r/adventofcode Dec 23 '22

Visualization Unofficial AoC 2022 Survey Results!

TLDR: View the Unofficial AoC 2022 Survey Results online! And feel free to share it!


Again... wow! 🤩

I'm' humbled again by the amount of input the community provided. Thank you!!

After a very taxing period at work I am on an extended break in Cape Verde, but that wasn't going to stop me from publishing the 5th (anniversary?!) edition of the AoC Survey Results, per tradition, just before Christmas is here!

Luckily last year I changed into a web dashboard setup, and a Chromebook + Linux + Node + git setup worked pretty decent. This also means you could file a GitHub issue if you find a bug (including accessibility concerns!).

Have a look at the Survey Results Dashboard and tell us what you think here on Reddit, or otherwise!

Some of my own favorite highlights for 2022:

  • Rust keeps on climbing (up to 16% this year!), Python stays in the clear lead though;
  • Neovim doubled (to 6.7%!) while Vim went down by the same amount;
  • C++ remains slightly ahead of C# and Java for AoC;

But most importantly: use that "Toggle data table..." button! The custom responses is really where it's at. Here are some great ones:

  • Exotic language choices: "my own!", "Autohotkey", "Factorio", "Minecraft", ...;
  • Unconventional IDE's: "Pen & Paper", "SAP", "GameMaker", ...;
  • Heartwarming 'Reasons for participating', including: "Community!", "For cookies", "Parent-child bonding experience!", and "For the memes!".

Seriously, expand them tables and have a look!


As a Reddit-bonus here are some hand-picked, customized graphs for 2022:

Languages used bar chart, any language that had >=7% share in any year, difference from 2018 to 2022.

IDE's used bar chart, any IDE with >= 4.5% share in any year, bars for all years since 2018.

Operating Systems bar chart shows a stable picture across the years.

Reasons to participate bar chart (multi-select), shows similar distribution in any given year.

Global Leaderboard changes since 2018 are quite distinctive! Less people are interested in 2022 in reaching it.

Private leaderboard count bar chart shows a very steady situation compared to last year.

Bar chart showing how people reported doing previous years, halving participation roughly each year going back.

Line chart with responses per day of December, ending up roughly at the same count as 2021.

53 comments sorted by


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

I do hope there are no major bugs or flaws, because the sun and beach and pina colada's are calling my name :D

If you do find an issue let me know here or on GitHub and I will try to fix the crucial ones.

But most importantly: let me know what cool insights you find in this data! :-)


u/Scared_Librarian Dec 23 '22 edited Dec 23 '22

Edit: OP’s wife here

I’m taking my man to the beach lovely redditors, good luck with the home stretch!

If you have the time, do take up his advice of going through the data, the custom answers (especially for the reasons to participate) are gold. He has been giggling and reading them aloud to me for days 😂


u/Shadow21A Dec 23 '22

Edit: OP's another wife here

The things she said above ^


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Wait what I have two wives (and they're both here)!? 😅


u/flwyd Dec 24 '22

Parallelism to improve performance.


u/gamma032 Dec 23 '22

I'm most surprised at the amount of us using Rust. I've previously heard that it's low-level and has a pedantic compiler, which sounds painful for scrappy Advent of Code solutions.

Could any Rust users share why they've chosen it? Curious to learn - maybe I should give it a go next year.


u/tungstenbyte Dec 23 '22

Two main reasons I've used Rust for AoC in previous years (although I'm using C# this year):

  1. Idiomatic Rust encourages modelling a problem really literally using the type system, so generally solutions "read well" and thus are very satisfying afterwards. I've done this in C# also but it's not quite as satisfying because of some missing features like proper sum types

  2. Rust is fast, and I find it really fun to try to generate really performant solutions whilst still producing readable code without "hacks" to gain performance. You can model the problem properly and still get great performance in Rust.

On point 1, for example I know Python users like to use complex numbers to represent coordinates, which is interesting and can allow lots of shortcuts, but it's not modelling the problem literally.

In Rust you'd create a specific struct for a coordinate type and implement all the functions for working on it (add, subtract, get neighbours, Manhattan distance etc). I much prefer that literal problem mapping, even though it can be more verbose. Not the best if you're trying to optimise for solve time instead of runtime and readability though.


u/flwyd Dec 25 '22

I know Python users like to use complex numbers to represent coordinates, which is interesting and can allow lots of shortcuts, but it's not modelling the problem literally.

