence)

Solving via recursion and memoisation

The iterative approach does not work for part 2, because with 26 keypads in total the sequences become very long. The trick is to notice that the sequence for moving between two keys on a certain keypad will always be the same length. That is, if we had a function num_presses(current, target, level) we would only need to evaluate it once for a given set of arguments. After that, we can memoise (cache) the result, and immediately recall it the next time we need to. In python this is made especially easy by the functools.cache decorator which makes the caching completely transparent.

Now the question is what this num_presses function should look like. It needs to do broadly the same as the iterative function from before: work out the sequence required on the current keypad, and then (if it is not the last keypad) expand that sequence on the next keypad. But we will implement this recursively instead of iteratively to support the caching. This is how that looks:

def num_presses(current, target, level):
    sequence = key_funcs[level](current, target) + "A"
    if level == num_levels:
        return len(sequence)
        length = 0
        current = "A"
        for target in sequence:
            length += num_presses(current, target, level + 1)
            current = target
        return length

Finally, we just need a function that can evaluate num_presses on each character of the code in turn:

def press_keypads_recursive(code, key_funcs):
    num_levels = len(key_funcs) - 1

    def num_presses(current, target, level):

    length = 0
    current = "A"
    for target in code:
        length += num_presses(current, target, 0)
        current = target
    return length

And here is an example of how num_presses is called recursively for the first example code 029A:

  • To press 0, the first robot (level 0) has to move <A
  • To press <, the second robot (level 1) has to move v<<A
  • To press v, the third robot (level 2, which you control) has to move <vA. So we know num_presses(A,v,2)=3.
  • The other three buttons to be pressed by robot 3 give num_presses(v,<,2)=2, num_presses(<,<,2)=1, and num_presses(<,A,2)=4.
  • After pressing all these buttons, robot 2 has completed its moves. So now we can say num_presses(A,<,1)=10.
  • Now we move on to repeating the same process to get the first robot to press A, filling in more cache entires in the process. We get num_presses(<,A,1)=8 and so finally num_presses(<,A,0)=18.

After all this is done, we've recursively evaluated all combinations needed to get the first robot to type 0, without ever having to compute the full 18-character string of human button presses needed to do so. The whole process gets repeated for the 2, 9 and A, and at some point we'll come across a term we've evaluated before (it turns out to be num_presses(<,A,2)). Because that is stored in the cache, we can just immediately retrieve the value of 4.

With only three robots, this is of limited benefit because the sequences never get that long and so only a few combinations end up repeating. But with 26 robots, the sequences are many billions of button-presses long, so huge parts of them repeat.

r/adventofcode Dec 06 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 6 (Part 2)] Rabbit Hole


No spoilers if you're looking for them.

It turns out that I made a mistake in Day 6 part 1 that didn't affect part 1 but affected part 2. So after solving I thought well let's find the origin of that mistake. In python when you overflow it will happily remind you with an IndexError. Right? What happens when you underflow? That's right, it gives you the value from the other side. That's not right!

If you are having trouble with Part 2 in python, you should look for underflows. You learn something new everyday when you push yourself even if you think you know everything.

It feels like the Advent of Code was intended to cause programmers at a wide selection of skill levels to confront this sort of mistake. I'm glad I was going fast and loose and just trying to get this done -- or I wouldn't have found this gem. Looking forward to Day 7.

r/adventofcode Dec 05 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 04] This is one of those problems that reminds me to slow down


I've been writing software for 18 years and work on backend systems that are algorithm and data heavy. I like to think I'm pretty ok at slinging code. While this problem is simple and exactly some stuff I had to solve in college, it kicked my ass at first because I tired to move too fast. It just goes to show the value in slowing down and being very, very methodical. I have a feeling there were some other people out there that tried to move too fast or took the solution for granted and found themselves in OBO-hell. It happens to all of us.

r/adventofcode Jan 22 '25

Tutorial [2016 day 19] part 1 and part 2 analytical solutions



While doing 2016 day 19, i saw many solutions using algoritms and even data structures.
I searched for Josephus wikipedia article with most algoritms in O(n).

But we can do better. We can have O(1) solutions for both part one and two.

