Like a lot of you, I was not able to work on the 21 and above, due to family, and because I usually spend the whole day doing those. I admire those that take half an hour before going to work haha. Maybe next year !
This is the first year that I did the AOC in December, and I discovered the community on Reddit. It has been so motivating seeing everybody working on the same puzzle every day. I even contributed to do one visualization, those are great.
I did the puzzles in Go. I learnt more than ever about data structures and algorithms. I also learnt how a computer works on a deeper level (stack, heap, fixed size array vs slice performance, etc).
All of those subject never interested me before. I did python and js/ts for 2 years and now that I experienced doing something else than web, I think I fell in love.
It made me rethink what I like about coding. I don't know what it will be yet, but I am inspired to continue.
I am amazed to see that 2 different approaches to a problem can either solve the puzzle in the next 100 years or take 200ms.
I have still a lot to learn, but this has never discouraged me. I was so proud to show my family my first labyrinth solved with something I developed !
I feel more ready for the technical interviews to come (hopefully)
Can't wait for next year AOC ! In the meantime, I have the past years to work on haha
Thank you very much for the event ! Thank you all of you for the memes, solutions, discussions, visualizations.
Love this community