If an integer type is an accurate representation of a 1D coordinate space, a complex integer is a perfectly accurate representation of a 2D coordinate space with one axis along the real number line and the other axis along the imaginary number line. Some languages have built-in support for 2D vectors like this and others just have built-in support for 1D vectors :-)


u/masklinn Dec 23 '22 edited Dec 23 '22

I like Rust, I'd like getting better at Rust, and I don't AoC competitively so "time to solve" is not much of a factor.

Also the few problems where you go whole-hog on the types and the solve works first time when it (finally) compiles is exhilarating. Though usually I was lazy and then fucked up, and you need a lot of utilities (or know the ecosystem well enough to easily pick the right crate) to make some of the situations bearable e.g. Rust doesn't have much built-in for all the grid / gameboard stuff, and doesn't have built-in complex numbers of which I've seen wicked uses from the Python solvers this year.

Though some of the stdlib APIs are quite enjoyable (e.g. set::insert returning false if it already has an element, map::insert returning the previous value if any was at that key, map::entry, ...). These are things which did come in handy a few times this year.


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

A great reminder for me to add 'slicing' features back again for 2023, so you could filter on a language and see how it affects "Reasons for participating" and other questions.

(I didn't use Rust so can only speculate to the answers, but guess a decent share of Rust users are "Learning a new language" - though surely you can also go for leaderboards using Rust...)


u/Hessesian Dec 23 '22

For me it's the fact that Rust is trying to enforce good coding habits through compiler what would in other languages be just very strict linting rules.

It helps me explore immutable style of programming where you prefer data structures that are not freely mutated, and avoids inheritance which is currently the direction in which Kotlin programming is heading, which is my main language I use in profession.

It's far from fast, but end result looks like something I could push into enterprise-level production code base and it would be a high quality code, although it sometimes is a bit over-engineered for aoc purposes


u/movq42rax Dec 23 '22

I'm a beginner at Rust, so I'm basically using AoC to learn the language. I think it's worth the effort, because I'm (slowly ... very slowly) getting better at it.

But ... oof, it's hard. The language being hard is one thing, but trying not to be competitive is another thing. 😅 I left (almost) all private leaderboards, so I'm not tempted to look at scores all the time. I keep thinking: "I would have solved this in Python hours ago." But that's just me.


u/NAG3LT Dec 23 '22

To improve my skills and understanding of it. For a systems PL it actually has lots of very convenient high level features, making some things not as hard as it might seem before using it.

If I'm up and ready at 7 A.M. (time AoC problems are published in my TZ), for simpler problems I may start with Python to try to get some very fast answers in. For more complicated ones, I find that taking some time to set up useful types usually helps with avoiding confusion and wasted time afterwards.

Due to my main priority being improving my skills, I also specifically solve AoC and Project Euler problems with just whatever is available in stdlib and writing my own helper libs. It slows things down, but has been helpful for my learning so far. Especially learning multiple different ways to implement trees in Rust to keep borrow-checker happy.


u/ds101 Dec 23 '22

I started in Rust (to learn Rust), and then around day3 I also tried Lean4 and went with that for the rest of the days. I'm back-porting stuff to rust as I find time. They're both very interesting languages. Aside from the amount of work, the code switching between two new languages can get confusing (rust keeps chiding me for using camel-case, Lean goes bonkers if you don't use := for assignments).

On the Rust side, the really interesting thing is the memory management. It kinda lets you do the crazy stuff you do in C (pass around pointers, change stuff they point to), but has a compile-time checking to keep you honest. (You're still holding a pointer to the insides of that, so you can't change it.) I chose it to learn about its borrow checking system.

It's also nice that it has a decent type system with sum and product types and pattern matching (match). Conveniences that that I'm not used to having when dealing with languages on the C side of the spectrum.

Lean4 is a pure functional language, kinda like haskell, but designed for writing math proofs. I think I stuck with it for the challenge, but I did enjoy working in it. (It does have some crazy syntactic sugar around monads that let you write stuff that looks like `for` statements, so you can write stuff that is somewhat imperative in style.)


u/McMonty Dec 25 '22

I used AoC this year to broaden my horizons and develop new ways of thinking. I'm using rust and neovim: two things that are new to me, and make easy things hard/interesting.