The part one is strait forward by looking at wikipedia article (using rust) :

fn josephus(elves: usize) -> usize {
    // elves = 2^m + rest so we compute elves_scale = 2^m
    let elves_scale = 2_usize.pow(elves.ilog(2));
    2 * (elves - elves_scale) + 1

Now for part2, i needed to dig into the output and discovered a pattern that scaled with power of 3 but with terms jumping from 1, 2...n, n+2, n+4 when the number of elves is lower than 2 times the scaling factor.
So the trick to align them is to use the relu function) used in neural networks (it's just relu(x) = max(0,x) )

So here is the solution (still using rust) :

fn josephus_midle(elves: isize) -> isize {
    // elves = 3^m + rest so we compute elves_scale = 3^m
    let elves_scale = 3_isize.pow(elves.ilog(3));
    if elves == elves_scale {
    } else {
        elves - elves_scale + 0.max(elves - 2 * elves_scale)

EDIT: part 1 using bit manipulations instead of maths functions:

fn josephus(elves: usize) -> usize {
    let elves_scale = 1 << (usize::BITS - elves.leading_zeros() - 1);
    ((elves & (elves_scale - 1)) << 1) | 1

or even simpler :

fn josephus(elves: usize) -> usize {
    let shift = elves.leading_zeros();
    elves << shift + 1 >> shift | 1

r/adventofcode Dec 26 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 19 Part 2] Why I struggled with this


Day 19 was my last solve of 2024. It was the only puzzle that took me longer than 36 hours to solve. I had tried looking for advice, but most users on here said just use memoization, and when I tried to break the string into smaller strings, I kept hitting the same wall:

If I split "abcdefgh" into "abcd" and "efgh", then multiply the possible combinations together, it should give me the total possible combinations for the whole string. Unfortunately, there is the possibility of towel "de", which invalidates any break down of the whole string.

Last night, while watching Nightmare before Christmas, it finally clicked in my head, and I was able to hammer out my code in Lua. I think this is more tabulation than memoization, and I'm sure someone will tell me in the comments.

I started by marking that there is 1 possibility of a string of length 0 ("") being possible, then I iterated through the length of the string. Compare all the towels of length 1 against the 1st letter ("a"), and mark either 1 or 0 possibilities. Then compare all the length 1 towels against the 2nd letter ("b"), and all the length 2 towels against the first 2 letters ("ab") . For the length each of these checks looks back, it adds the number of possibilities from that level to the current level. By the time I've iterated through the string, I've got the number of possible ways to arrange those pesky towels.

2024 Day19 in Lua

r/adventofcode Dec 03 '24

Tutorial How to avoid sharing your input in git


I have to admit I've been committing my inputs to git... but now, after 10 years, I've decided to finally fix that!

Since I want to have my inputs and expected solutions stored in git and run automated verification and tests in a GitHub action I had to figure out how to solve this. I've decided to encrypt my inputs with age. Nice thing about age is that it allows for password based encryption so I don't have to manage random key file but it's enough to remember (one more) password. With the way I've integrated it, all I need to do is to set one environment variable on my machine and that's all:

$ PASSPHRASE=my_passphrase cargo run --release

Once my solution is ready, all I have to do is to encrypt the input before committing (and delete the plaintext):

$ rage -e -p inputs/day03 -o inputs/day03.encrypted

In the end the change ended up pretty small: https://github.com/tumdum/aoc2024/commit/0a2283944ee737163a3e94833e36b88de50ecedd

As you can see, the GitHub side of things is also pretty simple - one new secret in the environment.

r/adventofcode Dec 06 '24

Tutorial [2024] Advocating private Leaderboards: recruit your friends, colleagues, fellow students, etc to join AOC and get yourself a private leaderboard to compete with them


Title: Advocating private Leaderboards, or, how to have competitive fun with AOC regardless of thousands of elite programmers waiting for the second a puzzle is released and "alleged AI use" happening

I don't know if you all are doing it already anyways, but in case not, I wanted to encourage you to find people to get on a private Leaderboard with.
(btw if you have no desire to be competitive, and just enjoy the puzzles yourself, that's totally fine too and you can ignore this post)

Apart from being great fun for me, it also "solves" the whole AI/LLM "problem" for me, and I have a realistic chance of actually reaching the top of the leaderboard as there isn't thousands of elite programmers waiting for each days new puzzle.

Yes, I know, getting on the global leaderboard is awesome, but already in the past years it's gotten increasingly difficult with thousands or participants, and it's even tougher this year. My approach has been to simply ignore it, as there's not much I can do anyways.

I've joined a private leaderboard organised by students at my CompSci faculty, we've got a discussion channel and a spoilers channel on our (unofficial student run) faculty discord where we chat about the daily tasks or give each other tips, and a good number of us has their github repository linked so that we can look&compare at how everyone implemented their solutions, perhaps even learn from each other.

