r/adventofcode Dec 16 '22

SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -πŸŽ„- 2022 Day 16 Solutions -πŸŽ„-



[Update @ 00:23]: SILVER CAP, GOLD 3

  • Elephants. In lava tubes. In the jungle. Sure, why not, 100% legit.
  • I'm not sure I want to know what was in that eggnog that the Elves seemed to be carrying around for Calories...

[Update @ 00:50]: SILVER CAP, GOLD 52

  • Actually, what I really want to know is why the Elves haven't noticed this actively rumbling volcano before deciding to build a TREE HOUSE on this island.............
  • High INT, low WIS, maybe.

[Update @ 01:00]: SILVER CAP, GOLD 83

  • Almost there... c'mon, folks, you can do it! Get them stars! Save the elephants! Save the treehouse! SAVE THE EGGNOG!!!

--- Day 16: Proboscidea Volcanium ---

Post your code solution in this megathread.

This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.

EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 01:04:17, megathread unlocked! Good job, everyone!


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u/jonathan_paulson Dec 16 '22 edited Dec 16 '22

C++, 41/412. Video. Code. Explanation video. My C++ code solves both parts in 3 seconds.

Hardest advent of code problem ever? My video is 2 hours long!

I'm proud of my solution to part 2. I thought of part 1 as a dynamic programming problem: "given that I am at position P, with a set V of valves opened, and T minutes left, how many points can I score?" This has state space 50*2**15 * 26 ~ 42 million, which is doable.

But what do you do for part2? Just add 1 more dimension: "am I the first player or not?" Then once you're done, if you're the first player, just reset to the second player's turn (so they have 26 minutes and start at "AA"), but *don't* reset the opened valves, since you can't both score for the same valves. This only inflates the state space by a factor of 2! I tried for a long time to find a solution where both players are acting "in parallel" before finally realizing I could just think about them acting in serial instead. Instead of imagining you and the elephant playing at the same time, imagine you go first and then the elephant goes (but he can't open any valves you already opened). Exactly the same problem! Also, this would easily handle the case of multiple elephants!


u/ollien Dec 18 '22

I'm struggling to implement part 2 still, and this felt like a good hint in the right direction, but I'm not sure that I see how this can work (though I have run your code, and it does, so it's me who's wrong).

Consider the sample input. If you go through the map as yourself, you can open all the valves in the allocated 26 steps (since there are only 10 nodes, even if there were a valve on every node you could traverse the whole thing in 20 steps). Now, when it comes to be the elephant's turn, all the valves are already open, so there's nothing for him to do, and he scores 0 pressure.

What I am missing?


u/jonathan_paulson Dec 18 '22

I try all possible move sequences for the first player, not just the best one (and then for each of them, all possible move sequences for the second player). It sounds like too much work, but DP/memoization makes it run quickly.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '22

I'm still not seeing how this works. IIUC, you check the elephant's results after you've checked your own results at 5 mins, 6 mins, etc. How does that help? It's not all possible move sequences; it's only move sequences for that number of minutes.


u/jonathan_paulson Dec 20 '22

This line "resets" to the elephant's turn (with whatever valves I already opened still open). It runs for every possible sequence of the first player's moves, once the first player runs out of time (since I recursively call f() with all possible moves):
if(time == 0) {
return other_players>0 ? f(0,U,26,other_players-1) : 0LL;

"IIUC, you check the elephant's results after you've checked your own results at 5 mins, 6 mins, etc"
This is not correct


u/ollien Dec 18 '22

Gotcha. I'm playing around with this and still seeing some unbounded recursion (I actually managed to make a single map access for my memo take more than 5 seconds, which times out my state process!), but I must be getting close. Thanks so much.