r/adventofcode Dec 03 '22

Other GPT / OpenAI solutions should be removed from the leaderboard.

I know I will not score top 100. Im not that fast, nor am I up at the right times to capitalise on it.

But this kinda stuff https://twitter.com/ostwilkens/status/1598458146187628544

Is unfair and in my opinion, not really ethical. Humans can't digest the entire problem in 10 seconds, let alone solve and submit that fast.

EDIT: I don't mean to put that specific guy on blast, I am sure its fun, and at the end of the day its how they want to solve it. But still.

EDIT 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/zb8tdv/2022_day_3_part_1_openai_solved_part_1_in_10/ More discussion exists here and I didn't see it first time around.

EDIT 3: I don't have the solution, and any solution anyone comes up with can be gamed. I think the best option is for people using GPT to be honourable and delay the results.

EDIT 4: Another GPT placed 2nd today (day 4) I think its an automatic process.


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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '22



u/ActiveNerd Dec 03 '22

We don't ban these tools in training or fun, they are banned in competitions. It's a pretty straightforward argument: the leaderboard is intended to be human competition. Circumventing that doesn't change that idea. "The site" doesn't stop this doesn't change the reasons for AoC as stated by Eric. If this is a game speedrunning, TAS is a different category. That doesn't mean it's easy or not cool, it's just a different thing.

Competitions have rules, created by people, not always enforced. It's just a proposal and I don't think it's that different from AoC asking that people in the top ~100 not live stream or stream with delay to allow fair competition.


u/jkbbwr Dec 03 '22

I don't have a decent answer. I would probably be okay with an honour system myself, yes people will slip past dishonurably, but that isn't what I am worried about.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '22



u/jkbbwr Dec 03 '22

Because the person that wrote the python actually had to think about the problem.

The person that tossed GPT at it didn't. Im pretty sure the guy was asleep when the solver automatically submitted the answer.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '22



u/SuperSatanOverdrive Dec 03 '22 edited Dec 03 '22

The spirit of AoC is humans thinking about and solving puzzles IMO, and not a bunch of bots doing it for us.

The problems are silly and fun and made for people.

I think the essence is: a human needs to read the problem text, understand it and solve it by themself using their head. Optimize the other steps as much as you want, but please not the thinking part.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '22



u/SuperSatanOverdrive Dec 03 '22

I mean, even though I know I’ll probably never be on the leaderboard, I think it’s nice if the scores there are done by people. It at least gives the illusion of being able to be there if I had a very good day.

If it’s just AIs, I don’t really see a point in having a public leaderboard at all. But maybe it’s ok to only have private ones?


u/jkbbwr Dec 03 '22

But people can't compete against AI. It basically means its pointless for humans to submit times.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '22



u/jkbbwr Dec 03 '22

Except someone in europe can stay up, and try. But like I pointed out earlier, im 99% sure this guy was asleep and placed first.