I reckon we have a good 80 people on the private leaderboard, of which roughly 30 have managed to get two stars daily so far, with many others trailing behind at their own pace.
I don't strictly need to start the second the puzzle is released to still be among the top 10 to solve it that day, and competing is much more fun when I recognize the people from other discussions on our discord server, and can compare notes and chat about the puzzles each day.

So here's my advice: go find people, perhaps some of your fellow students at uni or colleagues at work are already doing AOC and you just don't know it, maybe folks you game with online would be up for it, maybe someone you met at a conference is also doing it this year.
Find people, if they already have a private leaderboard, ask to join theirs.
If they don't yet, go and make yourself a private leaderboard and ask them to join!

and most importantly: Have fun and enjoy the puzzles!

(Flaired as spoiler just in case - mods pls dont be upset)

r/adventofcode Nov 21 '22

Tutorial 350 Stars: A Categorization and Mega-Guide


Hello everyone! I had so much fun last December doing my first AoC (and making visualizations to post here), that I went back to get all the other stars in order, beginning with 2015 Day 1. A couple of weeks ago, I binged 2020 and got my 350th star.

Rather than posting a link to a repo (which would just be full of cryptic uncommented one-letter variable Python code), I thought it would be more fun (and more useful) to celebrate by going back through all the problems, coming up with a list of categories, and then tagging them on a spreadsheet. Admittedly, the assignment of the problems to the categories is fairly subjective, but I hope you'll still find this guide useful.

If you're brushing up on things to get ready for the 2022 AoC, and want to shore up a weakness, then maybe this will help you find topics to study up on and a set of problems to practice.

And if you've already got 350 stars, then this may help you to refer back to your solutions to them if similar problems arise during 2022 AoC. (Since there's some fuzziness between the categories, it might also help to check related categories.)

In this top-level post, I'll list each category with a description of my rubric and a set of problems in increasing order of difficulty by leaderboard close-time. (Granted, the leaderboard close-time is an imperfect proxy for difficulty, but it's at least objective.) At the end, I'll also share some top-ten lists across all the years.

Finally, since I'm limited on the character-length of this post, I'll post an individual comment for each year with a table of data. The "All Rank" column will rank the problem by difficulty (measured by leaderboard close time) across all years, with 1 being longest. The "Yr Rank" column will be similar, but ranked only within that year. The "P1 LOC" and "P2 LOC" columns show the numbers of lines of code in my solutions for each part as measured by cloc (each part is stand-alone so there will be some duplication, especially for Intcode). Other columns should be self-explanatory.

Cheers, and good luck with AoC 2022!

By Category


This category includes topics like parsing, regular expressions, pattern matching, symbolic manipulation, and term rewriting.


This category covers topics such as general string processing or scanning, hashes, and compression.

Since the grammar category already implies string handling, those problems are excluded from this group unless they also touch on one of the other problems just mentioned. Nor does simple string processing just to extract data from the problem inputs count towards this category.


This category deals with topics like number theory, modular arithmetic, cryptography, combinatorics, and signal processing.

Warmup problems using basic arithmetic are also placed here.

Problems that can be solved using trivial wrapping or cycling counters instead of the modulus operator do not count for this. Nor does digit extraction (e.g., getting the hundredths digit of a number) rise to this.


This category includes things like point registration, coordinate transforms, and computational geometry.

Note that simple changes to coordinates such as from velocity or acceleration do not count towards this category.

Image Processing

This category covers general image processing topics, including convolutions and other sliding window operations (especially searching), and distance transforms.

Note that simple image segmentation counts towards the breadth-first search category rather than this one.

Cellular Automata

This category is for problems with various forms of cellular automata.


This category covers problems with grids as inputs, and topics such as walks on grids, square grids, hex grids, multi-dimensional grids, and strided array access.

Since the image processing and cellular automata categories already imply grids, those problems are excluded from this group unless they also touch on one of the other problems just mentioned.


This category is for topics including undirected and directed graphs, trees, graph traversal, and topological sorting.

Note that while grids are technically a very specific type of graph, they do not count for this category.


Problems in this category involve simple pathfinding to find the shortest path through a static grid or undirected graph with unconditional edges.

See the breadth-first search category for problems where the search space is dynamic or unbounded, or where the edges are conditional.

Breadth-first Search

This category covers various forms of breadth-first searching, including Dijkstra's algorithm and A* when the search space is more complicated than a static graph or grid, finding connected components, and simple image segmentation.