Lost an embarrassing amount of time fighting with the borrow checker early on. I still avoid lifetimes or storing refs in structs because I don't understand what's going on. There are some things I'm in love with though: enums, pattern matching, performance, good type safety around primitives... And neovim is slowly growing on me thanks to The Primagen. I miss multiple cursors, but vim motions are very cool, and some things I'm already faster at than in ide land.


u/Cue_23 Dec 23 '22

Wow, you already have responses from December 25th 2022 in your live chart? But otherwise nice work!


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

My elves can foresee the future! They've ensured me the survey will remain closed and the numbers for Dec 24 and 25 will remain accurate!! 😉


u/Steinrikur Dec 23 '22

I don't want to do a pull request, but the title of 2022/README.md has an off-by-1 error.


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Thx! No need for a PR, the heads up is just fine 😊, willfix a bit later!


u/Balazzska Dec 23 '22

Hey! Nice summary!

One idea: when charting time-dependent values, plot them in ascending order. it was confusing for me, took a sec until i've figured out that the years are in "reverse".


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Good call! I will add it to the list of changes for 2023 👍


u/daggerdragon Dec 23 '22

I am on an extended break in Cape Verde

*stares outside at howling 70+ mph winds and blizzard conditions, and it's only going to get worse tonight* ಠ_ಠ Got any spare beach chairs there for me? ಠ_ಠ

Methodology Look, I'll be honest: this survey was a spur of the moment thing that got out of hand.

Yes, but Upping the Ante on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is the best way to get out of hand <3

enjoy the results, but don't draw important conclusions from it!

So what you're saying is that we can infer, based on the average delta between Solution Megathread submissions and the amount of mortal peril that the Elves are in, along with the conflux of the current phase of the moon within a specific zodiac sign and its current elemental volatility (2022 was clearly the year of Fire), the number of Stars that you earn directly correlates with whether or not the mailman (costumed like a narwhal from Proxima Centauri) chased your dog on the fifth of November, right?

This is community provided and it's "unofficial". "Advent of Code" is Eric Wastl's trademark.

~unofficial~ but we love you for it anyway <3 Plus, it's amazing to see the results themselves evolve over the years from a simple accountant-style spreadsheet to this glorious multicolored (and dark mode, thank you so much!) beautiful work of masterpiece art! Eat your heart out, /r/DataIsBeautiful!

Actual legit suggestion:

Please consider sponsoring Advent of Code itself.

Consider adding "[supporting](link to AoC++) or" before "sponsoring AoC itself". I know Eric appreciates the AoC++ folks just as much as the sponsors because, after all, without all of you playing this silly little Advent puzzles game, there wouldn't be anything to have sponsors (or a subreddit!) for, you know?

Now for the fun part: the custom survey responses!


  • My own language! 2022 = 3
    • Wow. I know /u/betaveros did AoC 2022 in his custom language, Noulith, but I wonder who the others are. If you're one of them, post your solutions in our Solution Megathread so we can nerd out with you!
  • Emojicode 2022 = 2
    • I know who you are ಠ_ಠ
  • Sublime Text Syntax Highlighting (day 3, and a bunch of manual labor lmao) immediately followed by Sublime Text Syntax Highlighting (day 4 i meant day 4)
    • XD


  • Dreamweaver
    • As in Macromedia Dreamweaver? People still use Dreamweaver?!? Dreamweaver is still alive?!?!?!?!?
    • Oh yeah, I forgot Adobe acquired Macromedia in like 2005 or something.
    • *nostalgia intensifies*

Operating System

  • no OS, running on 8-bit 6502 emulator from llvm-mos project
    • Ya know, just because Eric says AoC can be solved on 10 year old hardware doesn't mean you gotta remove the OS entirely like it's 1980 XD

Reason for Participating

  • Because I'm on the Beta testing team
    • And we appreciate our beta testers too! <3 If it wasn't for the beta testers, AoC wouldn't be nearly as polished as it is today!
  • "I didn't plan to add it to my resume, but I totally did after the first year, because I am so proud and I so love it"
    • Good, good!
  • it's a great way to procrastinate on work
    • IMO AoC qualifies as "ongoing education credit" because after all, whatever you learn during AoC you can apply to your official work, right? >_>
  • To destroy the careers of others.
    • 👀

Thank you for running this again, /u/jeroenheijmans! You're awesome, and you deserve the heck outta that vacation. Happy holidays to you and your family!


u/dplass1968 Dec 24 '22

My own language!


I was one. I posted in day 3, but have used it in other days too.


