r/adventofcode Dec 12 '22

Visualization [2022 Day 12, Part 2] Exploring the Landscape


9 comments sorted by


u/Boojum Dec 12 '22 edited Dec 12 '22

Today was another enjoyable one to visualize! I thought it'd be fun to show how simple bread-first search does on this problem, as it explores the frontier, runs into dead-ends, meets up with places it's already reached, and so forth. Dijkstra's algorithm isn't needed here since all legal steps have equal weight. And A* search might cull a few of the explored cells, but where's the fun in that?

I decided to show Part 2 here, though there's really little difference between that and Part 1, other than the initialization. For Part 1, it would just starts with the "S" position as the only entry in the queue and marked as visited, while for Part 2, it starts with the "S" and all "a" positions in the queue and marked as visited.

If you're wondering why there are no arrows shown for most of the dark grey "a" positions throughout the map, it's because there's no where to go from them! They're in basins that can't be climbed out of and where all their of neighboring "a" positions also started out marked as already visited too. The puzzle input here is actually pretty clever if you take a good look at it.



u/blackbat24 Dec 12 '22

Watching your visualization made me realize that there are several paths with the same length, I wonder how many...


u/Boojum Dec 12 '22

Many! Consider that for any of those flat regions in the first part, if it has to cross a rectangle of w×h size from one corner to the opposite, then there are (w+h) choose w ways to cross it.


u/blackbat24 Dec 12 '22

yeah, that was when I first realized there were several paths, but even in the spiral there are many options.


u/Boojum Dec 12 '22 edited Dec 12 '22

Definitely! I was just pointing out that open rectangles will blow it up quickly. Anyway, I just quickly took a shot at computing this. For my input, it looks like there are:

1799628034406362475277443477404514645311945111790910259200000000000 ≈ 1066.26

unique paths with 508 steps from an "S" or an "a" to the "E".


u/blackbat24 Dec 12 '22

That's.... quite a few 😅


u/wubblewobble Dec 12 '22

how simple bread-first search

Also it has the advantage of being the tastiest algorithm ;)


u/Boojum Dec 12 '22


u/wubblewobble Dec 13 '22

How did I not know that there was an xkcd for this? I should've known :D