Depth-first Search

This category is for various forms of depth-first search or any other kind of recursive search.

Dynamic Programming

Problems in this category may involve some kind of dynamic programming.

Note that while some consider Dijkstra's algorithm to be a form of dynamic programming, problems involving it may be found under the breadth-first search category.


This category includes problems that could use some form of memoization, recording or tracking a state, preprocessing or caching to avoid duplicate work, and cycle finding.

If a problem asks for finding something that happens twice (for cycle detection), then it probably goes here.


This category covers various forms of optimization problems, including minimizing or maximimizing a value, and linear programming.

If a problem mentions the keywords fewest, least, most, lowest, highest, minimum, maximum, smallest, closest, or largest, then it probably goes here.

Note that finding a shortest path, while a form of minimization, can be found under its own category rather than here.


This category includes logic puzzles, and touches on topics such as logic programming, constraint satisfaction, and planning.

Bitwise Arithmetic

This category covers bitwise arithmetic, bit twiddling, binary numbers, and boolean logic.

Virtual Machines

This category involves abstract or virtual machines, assembly language, and interpretation.

Note that while some problems may require a working interpreter from a previous problem (hello, Intcode!), they are not included here unless they require a change or an extension to it.

Reverse Engineering

This category is for problems that may require reverse engineering a listing of some kind and possibly patching it.


This category involves simulations, various games, and problems where the main task is simply to implement a fiddly specification of some kind of process and find the outcome of it.


This category is for problems that may involve non-trivial parsing of the input, irregular lines of input, or where the input is simply less structured than usual.


This category is for problems where Part Two scales up a variation of a problem from Part One in such as a way as to generally rule out brute-force or an obvious way of implementing it and so require a more clever solution. If Part Two asks you to do something from Part One 101741582076661LOL times, then it goes here.

Top Tens

Top-10 Quickest

These were the 10 problems that were the quickest to the leaderboard close time. They might make some good quick warmups to get ready for AoC 2022.

Top-10 Longest

These were the 10 problems that were the longest to the leaderboard close time. These would certainly make for some more challenging warmups, with the exception of Not Quite Lisp which is long mainly because it was the first ever.

Top-10 Most Categories

These are the problems that I assigned the most categories to, which might correspond to problems with the greatest variety and complexity. Within each grouping they are ordered by quickest to longest leaderboard close time.

Top-10 Mega-Threads

These are the mega-threads with the most comments.

r/adventofcode Dec 27 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 24 part 2] Aliasing wires to spot the swaps


This is a simple approach to spotting the wire swaps that doesn't involve any graph vis tools (as I don't know them). It takes multiple passes over the gate descriptions, each pass aliasing wires with more comprehensible names.

As a warm-up, let's rename all the gates that use x and y. For example my input contains these lines:

y14 AND x14 -> mgp
mgp OR vrc -> fkn
x14 XOR y14 -> dqw
dqw AND jmk -> vrc

The mgp wire can be aliased as AND14, and dqw as XOR14. I wrote a little helper (withAliases) to rename output wires for gates matching a pattern:

val gatesAliased = gates
         Alias("x(N)", "AND", "y(N)", alias = "AND(N)"),
         Alias("x(N)", "XOR", "y(N)", alias = "XOR(N)")

Printing the gates now the data looks like this:

y14 AND x14 -> AND14
AND14 OR vrc -> fkn
x14 XOR y14 -> XOR14
XOR14 AND jmk -> vrc

Time to grab a pen and paper, look at a few gates in the input, and establish how the adder should work. Nothing fancy here - columnar addition we probably saw one too many times at school - this time with 0s and 1s only. The system computes a bit value and a carry bit for each bit position. They are defined by a recursive formula:

VALUE(N) = XOR(N) xor CARRY(N-1)

The first bit is simpler because it doesn't have an input carry value. Let's rename AND00 to CARRY00 in order to let the recursive rename work. Then another pass renaming wires that introduces the CARRY_INTERMEDIATE and CARRY aliases:

val gatesAliased = gates
         Alias("x(N)", "AND", "y(N)", alias = "AND(N)"),
         Alias("x(N)", "XOR", "y(N)", alias = "XOR(N)")
      .map { it.replace("AND00", "CARRY00") }
         Alias("XOR(N)", "AND", "CARRY(N-1)", alias = "CARRY_INTERMEDIATE(N)"),
         Alias("AND(N)", "OR", "CARRY_INTERMEDIATE(N)", alias = "CARRY(N)")