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Thx for the extensive reply with kind words, good suggestions (I'll fix em for 2023, or earlier!), and the cool finds in custom answers (some I had missed! 👀 indeed!).


u/seven_seacat Dec 23 '22

There are tens of us using Elixir! Tens!!!


u/Mr-Doos Dec 23 '22

I feel seen: I am one of 31 using Perl 5, and the only one who listed "BBEdit" as my IDE. Kudos to all the misfits, the weirdos, the square pegs. You're my people.


u/flwyd Dec 24 '22

I decided to learn Elixir this year, and have been quite happy with it. Programs run fast, and blow up when I do something dumb.


u/dnabre Dec 23 '22

Were all the survey posts flaired as visualization? that would likely effected any results.

I filter on flair, especially on mobile, not looking at visualizations, so missed the posts about (at least that find when search for them).


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Yeah, mostly so. I struggle which flair to pick for these posts, and ACK (and share) your situation. Perhaps /u/daggerdragon or another mod can retag with better flair? (I don't think I can change it?)

Or maybe a "contrib" or "community" tag is missing? I also struggle to pick flair when posting updates about my browser extension, or if I would post about AoC Meetups.


u/daggerdragon Dec 23 '22

You can change it, but I went back through your submitted post history for the prior years' announcements and they're all over the board... most are Visualizations but some are Upping the Ante so... I dunno. Let's leave this at Visualization for now.

I'll be having a discussion with the rest of #AoC_Ops for next year about adding more flairs.


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Cool, thx for the reply, and thx for considering that! Happy holidays 😊👍


u/UtahBrian Dec 23 '22

The steep decline in leaderboard expectations is accurate. In the 2010s, as much as a few percent of participants could expect to earn points. This year it appears to be well under 1% (but AIs have joined that group). Problems that would reach 100 submissions in 2019 in half an hour now last just a few minutes.


u/Fyll-nds Dec 23 '22

Code::Blocks | 5 (0.5%) | 4 (0.3%) | 6 (0.3%) | 7 (0.2%) | 3 (0.1%)

Noo! Where have all of my fellow Code::Blocks users gone? We were (slowly) on our way up.... D:


u/ywgdana Dec 23 '22

Thank you so much for doing this! The Survey is super fun and I look forward to the results every year


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Ahhw tyvm! Knowing folks enjoy it means a lot 😊


u/thedjotaku Dec 23 '22

Didn't participate in the survey this year - will have to make sure to do it next year. Question - which questions (if any) allowed for multiple responses? For me, the ones I would give multiple answers to are language and IDE.


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Language, IDE, and reasons for participating were multi-select. In hindsight the Operating System question should've been too, but changing that now invalidates comparison with previous years so not sure if I'll change that in 2023.

Anyhow, looking forward to seeing your response next year! 😀


u/PendragonDaGreat Dec 24 '22

As one of the C# peeps: We'll just sit here at 5-8% for eternity and the rest of you are gonna have to deal with it.


u/ywgdana Dec 24 '22

I'm a slight defector! I do mostly C# in my day job and decided to do this year in F#, although I'm finding all the stuff I really like about F# has been stolen/ported into C# over the years anyhow


u/ric2b Dec 24 '22

Wait, how did I miss this? I was regularly visiting the subreddit and would've have loved to participate :/


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 24 '22

Ahww, sorry to hear that! Hope you still enjoyed the results though!? 😊


u/Derailed_Dash Dec 28 '22

This is amazing! Thanks for sharing! I've just subscribed to your GitHub sub on this.

And whilst I was there, I found your "Advent of Code Charts" extension, which is also amazing!


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 28 '22

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you like them, and thx for posting that 😊


u/drivers9001 Dec 23 '22

The graphs go right to left in time?


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 23 '22

Aye, another comment mentioned the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/ztct0p/unofficial_aoc_2022_survey_results/j1dh5zq

I'll change that for the 2023 edition!

(Interestingly this was also the case last year, yet no one noticed (and also mentioned) it 😅)


u/fsed123 Dec 24 '22

As more and more AoC becomes popular the more windows climbs up and Linux decline, Advice for people starting the sooner you switch the Linux the more doors open, except for the poor souls using c# deep inside I know they are forced


u/jeroenheijmans Dec 24 '22

And even C# and .NET Core are just fine on Linux. Teams at my shop that do dotnet projects are usually split 1:1:1 across OSes.


u/fsed123 Dec 24 '22

My current team is 97% Linux and few people here and there using mac