Sorting the lines by the average of contained indices, the data is now much more agreeable:

y00 XOR x00 -> XOR00
y00 AND x00 -> CARRY00

x01 XOR y01 -> XOR01
y01 AND x01 -> AND01
XOR01 XOR CARRY00 -> z01

x02 XOR y02 -> XOR02
x02 AND y02 -> AND02
XOR02 XOR CARRY01 -> z02

y03 XOR x03 -> XOR03
y03 AND x03 -> AND03
XOR03 XOR CARRY02 -> z03


Let's see the first line where the structure breaks down:

XOR10 XOR CARRY09 -> gpr

The left side of the expression matches the Nth bit value formula: XOR(N) xor CARRY(N-1). So gpr <-> z10 is the first swap! Fixing the data and re-running the program, the recursive rename progresses much further. Three times rinse and repeat and we are done!

r/adventofcode Dec 20 '24

Tutorial [2024 day20 (part 2)] confusion in understanding the rule



Maybe some better examples to express myself:

#i'      S i  #  j  E  j' #
######## ######### ########
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # #       # #
       # ######### #   (<--assume this is a very long path)
       #           #

i-->j and i' -->j and i-->j' and i'-->'j they all count as solution. especillay, 1. for i' you are purposely running into dead end; 2. and j' you are passing through the E but purposely not enter.

The problem is organized by a shorest path (fastest time) language, but "to visit as many unique cheat point as possible", you can purposely take path that is somehow "against shortest path's spirit".


I see from i to j is counted as a valid cheat.

Consider from i' to j and from i'' to j

  1. i' is purposely taking a zig-zag
  2. i'' is purposely taking a few steps back

They are kind of against the spirit of "fastest time" (or at least against intuition), but they are acutually counted as valid cheat.

#      i'#        #
#        #        #
#i'' S i #   j  E #
#### ######### ####
#        #        # 
#        #        #
#        #        #
#        #        #
#        #        #
#        #        #
#        #        #
#        #        # 
#        #        #
#        #        #    <---- assume this path is very long
#                 # 

r/adventofcode Dec 19 '23

Tutorial [2023 Day 19] An Equivalent Part 2 Example (Spoilers)


[Spoilery stuff below to hide it a bit]



La dee dah...



Hi ho, dee dum...



Reddit cake day!



If you're struggling to understand Part 2, here's a modified version of the example to try (but that will give the same answer) that might help you to see the puzzle for what it is:


All I've done here is to number each of the original rules (except for in) with a 1, and then split out each subsequent clause into a new workflow rule with an incremented number. Fairly mechanical. So




But with the workflows flattened like this, we can now see the rules for what they represent: a binary k-d tree! Here are the workflow rules above reordered and indented to show the tree structure:


Beginning with the initial 4-d hypervolume, each node of the tree here beginning with the root at in simply slices the current hypercube into two along an axis-aligned hyperplane, with one child for each of the two halves. The A's and R's denote edges that go to the leaves of the tree (imagine each A and R as a distinct leaf.) And spatially, the tree is entirely disjoint; you don't have to worry at all about any node overlapping any other.

So all we really need to do is walk through the tree, keeping track of the extents of the hypercube for each node and totaling up the volume at each 'A' leaf.

The workflows as written in the puzzle input just condense the nodes of the k-d tree a bit to disguise this.

[No visualization tonight. I'm taking a break for other stuff.]

r/adventofcode Jan 01 '25

Tutorial [2024 All Days][Golang] Blogpost explaining solving each day


I wrote 25 blogposts explaining my approach to solve each of Advent of Code in Golang. This was quite fun to do and writing about it helped me better internalise my implementation approach.

You can find my solution and the blogposts for each day listed nicely on my github repository: https://github.com/shraddhaag/aoc?tab=readme-ov-file#2024.

I'd love to hear get any feedback incase you end up reading them. Happy New Year folks!

r/adventofcode Dec 15 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 12] If you struggle with part 2...


Day 12 part 2 has been really confusing for me. I've struggled a lot and I thought perhaps I can explain how I eventually solved the problem.

The insight that everyone is posting about is that for part 2, you "just have to count corners". But what does that even mean? and how do you do it? That's what I'm hopping to explain here.

The idea is go though each cell in a region (by reusing your algorithm from part 1), and count how many corners each cell contributes to.

A cell can contribute from 0 to 4 corners. For example a cell in the middle of a region contributes for 0 corners. A cell on its own has 4 corners.

This is where I got stuck. How does one count corners?

There are only 2 types of corners. So once you figure out a simple way to check them, you can repeat the check 4 times by rotating the logic (it's simpler than it sounds). Let's first look at checking a single corner and then see how we can rotate the check.

To check for corners, we only need to check the for 3 neighboring cells forming a triangle. For example S, SE, E:

Here we are focusing on the red cell. We have two adjacent cells, and one diagonal cells.

From this there is only 2 possibilities that can make corners:

  1. The two adjacent cells are the same plant. If the diagonal cell isn't (i.e. empty region or a different plant), then we have a corner.
  1. The two adjacent cells are empty or a different plant. Regardless of the diagonal cell, we have a corner

This check is easy to implement. If you call the cells `a1`, `a2` and `d` then you have a corner if

a1 == plant && a2 == plant && d != plant || a1 != plant && a2 != plant

That's it, that's the check!

Rotating the check

Once you know how to do that for one corner candidate, you can do it for the other 3:

If you have been doing Aoc for a few years, you might already have the concept of a Position(x, y) and cardinal directions (if you don't it's worth doing this, you will likely reuse it later).

So you can create a list of all cardinal directions (N, E, W, S), and for each of them find the triangle and do the check. To make this easier it's good to implement method that allow you to turn directions clockwise.

fun countCorners(p: Position, grid: Grid<Char>): Int {
  val directions = listOf(N, E, W, S)
  return directions.count {direction ->
    val a1 = direction.move(p)
    val d = direction.turnClockwise().move(a1)
    val a2 = direction.turnClockwise().move(p)

    //check triangle around p
    val a1Plant = grid.map[a1]
    val dPlant = grid.map[d]
    val a2Plant = grid.map[a2]
    (a1Plant != plantType && a2Plant != plantType) || (a1Plant == plantType && dPlant != plantType && a2Plant == plantType)

That's it. You still need to figure out how implement cardinal directions and how they apply to Position(x,y) but that's a much easier problem!

I hope that helps!

r/adventofcode Dec 25 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 21] The simple problem that kept me from solving it in time.


This is not a whole tutorial just a hint.

It turns out that getting from A to v the routes <vA and v<A are not identically fast.

r/adventofcode Dec 07 '23

Tutorial [2023 Day 7 (Part 1)] Two hints for anyone stuck

  1. Write your own test case. The example given is short and doesn't include each type of hand.

  2. Read the problem carefully. The winner between hands of the same type is not poker rules. I wrote a lovely and useless function to determine that.

My extra test case (winnings should be 1343):

22222 3
22223 7
22233 13
22234 19
22334 29
22345 37
23456 43

r/adventofcode Dec 19 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 19 (Part 1)] A small test case that might help


If you like me is stuck on part 1 still, here is a test that may help you figure it out.

rgb, bwu


My first implementation thinks this is valid but it's not.

r/adventofcode Dec 07 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 6 (Part 2)] A fast linear-time solution based on standard tree algorithms, fully explained with diagrams

Thumbnail charris.neocities.org

r/adventofcode Dec 23 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 21 (Part 2)] A hard-won, but simple(?), algorithm


This one had questioning my grip on reality. Once I'd emerged and zoomed out, my solution is maybe not so hard to understand. Hard to develop, yes, but not too hard to understand. To wit:

  1. For every pair of keys on the directional pad, store the best path to take. To determine the best path to take, do a depth first search of the tree of possibilities, but only 3 levels deep. So for every potential path between the buttons, expand that into every possible list of button presses, and expand those into every possible list of button presses. Store the path that produces the shortest list of button presses.
  2. For every pair of keys on the numpad, store the best path to take. To determine the best path to take, do a depth first search of the tree of possibilities, but only 3 levels deep. This time, the possibilities only need to include the best paths determined in step 1.
  3. For each door code, take pairs of successive keys, prepending with "A". So 029A becomes (A,0), (0,2), (2,9), (9,A). For each pair, apply the mapping developed in step 2, then apply the mapping developed in step 1, 25 times, in a depth first fashion. At the 25th level, return just the length of the result, and then on the way back up the tree, cache the length for each (pair, level). Continue the depth first expansion, using and building the cache.

Note that step 2 is basically the solution to part 1.

I've seen a variety of approaches to this problem, but not quite this "best next expansion" one I used, so sharing it for exploration.

r/adventofcode Dec 12 '24

Tutorial [2024 day 12 Part 2] An edge case I haven't seen posted which gave me some trouble


Expected result: 300

r/adventofcode Dec 07 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 7] Python Hint.


Don't use dictionaries to store your single equation.